Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Oh How We Were Wrong When We Thought Immortality Meant Never Dying

Chapter 1: Ambition Of A Curious Child (6 months before prologue)

by SluttyJacketPotato 1 review

I had a minor malfunction with this chapter, "something's gotta give" was made for my other story, "vintage coffee". I severely apoligise for this :(

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-04-18 - 420 words

(A/N: So yeah, im really sorry that i accidentally updated the wrong chapter :/. To make it up to you, i shall release two chapters in this story today. Promise.)

I kept my eyes locked to the ground, keeping my head down. I was on my way to school, to inevitably get beaten up or verbally abused. I had a detention the day before, for suggesting to a kid that got his ipad smashed by one of the school's apparent "jocks" that he could take legal action against the person who damaged his property. Which should have been perfectly fine, but resulted in a 2 hour detention after school. Absolutely ridiculous. The kid didn't even say anything to the teacher who suggested that i was bullying the pansy that broke that kid's ipad. Oh, the joys of living.

I knew perfectly well that i could beat them in a fight if i wanted to, my martial art skills ranged from karate to tae kwon do (ti-kwon-dough). I just had to keep the state of mind that i could be better than to take revenge against niave children that will inevitably have no jobs after leaving high school. "Enjoy your popularity while it lasts" i would think. They were failing all subjects other than PE. And the likelihood of them becoming a famous sportsman was about 451,278 to 1. Yes, i truly believed that. It was the only way i could stop myself from fighting back and losing control. "Someone's biggest weakness is always their lack of control" my grandpa had said before he died. "Master control, you will defeat your enemy".

Funnily enough, he wasn't asian like you most probably pictured him, he was english. But he had been trained in China. Unfortunately for me, i had "trained" in my basement. My grandpa had recently died of a heart attack. 2 months ago. But the funny thing was, i wasn't allowed to see his body. I lived with him and my parents. It was like a hole in my heart, it wasn't right without him. It was like losing your brother, as weird as that may have sounded, we treated each other more as siblings than grandfather and grandson.

And there i was, school grounds. I sighed, pulling my hood up and digging my hands into my pockets. Three Days Grace - Never Too Late, playing through my earphones. I knew today wouldn't be my worst day, i could judge that since my worst days were ironically sunny. And it was raining, oh goody.
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