Categories > Original > Romance > Catch Me

chapter 1

by little_miss_pink 0 reviews

Sandy and Tate have been best friends for years but what happens when Tate makes big changes in his life, leaving Sandy to make even bigger decisions. Please read. ( warning: Some chapters include...

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2013-12-28 - Updated: 2013-12-29 - 2008 words

Alright, Its been a while since I even attempted to write a story. So it wont be perfect but please read and enjoy the story.
Thank you :)

Chapter 1.

“I need you.” He whispered into her ear. A shiver rolled through her body. She looked into his deep green eyes, only to find desire and want in his eyes. She bit her bottom lip. Waiting. With a devilish grin, he slid one hand around her waist, pulling her closer to him and the other, tangled in her long, brown curls. She felt herself slipping. Losing control. He leaned in closer, lips barely touching. “Sandy” He whispered again.

“Sandy!” She jolted up from her sleep. “What’s going on? What?” she searched the room confused and in a small panic. “Sandy, relax. It’s just me. Your mom let me up. She warned me you were still sleeping.” Sandy looked at Cameron as if she was an alien. “Are you ok?” She asked when sandy just looked at her. Sandy blushed. Images of her dreams flooded her mind. She couldn’t look at Cameron after she just dreamt of her boyfriend. Hurrying out of her bed she stood and reached for her robe. “I’m fine. Just an odd, intense dream. Anyways, why are you here?” She sounded more annoyed then she intended. “Well I was supposed to go to the mall with Tate. But of course, again, he bailed on me. I have no idea why he’s been so weird lately. But anyways, since you’re not working today, I figured you could come with me instead!” Cameron was just a little too cheery for this hour of the morning. What time was it anyways? Sandy glanced at her alarm clock. 10 a.m. To early for her day off. She sighed. “Fine I’ll go. But I need to shower and get ready. So go downstairs and I’ll meet you when I’m ready.” Without another word Cameron was gone.

Grabbing a towel she headed for the bathroom. She started the shower and undressed. As soon as she was in her shower she couldn’t help but think of her dream. It was the third night in a row that she had such dreams about Tate. She wanted to know why on earth she was dreaming of her best friend in such a manner. He and Sandy had been friends for several years now, nothing more, nothing less. But something odd had started. He was distancing himself from her, in the past two months. They barely even spoke. This was a big change considering they used to speak at least three times a day. Maybe that’s why she was dreaming of him. She just missed her best friend. It was just coming up in a strange way. But don’t get her wrong, he was handsome. Tall, black hair and intense green eyes. Any girl could see this. She shook her head at the thought. He was an all-around great guy, which is why most people had no idea what he saw in Cameron.

They had met a little over a year ago, at some party. They started hanging out often, and one day poof! They were dating. She had to admit, she didn’t really like Cameron. She is self-absorbed, bossy and way too into parties. But somehow she had a lot of friends. Short, bleached blond hair and light brown eyes. Her looks where her only good feature. Sandy felt bad that she felt this way about her, yet always hangs out with her whenever asked. Sandy simply tolerated her, for Tate. But it’s been a while that she felt like she sort of ‘lost’ her best friend to her. Which made her not like her even more. But still, Sandy was too nice to say anything and just went with the flow.

When she finished her shower, she stepped out dried off and got dressed. She slipped into a pair of black jeans and a blue sweat shirt. She walked to her mirror tying her curls into a tail. Her mind drifting into thoughts of Tate every so often. She hadn’t heard of him in a week. She decided she would send him a quick text to make sure he was still alive. She walked to her nightstand picked up her phone and found Tate’s number.

Have I ever told you how much I hate the mall? Thanks for ditching Cam, now I’m stuck going. Lol. What happened?

She laughed at herself and put the phone in her pocket. Taking one last look in the mirror, she smiled and headed for her bedroom door. Downstairs she found Cameron in the kitchen talking to her mom. Of course they were giggling and whispering. Trying to end whatever conversation they were having Sandy walked in quickly. “Are you ready?” She asked a little too rude. Cameron looked at her, a little surprised and got up from the stool. “Yeah. Let’s go. Was nice talking with you Mrs. Mayor.” And with a quick wave to her mom they headed out of the house. Once they reached Cameron’s little Toyota, Sandy spoke up. “I really wish you wouldn’t talk to my mom so much.” It caught Cameron off guard. Ignoring her questioning gaze, Sandy got into the car and waited for her to follow. Once Cameron was behind the wheel and driving, Sandy continued. “You tell her things about my personal life, and then she questions me later on about it. It’s really not ok.” “She’s just worried about you Sandy. You’re going to be a senior and yet you still have no boyfriend and you can count your friends on one hand.” Sandy rolled her eyes. She knew Cameron just liked gossiping. It didn’t matter with who or about who. It’s what made her happy. “Well, If she’s that worried, she can ask me herself. She doesn’t need to hear it from you.” She knew now Cameron was annoyed. No one ever argued with her because it was a lost cause. She didn’t care what anyone wanted but herself. “Fine. Whatever. I won’t say anything to her anymore.” The annoyance in her voice was clear. Sandy left it at that. Then her cell phone went off. Fishing it out of her pocket, she saw it was a text from Tate.

