Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're the one that I need, I'm the one that you loathe

Can You Recover Baby?

by XenaTheBean 2 reviews

The poo hits the fan when Gerard and Billie are back at school for the first time since Friday's incident. There's also a huge war between the boys and tons of hormonal, out of control girls.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-11-24 - Updated: 2013-11-28 - 1940 words

School came as a relief to Frank – he'd spent the whole of Sunday shut up in his room trying to avoid his mom. First lesson was English as it always was on Mondays. As Gerard and Frank walked through the English corridor, Lisa came running up. “Gee, please can I just talk to you?” she whined. Gerard stormed on ignoring her. “Gee, please,” she tried, sounding close to tears.
“Don't 'Gee' me. Go fuck yourself,” Gerard hissed. Passing students turned to stare.
“Oh, this is how it's going to be? Well fuck you too. Is it a surprise I cheated on you? You never paid any attention to me... At least Billie listened to what I had to say. At least he took the time to check that I was alright, and at least he's not a fucking two-faced douchebag jerk like you are,” she screamed. A small crowd had gathered around them. Gerard laughed at her.
“Maybe if you weren't such a massive attention-whore cheating bitch, I'd actually take what you just said seriously. But I won't, bad luck. Now goodbye, have a nice life. Well done for losing the only two people who actually cared about you in one go,” Gerard hit back. She opened and closed her mouth, and then screamed, slapping him across the face. The growing crowd gasped. “Fucking faggot!” she shrieked at him, then ran off, shoving Gerard and Frank hard as she passed.

“Holy shit,” Billie said, appearing out of nowhere, “What was all that about?”
“Lisa was here. Can't you just guess?” Frank sighed.
“I swear, if she causes any more shit storms today...” Billie threatened.
It was another English lesson of independent group work. Billie followed Frank and Gerard to the Art room where they'd been last lesson. He ignored Lisa, who was calling after him. She appeared in the room. “Billie,” she whined, “You're meant to be my partner,”
“I know,” he said simply, before turning back to Gerard and Frank.
“Billie!” she screamed. He ignored her. Other students whispered amongst themselves. She groaned loudly, before tapping him on the shoulder. “Billie, you know I can't do all this work without you,” she tried. When she got no response, her anger grew. “Why are you even sitting with these fucktards?” she asked. “And an even bigger question – why is a certain little bitch suddenly boyfriends with someone he hated like 3 days ago?” she spat, referring to Gerard.
“Why can't a certain bigger bitch see that she should shut up because she's a pathetic, attention-whore bitch brat?” Gerard cut back. Lisa looked like she'd just been slapped with a fish.
“Exactly, now shut your mouth Lisa,” Billie said.
“You weren't saying that on Friday night!” she screamed, laughing maniacally at her own joke. Billie blushed. Gerard cringed at the mental image. “Why do you want to broadcast the fact that you're a cheating piece of scum?” Gerard snapped.
“Why do you want to broadcast the fact that you're a fucking jerk?” Lisa shouted. Everyone cringed at her awful comeback. “Okay Lisa, I think it's time you should leave,” Frank said patronizingly.
“I think it's time you shut your fucking mouth,” she spat back.
“Yep, it's definitely time you left.”

Mr Rowe appeared in the doorway. “I've been having complaints from the teacher next door. I trusted you lot to be sensible,”
“We were getting on fine, sir. Up until that bitch ruined it for us,” Gerard hissed.
“Gerard!” the teacher said in shock, “Never call someone that. Do we all need to discuss this in the counselor's office?”
“Gerard called me a bitch, so fucking what. It's better than being a douchebag jerk dickface,” Lisa snapped. Mr Rowe was speechless.
“I think that just answered my question, Lisa. Now all of you, come with me.”

“I have some disruptive students. Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Billie Joe Armstrong and Lisa Monroe. They seem to have some unresolved problems amongst themselves,” Mr Rowe told Miss Addams, the counselor. She was young – in her early 20's probably. And she was clueless too. “Leave me to it. Do you want them back before the end of the lesson?” she asked politely.
“No, keep them for as long as you want,” he called back as he left the classroom. The four students groaned. She already knew Gerard, and from him she knew who Lisa was. She knew Frank from anger management classes, but not Billie. “So, what's it today? Another mass fall out?” she asked.
Everyone stayed silent. “You won't be leaving until I get at least some information out of you,” she prompted. Frank, Billie, and Gerard exchanged looks, trying to decide whether to open up. Lisa spoke up. “It's all Gerard, miss, he's been so horrible to me,” Lisa choked, putting on an act.
“Yeah, I think he has reason to,” Billie muttered.
“Billie's also been horrible,” Lisa cut in.
“Yeah, I maybe because I also have reason to,” he snapped.
“Okay, maybe you should start by telling me what's gone on. How exactly have Gerard and Billie 'been horrible' to you?” Miss Addams asked.
“Yes, maybe you should tell her what's gone on,” Gerard hissed at Lisa. Tears started streaming down Lisa's face. She was an amazing actress, and Miss Addams fell for it.
“Oh Lisa,” she gushed, handing over a tissue. She turned to Gerard and Billie. “What have you done?”
“I think it's more along the lines of what Lisa has done,” Gerard said.
“Give it a rest. Stop ganging up on the poor girl,” Miss Addams snapped.
“You're actually falling for Lisa's crap?” Frank cut in.
“I'm sorry, but how are you even involved with this, Frank?” Miss Addams asked.
“Good question,” Lisa sniffed, “He's also been ganging up on me with Gerard and Billie,”
“So, would you boys like to tell me why you've been so horrible to poor Lisa?”
Gerard and Billie shared a nod, giving each other the all-clear that they would tell the truth.
“Basically, y'know Gerard and Lisa were going out?” Billie started. Miss Addams nodded. “Well, Lisa lied to me and said that they'd broken up then she basically came on to me and cheated on Gerard,” Billie finished, blushing.
“That's not true, miss!” Lisa squealed.
“It is,” Gerard and Frank said simultaneously. Miss Addams paused thoughtfully.
“I don't know who to believe. You guys should sort this out by yourselves, but remember that it's not nice to gang up on someone, no matter what they've done,”
“Well that was fucking helpful,” Billie muttered sarcastically as they left the room. Miss Addams shot him an icy glare.
“And you Lisa,” Billie started, turning to look at her after they'd left the room, “Leave us the fuck alone. Any more shit from you and you'll be dead,” he growled.
“Fucking hell, death threats are a bit dramatic aren't they?” she snapped back.
Billie ignored her and shoved past her, walking quickly ahead. Gerard and Frank followed. “You're all fucking drama fag bitches,” Lisa screamed after them.
“She can fucking talk,” Frank hissed.

