Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood and Darkness


by DarknessBliss 2 reviews

Gerard is taken to trail

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2015-05-05 - 1625 words

Hours passed since the plane left the United States and Gerard remained silent while Sloane was prattling on about their plans. Linde also remained quiet and focused on flying the plane.
Gerard looked through the window and saw the dim stars he once knew along time ago. He never wanted to see those stars again.
The plane was shaking a little and Linde said, "Preparing for landing".
Sloane turned to Gerard and smiled brightly, "We're home, honey".
The plane finally landed on the ground and Linde stopped the engine. He and Sloane got off the plane first. Linde opened Gerard's door and Sloane helped him out. He stepped out and glanced around. It was a hanger area but he recognized it. After all, how could he forget the place that he once went in order to leave Austria?
Sloane hooked her arm around his and lead the way, "Come on. Daddy's waiting for us!"

The three of them drove into Vienna in a rented Mercedes SLS AMG E-Cell electric supercar. They were heading to the Roman Catholic Church in Klosterneuburg. The Vampire Royal Society was located underneath the secret door that lead to the catacombs.
Now, Linde," Sloane spoke to him while he was driving. "After we get to the church, you drive back to the plane and fly back to America. Destroy it when you get there. Your job will be done".
"Yes, ma'am," Linde answered.
Sloane then turned her attention to Gerard, "Oh Gerard...just think. Once you settle this nasty business with Daddy, we'll be married like we were supposed to and we'll stay here. This entire town is a huge blood bowl and it will be ours for the taking. This will be the starting point of our vampiric takeover of the entire world".
"Can't wait," said an unenthustic Gerard.
Slaone smiled sweetly at him, "You'll be the next Lord of the Vampires and I'll be your queen. The world will bow to our twin heel."
Gerard bit his lip and kept looking out of the window.

