Categories > Original > Romance > Catch Me

chapter 2

by little_miss_pink 0 reviews

Sandy finds out why Tate has been so distant. And it wasn't what she thought.

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2013-12-29 - 2201 words

Chapter 2.

Tate had so much on his mind. He couldn’t even begin to sort it all out. He had a feeling after he made this next decision his world would change but wasn’t sure how much. He stood in front of the bathroom mirror, hoping he could change the fact that he looked tired and drained. He knew Sandy would wonder the moment she would see him. Oh Sandy, he thought. He knew it was wrong that he had distanced himself from her and he was positive she had noticed. Between dealing with Cameron and trying to sort everything out, he never got to apologize to her for not being around. But then again that’s what tonight was for. Explaining and saying sorry. It was all a simply explanation he could all say in one word. Cameron. Her jealousy and bitching had got him so fed up. He shook his head at his reflection, he knew there was no way to hide anything from Sandy. Taking in a deep breath, he moved away from the mirror and went to grab his keys and phone.

Once in his Impala, he grabbed his phone to text Sandy.

On my way doll. Should I pick up coffee on the way?

In a few seconds she had replied.

Already got it. Hurry up! : )

“Of course she got the coffee already.” He said to himself, laughing. He backed out of the drive way and turned the radio on which blared ‘gone gone gone’ by phillip phillips. He laughed even more. He had remembered only a few months ago, he and Sandy were driving the back roads, having coffee and this song played. Sandy had sang it at the top of her lungs. Tate smiled to himself at the memory. But soon his mind filled with his problems. He had no idea how to tell sandy the truth. How could he? She would be so upset to find out Cameron was a big reason for it. The thought drove him crazy, but he had to do it.

After a few minutes he finally reached the park they’ve been visiting since they had met. He parked his car on the side of the road and spotted her right away. She was sitting on a swing, swinging only a few inches and looking at her feet. He could tell she was in deep thought by the way she was biting her lip. He grinned. Sadness hit him slowly. He couldn’t believe it had been weeks since he’d seen her and now he was about to hurt her. Again, he shook away the thoughts and started to make his way towards her. A few feet away, she heard him, looked up and smiled. “Hey! Here’s your coffee sir.” She giggled out. He took the coffee from her and sat on the next swing. “So, how have you been?” he smiled, a weak smile. “I’ve been better. So how was your shopping trip with Cameron?” He didn’t want the conversation to stay on him very long. “It was alright. She dragged me around and made me buy a dress for your party coming up. I wasn’t sure if I was going to see you for your birthday so I was really happy to find out I was invited.” Tate was a little shocked. In all the years he’d known Sandy, never has she worn a dress. She hated them. “You? You, Mrs. I’m never wearing a dress unless I’m dead, bought a dress?” She laughed. “Yupp. Brand new dress. I actually think it looks pretty good on me. I was even surprised when Cameron complimented me wearing it, instead of some snooty remark.” He was even shocked to hear this. They both laughed about it. They had sat there and talked about things that were going on in their lives and what not. But it didn’t take much time for Sandy to ask about what was going on. He looked at her a little disappointed. He wasn’t so sure he wanted to even tell her anymore. He looked at his feet a moment, then back at her. Her face showed she was curious and worried. “Look Sandy, I don’t want you to be upset or mad at me. Please.” She looked at him more confused than ever. “It’s about why I haven’t been around much.”

