Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Naruto the Chimera

Chapter 4

by jkage10 0 reviews

Betrayal! Orochimaru has started to put the "vacation" into action

Category: Naruto - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Naruto,Orochimaru - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2014-06-18 - 3925 words

Orochimaru had been in his study reading up on the pathogens that he created for Naruto. It has been four months since Orochimaru had the "conversation" with the head ninja. During this time he had injected Naruto with the two newly created pathogens. Orochimaru saw that his window of injecting Naruto with anymore bloodlines was quickly closing. Naruto's body had a very bad reaction to the two new injections.

His body started to convulse and he almost lost Naruto. Orochimaru was quiet disgusted with himself seeing as he raised this boy and he has caused more pain than anyone else. Naruto, now three years old, was lucky that the Kyuubi was sealed inside of him or else the pathogen would have surely ended his life.

As he mulled over what had occurred he saw the two almost three year old stumble into his study. "Tou-san, look at what I can do!" Orochimaru with curiosity evident on his face watched the boy. Naruto dropped the kunai on the floor creating a thud on contact. Orochi was not impressed but let the boy continue his act. Sure enough Naruto pointed his finger at the kunai. Orochi's eyes went wide as he saw Naruto release a chakra string and connect it to the kunai. Naruto with little to no difficulty lift the kunai up and caught it in his hand.

Orochimaru eyes went wide. Naruto had gained many side effects from the pathogens. Naruto grew about six inches during this time. His mind was able process to things at a rate that should be impossible for a child his age. His vocabulary, with the help of Orochimaru, is astonishing. Orochi could see that Naruto had great command of his chakra. Naruto could be a huge threat in the immediate future.

Orochimaru could tell that he would be great especially if he could effectively use the chakra strings. He pulled out a little action figure toy and gave it to the young boy. Orochimaru said, "That's amazing Naruto-kun. Can you make Mr. Leaf move without touching him?"

It took a few moments for Naruto to understand. His blue eyes lit up. This was a test of his abilities. Orochimaru had given Naruto different types of tests like the alphabet, and numbers. Whenever he did well on it they would go train and afterwards either go to the park and/or Ichiraku's. Orochi saw Naruto's eyes turn a slightly darker cover.

The boy saw the Mr. Leaf toy one the floor. To Naruto, it was as if the toy was edging him on. It was mocking him and Naruto did not want to be mocked. He lifted his hand up. He concentrated his thoughts onto the figure as if it was the only thing there. With a slight grunt not one, not two but five chakra strings came out of Naruto's little hands.

Orochi watched in fascination as Naruto's little fingers were able to conjure up these chakra strings. At this point he didn't care if Naruto could make the toy dance. Just the mere fact he could make five chakra strings at the age of two is simply unbelievable. Naruto made it even more unbelievable when he used his control over the figure to make it dance.

"I did it Tou-san! I was able to make Mr. Leaf dance!" Orochimaru could hear the boy's enthusiasm along with pride and satisfaction in his voice. It was good to see the boy was so proud of what he had done. He smiled as be pet the boy's head.

He said, "Well done, Naruto-kun! I'm so proud of you. How about I give you a treat? We're going to go outside in the backyard. Since today is a training day for Anko, I'll bring youwith us so you can learn about the elements." Naruto had the look of confusion. He didn't know what the elements were fully but anytime he was able to learn something, he would gladly do it.

Naruto nodded with enthusiasm. Naruto wanted to see his friend Anko. Orochimaru took Anko as an official apprentice last year but she has been around him for about three years since he came to the academy. She comes regularly and helps take care of Naruto. Orochimaru said, "Ok, Naruto-kun, I'll send Orenji to go get her."

A few minutes passed until Anko got to Orochimaru's backyard. She was about 4 feet nine inches tall. She has brownish-amber pupil-less eyes. Her hair is light purple that went down to her neck. She had her mother's necklace around her neck. She saw her sensei teaching Naruto about the elements.

"Now, Naruto this is called Katon. Katon is the ability to use fire." Naruto nodded as he saw Orochimaru use a fire jutsu. It was a small fire but Naruto was fascinated by the wavering flames of fire. He wanted to touch the fire to feel its warmth. Orochimaru slapped Naruto's hand away as Naruto's hand was a little too close to the fire.

"Naruto, the fire is very hot you can burn yourself." Orochimaru scolded the boy. It wasn't the first time Naruto did something wrong and was scolded by it. He learned to not cry about it as all the cry would do is make matters a lot worse.

Anko decided to let her presence be known. "Good morning sensei and Naruto-kun. She sat down right next to Naruto and ruffled his head as she watched her sensei work. Orochi smirked slightly as the fire flickered.

He said, "Good morning, Anko-chan. I was just teaching Naruto here the basic elemental wheel. Now Naruto the element that beats fire is what?"

