Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Different Sort of Bond

Chapter 16

by Balder 5 reviews

Harry and Daphne make plans for the Christmas break.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry,Neville - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2013-10-29 - 2606 words

A Different Sort of Bond

Disclaimer: I don't own the Potterverse!

Author’s Note: The only horcrux destroyed in the summer before Sixth Year in this A.U. was the locket. The diary was destroyed as in Canon. Also it doesn't come up in this chapter but it will eventually. This goblins in this AU do not consider great works of goblin craft to be only on loan to the humans who commission them. I never liked that bit of Canon and since it was recently brought to my attention I’m officially stating that in this AU sold is sold. Also a bit of TMI in this chapter.

Chapter 16
Harry woke up first the next morning. Daphne was cradling him to her substantial breasts and smiling in her sleep. He was about to shake her awake when he remembered her penchant for dragging him into the shower to wake up there and decided on a little payback. He carefully levitated her into the shower. She should sleep through this. He knew he’d slept harder than usual the first few weeks because the phoenix tears were fixing things but even after that she’d gotten him a few times so it should be possible to turn the tables without undue danger of her waking early.

In fact Daphne didn’t wake up until the charmed washcloth reached a sensitive place. “Ah!” She screamed and reached for a wand and the fact that she couldn’t move her right hand freely reminded her of her current situation. When she opened her eyes she saw Harry grinning at her.

“It looked like so much fun when you did it that I couldn’t resist,” he said.

She gave him an angry glare, “You do this again and you might die in your sleep Potter.”

Harry snorted, “No sense of humor Daphne? Don’t like it when the shoe’s on the other foot?”

She scowled, “This is not the way to treat a girlfriend Potter!”

Harry rolled his eyes, “Oh fine. Talk about your double standards. If I do it its a horrible fiasco but if you do it its a giggle?”

“Maybe you are becoming a little too Slytherin Potter,” she replied. “There’s a reason I wouldn’t date any of them you know.”

He sighed, “Okay, I won’t do it again. Maybe you’ll remember this though and refrain from it yourself.”

“Its not the same thing for a woman Potter,” she said. “Take my word for it. Especially if she wakes up to the feel of something poking around down there.”

Harry winced, “Okay, I can see how that would be bad. I honestly thought you’d wake up once the water hit though. That’s what usually wakes me.”

“Let’s just forget about it,” she said still cross. “Do you think you can conjure a tampon without getting whimsical? It should be the last day of the damn thing so you’re off the hook for another month after today.”

“Sure Daphne,” he said. He sighed internally wondering if this was what it was usually like having a girlfriend.

Soon they were back in the bedroom and he was using switching spells to dress them with Daphne lending an occasional hand here or there as necessary. As they made their way out of the bedroom Daphne said, “I want to eat in the great hall today. I want to see everyone’s reactions and read the paper as soon as it comes.”

“Yes dear,” Harry said. Neville and Tracey were already dressed and followed them down. All four ate at the Gryffindor table and when the owls dropped copies of the Daily Prophet Harry and Daphne stopped eating to unroll the paper and look at the front page.

“Well we both would have lost if we made that bet Potter,” Daphne said. The front page was neither the Basilisk nor the kiss that was photographed. It was the destruction of the Acromantula nest during the night. The main picture had a spider the size of a VW bus on fire and running toward the reader.

Ron threw the paper down and ran from the room and he was not the only one. There were more than a few screams as well. “I’m glad they got rid of those horrid things,” Hermione said. “But I could wish for a bit more more discretion in reporting it.”

Harry snorted a laugh, “This is the Daily Prophet Hermione. They wouldn’t know discretion if it bit them on the bum.”

“True,” she agreed. “Your pose in front of the basilisk did make the paper though. Along with your kiss and what I hope was a misquote.”

Daphne smirked, “You mean where he he said he couldn’t keep his hands off me?”

“Yes,” Hermione replied and Daphne noticed several other girls paying attention.

“Well it’s obviously wrong,” she said. Then after a short pause added, “He only has one hand left to grope me with!”

