Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Coincidence

Chapter 2

by sasusakucrazy 0 reviews

Category: Naruto - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2014-02-18 - 585 words


I gasped, lost my footing on the steep stairs leading up to my little porch (way smaller than Sasuke’s porch, I may add), and fell ungracefully on my face.
When I slowly looked up, face burning with shame, I saw two feet. Standing in front of me.
Yep. My humiliation was now complete.

I don't own Naruto or any of the characters that Mashashi Kishimoto dreamed up out of his genius head (though I wish I did).

Chapter 2

Sakura's POV

"H-hello, Sasuke-kun..." I stammered, doing my best not to let him see how embarrassed I was.
To my surprise, he extended a hand to me. I took it and slowly stood up, hair hiding my tomato-red face.
"What are you doing out so early?" he asked in his husky voice that made my head spin.
"U-um, Lady Tsunade s-summoned me to h-her o-o-office..." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering. I sounded like Hinata!!
"Hn. Me too." And with that, he set off down the street.
I hung back for a moment, knowing that if I walked next to him, he would probably get annoyed. Annoying him was the last thing I wanted to do. I would be a fangirl no longer!
Sighing nervously, I followed a few feet behind him as he made his way to the Hokage's office.

Sasuke's POV

So Sakura was being summoned by the Hokage as well... strange.
When I arrived, Tsunade was already there waiting, which was very strange, seeing as she sleeps like the dead at this time of day.
"Come in, please, you two. And hurry!" She ushered us both inside and shut the door behind herself.
"What's this all about?" Sakura questioned. "Was it the chakra color tests yesterday??"
"Sharp as ever," Tsunade said, not really sounding like she meant it. "Yes. You both received gold, am I correct?"
I nodded, processing that fact. I didn't know Sakura was gold like I was... but it didn't really matter. Right...?
"This is... highly irregular," Tsunade admitted.
"Irregular?" asked Sakura.
"Because the higher level chakra color you have, the more potential you have for... destruction," Tsunade said with a nervous edge creeping in to her voice.
"Destruction?!" Sakura exclaimed.
"Yes, destruction, stop repeating the words I am saying!!" Tsunade yelled, looking annoyed. But I could see from the look on her face that she wasn't annoyed.
She was scared.

Sakura's POV

Lady Tsunade sent us off with strict orders not to tell anyone about our chakra colors. She also said that we would begin a rigorous training routine to keep our jutsus under control, starting tomorrow. I didn't really think it made sense. Why would it be so important now to dampen our chakra if we'd been doing jutsus for our entire lives?
I asked her that, but she wouldn't answer me.
On the upside, my Inner chimed in, we get loads of training time with Sasuke-kun!!
I ignored her... it... me... whatever!
As soon as we left the Hokage's office, I left Sasuke standing there and ran off to the Training Fields. Not only because it would be super awkward walking back come (we live across the street from each other), but because I wanted to try put performing a jutsu. To see if anything was different.
Hey, maybe it wasn't the smartest idea, but I just had to know! If Sasuke and I had the same chakra color, then maybe it could give me an edge when I sparred with him!
I'm such an idiot sometimes.
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