Naruto grew a thinking look on his face. Anko whispered something into his ear. He grew a big smile on his face. He said with excitement, "Suiton!"

Orochimaru replied, "That's correct Naruto even though Ms. Mitarashi did help answer the question. It takes much more ability to create the water than to manipulate what is already available and expel it from their mouths." Anko merely pouted as she huffed. Orochi did one hand sign and said "Suiton: Issui! (Water Style: Water Current)" He drowned out the fire with water.

The fire became smoke as the water moved all around. Orochi said, "Ok Naruto since Anko wants to help, what is weak against?"

Once again Anko whispered something inaudible into Naruto's ears. Naruto said, "It's Raiton!"

Orochi chuckled at the duo. He said, "Unfortunately the answer is actually Doton." Anko and the boy's eyes went wide.

Anko asked, "Why is it Doton? Lightning naturally would use water as a conductor to enhance its ability. It would take water at least 1.5 times the amount to overcome lightning!"

Orochimaru was smirking up a storm. He liked that Anko was actually thinking about her answers to Naruto. She was a perfect student as she was willing to learn anything and could do anything with ease. He said, "You are right but I want you to look at the Hokage Mountain. The Mountain is washed and cleaned with water. It takes time for water to destroy it. It can soak it up and hold it for a long time. Lightning is a little different.

Yes, lightning can be effective against water. However with water, the lightning spreads. So if you create a water shield and a lightning attack comes at you, instead of a direct hit, the lightning will be spread to the sides. Of course it would break the shield but the lightning will not hit. Think of it like this, a spark can create a fire or full blown energy."

Orochimaru saw a big puddle or water where the fire was. He did a hand sign, and said, "Doton: Monosugoi (Earth Release: Earth-Shattering!)!" Soon enough the earth shattered around the puddle. The puddle fell through the cracks of the shattered ground. Orochi said, "You see what I mean?"

Anko and Naruto nodded slowly as the former understood much better than the latter. Orochi said, "Doton has the ability to change the strength and composition of the earth from being as hard as metal to as soft as clay, as well as manipulating their density, making them heavier or lighter. Now since this is the case, what would be the weakness of Doton?"

Anko had to think about it. 'That's a hard one. Doton is the Earth so what could it be?' She was at a loss. However Naruto wasn't. He just yelled out "Raiton!" Orochimaru stopped mid-step. Shock was evident on his pale face. He could not believe it. He wouldn't believe it.

He asked with a slight hesitation, "W-what did you say?"

Naruto clapped his hands as he repeated, "Tou-san, it is Raiton!" Nope, Orochimaru was not hearing things.

He said, "T-That's correct Naruto-kun. Anko-chan I'm disappointed that you didn't get this one right." She huffed at her sensei as he continued. "The reason is can easily travel through and break the ground apart. Raiton allows the user to generate lightning by increasing the high frequency vibrations of their chakra, allowing for piercing damage and fast movement. It does not move as fast as true lightning. Instead, due to the control the user has to exert over it, it moves far slower. What would that mean for the opponent, Anko-chan?"

Anko said without hesitation, "It can give opponents time to still react. Just like Kakashi's Chidori, right?" Naruto was confused. He didn't know what a Chidori was. Or for that matter a Kakashi. So instead he just listened to see what he can find out.

Orochi really didn't like talking about that boy but for this point in Raiton, he is necessary. Orochi commented, "Kakashi is a different case all together. He is able to quicken the lightning by a substantial amount. Normally a move like that would be an execution style when the opponent has no way of moving. The move itself is too straight. However the reason it became signature move was because of something terrible."

Naruto was of course intrigued. He watched his father talk about this 'Kakashi' character and his chiori or whatever it is called. Anko said after digesting the info, "What is so terrible about him that it actually gives him the advantage?"

Orochimaru said, "The reason it is terrible or actually I would say deadly is because if he uses it too much he will d-i-e." he spelled it out for Naruto wouldn't catch on. Or so he hoped.

Naruto's mind started to hurt because he had so many questions bottled up. He just had to know something. He said in his squeak like voice, "Dry? What's a Kashi and how will it dry?"

Orochimaru cracked a smile. The boy could be very smart and intelligent but sometimes you got to remember you are dealing with a two year old. He made a shadow clone and said, "Naruto-kun, my clone here is going to teach you how to draw inside. Anko and I have some adult ninja stuff to talk about."

Naruto had a visible pout on his face. He wanted to know what a Kakashi was and how it dried. He relented however as he probably was not going to get his answer. He said, "Ok Tou-san." Orochi smiled as he saw Naruto leave.

He looked at his female apprentice and said, "Ok Anko-chan, you wanted to know about Kakashi. To be quite honest, his ability to use the chidori is more of a consellation prize to what's going on. As you know he lost his eye in the war."

