Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Lightning Weaver

The City of Thieves

by Myrddin-Ignis-Magus 2 reviews

Morgana and Ginny head to Gringotts.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Ginny,Harry - Warnings: [!] [V] [?] - Published: 2013-12-18 - 3735 words

The Lightning Weaver

Episode II

The City of Thieves

[Ginevra "Ginny" Weasley]

I had only been awake for a few minutes. My naked body was pulled tightly to hers as we snuggled contently together, bathing in the warmth and softness of each other's flesh. I was half on top on her while we cuddled. I was feeling content. Having chosen to be more than just best friends to this cute, soft, fine 'thing'.

I could feel her small soft breasts under my cheek causing me to heat up. My arms were wrapped around her as I replay an amazing and frightening night within my mind as Morgana did things to my body I had never known to do. Sending me over a cliff of pleasure. Then teaching me how to return those feelings. I can still taste her deliciousness on my tongue and lips.

However, it was Morgana's raw emotions that made me putty in her hands. She was so captivating, controlling, soft, dangerous, daring, loving, and perfect.

She was so full of want, need, rage, hate, and another emotion Morgana told me is called lust. An emotion I've never picked up before but coming from Morgana it is my absolute favourite. It made my insides buzz with excitement and something brilliant called an orgasm even more intense than the first she explored with me using her small yet powerful fingers between my legs.

I could feel that warm moisture starting to form between my legs thinking about her as my eyes opened. I can barely believe even in her arms now that this angle is really a devil in perfect angelic skin.

She wants me at her side.

I've chosen.

I shall not forsake her as the Magical-world did all those years ago. I shall stand by her side and relish in our physical and emotional pleasures together. I shall never let Dumbledore or anyone hurt her ever again. I shall relish in her inner daemons and hold her through everything she is, and then some.

It had never even crossed my thoughts to hold such want for another girl. This one. I could want forever. To bow down and lovingly kiss her sweet feet in worship. To caress her being, and to make sure she is happy with me and satisfied.

I was started a moment later, eyes wide as I heard a banging on the door-handle as it was pushed, door and all. Then suddenly a suction sound, sparks and a yelp of pain the other side. Then came the crying and whimpering.

My eyes flicked up to see Morgana's eyes droopily glaring at the door while she cuddled me. "Stupid Ronald!" she mumbled. Her voice traveling so that he likely heard her the other side of the door even though he was crying. I could sense his fear and pain.

It did feel nice to open up my senses more. My gift as Morgana referred to it needed opening. While others tried to call it a curse that needed to be hidden and suppressed. I like her thoughts on the matter more. I had never felt so free than now I'm opening up these extra senses.

I supposed in many ways it was a gift over a curse. The power to really feel, not just my own tempered emotions but others too. Hers. Morgana's. I don't think I'll get enough of such unrestrained emotion. Her feelings. They made me tingly. I need more from her. Her forever. To love. To hold. To worship. To be loyal forever.

My Empress of Lightning!

Morgana only lazily pointed at the door with a small blue spark it had vacuum sealed with ease. Then that spark had shocked Ronald. I doubt it was much of a shock, but it was enough to teach him a valuable lesson in manners.

I had always disliked him most of my brothers. The rest at least know how to knock on someone's door and wait for a response. He believes that he can just barge in.

Rude jerk.

It had always been hard being the youngest girl with six older brothers. But now. Now. I had an older 'sister' things shall be a lot different. Especially since my older sister had mad butt kicking powers.

"You would think with a mother like yours he would have learnt to knock!" Morgana said, startling me out of my thoughts. I couldn't help but blush in pleasure as she kissed my nose. "Next time. I'll make sure to hit him with a lot more power to teach the moron good and proper!"

I smiled as I snuggled all cosy into her softness under the covers. "Yeah, but he isn't very bright. It will take a while. Trust me. The twins are always pranking him and he still doesn't get why, and they tell him. He just doesn't believe them!"

"Your mum has just-."

"I can sense her," I replied quickly, whispering.

"Ginevra!" mum said from outside the door. She tried not to make my name a reprimand, but it didn't quite work. "Why exactly is Ron crying with frizzled hair? He said Morgana attacked him, but that can't be right?"

"He tried barging in," I quickly told her. "Morgana just used her power on the door to stop him. Sealing it shut. Not our fault he got shocked. He should knock anyway. We're both practically naked in here-."

"Sounds like he's a pervert!" Morgana interrupted, smirking at me and groping my bare butt under the covers.