Thinking of the scene in the shower that morning Harry went red, “I already apologized for that!” He was talking only about the morning’s adventure but the listening girls understood something else entirely.

She patted his shoulder with her left hand, “I understand that Harry and I’m not really mad about it. There’s only so much temptation a teenage boy can withstand and after all I am your girlfriend now.”

Hermione looked from one to the other certain that she’d never know exactly what they meant but also certain that it wasn’t what it sounded like, “Well Harry, as long as you remember that no means no regardless I wouldn’t worry too much.”

“Thank you Hermione,” Harry said. ‘At least someone understands me,’ he thought.

After breakfast it was back to self study for Harry, Daphne, Tracey, and Neville. Professor McGonagall tested them in their every week on Friday to be sure they were doing the work and they were told to come to her or Flitwick with any questions before then. It was working surprisingly well. They all helped each other and Hermione was often by in the evenings to assist as well. It was more studying than Harry normally did but he couldn't play Quidditch until they'd been separated and without the practices and strategy meetings he had more free time. Ron had been a rare visitor to the VIP suite so there were far fewer games of chess or exploding snap.

All this meant that even with the distractions of the Chamber of Secrets visit they finished their work on time and were left with their weekend free for a Hogsmeade visit. This made it all the more disappointing when Harry and Daphne were stopped on their way out the door and asked to go see the Headmaster in his office.

"Go on guys," Harry said. "No reason for you to wait for us."

Hermione sighed but nodded, "Alright Harry. I hope we'll see you there later. If not there's always tomorrow."

When they arrived Harry asked, "What did you want to see us about Headmaster?"

"Harry, a grave thing has occurred," Albus said slowly. "The cursebreakers found a horcrux and believe they have destroyed it."

Daphne said, "Sir, they told us they run into those things often enough in the tombs of ancient wizards and that all Gringott's cursebreakers are taught how to deal with them. That nice brother of Ron's even said he took a refresher course a few years back and since he was the one who dealt with it surely we can trust that? The Director would not have brought an incompetent team in any case."

Albus Dumbledore frowned at her as she spoke then turned back to Harry, "These are not your garden variety horcrux Harry! I believe this was another of those made by Tom Riddle. You and I are the only ones that can safely destroy such things!"

Harry shook his head, "Actually sir, that's incorrect. Daphne has destroyed one by herself and helped destroy a second and she managed it just fine. In fact she came through it better than either of us." He smiled and added, "Of course she didn't have to deal with a basilisk either time so ..." he trailed off at the headmaster's expression.

Dumbledore's eyes widened, "Harry! You've let Miss Greengrass muck about with your scar?"

Harry refrained from asking when the headmaster had found out his scar was a horcrux and just when he was planning to share that information. "Actually it was the Unspeakable who removed my scar. She destroyed a different one," Harry said with a grin. "I told her about them of course when I filled her in on a few of my adventures. You know, something to pass the time."

Daphne spoke up, "I was part of the Unspeakable's solution for what was in Harry's scar." She grinned at the old man's expression. "Don't worry though he was able to remove it and destroy it. Harry may have liked my way to destroy one but when I helped the Unspeakable I was in awe of his knowledge. Harry's been even better since it was removed and by my count there are only two pieces left aside from the one running around cursing people."

The headmaster was speechless. How had this happened? Far too many people knew of these things and while he might be able to obliviate the Weasley boy, doing the same to an Unspeakable was out of the question. He sighed, he'd just have to hope they were careful with whom they told, "Do you mind if I cast a few diagnostics? Just to be certain that Harry is indeed fine."

"Well I don't see what you'd find that a medical Unspeakable wouldn't but go ahead," Harry said and made sure his Occlumency barriers were at full strength. Daphne did the same. Both were happy their precautions proved to be for naught.

After his diagnostics showed Harry was indeed free of the horcrux Dumbledore frowned in thought. He dismissed the two saying, "I must think on this."

They were happy to leave and hurried to Hogsmeade to catch up with their friends. When they met the others in Rosmerta's pub Hermione asked, "What did the headmaster want?"

"He told us the cursebreakers found another horcrux and destroyed it," Harry said. "Although he didn't seem to trust them to do it right."