I know. I didn’t think she would go and bother you on your one day off. I’m sorry Sandy. Park tonight at 8?

She was glad. Finally they would get to hang out. But his message was odd. He seemed bothered and didn’t use her little nickname he gave her years ago. She was going to try and change his mood. She typed a quick message.

Of course Tatertot. Meet me at the swings by 8.

Now there was no way he wouldn’t at least smile at her text. She laughed to herself which caught Cameron’s attention. “Who are you texting?” She asked with her eyebrow raised. “Oh. I’m texting Tate. We’re making plans to go to the park tonight.” Cameron’s face showed her irritation. Maybe she should have lied to her. Trying not to piss her off Sandy changed the subject. “So what do you need to pick up at the mall?” “WE need to get new dresses for Tate’s birthday party.” Her expression changed. Now she was excited and cheery. “What do you mean ‘we’? I don’t wear dresses. Everyone knows that.” “Oh come on Sandy. It’s for Tate’s Birthday. Everyone is going to be dressed up. You don’t want to be the odd one, do you?” Sandy sighed. She knew there was no way she was going to get out of this. And she really didn’t feel like arguing with the drama queen. “Fine” And that’s all that was said. Again her phone went off.

Perfect, doll. I’ll be there for 8. And by the way, we need to talk. See you soon.

Sandy started at the text for a few seconds. Why do we need to talk? She wondered. Now her mind was on overdrive trying to think of what he possibly needed to talk to her about. Had she done something wrong? Had she said something she wasn’t supposed to? Her thoughts and questions were interrupted when the car came to a stop. ‘Timmins mall’ said the sign just a few feet away from them. It was a small mall, for a small town. There were a few dozen stores but all on one floor. A lot of the teenagers in Timmins complained that the mall wasn’t big enough, that there should be a new one built. But then again these were people who would never be caught outside. Which is what’s best about this town. Camping, swimming, ATV’s… All those fun things. Sadly she was stuck going to the mall today. “Ready?” Cameron asked her. She nodded. They stepped out of the car and made their way inside.

After hours gone by, about 10 stores and 100 dressed, Sandy was irritated. She wanted to give up, go home and sleep. Cameron had already bought a short, bright pink dress and Sandy hadn’t liked a thing. As they walked into another store, she swore she would find a dress here so they could go home. She browsed the whole store, picking up a few dresses that caught her eye, to try on. After a few minutes, she dragged her feet to the dressing room with 3 dresses in hand.

The first two looked horrible, the first made her look like a tramp and the second made her look 50 pounds heavier. They just didn’t suit her. Hoping the last dress would work, she slipped it on. It was black with a little sparkle to it, strapless and a little short. Once it was one she turned to the mirror and was shocked. She actually looked good. She turned to from one side to the other, to make sure it looked good at all angles. She was impressed. She thought she would be leaving today without a dress and a nagging Cameron. She was just amazed at how this dress fit her. From outside the dressing room door she could hear Cameron. “So? Any of them look good?” Sandy laughed to herself and stepped out. “What do you think?” Cameron looked her up and down with no expression on her face. Sandy braced herself for whatever comment she had in store. “I love it! You have to buy it. It looks amazing on you.” Sandy stood proud. She was happy she finally found the perfect dress on her own. Smiling Cameron said “It’s just perfect.” “Thank you” Sandy turned around once more to glance in one of the mirrors. “Oh Cam, what day is the party on exactly? I need to make sure I have the time off.” Cameron pulled her phone out, searched on the calendar and said “Exactly two Fridays from now.” “Perfect. Now I’m going to change and we can get the hell out of here.” They both laughed as Sandy walked back into the dressing room. She changed quickly and looked at her phone again. Tate’s last text was still on the screen. She stared at it a few seconds, and replied.

Sounds good. See you then.

After paying for her dress, they finally left the mall. The drive home was quick. Once they reached her house she thanked Cameron and headed inside the house. Up to her room she went and sat the dress down on the chair next to her bed. The alarm clock flashed ‘4:00 p.m.’. Just enough time for a nap. She slipped off her shoes and slid under her covers. Her mind spun with questions about tonight, but she soon drifted off to sleep.
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