Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're the one that I need, I'm the one that you loathe

Tainted Love

by XenaTheBean 1 review

High school house party time! But things don't go well for Gerard...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-11-20 - Updated: 2013-12-04 - 3144 words

Frank was scared to leave his room the next morning because the idea of being attacked by his mom really didn't appeal to him at that point in time. He had a meeting with Ms Vill at 8.30, so his mom was giving him a lift to school. He really could not be dealing with her.

They both remained silent during the journey, with his mom tightly gripping the wheel and driving way too fast. She slammed the breaks on hard everytime they had to stop, and she turned round corners jerkily. “Jesus, are you trying to kill us both?” Frank asked as he flew forward in his seat. His mom ignored him, and tightened her grip. She remained silent until she pulled up inside the parking lot. “I'm sorry Frankie, I only want what's best for you, you know that?” she admitted.
Frank nodded wordlessly and made his way to the office.

Gerard was already sat down, and he nodded hello to Frank. “Right then,” Ms Vill began, “Not only did you miss your after school cleaning duty yesterday, which is an offense in its own right, you left the school premises and played truant. You've just got yourselves into so much trouble.”
“We're sorry miss okay, it won't happen again, I promise.” Gerard offered, watching her hopefully.
“I'm sorry Gerard, but under circumstances as serious as this I can't just let you off the hook. So as a result of your actions, I'm placing you both on warning until the end of the month. You'll each get papers that will have to be signed every lesson by the teacher on duty along with a statement about your behavior in that lesson. If you come back with anything less than perfect behavior, things will get a lot more serious. We'll call your parents in and it will most likely result in your suspension. Understood?” she told them. Frank sighed with relief. Their punishment could be a lot worse. “You're free to leave.” Ms Vill said, after she'd handed them their behavior report papers.
“Thanks miss.” Frank said, leaving the room with Gerard trailing behind.

Frank spotted Mikey and Ray in the corridor. “Hey!” he called out.
“You alright Frank? Not hungover or anything?” Mikey sniggered.
“Very funny, Mikes. I guess Gerard filled you in.” Frank replied.
“He sure did. Hey, I noticed that mom and dad had been complaining about getting through their whiskey quickly the other day.” Mikey said.
“I can't believe you Frank. How much shit are you in now?” Ray asked.
“Surprisingly, not much. I'm just on report.” Frank said happily.
“You do realize that goes on your record, right. And you're not going to get any good college references.” Ray replied.
“Oh you're so depressing,” Frank joked, “It'll be fine okay.”

Frank's first lesson was English. He wondered how Gerard would act in front of Billie and Lisa. “Hey,” Frank said as he sat down.
“Hey,” Gerard replied, smiling.
“So class,” Mr Rowe began, “For this lesson you had to have your initial ideas for the project typed up. I trust everyone's done that?”
“Fuck.” Frank muttered. He'd forgotten all about that.
“Don't worry,” smiled Gerard, showing Frank the pages of typed up bullet points he had.
“Holy shit, it's a group project... You didn't have to do all this.” Frank said, feeling touched.
“It was the least I could do. I kind of felt bad y'know, about how I've treated you.” Gerard replied.
“Wow... Thanks man,” Frank said, surprised.
“I already chose a movie to compare The Catcher In The Rye to, I hope you don't mind,” Gerard said, “It's this film called Igby Goes Down, it's basically about this kid who hates his life and his family so he runs away to New York. It has a load of similarities to the Catcher so I thought it'd be good.”
“Sounds awesome.” Frank replied. He'd never heard of it.
“Yeah. Maybe we could, y'know, watch it together sometime?” Gerard asked, blushing.
“Yeah, sure. I'd like that.” Frank said. Gerard grinned.
“So anyway class,” Mr Rowe spoke up, “For today's lesson you'll be starting to brainstorm the ways you could present your project. Perhaps some of you would like to go to the library and rent a camera, and perhaps others would like to go to a computer room to create some form of presentation. This classroom is also free to use. You have three more weeks to finish this in your own time, and I'll only put aside one or two single lessons for you to work on it. You won't be supervised today if you leave the classroom, but if you mess around and don't get on with it now, remember that your final piece will reflect that. So I hope you all work hard.” he finished, staring pointedly in the direction of Lisa and Billie.

