Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forever Trying to Find you

Forever Trying to Find you

by JessieIero 0 reviews

I'll try and find you and I swear when I find you, I'll hold you in my arms and never let go.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2014-11-28 - 473 words - Complete

11/06/1999 - 1:02pm

Dear Gerard,
I don't really know how to start this, I mean this probably isn't the best way to start a letter. Saying how I don't know what I'm supposed to write. But what do I say to you?
They told me it would help you know, writing to you. I hope this reaches you.
It's been a over a month now, well 33 days, 21 hours and 25 minutes, since it happened. I think about you every day.
Remember that time we decided to go swimming at like 3 am? And I got pneumonia and you sat by my bed every day. You even brought my homework with you and you sat there and pretty much did it for me. I don't think I could have gotten better if it weren't for you coming to see me, making me laugh and smile even though it hurt. And my mom got pissed because she kept on saying I needed my rest.
You missed my 18th birthday. Mom kept pressuring me to have a party, with Mikey, Ray and Bob. Instead I just got drunk in my room and listened to Black Flag. Mom was pretty pissed when she came in and found me passed out on the floor. She said I was holding your folder. You know, the one I made with all your drawings you used to do for me. I put those pictures I took of you in there. I couldn't handle them being on my cork board any more. Seeing your face, I can't help but to think about what you're doing with out me. You used to say that you had no idea what you would do without me in your life. And I told you every time, that you would just be a hermit.
You really are a hermit Gee, is that what you're doing now? Just hiding out, being a hermit. Like that time you went missing for like a week, and we all freaked out and went looking for you. But then you just turned up out of the blue stinking like you'd never showered in your entire life.

I think my mom is worried about me. She keeps giving me these looks, and she keeps telling me to go visit Mikey or your Mom. I think she talks to Donna a lot. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and she was on the phone but quickly hung up when she saw me.
I haven't touched pansy since you left, remember when my dad bought her for me, and you actually sat and listened to me play until my fingers were sore. You looked so proud of me that day.
Anyway, I have to go. I have another appointment with this damn shrink they're making me see.
I really miss you Gerard, please come back to me.

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