Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Good Luck Charm

Chapter Two

by Black_Moon_Shadows 0 reviews

The love story thickens.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-08-13 - Updated: 2006-08-13 - 594 words

Chapter Two
"I never felt as aliiivveee!" Lauren screamed, throwing her brome in the air for effect. Eveie laughed and did the same. She looked up to see it come down. Her hand reached out to grasp it, shaking slightly. The wind shifted and so did the brome. Basically what happened was the brome hit Eveie nose.

"Oh, FUCK!" The brome clattered to the ground and Eveie cupped her hands around her nose. "Fuck, it's bleeding!" Lauren ran to her sister, and yanked her head back.

"Stay like that, okay?"

"Mmm hmm."

"Mamma!" Lauren's legs worked hard as she hauled ass to her mom's room. It smelled strongly of crack. And Lauren was so tired of her mom getting high on the weekends, the weekdays, the holidays...

"MAMMA! EVEIE-" Her mom waved her away. Lauren huffed and turned on her heel. She ran back to Eveie to find her touching her nose gingerly.

"I think it's okay, just a little blood. I'm getting Tylenol. Ouch." Eveie wobbled into the house, leaving Lauren to sigh. She sat down and pulled her knees to her chest.

"Okay," she said aloud. "Eveie said she thinks she found her Charm. If he is what she really thinks, that why in the name of Tink did she not pull on him?" Lauren rested her chin on her knees. "He must be a stranger then. 'Cause strangers don't stick..."

"Still talking to yourself?" Lauren looked up and shielded her eyes. She smiled. Her friend Tyson sat next to her. "What's up?" he asked, brushing some hair from his face.

"Mom's high (oh! How unnatural!), Eveie just fucked up her nose, and I have this stupid song stuck in my head." She stopped and placed a finger to her bottom lip, as if thinking. "Nope, nothing out of the ordinary." Tyson laughed and squeezed Lauren, placing a brotherly kiss on her cheek.

"There's nothing wrong with that Baby Doll." Lauren laughed and shot a small smile to him. He held her closer and hummed her favorite song, making her laugh and wrap her arms around his neck.

"You know me almost better than Eveie."

"I've known you longer than her."

"Oh, yeah." Lauren laughed. Her blond hair tickled Tyson's cheek. She smiled and stood. "I've gotta check on Eveie, then we may get high and go to the mall."

"Alright. Later."

She smiled at the small thoughts of the guy at the gig. He wasn't as appealing as the other men, that's for sure. But he had a safe, comforting air to him. He anchored her to the earth, even if she was being pulled into the sea of sexually charged bodies, even if she didn't know him.

Eveie had to find him. Has to know him. Make him her anchor. Her charm. She smiled again and twirled her hair some. Lauren had snorted up a whole bunch of crank and dragged Eveie to the mall to shop high in the sky. She wasn't cranking, and didn't feel like shopping, so she sat down on a bench while Lauren flitted around a store, as if she was in, not just a dream, but a dream of a dream.

Eveie stood to grab Lauren and take them home. She was tired, and wanted to get out of there before the bad luck Magick found her. She grabbed her purse and strode towards the stores door. A dome of hair caught her eyes and she felt her eyes being pulled to whom ever had the locks. And that's when worlds began to clash.
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