“So, what format were you thinking?” Frank asked Gerard.
“I really don't know. What about you?” Gerard replied.
“I don't know either. You're good at drawing right? How about like, a drawing of Holden, and then a drawing of the guy from that film-”
“Igby,” Gerard interrupted.
“Yeah him, and like inside the drawings could be writing about each of the characters, like words written in the spaces inside the drawing, y'know? And then we could present the similarities.” Frank suggested.
“That's fucking awesome, seriously. Like the whole idea is about creativity. We're gonna do so fucking well on this.” Gerard said enthusiastically.
“Shall we go to an art room?” Frank asked.

Gerard began by drawing the outline of a guy in a deerstalker hat on a large sheet of paper, representing Holden Caulfield. On the other sheet of paper, he drew the outline of Igby Solocumb, the main character in Igby Goes Down. “Okay, words that describe Holden...” Frank started thinking, “Intelligent, angsty, depressed, vulgar, phony...”
“Yep because he's a phony it makes him a tragically flawed character.” Gerard replied, only half seriously.
“Shit we're going to do so well on this.” Frank said happily.
“Gerard...” a voice suddenly said.
“Fuck.” Frank screamed mentally. Lisa had wrapped her arms around Gerard and Billie was stood there too. “Come hang out with us?” she asked.
“No, like I told you last week, I actually need a good grade for this.” Gerard replied, letting a bit of his annoyance shine through.
“Gee, why do you never want to be around me anymore? It's like I never see you, I'm supposed to be your girlfriend for fuck's sake!” she snapped.
“No, c'mon Lisie, you know it's not like that. You know how important you are to me, I've just been so busy lately. But I promise I'll spend all weekend with you. It'll just be like how it used to... And I'm taking you to that party tonight, remember?” Gerard said, desperately trying to console her. She had made him feel sort of guilty. “Okay Gee, I know you're sorry.” she smiled, kissing his jaw quickly before she walked back to catch up with Billie, who'd previously left the room.

“Look, I mean no offense at all by asking this, it's just general curiosity okay. But what do you actually see in her?” Frank asked. Gerard sighed.
“Look, I don't know. I thought she was really pretty. We just started talking like a few months ago, then she started coming round mine after school and I guess she was just comforting to have around, like we never talked about much but we started getting closer, and like, one day she just kissed me and then I guessed we were more physical like that all the time. We just hugged, and kissed, and... stuff, and then I felt sort of obliged to ask her out because all our friends were like putting the pressure on me. And she said yes, and I guess I sort of enjoy the status of being in a relationship, y'know. I do like her though, you guys don't see in her what I do, but she actually has a side to her that's really nice. I wouldn't go out with her if she didn't have that side.” Gerard said, failing to elaborate what this 'side' of her involved. Frank just nodded.

Lunchtime came round fast. Ray had exciting news for Frank and Mikey. “Guess what,” he started, as they walked to the outdoor space surrounded by the Science block. It was apparently the new place Mikey and Ray had found since they'd been banned from the Music block at lunch. “So anyway, I got us invited to Tre Cool's house party tonight.” Ray said excitedly. Frank and Mikey stared at him. “Tre's awesome – I work with him in Music. So yeah, I know he's popular, but he's a nice guy – really funny. And we were talking, and he mentioned his house party he's having tonight, and asked if we wanted to go. It will be amazing – there's drink and everything. Plus good music, Tre's just awesome like that.” Ray gushed.
“Fair enough, but how can Tre not be a douche?” Mikey asked ,”I mean, isn't he friends with Billie Armstrong.”
“Was friends,” Ray corrected, “Keep up Mikes, they fell out ages ago. Just as Billie was turning into the douchebag he is today, Tre was just like 'no, you're a jerk' and then him and Billie just stopped being friends. It's too bad, really. Billie apparently used to be amazing at guitar and him and Tre and their friend Mike had a band. I don't know what happened to Billie.”
“Yeah, it's this thing that went round a year ago called asshole-itis. My brother must have caught it off Billie.” Mikey said.
“Hey, don't say that!” Frank said, “Gerard's alright now.”
“Shit Frank, what's up with you?” Mikey asked, “Just a week or so ago you were talking about wanting to kill my brother. Now suddenly you're all defensive over him? I know you're apparently friends now, but just remember that Gerard can be a two-faced little bitch. You just wait.”

