Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > the girl that you love

Chicago is so two years ago

by meesheemooroo 1 review

Emily's and Patrick's first day living together.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2014-02-21 - 2624 words - Complete

It felt like the tour didn't last long. It was all just over before I even knew it. the drive back into Los Angles was quiet as we all gathered to together on the fall out boy bus.

"Were normally celebrating the ending of tours" Patrick whispered to me. The silence was so eerie, the bus was usually so full of life and jokes and laughter. "Is everyone okay?" Patrick asked them confused. They all looked at each other kind of deciding who would speak first.

"Will we still be a band after Max is born?" Pete asked solemnly. It made sense now the quiet did seem very final, as if they were all mourning.

"Of course we'll still be a band. having a baby isn't going to change us being a band." Patrick said.

"but Emily won't be able to tour with us anymore." Andy said sadly.

"you guys, you've always been a part of my life off the stage, its not going to change. you'll still see Emily. hey I know what will cheer you guys up! Emily and I found out the gender of the baby. we were going to wait to tell you, but I think now is a good time." Patrick said. they guy's began to get exited.

"yes!!! we totally took bets on this trick! you guys be ready to pay up." Pete laughed.

"what is it?" Brendon said with enthusiasm.

"Max is a....." he paused for a moment building anticipation.

"Max is a Maxene" I finally said thinking Patrick's pause was too long.

"yes!" Pete and Andy cheered.

"are you sure?" Brendon asked he had obviously lost.

"dang it! of course their sure! I'm sure they have pictures and everything." Joe said disappointingly. Pete came over to me and began to rub my now slightly protruding belly.

"you just made uncle Pete a lot of money!" Pete baby talked my stomach and laughed. I rolled my eyes to Patrick who laughed. I think this made the guys feel better.

when it came time to start saying our good byes we really didn't. everyone just said see you in a few days. As Patrick and I stepped off the bus that was now sitting in front of his house I started to feel nervous looking up at the white sort of modern home. I took a deep breath as we walked slowly approached the gate. I looked at Patrick who was hauling all of our luggage and trying to pull some keys out of his pocket.

"Let me help you." I said reaching for one of the suit cases.

"no, just get the keys, your not supposed to be lifting anything heavy." I rolled my eyes and dug into his pocket and fished out his keys. I ran ahead of him to unlock the gate.

"you have to put in the pass code first." he yelled to me. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"for safety. just wait a minute." he said walking up to me. he sat down the luggage. "watch closely" he said putting in 24239. we went through the gate which led to another small pathway to the door. I put the key in the door and unlocked it.

"woah." I said after I had swung the door open. "I love it. ahead of me was a giant black piano and behind that a staircase against a green wall. I looked to my right to see the living room with many windows looking out onto the sky hills and trees. I could see the kitchen behind the living room. I began to walk around and marvel at the beauty of it all.

"do you like it?" he asked.

"It's beautiful. It's just so open!" I said amazed. I ran into the kitchen which was decked out in beautiful white counters and light orange wood and stainless steel appliances.

"do you think you'll miss your place in Chicago?" he chuckled.

"what place?" I laughed. "oh my gosh. I live here now." I said in shock. Patrick started cracking up.

"your house last time you were in L.A. was kind of like this. it was nice. Speaking of, I have a surprise for you." he said taking me by the hand and leading me up stairs. "this is our room. he said. "look what I have" he pointed above the bed to the pair of antlers. "their the same ones, for some reason I found them under your bed." he laughed. uh oh.
"that's so neat!!" I ran up to him and threw my arms around him.

"what do we do now?" I asked confused.

"I don't know" he laughed.

"hmmm...I want to get a shower" I said.

"okay, the closest shower is the room in front of us" he said pointing. "the very next door. but you can use any of the three you want. I'll bring your stuff up here while your in the shower, okay?"

"thank you so much" I smiled at him, kissed his cheek and ran off toward the bathroom. once in I Closed the door behind me and looked around the walls were white but the tile on the side of the big square tub and giant shower right beside it were tan and matched the floor. there was a cure little window right above the bathtub and I looked out it. my eyes widened and I started to scream and jump up and down. Patrick rushed in not even five seconds later.

"what is it?! whats wrong?!" he said in full panic mode.

"that window! that's- that's the Hollywood sign! the real one!" I yelled. he stared at me blank faced. "why do you live so close to it?! its like right there!" I said with a smile from ear to ear truly exited. Patrick began to laugh.

"that's it? that's why you were screaming?" he was now gasping he was laughing so hard.

"yes! don't make fun of me! that thing is so cool!" I said taken aback. Patrick's laughter began to cease once he realized I was upset.

"no Em, I was laughing because I initially thought you were dying or something, and I came in to find you freaking out over the holly wood sign" he chuckled again. "I think its pretty cool too" he smiled. "oh by the way, you have to try the bathtub, its seriously amazing."

"I think I will." I smiled

"oh and the towels are under the cabinet right there, feel free to use anything you like, because you know, its your house too." he said before he walked out closing the door behind him. I stripped down and turned on the facet and the water immediately got warm. I somehow managed to get the jets in the tub going and I slipped in. I started looking around at the three bottles on the side of the tub. shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I guess he was a guy and I've herd they like to keep that stuff simple. I opened up the shampoo and sniffed it, it smelled just like Patrick's apple-y scent of his hair only stronger. I had breathed it in so many times and now I finally get to smell like that. when I was done I got out of the tub and wrapped one of the big white plush towels around me and walked into mine and Patrick's bedroom. He was moving things around in a dresser.

"oh, hello!" he said with a smile and pausing what ever he was doing to look at me. "was I right about the bath?" he asked kind of eyeing me in the towel.

"oh yeah! oh, and now my hair smells good like yours!" I said cheerfully making hum chuckle.