Daphne nodded, "Yeah, and when he found out I destroyed one and helped with another it practically made his head spin. That's when he dismissed us. I have no idea what he's thinking but I hope its how to find the last two horcruxes."

"Me too," Harry said as their food arrived. After the server had left again he continued, "There's been one from each founder but Gryffindor. Do you think he could have gotten one of those too?"

Hermione shook her head, "I doubt it Harry. It's probably a second item from Slytherin. That locket you found in," she paused as the fidelius charm wouldn't let her mention Grimmauld place by name, "that place you spent the summer was taken from Riddle before you defeated him the first time so it makes the most sense that he noticed it missing and assumed it destroyed. Alternately he might just have wanted two from Slytherin just because that was his ancestor."

"Maybe you should check the old Gaunt shack then Harry," Ron said around a mouthful of food.

Daphne looked away disgusted, "I believe your girlfriend once told you to either chew or speak but not both. Still that is a good idea. The Gaunts were a family that was also descended from Slytherin Harry. It makes sense that they'd have had an heirloom although I'm not certain that Riddle would have hidden anything there. When we say it was a shack we aren't kidding. It makes the shrieking shack look well kept."

Neville nodded, "Yeah, I've heard stories about them. Mostly cautionary tales about why you shouldn't marry your cousin but a few were about them being parseltongues and descended from Slytherin himself." He grinned at Harry, "Of course I know that being able to speak to snakes doesn't make you dark but those were the tales I heard."

Harry swallowed carefully then spoke, "So we should definitely check there but be very careful. If the shack is that decrepit I'd bet its cursed seven ways from Sunday." He looked at Ron, "Is Bill supposed to be home for Christmas?"

Ron nodded, "Yeah, he's got engaged to some French bird or other and is bringing her home to meet mum. I guess he figured Christmas is best the time to do it. You know, make sure mum is in a good mood and all."

Daphne started to speak but Hermione beat her to it, "Do you think he'll be willing to help us look?"

Ron shrugged, "Dunno, we can ask though. He's spending three weeks at the Burrow."

Harry turned to Daphne and she answered his question before he asked it, "Yes Potter, we can visit the Burrow during the Solstice season. There should be more than enough time that it shouldn't interfere with any of my parents plans for the holiday. We can even visit on Christmas if you'll agree to be at my home by sunset on the 21st."

Neville whispered to Tracey who nodded. Harry was trying to think about why she'd want to go home a day early and why it was important to get there before sunset. Ron finished eating unconcerned and Hermione thought she had the answer.

She asked, "Is that for religious reasons Daphne?"

Daphne nodded smiling, "We are indeed a pagan family Hermione. Not only was I born on the Winter Solstice but we generally do the ancient rituals too." Then she giggled, "But don't worry about Harry. Even if he and I do the ritual this year it will be only La petite mort he gets."

Hermione grinned back, "Well I doubt he'll complain about that!" Then seeing Harry's puzzled look she told him, "Don't worry Harry. You should have no trouble getting permission. I'd imagine Neville and Tracey are going to be there and you should have no trouble with any of the ritual. At least I don't think you have a problem with non christian religions?"

"Of course not," Harry said. Then the light dawned, "Oh, is your family is pagan Daphne?"

She nodded, "Yes Harry, and Tracey's is too. At least on her father's side. Are you coming by for the rites this year Trace?"

"Well probably," Tracey answered. "The family will be meeting Neville for the first time in person that day for lunch but dad already loves him if the correspondence they share is any indication. The fact that he looks like me until June might throw them a bit. They've been told but seeing it might make a difference." She shrugged, "It shouldn't matter much though. We'll meet you at your place for dinner then head out into the fields. I hope they do pick Harry to go out with us this year. I'm sure his warming charm is as high powered as the rest of his magic." She shivered briefly, "I don't see why we can't do it in a greenhouse. They're nice and warm even in December."

"Too artificial though," Daphne replied. "Outside under the night sky is best."

"I suppose," Tracey replied. "Anyway that's two months or so in the future. Let's go enjoy the rest of today now."
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