After school, Frank groaned when he remembered the cleaning duty he was meant to be on with Gerard. “Hey,” Gerard said, “You any idea what room we've got to go to?”
“I guess the janitor's office.” Frank replied.
Gerard laughed. “Yep, I guess it's obvious now.”
The two of them walked through the main building. Once they arrived, they found Mrs Marche, head cleaner. “Frank Iero and Gerard Way?” she grunted, looking at them carefully.
“Yep.” Frank replied.
“Ms Vill sends me all these troublemakers to help me clean, but you're all useless. You just cause more work for me – you all seem clueless. First you use up all my cleaning equipment, but nothing actually seems cleaner when you've finished, so then by the time I've actually got the equipment back when you go home, I just have to clean around everywhere again so I actually leave god knows how many hours later than I'm supposed to. Well, I'm not a teacher – or a babysitter – and it's not my job to deal with people who can't behave. Go home now, the both of you.” she ranted.
Frank and Gerard couldn't believe their luck. “Actually, just scrub at the graffiti in the Science toilets will ya? Then you can leave.” She said, changing her mind.

Frank and Gerard stood in the girl's toilets, each holding a soaking wet sponge. There was a bucket of bubbly cleaning water on the floor between them. “Well just as I was getting my hopes up.” Frank grumbled.
“Aw, c'mon it'll only take 5 minutes.” Gerard replied.
Frank scrubbed at a sentence scrawled on the front of a cubicle. 'Kasey Lark is a fucking whore' it read. “Well ain't that lovely.” Gerard commented about the writing.
“Poor Kasey.” Frank agreed.
Gerard scrubbed at a heart on the opposite wall. They scrubbed for half an hour or so, and managed to clean up all of the graffiti in the girl's toilets and at least half of the graffiti in the boy's toilets. “Alright, that's enough. That's not the right technique, do it like this...” Mrs Marche said, after she'd stopped to check in on them. She demonstrated the way she scrubbed at the wall. “It's not going to budge. You may as well leave.” she grunted.

They left the school. “Hey, are you going to Tre's party tonight?” Gerard asked.
“I don't know. I think Mikey and Ray are going but I'm not sure...” Frank replied, thinking.
“Aw c'mon. I don't want to be a loner there...” Gerard said.
“But you won't be. Lisa's going, right?” Frank asked.
“Nah, she canceled on me. And Billie definitely won't be going. Y'know about the massive fall out him and Tre had?” Gerard said.
“Yeah, I heard about it.”
“Anyway, please come with me? I don't wanna turn up alone.” Gerard pleaded, looking hopeful.
“And yet just a few days ago, you wouldn't be seen dead with me.” Frank joked.
Gerard sighed, “Frank, do you really need to make me feel any more guilty about that?”
“Okay, fine. If it sucks though, I'm going home.” Frank said.
“Okay! Deal. Do you want to stay round mine until we go?” Gerard asked.

Frank and Gerard turned up back at the Way household. “You brought Frank round again? I can't fucking believe you Gerard, I just don't get you.” Mikey said, only half seriously.
“I guess the other day I had some kind of epiphany and I realized that I don't wanna be seen as a douche anymore. Like, after Frank asked about me and art and comics and everything, I sort of remembered who I was.” Gerard explained.
“Seriously? You're going back to your old self? Thank fuck,” Mikey said, “But what about your friends? And your girlfriend? They're all douches and she's a bitch – hanging round with them just makes you seem as bad.”
“They're not douches okay, they've been like my first proper friends. The first time I've felt properly accepted.” Gerard said, sounding sort of annoyed.
“Whatever. But they're 'accepting' a fake version of you. If you want to change, you need to accept who you really are.” Mikey replied. Gerard sighed.
“It's not that easy, changing overnight.”
“So, you coming to the party tonight?” Mikey asked Frank, changing the subject.
“Yep, and Gerard's coming with us.” Frank replied happily.
“What seriously? You want to be seen hanging round with your little brother and his freak friends?” Mikey asked his brother in surprise. Gerard rolled his eyes.