"I liked the way your hair smelled before" he pouted his lip and made me laugh.

"what re you doing?" I asked still standing there in the towel.

"making room for your stuff. I already Cleared out a lot of closet space for you." he said. hes just so sweet it melts my heart. I had to give him a hug. I didn't even think about my wet towel until it was too late.

"oh sorry, I'm all wet! but you were just being too cute I had to." I laughed.

"oh jeez,I'm not that cute. you feel cold. you should get dressed. I put your luggage over there against that wall."he pointed then went back to what he was doing with the dresser.

"where do I get dressed." I asked.

"well I would assume right here? or the bathroom if your scared of me for some reason" he smiled.

"no, its not that" I said. "all the windows are open in here, they like don't have any curtains or blinds or anything." Patrick smiled at my observation.

"no one will see you I promise. look out that window. do you see any neighbors underneath us?" he asked.

"no not really." I said.

"see? your okay. you can go to the bathroom if it makes you feel better. but heck, if you open that door right there it leads to a balcony which you could also get dressed on and no one would still see you" he laughed.

"point taken" I said digging in my stuff foe some p.j.s. I pulled out a pair of pink shorts and a grey tank top and got dressed then plopped on the bed.

"okay, all done here. you can unpack when ever you want and have a lot of room for your stuff." he said walking over to me and laying beside me on the bed.

"tired?" he asked.

"nope." I said.

"eh, me neither. wanna come outside with me?"

"yup! I said getting up and following him down stairs and through the living room and kitchen to the deck patio thing. the view was beautiful especially at night.

"oh my gosh! aren't you hungry?!" he asked totally freaking out. I had just noticed that I was.very.

"defiantly." I said.

"oh man!I totally forgot to feed you! you should of said something!" he said

"I'm not your pet. besides i just realized I was when you said something." I laughed.

"what do you want to eat?" he asked.

"a lot of anything works. I really want bread for some reason though." I laughed.

"okay, uh- you stay here and chill and I'll run out and get some stuff. so, lots of bread right?" he asked nervously and kind of hurrying like if I didn't eat within the next five minutes I would die.

"yes! and mustard!" I said. he looked at me like I was crazy but hurried off any way. time for me to explore! I immediately saw a shed looking thing that was interesting to me but when I tried to pull on the handle to open it I realized it was locked I saw it was connected on to the house so there had to be a way in from inside. sure enough I took a little hallway by the stairs with a bathroom in it and another door. I successfully pulled open the door and went inside. I looked around and saw instruments everywhere keyboards and guitars and drums. there was a black couch beside me. there were also these weird looking things on the ceiling. this must be some sort of recording studio it all looked very high tech. I wonder If Patrick would be mad at me for coming in here. so I decided to go upstairs and look around. in the hallway as soon as you came up the stairs there was a closet door I opened it to find a huge closet full of Fall out Boy stuff like gold records that ere supposed to be hung up, magazines, awards. holey cow! I picked up one of the old magazines and saw a much younger Patrick in a trucker hat with a young spikey haired Pete. I picked up another one to find a bigger Patrick I smiled thinking about how cute I still thought he was. I put everything back the way it was. I then figured I'd check the closet in our room. I opened the door to find exactly one half of the gigantic closet empty. I walked in and started looking at his clothes. he was so neat with everything. he had a few of his old band shirts in the very end. I went through all the clothes that all smelled very much of Patrick until I found one that caught my eye and almost made me cry. It was that old Tom Waits shirt he let me wear when we first met I took it off the hanger and put it on and smiled at the baby bump just noticeable through the shirt. I think Patrick would like this. I had enough exploring so I went down stairs and tried to figure out where the T.V. was. I soon realized it was hidden behind a sliding wooden panel.
after 10 minutes of flipping through channels Patrick finally walked in with brown paper bags full of stuff that said whole foods on the side. he carried them over to the kitchen island. I followed along behind him and once he put the bags down and looked at me and smiled a big smile.

"well look at you all beautiful in that shirt once again"

"I thought you would like it. I did some exploring while you were gone."

"oh you did?" he asked eyeing me playfully from across the Island. "what did you see?"

"I saw the recording studio, and the fall out boy tribute closet, and our closet, which is where I found this" I said pointing to the shirt. "so what did you get?"

"well I got bread" he laughed. "a lot of bread" he pulled out two loaves "and mustard, carrots, celery, broccoli, apples, grapes, mangoes, pasta, fish, bananas, yogurt, eggs, pineapple, squash-"

"yeah, but wheres the food?" I laughed.

"you need to eat healthy for our daughter, besides I do" he smiled.

"but-but- potato chips and cheeseburgers!" I pouted.

"don't worry, you can have some of that too. I just want you to try to mainly eat healthy, the doctor said it would be good for both of you" he smiled at me still pouting. "hey, you know what we should do tomorrow?" he asked


"go baby stuff shopping, you know pick out some stuff and colors for the wedding and the baby's room colors and all that stuff females like to so.

"okay, sure" I said taking out a loaf of some kind of wheat bread and smearing mustard all over it and taking a bite. Patrick contorted his face.

"that is so weird Em, its like the whole loaf" he laughed.

"bite?" I offered. he humored me and took a bite, then directly spit it out in the trash.

"there's so much mustard on it" he choked.

"I know its great I said with a mouth full.

"I'm going to bed, feel free to join me once your done with your weird mustardy bread" he kissed me on the lips.

"your kisses taste like condiments" he said as he walked off up the stairs. I put the left over bread away and ran up to the room to grab my toothbrush and tooth paste.

"don't worry, I'm going to brush my teeth I told Patrick as I headed back out of the bed room then into the bathroom. I brushed quickly before I jumped into bed with Patrick and he held me tight. I fell asleep thinking about how today had been so perfect.

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