Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood and Darkness


by DarknessBliss 0 reviews

Sloane is one cruel vamp bitch. NEW CHAPTER AS PROMISED!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2014-12-29 - 1468 words

For the first time in his undead life, Gerard Arthur Way felt like he was surrounded. Trapped.
"I wouldn't bother calling the cavarly for any last minute rescues," said Sloane with her arms crossed. "As you can see, I didn't come here alone this time. I brought some friends over to meet them and your lovely bride."
"Gerard!" Helena cried while Niccolo held her back.
Sloane whipped her head around and snapped at Helena, "Silence!"
Helena's lips automatically locked together at Sloane command. Sloane turned her head back to Gerard.
"What do you want?" Gerard snarled.
"Oh Gerard," Sloane sighed ruefully. "If only you asked me that question centuries ago, we wouldn't have any problems. We would've been a happy couple. None of this would have happened. But you had to be a stubborn little boy."
Sloane walked around him while she spoke, "So I have to play dirty. I didn't want to, but you forced me to by running away and getting involved with that LeAnge character and then marrying this bitch."
Helena would've argued on who was the real bitch, but it's kind of hard with her lips forced closed.
Sloane continued, "But I decided to be more leninet on you than I was when you were with LeAnge. I'm going to give you a choice."
Sloane then opened the lower buttons of her button-up skirt, revealing a black lace gartar belt with a dagger through it. She unseathed it and walked over to Helena and Niccolo.
Niccolo took his cue and tilted Helena's head back to expose her throat. Sloane brought the edge of the dagger to Helena's neck.
"NO!" Gerard shouted.
Sloane turned to him with a questionable look, "What? I'm not planning to do anything to hurt her...yet. That all depends on you, Gerard."
Gerard kept his eyes on the dagger, making sure that it didn't move any closer.
Sloane grinned, "Here's your choice. You can either stand and watch as I behead your wife, kill your only brother and your coventant, and burn down Ophelia's Field until it's nothing but a valley of ashes. Then I'll kill you."
"Or?" Gerard asked.
"You leave this place with me. Come back to Vienna with me and beg my father, the Lord of The Vampires, for forgivenessand marry me as planned."
Gerard said nothing. Only stared at her with total and complete contempt.
Sloane turned to Helena, "Now, Helena..."
With the sound of her name, her lips were released from its spell.
Sloane smiled sweetly, "You have a choice as well. Since Gerard might leave with me, dear Niccolo has decided to take you as his bride and wants to take you back home with him. Now, you can either leave with him or I can kill you right now and make Gerard watch...and then have Niccolo's lackies kill the kid downstairs."
"Those aren't much of choices," said Gerard.
Sloane turned to him, "No. They're just not your ideal choices."
Gerard felt a lump in his throat. He was cornered. Make the wrong choice and Helena will die. He made that mistake with Helena LeAnge and she was burned to death. He didn't want to give Helena to another man, especially to that vampric freak Niccolo. If he chose to fight, not only will Helena die; but his brother, George and the others will also suffer. Gerard crumbled inside. What can he do? What choice did he have?
Only one.
"All right," he said quietly and lowered his head.
Sloane, Helena, and Niccolo looked at him.
Sloane raised an eyebrow, "All right what?"
Gerard raised his head and a lone blood tear trailed down his smooth pale cheek, "I'll go with you and marry you. Just spare Helena and the others and I'll do anything you want."
Helena's jaw dropped at Gerard's words. Was he serious?
Sloane, however, was pleased, "That's what I want to hear."
She turned to Helena, "Well? Will you spare the child and let Niccolo have you as a wife?"
Helena didn't know what to do. She didn't want George to die but she didn't want to lose Gerard either. Her eyes teared up, "Sloane...please...don't do this. Please."
"Sloane inched the blade to Helena's throat, "Yes or no. Live or die."
"Helena," Gerard said solumnly. Helena looked at Gerard. He looked so defeated and helpless. His thoughts echoed through her mind.
Go. I don't want you to die. Live for me. We'll be together again. Right now, we must part or die...and I love you too much to let you die.
Her tears were released in hot rivers as she choked back a sob, "Yes...I'll go."
Sloane gave her a satified smile and pulled away the knife, "You both made the right decision. I'm proud of both of you."
Neither Gerard or Helena acknowledged her congralutions. If it bothered Sloane, she didn't show it.
She turned away from Helena and walked to the open window. She stuck her head out and yelled, "All right, boys and girl! We got them by the balls! Let go of the hostages!"
Hayley heard and lowered the black cross, allowing Ray, Frank, and Bob to move again. Billie Joe turned to Mike, "Tell Tre and Brandon."
Mike used his speed to go into the field and stop in front of Masque's Hall. He went in and saw Tre and Brandon tying Mikey, Tabatha, and Serafina together. They see him and Mike said, "Mission accomplished. We can go."
"Okay. We're finished anyway," said Tre. They went out with Mike and the three waited outside.

The two vampires freaks left the house first. Bob ran into the house and headed to the guest room. He quickly opened the closet and lifted up the basket lid to find George still in there.
George looked up and smiled at him, "Hi, Bob!"
Bob lifted him up and carried him out of the room. They stopped at the staircase and saw Sloane glomped onto the stonefaced Gerard and Niccolo latched his arm around Helena as the four of them desended down the stairs.
Bob watched them coming down and gave Sloane and Niccolo unsavorly looks. Sloane noticed this and politely said to him, "Please. Scowling would ruin your already ugly mutt face."
Bob put George down and crossed over to the staircase, ready to pop Sloane in the mouth. Luckily for her, Gerard stopped him before could do anything, "Bob, unless you really want to die, don't."
He obeyed. He stepped back and growled at Sloane.
George saw Helena and ran over to her with open arms as they finally came down, "Helly!"
Helena turned herself towards George but Niccolo tightened his grip on her, "Keep away from my wife, you filthy urchin!"
She turned to Niccolo, "He's not a filthy urchin!"
Niccolo tickled under her chin, "Oh yes he is, Sugar Plum. He should've been killed along with his parents."
Helena's eyes turned red and her brow furrowed in anger. She grabbed the hand tickling her chin and squeezed it so hard that there were sounds of bones breaking. Niccolo winced in pain.
"You listen to me, you tubby asshole," Helena snarled at him. "I agreed to go with you without any protests. But if you ever, ever talk to him, Gerard, or anyone I care about like that again, I will rip your head off from your bloated rotten body! Understand?"
Niccolo felt the frozen stare of death in Helena's eyes and nodded. Helena narrowed her eyes as she let go of his slimy wrist. She cruelly threw his arm away and went over to George. She scooped him up in her arms and embraced him like her mother used to do when she was a little girl.
George hugged back and cried onto her shirt, "Helly, don't go!"
Helena closed her eyes to hold back the tears and rubbed his back, "I have to, George. But I want you to remember everything I told you. Just be good, Angel baby."
George lifted his weeping face to hers and nodded. Helena fought the urge to cry as she pressed a kiss on his forehead. She stroked his hair and turned to Sloane, "At least let me say goodbye to everyone."
Sloane sighed, "Oh, all right."
The six of them went outside and saw the others waiting on the other side of the road. Along with them, Hayley was with Mikey, Tabatha, and Serafina. She roused them and untied them. Ray and Frank appeared beside the six.
Sloane looked around at everyone and told Gerard and Helena, "All right. Say your goodbyes and don't take forever. I'd like to be in my sheilded car before sunrise."

A/N: THE LONG AWAITED CHAPTER! The next one's coming very soon. Read and review, lovies!
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