At lunch time, Gerard and Billie went with Frank to meet Mikey. “We just need to find Ray,” Mikey explained, “I think he's still in Music.”
“Hey, hopefully there won't be a repeat of last time the five of us were in the music block,” Billie laughed. They found Ray in a practice room with Tre. “Aw, shit,” Billie said when he saw Tre.
“Oh, I forgot you guys fell out,” Mikey said.
“Yeah, it was some time ago now, maybe he'll be alright with me,” Billie said hopefully. Ray opened the door. “Hey guys... Billie? What are you doing here,” Ray asked in surprise.
“Apparently we're all friends now,” Mikey replied. Tre narrowed his eyes at Billie.
“Tre, it's, um, been a while...” Billie said awkwardly.
“Well, I did see you on Friday. Crashing my party that you weren't invited to,” Tre said in annoyance. It was unusual for anyone to ever see Tre angry.
“Yeah, um, sorry I guess,” Billie replied.
“Why are you even here?” Tre asked.
“I came with Gerard and Mikey to find Ray,” he explained.
“Oh,” was all Tre said.
“Yeah, well this is... Nice,” Gerard chipped in, “But maybe we should go get some food,”

They all, including Tre surprisingly, started walking down to the canteen. Just as they'd arrived Lisa and a crowd of her friends appeared. “Fucking hell, not again,” Gerard sighed.
“This is for being a shit boyfriend,” she said to him, slapping him in the face. Her friends cheered.
“This is for all the names you called me,” she said again, slapping him harder.
“And this, is for being a dick in general,” she finished, kicking him in a painful place. Gerard screamed and fell to the floor, doubling over in pain. He tried to get words out, but just ended up shrieking a series of incomprehensible words at her. Then suddenly, Frank flew over to her and punched her in the face. The surrounding crowd gasped. Her friends rushed over to her. Calling out her name and glaring the angriest looks ever at Frank. “What the fuck, you just can't do that,” said one girl.
“Do you have any idea how painful getting kicked in the balls is? It's like, on the same pain scale as giving birth,” Frank explained.
“Yeah, how would you know that, you've never had a baby and you probably don't have balls,” another girl hissed.
“Boys who punch girls definitely don't have balls,” someone else agreed.
“Yeah, you ever heard of the never punch a girl rule?” screamed someone else.
“I think, because of what's just happened, there definitely can be exceptions,” Billie pointed out.
Lisa sat nursing her face, a swarm of friends around her. Suddenly she got up, launching herself at Frank. She knocked him over to the ground, screaming as she clawed at any of his exposed skin. He tried to defend himself, and she bit his arm hard. “What the fuck?” he yelled, hissing in pain. Billie tried to pull her away from him, but more girls launched at them, trying to inflict as much pain as possible. Someone pulled Billie's hair, hard. “Oooww,” he screamed, desperately trying to rise to the surface for air. Ray, Mikey, Gerard and Tre sat at the side, trying to fight off the out of control females. “When I imagined trying to fight girls off me, this wasn't the image that came to mind,” Tre shouted over the noise. Large crowds, practically the whole school, surrounded the action. Teachers were going crazy, screaming at everyone to stop. “What's going on here!?” a teacher's voice suddenly boomed. The fighting bodies eventually became still and silence fell on the room. “There's God knows how many girls here fighting two boys?” she asked, “Break it up, all of you. I don't know what's gone on, but I'm all for feminism and sticking up for yourself, so well done, girls. Just don't do it again,” she warned, choosing not to make a big deal out of the incident as she really couldn't stand the idea of the paperwork. “Shitty teaching values have saved us once again,” Mikey wheezed breathlessly.
“This isn't the end,” Lisa hissed as she left the canteen, her friends following her.

“What the fuck was that?” Billie said, at the end of lunch time. They all had bruises, Frank had a bite mark on his arm, Billie had tiny chunks of hair missing, and Gerard wasn't walking normally.
“I don't know,” Frank replied, through gritted teeth, “But we're sure as hell going to get them all back,”
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