They arrived at the church at eleven. Sloane and Geard got out of the car and stood before the church steps. Sloane knocked on the hood of the car, signaling Linde to drive off. Linde turned the car around and drove away.
Gerard watched him drive away and Sloane grabbed his hand, "Come on".
They walked up the steps and Sloane opened the heavy door. They entered inside the empty church quietly. Gerard was taken aback to the beauty of the interior. Through he was never religious, Gerard always liked churchs and cathedrals. The stained glass windows, the altars, the peaceful atomosphere.
Sloane let go of Gerard's hand and ran up to the altar. She stopped and made the sign of the pentagram. Suddenly, the preacher's stand was sinking down to the floor.
Sloane looked over at Gerard and smirked, "Found it".
Gerard went over to Sloane and looked down into the hole. It was the secret passage to the catacombs. Sloane went down first. Gerard watched her go down and heard her call out to him, "Just jump down, Gerard! It's safe!"
Gerard stepped over to the hole and allowed himself to drop down. He hit the ground and saw the catacombs, lit by torches.
Sloane smiled, "Isn't Daddy thoughtful? This place was dark until he decided to torches in here".
Before Gerard had the chance to say anything, he was grabbed by two figures in monk robes. He was about to fight them until he heard Sloane say, "Tobias. Mortiz. It's only Gerard. He's supposed to be with me."
Both figures let go of him and turned to Sloane, "Our apologizes, Lady Margete. Allow us to escort you both to Lord Margete".
The four of them walked down the lit path until they reached a dead end. Sloane went up to the wall and knocked on it four times. The wall pushed back and slid to the side, revealing a secret room.
They went in and saw that it was a vast throne room. Inside there were two jury stands filled with hooded figures and right between them was a large gilded chair with a man sitting in it. He was tall with rose-colored hair and he was wearing a medivel outfit.
Beniter Margete.
Sloane smiled at him, "Hello, Father".
"Sloanetta, my child," said Beniter. "Am I beginning to go mad or do I see the man I betrothed you to?"
Sloane glanced over at Gerard and then glanced back to her father, "Yes, Father. Gerard Way".
Gerard said nothing and approached the seated Beniter, knowing that he would be told to anyway.
Mortiz and Tobias stayed with Sloane near the open passage. They watched the two men in silence.
Beniter stared down at Gerard like a disappointed father, "I brought you in my court because you were a valued student to Pieter Saguaard; my predecessor, and because my daughter wanted you for her husband. I bonded you to her in blood, to be married. After three years since I proformed that, you disrespected her, myself, and the entire Royal Vampire Society by leaving our home and almost forging a marriage to another vampire named Helena LeAnge. She was burned to death in an opera house in Paris, from what Sloanetta has told me.
"Now you have brought me another disappointment. You went to America after LeAnge's death. The New World. Killing countless thousands with no honor to my name and taken in a lowly ghoul into our glorious lineage. But those are minor compared to what I'm referring to. Your intentional blood bond dissolvement to my daughter and using the ancient vampire priestess Asmodel to create a holy ritual ceremony to Helena Sheridan, a fledging you had taken in as a lover without allowing a period of training to do so".
Beniter leaned foreword and narrowed his eyes at Gerard, "Given the circumstances, I should have you put to death for treason and marriage chaos. But Sloanetta has convinced me that you were misguided about your engagement to her and that I should give you a chance to redeem yourself to us all".
He stood up and stepped down from his throne. He crossed his arms and said, "This is your only chance for redemption, Gerard Arthur Way. Swear your blood to me and let Asmodel perform the ritual between you and Sloanetta; therefore dissolving your bond with Helena Sheridan. Keep your promise to Sloanetta".
"And if I don't?" Gerard solumly asked.
"Then you will be tortured until you consent to my demands or until you die. Quite a simpe choice, really".
Yes. It was a simple choice. Marry Sloane and swear loyalty to Beniter or be tortured.
Gerard was silent for a moment and spoke again, "Lord Margete, did your daughter tell you why LeAnge was burned to death that night? According to my brother Michael, who was also in Paris at the time, he had witnessed a vampire with a barral of kerosene at the opera house and pouring it around the place. A vampire who lit a match and dropped it into the kerosene, causing the fire. The vampire, and my brother swears on is life, was Sloane. I'm talking about your daughter, Lord Margete. She murdered another woman out of jealously. So before you make me marry her, I suggest you look more into Helena LeAnge's death and ask the other witnesses that were present there. They probably would confirm that it was her. Michael told me there were at least five witnesses".
"I have looked into it," Beniter confirmed. "Those witnesses are dead now".
Now Gerard was confused, "How would you know about them? I doubt they have-" Then something cazy crashed into his brain.
Beniter knew about the witnesses and knew that they were dead. That could only mean one thing. Beniter gave the order to kill them before they had the chance to testify against Sloane.
Gerard looked at Beniter, "You knew. You knew that Sloane did it. You told her to kill Helena".
"It wasn't entirely my idea," said Beniter with no trace of denial in his voice. "Sloanetta had the idea. I just encouraged her to go through with it and gave the approval".
"Then you broke the law of our society!" Gerard shouted. "Pieter made those rules for a reason and you're supposed to uphold them!"
Beniter smiled defiantly, "He didn't know what my true intentions and since he is no more, I make the laws now. I have so many plans and one of them still has not been answered. Will you marry Sloanetta, as it was planed before, and swear your blood to me?"
Gerard turned his head to Sloane. She was nodding slowly, indicating that he should do it. That he should marry the woman who murdered his first love and traded his bride to a vampiric half-breed.
Gerard turned to the jury. Still silent and waiting. He closed his eyes and opened them. A wicked smile spread across his face, "Well, thank you for making me realize who is worth protecting. This makes my choice so much easier. Not only am I not marrying your murderous lying whore of a daughter, but I swear my blood to your death!"
Tobias and Mortiz both seized Gerard and Beniter commanded, "Throw him into the main torture chamber. We'll see how long his defianace will last".
As he was being dragged out of the room, Gerard still had that smile plastered on his face. For Helena LeAnge and Helena Sheridan, he would gladly go through red hot pokers, stetching, whippings, and even death.

A/N: Big change in the next chapter. Can you figure out what? Stay tooned.
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