"Ronald Weasley!" mum yelled down the stairs. "If I've told you once. I've told you one thousand times! You knock on someone else's door. Then you wait for them to say whether you're allowed in or not, especially your sisters room! Now more than ever that Morgana is staying!" she shouted angrily before becoming gentler with her words.

"Morgana, Ginny. I'll make sure to keep closer tabs on him," she said apologetically. "Anyway, breakfast will be ready in a minute. Morgana. Professor Dumbledore also said he'll be sending someone to take you to Diagon Alley to collect your school things. I believe you'll need some extra clothes since you don't have any luggage. Don't worry we'll have you sorted in no time," she said before hurrying away.

"Umm… thanks," she mumbled sleepily but my mother was already long gone. I giggled into her chest and she looked at me grinning, span me over so she was on top of me, smirking. "If only we had time. You would be squealing little kitty!"

"I-I don't consider that a threat!" I replied cheekily while her lips captured mine and my tongue darted out into her mouth within that moment. I could barely believe how free I felt with her.

My Morgana. Famous. Cute. Powerful. Dangerous. Yet knew how to treat a girl.

She pulled back, grinning. "You have to come with me to this Diagon Alley place. I don't think I could stomach hanging around some dipshite this Dumb-Dore would send by myself."

"Of course," I readily agreed, grinning as I snuggled my face into the crock of her neck, pulling her down on me. "Anything to spend more time with you. I've never felt so content before."

She laughed while nibbling my ear. "My corruption runs deep in you my sweet, sweet lover!" she said, causing me to giggle with her as we rested a little, content in each other's arms.

[Ginevra "Ginny" Weasley]

During breakfast, I found it both frightening and amusing, as Morgana had no qualms against blasting Ron. He had tried to take my seat, and even pushed me out of the way to sit next to MY 'friend'.

However, the idiot didn't even see it coming, even after what happened that morning. He just couldn't seem to get it as he ran off crying. She didn't even shock him that hard.

Morgana had even gone off on a rant about NOT hurting her friends. It was made obvious that Morgana had no qualms against hurting anyone who would dare hurt someone she liked. Good qualities in a friend I would say. Mum had yelled at Ron for that and made him stay in his room out of everyone's hair.

I don't have a clue what my brothers problem is but I'm sure it has something to do with Dumbledore. It was obvious. After Ron managed to get up to storm off he kept muttering about the old man enough that even mum gave him a look of concern.

However, shaking those thoughts away it was kind of amusing how my twin brothers had promised to prank Ronald for me later. I can always count on them to cause some mayhem to brighten the day.

We used the floo to fire travel to Diagon Alley, and Morgana was eyeing our escort Rubeus Hagrid with distrust and annoyance as she looked up at the friendly giant of a man. He was oblivious to her distrust, and I could tell he didn't have a clue that Dumbledore was likely scared of her.

He had reason to be. Her 'minders', who he handed her too, had abused her as a small child. Then to top things off I know for a fact Dumbledore had put up wards that would 'protect' her, but also keep magicals away. This in turn would make sure Dumbledore had her, but things didn't turn out the way he had hoped.

She had gained powers that nullified certain types of magic, trackers and blood runes being two on the list, which is why he lost her. Thankfully. This gave her the freedom and somewhat happiness she deserved, which now led to my happiness with her.

"This Dumbledore joke sent this lard-arse?" she asked, and Hagrid looked as if he wasn't sure who to defend. Himself or Dumbledore. So just kept quiet as her eyes roamed up and down the huge guy.

I tried not to let my snickering show.

"Well I suppose we'll have to accept what we get so here's the deal lard-arse!" she said with a cute eye roll. "You've dropped us off. Now fuck off! Stay in this pub or something and we'll meet you back here for you to take us home."

Hagrid looked uncomfortable, as I'm sure even Death Eaters aren't as crude as my beautiful Morgana when being rude to someone they think is inferior to them.

"Err… well," he began, stumbling over his words, confused, in his thick northern accent. "B-but see. I can't jus' let ya go off by ya self. Dumbledore said to make sure you get everythin' and not ta let ya out me sigh'. Tis will be ya first ever trip an' everythin', an' well…"

"But I don't give a crap," she replied. He looked like he was going to retort when she continued. "Anyway. I have Ginny. She'll be perfectly able to show me around. Why would I want to spend so much time with a lard-arse like you for anyway?"

