Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Good Luck Charm

Chapter One

by Black_Moon_Shadows 0 reviews

One of the strangest, most random love stories ever. Written to an off-beat drum, but still sweet as ever.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-08-13 - Updated: 2006-08-13 - 335 words

Good Luck Charm
Chapter One

"But what if I get stepped on?!" A short girl screamed, her hand over her mouth.

"It won't happen."

"Yes it will!" The girl pulled a table into a storage room. Her friend cocked a hip and rolled her eyes.

"Eveie, when have you ever been stepped on at one of the gigs here?"

"EVERY TIME!" Eveie screamed, pointing at her friend with a feather duster. Her eyes were sharp; no amusement was flittering around in them. She was serious.

"I don't remember..."

"OH MY-"

"Eveie? Lauren? Are you working?" The two girls stopped and looked at the door to the club.

"Yes Mamma." Eveie glared Lauren and began to work again. Lauren shrugged and continued too. It wasn't long before their mother walked in, smiling at their work.

"Good job, girls." Eveie turned to the older woman and pouted.

"Can we have food now?"


Eveie held tightly onto the arm of Lauren, trying not to get trampled. They were in front of the small stage. A handfull of boys were rocking out on stage, grinning like mad. Eveie felt Lauren's arm slip from her hand.

"LU!" She turned around wildly, trying to find the missing sister. Not being able to find the taller girl, Eveie held onto the small gate. Her knuckles went all but transparent. She closed her eyes. Someone's hand rested on her shoulder. She turned around and her eyes met one of the guys from on stage. He smiled slightly, letting Eveie see some of his pearly whites. He crawled over her back on stage.

He flashed her one last smile before she was plunged backwards into the crowd, only the memory of his smile to keep her grounded. The smell of drugs and booze filled her nostrils, but she concentrated on the thought of him. She held onto the last look before getting pushed into the wall. That was it. No cuts bruises. No getting stepped on. Maybe she finally got her good luck charm.
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