She rolled her eyes as she replied, "Everyone knows that. I don't really see anything important about that."Orochimary mentally frowned. Lately she has been more...brash. She used to be so quiet and intentive but now she has gotten loud. Maybe it's because she has been around Naruto. Or vice-versa. He sighed inwardly.

"Well Anko-chan, what you did not know is that he lost his teammate. His name was Obito Uchiha." Anko's eyes went wide. Her mouth had officially closed her mouth and listened to her sensei more intently.

"Let me tell you about the Sharingan. The Sharingan is a special eye as it has seven more optical nerves and visual cortex than any other eye. The optical nerves send the illusions and visions to the brain.

With the Sharingan there are seven more of those. Three of them are created by the body. The other four are created by the chakra of the user. With these nerves one's perception and visualization is grown sevenfold.

For this to work, there are spots on the tangents and cotangents of the eyes, that must connect with these nerves. The four chakra induced ones do not activate until the Sharingan has been activated."

Anko was surprised by this. She never knew about the extended detail of the Sharingan. Orochi continued, "With this From what reports say and I confirmed for myself that Obito Uchiha had in fact activated the Sharingan before he died. He sacrificed himself and more importantly his eye to his teammates. His other teammate Rin was a great medic. She with much reluctance took Obito's eye out perfectly. She took out the nerves from each spot. The problem came when she implanted Obito's eye into Kakashi's eye socket. To do the procedure, it takes a lot of time to get it just right. With the Sharingan it takes three times longer. In addition this was during a time of war. She has done the procedure before but this was different. She connected the wrong nerves into the wrong spots in the tangents. She didn't know about it at the time that she hooked the chakra ocular nerve into the blood tangent and the blood ocular nerve to the chakra tangent.

The result is that with the chakra ocular nerve connected to the blood tangent the Sharingan can never be deactivated. The worse part is the blood nerve being connected to the chakra tangent. Due to the fact that the Sharingan cannot be deactivated, the chakra tangent is trying to absorb the chakra from the blood nerve. In doing this, it is taking chakra away from his body. The chakra does not return once absorbed. So basically he will die from having no chakra."

Anko's eyes were wide. She thought, 'Orochimaru-sensei, never tells everything but what changed? This is so unlike him.' She said, "Sensei, why would you tell me everything? It is so-so unlike you."

Orochimaru smirked at his apprentice. That was the Anko he knew, the smart and the inquisitive Anko. He said, "Well Anko, there is one piece of advice I will give you. A dead body tells more than a living one."

Anko was deep in thought about what her sensei said. However something felt wrong she quickly tried to out he kunai but it was too late. Orochi whispered in her ear, "Your body will be the perfect indicator along with the others. You will show me your true strength!" His canine teeth grew into vipers as he bit the nape of Anko's neck.

She started to convulse. She started to become feverish as her vision became blurry. On her neck a seal started to appear. It was almost like a tattoo. The last thing she said as Orochimaru lifted her up.

"Why Orochimaru-sensei?"

Orochi is not one for miscalculation. Miscalculation of anything could result in death. However Orochimaru miscalculated his son's determination. Orochimaru took him inside the house but it was only a few kilometers away from the real Orochi and Anko. As Orochi's clone was teaching him drawing techniques, Naruto's ear was twitching. His hearing was amazing as he could hear from at most 300 km away.

So while Naruto was drawing he heard everything and it was buried deep into his head.

No one could ever doubt how smart Orochimaru was. He knew how curious Naruto could be. Naruto had more than once been caught in Orochimaru's library. He caught Orochimaru off guard when he asked him about fuinjutsu. Of course he didn't say the word correctly but Orochi knew what word he tried to say. Orochi had started to teach Naruto how to create seals by showing him how to 'draw'. Naruto had shown great skillo in drawing the seals. Orochimaru kinda hoped he would be great with seals especially with who his parents are.

Naruto had finished his 'drawing'. Orochi had his smirk on his face. Orochi said, "Very good Naruto. Now let's try-

A month has passed and Naruto turned three. He has grown so much in his abilities. His 'drawings' were a few steps away from being complete. Orochimaru has been teaching Naruto how to punch and kick.

"Now Naruto try this!" Orochimaru did a side kick into a tree. The tree broke in half. Naruto blinked his eyes as the tree feel down. He looked incredulously at his father. "Tou-san, I don't think I can-" He pointed at the tree that was on the floor.

Orochi had a small chuckle to himself. He kneeled down to the boy and patted his head. He said, "Naruto, I don't plan on you breaking the tree. That is something you could do when you're older. For now I want you to practice the kick. I'll do it with you."

He reassured the boy as the boy nodded. Naruto got into position as he counted to himself the numbers. "Ready, go! Hiya!" He kicked the tree.