At about 7, after they'd eaten yet another dinner of beans on toast, the three of them got into Gerard's car to go and pick up Ray. “Gerard, what the fuck?” Ray asked in surprise when he got into the car. “Yeah, Gee's had some kind of revelation that he's going to be his old self again. So yeah, he's no longer king douche. I wonder how long it will last though.” Mikey muttered. Gerard playfully swatted his brother on the back of the head. They finally pulled up outside Tre's house after ages of trying to find it. There'd been some confusion with the address. 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' was blaring out of the windows and shouting and laughter of crowds floated through the air.
“I didn't realize it was going to be this big.” commented Ray. They went up to the door, following another group of people in front. Tre, who already looked pretty drunk, came up to them and patted Ray on the back. “You guys, hey!” he yelled over the music. There were people from school everywhere - a really wide mix of cliques. “Help yourself to drinks,” he said, before disappearing back into the dancing crowd of sweaty kids. Frank cracked open a lager, grimacing as he chugged it down. “Go easy!” he heard Gerard say, “We don't want a repeat of yesterday.”
Ray and Mikey disappeared into a different room. There was a bowl of punch that must have had at least 20 different spirits all mixed together. It tasted disgusting – Gerard and Frank both gagged as they tried it. Gerard pushed Frank out of the way. “What the fuck?” Frank asked. But then he watched a random kid throw up into the spot where he'd just been standing. “Ew. Thanks.” he said. “C'mon lets get away from here.” Gerard said, dragging Frank into another room filled with people. They could barely move through the mass of bodies. 'Helena' by The Misfits was playing on the stereo. Gerard did a double take of surprise. “First party like this I've been to with decent music.” he commented.
“You like The Misfits?” Frank asked in shock.
“Fuck yes, they're my favorite band,” Gerard laughed. Frank just grinned at him.

“I need a piss,” Frank said suddenly.
“Lovely detail there,” Gerard said, “Let's find the bathroom.” They went upstairs, and Gerard pushed open the first door he saw. It was a bedroom and a bunch of kids sat in a circle passing a joint. They stared at Frank and Gerard through the thick cloud of smoke. The smell was overwhelming – they hadn't even opened the windows. “Sorry,” Gerard said, and ducked out of the doorway laughing. They went to the end of the corridor and pushed open another door. It was a bedroom and a couple was making out on the bed. “Shit, sorry.” Gerard apologized. The boy turned round. It was Billie. “C'mon babe,” said the girl. It was Lisa.
“What the fuck?” Gerard spat.
“What's your problem?” Billie asked in confusion, removing himself from his position on top of Lisa. “I think you know what my problem is,” hissed Gerard, “You're not that retarded surely?”
“What the fuck?” asked Billie, genuinely confused.
“How about the fact that I just walked in on you with my girlfriend? I can't believe you, Lisa.”
“What? You told me you two broke up ages ago?” Billie asked Lisa in anger.
“Lisa?” Gerard growled. She giggled, obviously drunk.
“C'mon, it's not what it looks like. I love you Billi- I mean Gee.” she slurred.
“Let's go,” Frank whispered to Gerard, pulling him out of the room. Gerard had tears of anger in his eyes. Frank led Gerard to the car, ignoring everyone's stares. He opened the door for Gerard, then sat next to him in the passenger seat. “It's okay,” Frank said, hugging Gerard sympathetically, “She was a bitch anyway. You're better off without her, trust me.”

Gerard slumped over in his seat, covering his head with his hands. Frank watched Billie storm out of the house with Lisa trailing behind him. “Wait!” she screamed.
All this drama was exactly the reason why Frank never bothered with parties. He looked at the boy slumped next to him, and felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness. “It's okay, Gee.” he said, rubbing Gerard's back.
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