I was surprised she can be so flat and out right with what she says. She didn't feel the need to sensor herself with him. I felt that he was going to cry soon if she continued. The man needed to stop sitting in the sissy chair about as much as Ronald needed to stop sitting in the idiot sink.

"W-well. I-I suppose it will be okay," he reluctantly agreed after a moment in which he likely realised that this is one person who won't back down to anyone, no matter who they are. "Jus' meet back 'ere when ya done, okay?"

Morgana rolled her eyes at him. "Where else would we meet?" she asked rhetorically. "The freaking fireplace back to the Burrow is in here," she said turning her nose up at the filthy, dark, dank, and grotesque bar. "I can't believe anyone would want to come in here. Let alone eat or drink here. This can't be hygienic," she said rolling her eyes as she walked out of the pubs 'back alley' where the trash is left and through the arch into Diagon Alley that Hagrid the giant man left open for them.

I had expected to see awe and intrigue on Morgana's beautiful face, but I was disappointed. She just led me by the hand towards a marble building at the back of the alley.

We hadn't gone too far when I heard a woman scream. "Help! Please! He stole my bag!"

It was a young woman wearing normal muggle clothes pointing towards a filthy man with broken yellow teeth, a huge grin, and filthy robes as he ran away with a nice looking handbag.

"Filthy mud-blood!" the ironic man called her as he charged away, towards us. He held a wand out and not one person looked as if they were going to stop him, most of them looking away.

What cowards!

Then it happened. It was a blaze of blue, striking forward, rolling off Morgana, and causing tingles down my right arm as that hand still held hers.



Blue arched and buzzed in two jumps grounded and smashed into the man. He screamed as he was lifted from the ground. His wand turned to dust. He was flung back, landing at the woman's feet out cold. His body twitching in pain.

The electricity around Morgana was gone and she kept us walking as if nothing had happened. The 'spectators' could only look around in shock; unable to process what had happened as they previously played ignorant.

"So what's the deal with that whole mud-blood thing?" Morgana asked me, confused with the whole thing.

I looked to her before shrugging off what happened and answering. "It means dirty blood. Umm… muggles can give birth to wizards and witches. It's what the purist idiots call them."

"I see. Simple minded racism," she replied, shrugging. "Though, I pity any witch or wizard born of muggles who would be offended by that," she said thoughtfully. "I mean. The notion is that it is shameful to have muggle blood, which would mean anyone offended is ashamed of that muggle blood. Anyway, isn't it likely that mage all evolved from muggles somewhere?"

"I-I guess that actually makes sense," she replied, surprised by this revelation. "I've never really thought much about it, but wow. I guess either muggle-born's are that idiotic, or they've not thought about what it really means."

"People tend to let others think about things for them," she answered thoughtfully shrugging. "I guess nobody has come to that conclusion before…" she said trailing to a stop as we came to the bank.

"They're goblins," I quickly tell her as she was staring at the leathery little monsters guarding the door. Two of them eying her warily. I'm quite certain after that display with the purse snatcher that Morgana could take them with ease, but there are more of them inside.

"They're not very friendly," I quickly continue. "They don't quite like humans, and. I think they know you're not normal. So lets try to do this all nice and no blowing any of them up or whatnot. Please!" I begged, as she looked tempted to try fate.

She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Okay, okay," she said with a headshake. "I won't start anything unless they do… or whoever. I promise," she said and I wasn't sure whether she is likely to keep promises, but I hope she'll keep this one.

Therefore, I quickly led her up the steps into the huge marble building.

Gringotts. Wizarding Bank.

I walk her up to a nearby banker as he worked at his desk. It was taller than us, even though they're smaller. I also knew the goblin was ignoring us until a small thunderclap startled him and me. It was just low enough not to cause many people to glance over.

"Can I help you?" he asked, bored, but I could just make out the caution in his eyes and movements.

"You sure can!" Morgana replied, annoyed with him. "You can work on your customer service skills or I'll take whatever my parents left me and ditch you morons for a muggle bank! I'm sure apart from the small amount of magic money I'll need for books, potions stuff and the like I can buy everything else in the muggle world! Understand?!"

He looked down at her in surprise as her eyes flashed with blue sparks but it was the key she handed over that scared him. "Y-yes, Lady Potter," he was quick to address her.

We watched as he went through a ledger before he looked sick. "Umm… t-this vault is near empty My Lady," he said to her shock.

