Categories > Original > Fantasy > My Crush Was A Monster Boy

Chapter 3

by Allagendachan 0 reviews

Chapter 3

Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2014-12-08 - 769 words

Chapter 3- Summer
A/N: I do not own Gumi, Piko, Miku, Rin, Lenka, Rinto, Gumiya, Lily, or Miriam.
I only own the end half.
Revamping the 2nd chappy soon, once I stop getting addicted to the idea that this could go past 30 chapters.
Enjoy the show.
The rest of the summer passed in a warm, pleasent haze of me blushing a lot.
Every day, from around seven in the morning to about five in the evening, we met at the cliffside, each with two ice creams. I'd keep one in a cooler, and the other I'd prepare to eat after the monster got one.
It was the first day, a bit after I'd calmed down, that I'd asked the boy his name.
"Piko," he replied simply. We were sitting crosslegged on the grassy area near the monster, who was generally quiet. It liked to lay in the sun and bake, but whenever Piko began to leave, it got up and nuzzled him for a moment. I found it cute after a while, mostly because it was really cute to see a monster hugging Piko. I drew a picture of it one day and told my mother that it was based off a story I'd heard of, but couldn't remember what its name was. "What's yours?"
I blushed hard, then whispered, "Gumi." He smiled a little, his head cocked slightly.
"Gumi. Sounds sweet." I blushed harder, making him chuckle as we watched the clouds pass over us.
We were constantly running barefoot in the long grass, chasing each other, searching for cool rocks- both of us had a minor rock collection, and many cool ones resided on the hills for some odd reason- and looking for cloud shapes, like a guitar, or a staircase.
Some days, we'd walk to the creek, and splash around in there. The monster followed us. I soon realised that the route he'd taken the first day was to throw anyone who would follow him- like me- off the scent. The stream was right near the trees, and we'd eat apples and swim in the river whenever we were filthy or hungry.
Nobody else found us, ever.
It was just Piko, me, and the monster.
Calm, relaxing, and fun.
I constantly asked questions about his previous life, and he'd ask me about mine.
His family, apparently, was conprised up of him and his mother, Miriam, who could 'do a backflip in the bathroom'.
I told him of my mother, Lily, and her horrible cooking skills, and of my father, Gumiya, or Gumo, and his job as a buisnessman.
We informed each other of everything at one point or another.
"Do you... do you like me?" He nodded.
"I like you."
"No, no, I mean-"
"I know what you mean." He turned over in the grass to look at me directly. "I like you a lot." My face reddened, making him smile. "And I suppose you like me too, or you wouldn't have asked so hesitantly." I got even warmer. He laughed outrightly now, grinning broadly.
It was always at sunset, however, that we got too worn out to play and instead laid in the grass to talk. The reddish orange sky was unforgettable, espically with that confession.
We ate our ice creams, which were melted by then, even having been in my cooler, which would be filled with water by that point. They were usually vanilla for Piko and carrot cake flavoured for me. I loved carrots, I discovered that fact around the age of two, when I was given mushed carrots. Ever since, I've loved them.
When we said something stupid, or ate our warm ice cream, we'd start snorting, which would start the giggling, then the outright laughter, which occured every time one of the two events happened.
It was the type of crush that was suited for the summer, a care-free, relaxed, warm and soft romance.
Whenever, when I was in my bed at night or shopping with Miku and Rin at seven, I thought of the day's events, or of Piko, my heart fluttered. I stopped blushing too hard, but it became to where if I blushed, it was either all or nothing. My face was mostly red or normal.
We occasionally watched movies at my house during the night, or played board games at Piko's house after I was done shopping.
We held each other's hands constantly during that summer as well. It seems as if not a moment passed on that cliffside where our hands stayed apart.
It was the perfect summer, and it passed magnificently.
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