Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Tomboy

Period 1

by darks00 2 reviews

Delilahs having troubles with her roommate, Julius meets Miss.Kinch, and Delilah meets Miss.Ompree

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Published: 2006-08-08 - Updated: 2006-08-08 - 1125 words

(a/n: Yes, this is sort of like She's the offence to people who liked that show, but I didn't. It was a chick flick, no offence. SO, yeah in a way it is like She's The Man's idea, but Darks style, LOL. Oh yeah, I just had a doctors appointment...just a check up)

Delilah's point of view:

The sound of my alarm clock woke me up. I pushed the snooze button. I saw my alarm clock flashed in red lights: 8:00 AM. Blayn woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. We both starred at the bathroom door. The race was on. I quickly threw the blankets off of me, so did Blayn. Blayn had the advantage, for his bed was closer to the bathroom...but I was good with speed. I ran, and tackled him onto the ground.

"It's mine!" Cried out Blayn.

"I'll tell you when I'm done," I said, finally getting off of him, and ran into the bathroom, and locked the door.

I heard Blayn curse, making me laugh. But I wasn't laughing when I found my black skater shoes in the toliot.



Julius' point of view:

I woke up from hearing snorting. I opened my eyes, to reveal Hobo standing right in my face. I screamed in surprise.

"Good morning!" cried out Hobo happily.

"DOn't do that!" I cried out.

"BUt I made a picture of maccaroni this morning," Hobo said, showing a paper filled with maccaroni that looked like nothing.

Just to be nice, I replied, "Woah, that's good."

"we're going to be best friends forever!" cried out Hobo, hugging me once again.

I gently smiled, not wanting to be mean, as I got ready.

When I got out of my room, all dressed and ready for the day, Delilah greeted me. She was wearing no shoes, though, just wearing plain white socks. She looked pissed.

"Where's your shoes?" I asked her.

"Don't ask," she snapped. "Do you have an extra pair of shoes I can borrow?"

"Sorry, I don't," I said.

"Great. Just great." she muttered, walking down to breakfast.

I didn't feel hungry, so I ditched breakfast, and went to class. First class was english, with Miss.Kinch. I went onto the third floor, found my class room and sat down in the middle row, right at the edge. I sighed. I put my black binder down, and was ready for class. A tall, slim lady stood at the chalk board. She wore a nice, blue blouse with a long, black skirt. She had beautiful long red hair with dazeling green eyes. She was pretty, I had to admit.

She began to introduce what we were going to do in english class. I was half listening, half daydreaming. I payed attention to Miss.Kinch, to see if she could be the reason of the missing students. While I was studying Miss.Kinch, I felt a crumbled piece of paper hit the back of my head. I grumbled. Rude kids...I turned behind me to see a short, stubby kid with black hair giving a thumbs up. He was the one who chucked the paper at me. He gave me the impression he wanted me to open it up. It was a note. I was about to read it when...

"Mr.Noir," said Miss.Kinch, walking up to me. "Is that a note?"

"Uh, no." I said, laughing. "Just garbage."

"let me throw it out for you then," she said, grabbing the note out of my head.

I held my breathe. Who knew what that boy put on that note? She uncrumbled the paper, and read it to the class:

"Miss.Kinch is hot."

Everyone in the class bursted out laughing, while I blushed. She probley thought I wrote that note! I banged my head on the desk. Oh my God, if only I could turn invinsable...

"Mr.Noir, please see me after class," she said, then returned to her lesson.



When everyone left the class, Miss.Kinch went to shut the door.

"Come here, Mr.Noir," she said.

I went up to her, not knowing what to say. "Look, Miss.Kinch, it was all a misunderstanding..."

"Aww the shy type," she said, smiling. "I think you're hot, too."

"I'm sorry..." I said, then my eyes widening. "WHAT?"

She went up to me, put a hand on my cheek, then kissed me, right on the lips! My eyes widening, I pushed her away.

"What the hell?" I managed to cry out.

"Oh, I always wanted a boyfriend, someone like you," She said.

"Uh, look, Miss.Kinch..." I said, backing away. "Why don't you get a boyfriend your own age? Not your students..."

"Age doesn't matter, does it?" She asked me.

"Miss Kinch, please," I begged.

She was about to kiss me again, when I pushed her away, and ran out the door. That was the wierdest moment I ever lived. What a crazy teacher! Oh my God, talk about akward and desperate...

She was crazy...insane. Was she insane enough to kidnap students?

(a/n: This is happening the same time while Julius is in class)
Delilah's point of view:

I walked into Miss.Ompree's math class with confidence. People were starring at me funny, for I was wearing no shoes...just in my socks. Curse Blayn...I took a seat right in front row, right in the middle. (a/n: Goody-good, huh? Lol)

Miss.Ompree was an ugly teacher. She was a short, skinny lady with so many wrinkles you can hardly see her face. She wore thick lensed glasses, with an ugly pink blouse, tucked into her ugly blue jeans. Man, she was UGLY. She starred at her students, acting like we were prisoners.

After we were giving our assignment, I opened my binder, took out a pencil, and began doing the questions. I began to feel a poking in my back. I turned aroud. It was Blayn. Crap, we were in math class together. He was poking me with his darn pencil.

"STOP IT!" I whispered while still snapping.

I rolled my eyes, and returned to my work. About five seconds later, he began poking me with the pencil again.

"STOP IT!" I screamed, not realizing the whole class was listening to me. "Or I will shove that darn thing up your ass!" (a/n: Woah first time swearing in a story, LOL)

"Mr.Devon!" cried out Miss.Ompree, frowning.

She had a screeching voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. "Detention, noon hour. Be in room 111."

Everyone laughed, as I blushed. Oh, my God...Blayn was laughing the hardest. Oh, that was a challange, and he was so on!


xxDarkness' Kidxx
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