"Excuse me?" she asked, but didn't wait for him to repeat. "Albus Dumbledore. Some crazy old bastard had that key. It's a trust vault, right?" she asked and he nodded. "The gold key has to…"

"It means the vault is of high standing," he quickly answered. "In other words. It should be plentiful. I do not understand," he said, frowning before he shrugged. "Well, I can have everything withdrawn and this account closed to save you money, like you said before."

"Where is my money?!" she demanded and the goblin shrugged, uninterested now.

However, she growled as she sprang up onto the desk and booted him off, painfully to the floor before grabbing his ledger and jumping down with him while other goblin charged in and the few mage watched in shock before turning away and pretending nothing is happening.


"Says here I have other vaults, most of which have been closed, and the money gone!" she said dangerously. "After my parents' deaths! It says that shit loads of these galleons have been transferred every year to muggle currency. Then passed on to the Dursley's from my trust. I haven't been with those bastards for over six years! And even before then they gave me NOTHING!"

She was near sizzling as she walked towards the goblin while he was scrambling back across the floor in fear. "You little fucks are going to give me back every last fucking penny before I get really angry! This says something about MY money going to pay for people's homes and businesses that were destroyed during the war with Voldemort!

"I had lost my parents! I had given too much! Now this!? Authorised by Dumbledore!" she finished. I couldn't believe one girl could get that angry. She scared the crap out of me, and I may have peed myself a little.

She lent down and grabbed the goblin by the throat, lifting him to face her, and he was quivering as the other goblins just watched, wide-eyed with awe, uncertain. I doubt they had been faced with a super powered teenage girl with the antihero persona before.

"Put him down and we can discuss this like civilised people!"

She looked round to another goblin. This one very much in charge compared to any other. "You're going to reimburse me everything!" she didn't ask. She told him.

"Yes!" he answered looking as if it cost him a great deal of effort. I wonder how much money was stolen for the goblin to look so ill about refunding everything.

"The items and property. I want it returned, or compensation times ten! Understand?!"

"Yes!" he squeaked out looking worse. "P-please follow me, and we-we can have it arranged. I-I shall have those responsible for this… 'oversight' executed for treason!"

"Good," she replied as she flung her captive to the side and out of her way and turned back to me smiling. "Hey babes, come on. This nice gentleman is going to help put things right," she said and took my hand as I quickly hurried after her, hoping this doesn't get out, but then, Dumbledore stealing from the Girl-Who-Lived will dam him for a while.

"So," the goblin spoke. "You may refer to me as Manager. It is a high title within our bank," he said as we sat and Morgana placed down the ledger, but Manager held one of his own, looking it over, grimacing. "It seems that I have a problem. None of this money should have left your accounts. Except reasonable stipends for Christmas, birthdays, and for your guardians.

"This was too much for guardians. They've near cleared out your trust. It seems Dumbledore didn't know the value of the pound to the galleon. It is also clear now that I have your accounts that the Dursley's here are not your guardians.

"Your guardians are both incapacitated. One, your godmother is hospitalised after being tortured mentally incoherent. Her family should have been contacted to take you, either muggle as she was muggle-born, or her husbands who are purebloods of a nicer variety than most.

"Then we have your godfather. It was stated that he, and not his family are the only one's capable of putting claim to your guardianship. However, since he is Sirius Black. He was in jail. Unfortunate. He was never officially charged with betraying your family and killing all those muggles. Escaped Azkaban Prison last week."

"I see," she replied, less shocked than me considering she doesn't know as much about it. "Then what of my godmothers family?"

"It seems that they were never informed," he answered quickly. "We can have them informed-."

"No!" Morgana surprised me. "I want emancipation!"

"I see," he answered thoughtfully. "End of the line clause. The clause doesn't mean you have to ever birth an heir, but it is quite convenient for… shall we say screwing with other peoples plots when it comes to lack of protection."

"I like that. Yes. Do it," she answered thoughtfully. "I don't want anyone to discover this if you can prevent it."

"A few years at most," he said nodding. "But that's because Dumbledore is a nosy bastard. We shall also fully reimburse your losses and file to reclaim it. This means the property and businesses too. Do you wish to… house them for yourselves or us to take claim? It's an awful lot."

"I think I don't hate you anymore," she responded, smirking. "I'll take them. They could come in use in the future."

"Most kind My Lady!" he said looking relieved.

She shrugged. Nodding. "Okay, so give me some cash so I can get away and go shopping for school crap!"

"Yes ma'am!"

to be continued…
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