The tree didn't have a dent in it. Naruto was disappointed as he knew he wasn't going to dent it. But he tried and tried again all in vain. Orochi saw that the kick was not gaining any power. He said, "Naruto, put more strength on your kicking leg not on the back leg. Remember that leg is used to keep you up."

Naruto nodded as he go into position. He put all of his concentration onto the twice as tall tree. He went for the kick with a "Hiya". Naruto's kick was a good one. However his legs kept going up. His eyes went wide as he was losing balance in his back leg.

Orochimaru looked at Naruto's form. He didn't expect Naruto to be like Maito Guy. Even Maito had trouble with taijutsu when he was three. 'Maybe if I do a mini spar with him, I could probably see what he can do.' He said, "Naruto, that's good but you put too much concentration on the kick and not the balance."

Naruto nodded as he got ready to kick the tree again. "Naruto-kun, your not going to hit the tree again. We're going to have a little competition. If you win you can have ramen! But if I win, we get my favorite food!" Orochimaru realized how to get Naruto to do things, such as sparring with his whole heart, by the offer of ramen. Was it a good thing? To Orochi it got the job done.

Naruto asked, "Tou-san, what happened to Anko-chan?" Everyday since her 'disappearance', Naruto has been asking where did she go. Orochi frowned as the thought of Naruto finding out might mess everything up.

He said, "Anko-chan is out on a mission by the Hokage. She should be back soon." Naruto just nodded although he felt something nagging in the back of his head.

Orochi got into the hebi stance. As Naruto got into a minature version of it. Orochi smiled as his adopted son tried to copy him. Orochi saw that the stance had many flaws but that was expected. He said, "Ready! Get set! Hajime!"

Naruto ran towards Orochimaru. He threw a punch that Orochi blocked easily. Orochi threw a soft punch to Naruto. To Naruto however the punch came at the speed of light. He panically ducked and did a sweepkick. Orochimaru frowned as he allowed Naruto to kick him. He didn't move an inch. He grabbed the boy by the collar. He weakly threw him to the other side.

'Naruto panicked too early. He needs to calm down and follow through. Let's see how he does in the second round.' Naruto got up and got into stance once again. He panted as the initial fear of facing him was gone. He didn't rush this time. Instead he picked up a kunai from the ground.

He threw the kunai swiftly at the Hebi Sannin. The speed of the kunai no longer surprised the Sannin. He knew it came faster than a kid of three could throw. He deflected it as Naruto ran towards him. 'I see you're trying to distract me.' Naruto threw a punch. Unfortunately for Orochimaru, Naruto put all his strength into his fist, as he punched his testicles.

Orochimaru's eyes went wide as everything went numb. He tried to squeal but his body went into shock as fell over, clutching his side. Naruto's eyes went wide. He won! He exclaimed, "Yes! I beat Tou-san! Tou-san went down to the ground. I'm getting free ramen!"

That was the last thing on Orochimaru's mind.

Orochimaru has not been the same since that morning excursion. His hands have been constantly shaking as his hair was frayed. Naruto got his ramen at Orochimaru's expense. Right now Orochimaru had a visitor outside of the walls of Konoha.

"Now did you get the sample?" Orochi asked with a slightly agitated voice. Orochimaru was not in the mood for failure. His slit eyes peered into his visitors' eye. The guy's body was visibly shaking as he felt the Hebi Sannin's Killer Intent rise.

He said, "Orochimaru-sama, I-I got the sample. H-here it is." He pulled out a vial of liquid. He lightly placed it into the Hebi Sannin's hand. Orochimaru carefully inspected the vial. He didn't fully trust the guy but he wasn't going to deal with him...yet. The man breathed easier as Orochi pocketed the vial.

The man said, "Now how about the Uchiha and the Hyuga? I'll be here-"


"No! What do you mean no? I got you the samples and everything and you tell me no! Who the hell do you think you are?"

Orochi calmly looked at the man who was basically foaming at the mouth. He said, "I would like for you to keep your voice down or somebody might see you before it's time. Now it seems someone is being greedy. We agreed on the Hyuga. The Uchiha was not in the discussion or else the demand would have been much more."

The man growled at the Hebi Sannin. He said, "Fine, I'll trade you the male Hyuga for a male Uchiha." Orochi's eyes narrowed at the man. He did not like being put in a situation like this.

He said, "No can do. There is only a one-fourth chance that an Uchiha can produce and a one-sixteenth chance of a Sharingan child. Since I did not check the genetics of any of the Uchiha children. I'm pretty damn sure that you are not going to able to steal four Uchihas and a Hyuga. So I sincerely suggest that you cut your losses on the Uchiha. Now when are you schedule to come for this 'peace treaty' your kage came up with?"

The man had to reel himself in before he got himself killed. He said with anger lacing his words, "I'll be here in two weeks."

Orochi nodded as he said, "Good I'll see you then." With that Orochimaru disappeared in a swirl of leaves leaving a furious visitor to fume.
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