Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Light Behind Your Eyes

Mass-Destruction, Hopeless For You

by Justalostflutterby 1 review

Everything that you've believed in is a lie..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2013-10-12 - 842 words

Thanks for reading guys! I loves you! Comment me what you thought of this? c: ~xo

I spent the next half an hour pacing back and forth, trying to figure out what the hell was going on with me. What was wrong with me!? I tugged on my hair furiously, trying to think of a plan to lie to Gerard, to tell him that it was all a joke. But why should I lie? Why should I tell him things that weren't true?

Gerard and I had told each other everything in our lives, every feeling and thought that we wanted to share with each other. All I wanted was to run into the living room where I assumed he was and just...Tell him what I thought had happened to me. I was a vampire, supposedly anyway.

I pressed my ear to the wood of the door and hoped that everything that me and Gerard had spent years researching and obsessing over was true, did vampires have extended hearing? I focused as hard as I could and blinked in surprise when I heard Frank and Gerard's conversation.

"It's going to be okay, Gerard." Frank whispered the words that everyone said whenever bad enough happened. It was a lie of course - Gerard knew that. If I didn't go out there and explain to Gerard and show him that I was alive and that I wasn't going to vanish in front of his eyes, then Gerard would probably drag himself back down into the world of drugs and alcohol - just like he always did when life got tough. I wasn't hating him for it, because I was..Sadly, the very same.

"No it isn't!" Gerard shouted at him, I heard him stand and let out sobs of despair. "My brother is dead, Frank!! I can't take this!!" I heard footsteps go into the kitchen and then cupboard doors opening, I shook his head slowly and pounded my hand on the door quietly out of frustration. He was going to do it wasn't he? He was going to fall back into his bubble of self-hate..Just like before..

"No, stop Gerard - Mikey wouldn't have wanted this!! He would have wanted you to move on, to be happy!!" Frank attempted to try to calm my brother down in any way that he could but I knew, and I'm sure that Frank knew too (even Gerard) - that Gerard wasn't going to stop what he was about to do just because of words. He was an 'all-action' kind of guy, he would need people to physically stop him, pin him down so that he couldn't hurt himself or anyone else around him.

Carefully, I opened the door as quietly as I could, biting down hard on my lower lip with my now slightly sharper teeth. "But he's not here is he!? He would want me to celebrate his life!! The life that we always shared together!!" Gerard shrieked back at Frank, I smashed my head back against the doorframe and groaned.

"Gerard stop this!! Please!!" Frank begged, desperation was now clear in his voice and intervention really wasn't going to work. Only if it was from me. Did I really want to do this?

It was either now or never...

I tapped my foot nervously and took deep breaths.






Time to go.

In seconds I was running into the kitchen and holding my hands up to Gerard, his mouth hung open instantly and he dropped the bottle of alcohol that he was holding. As soon as it made an impact with the floor it shattered into pieces and Gerard let out a shriek of pain, shards of glass in his shin, Frank took a few steps backwards clearly out of fear and he backed away into the sofa, his legs giving-way beneath him and he took a seat.

He was now staring at me with an expression that I had only seen a few times before, one of those times was when we found out that our first record had sold so many copies.

"M-Mikey...." Gerard mumbled and I took a few hesitant step towards him, holding a hand up. He shook his head and fell forwards, I caught him in my arms easily and lifted him into my arms and carried him over to the sofa, laying him down and cupping his face in my hands.

"Gerard, Gerard it's me, I promise. I'm alive, I'm here." I attempted to try and regain some of the colour in his cheeks, Frank just continued to stare wide at me from behind, shaking his head slowly in disbelief.

"But...You died!! You did you son-of-a-bitch!!" Gerard screamed at me, tears streaming down his face, I wiped a few tears away and swallowed hard.

"I know I did, don't ask me how it happened don't ask me why - I really don't know!" I replied helplessly, Gerard closed his eyes for a few seconds, letting out a shaky breath of relief.

"Y...You're alive, Mikes..."
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