Sandy was just becoming more and more confused. Sure she wanted to know why he had just slowly stopped talking to her and what was going on with him, but now he was just scaring her a bit. She could tell he was drained. His green eyes hid nothing from her. She didn’t say a word, just waited for him to continue. “There’s a stupid, idiotic reason as to why I haven’t been around much. And it’s pretty simple. Well to me anyways.” Again he paused. If there’s a reason he’s been distant with her, it wasn’t stupid or idiotic. Tate wouldn’t just simply become distant for any reason unless it was something important. “Cameron.” Is all he said. Again confusion. What was he talking about? “What about Cameron. I’m not following.” He sighed in frustration, but not towards her, it was more to himself. “Ok. I’m going to start from the beginning. A few months ago, my dad and I got into a fight, which we both know isn’t new. I got really upset and Cameron was over. She was trying to get me to cheer up and I just wouldn’t. I went to grab my phone to text you and she had lost it. Saying that it was pathetic that I needed to run to you to make me feel better when my girlfriend was sitting right there. And this argument went on and on. Finally, I just wanted all this dumb fighting to stop, so I had agreed that when something like that would happen and she was around I would go to her and not you. I thought it was alright. Minor thing. Well as time went by she started finding more and more reasons as to why I shouldn’t talk to you or see you. And I just really was getting tiered of her bitching and moaning about everything. So I just did what she wanted. Last night, again we fought over something stupid and I got mad and left. Turned my phone off and just drove. I didn’t call her or anything all night. This morning I turned my phone back on and she had left me a message saying she had asked you to go to the mall with her instead. Being all sweet and nice. Well, after she dropped you off at home, she called me and lost it. Saying I shouldn’t be going to see you at a park alone, it was insulting to her and what people would think. I finally just hung up on her. She’s been making my life miserable and after today I just got fed up.” Sandy was almost in tears. It was stupid and idiotic. How could Cameron be so friendly with her but so angry and jealous towards her? How could Tate agree to not talking to her? This made her heart ache. She took a few moments, trying to take it all in without shedding tears. Tate lifted her chin, making her look at him. He could tell she was on the edge of crying, she knew by the way his eyes looked sad and hurt. “Now what? Is this supposed to be good bye? So Mrs. Bitch Fit can be happy?” Sandy was shocked by the words that just came out of her mouth. Her hurt and sadness turned into anger. She just couldn’t believe any of this. The longer he took to answer her the more she thought she was right. Again he had lifted his hand and moved a strand of her hair from his face. “Please look at me Sandy.” She didn’t want to. She was mad. She wanted to just go home. But she couldn’t. She looked at him. “Sandy, I decided I’m going to leave her.” Sandy was shocked once again. Was this a joke? They were inseparable and the fact that he already did everything she wanted made this all hard to believe.

Tate knew she didn’t believe him. But he was serious. Sandy was his best friend and there is no way he was going to drop her for some chick. Especially some chick that drove him nuts, who cared more about herself, and what people thought. He was becoming frustrated. He knew he should have told Cameron to take a hike a long time ago. Why didn’t he? “Tate, I can just walk away tonight and forget about our friendship. If it’s going to make you happy and things easier for you it’s what I’ll do.” This made him mad. There was no way that was going to happen. “Sandy you’re not understanding me. I am not happy with Cameron. She drives me nuts and I just agree with everything she says to make her fucking happy so I don’t have to hear her bitch at me for everything. Is that a relationship? No. I’m not dropping my best friend for something horrible.” It all came out too aggressive. She just sat there staring at him as if she was completely shocked. He didn’t say anything else. He just looked at her hoping she understood that she meant more than Cameron did. “Whatever decision you make Tate, I support you. Just make sure it’s what you really want to do. Make sure you won’t regret it.” Finally, he got through to her. “Oh doll, it’s what I want. I don’t even love her. After a year you would think I would feel something close at least and I don’t.” “I understand Tatertot. I’m here for you.” He smiled. He had his friend back.

They sat there laughing, and joking for a few hours. They were finally just like before. Sandy was just happy. “Thank you for being honest and telling me why you weren’t around anymore.” She smiled at him. She really did mean it. As much as it hurt her she understood it all. “No problem Doll. Things will be back to normal.” They laughed, but they’re laughter was interrupted when his phone rang. Cameron. She knew it was her. Sandy put her head down and stared at his feet. She hear Tate sigh and fish out his phone from his pocket.

“Where the fuck are you?” She was yelling. Sandy could hear her as clear as day.
“I’m still with Sandy at the park.”
“Yeah well, I think you’ve spent enough fucking time there.” She must have been fuming.
“Cameron shut up. I’m going to bring Sandy home and I’ll call you when I leave her place. Bye!” Without waiting for her to answer he hung up. He was upset she saw it in his face.

“I have to work tomorrow, so I think I’d better be going home.” Her voice was small. She didn’t want to upset him even more. He looked at her with soft eyes. “I’m sorry Doll. I’ll take you home.” And with that they got up and headed to his car. The drive to her house was quiet. No radio, no sound, no nothing. Sandy couldn’t wait to get there so she could escape the intense quiet. After a few more blocks they reached her house. She turned to him and thanked him for the ride. “I promise Sandy things will be normal after tonight. I’m going to see her now and deal with this once and for all.” He looked determined. She smiled. “Anything you do I support you” she repeated. “What time do you work tomorrow?” “I work at 1. Why?” she was a little confused as to why he had asked. “I’ll drive you. Save you from having to take the bus. I’ll be here for 11?” She smiled. “Sure. I’ll be up. And if you need anything tonight, you know my phones always on.” “I know doll. Now go relax and enjoy the rest of your night.” She gave him a quick hug and left. When she reached the door to her house she heard him pull away. Quietly she opened the door and headed up the stairs, to her bedroom. She walked to her bed and just dropped on it. Tonight was not what she expected. She couldn’t believe Cameron had such a problem with her. How could she pretend she didn’t? People are so confusing, she thought to herself. After a few minutes of staring at her ceiling, she decided a bath was needed. And a movie. And sleep. She laughed and began her relaxing process.
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