Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vintage Coffee

Chapter 3: Since when did women like me?

by SluttyJacketPotato 1 review

Well, then..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2015-05-05 - 222 words

As i ran wild around the halls after the toaster incident, i slowed down a bit and decided it was best to head outside. As i was scaling the halls, a girl walked out of a class room looking at me, biting her lip. I stopped in my tracks in shock. She walked over, putting a finger on my chest. My eyes widened.

"Hey, never seen you before" She purred.

"Um.." I tried to think of something to say.

"You're really just-"looks up and down my body"-hot" She put a hand on one of my shoulders.

"Well.. this has been fun" I started to try to walk away.

"NO!-"she pushed me back"-i mean, stay please" She said, nervously.

I stared at her with pure confusion on my face. Since when did women like me?

"In case you haven't noticed, I DON'T KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE" I tried to walk away again.

She then pushed me against the wall. I squealed like a little girl. She started to what? lick my neck?

"Ewww..." I screeched.

She wasn't even that attractive. Then, she actually kissed me. I rejected the kiss by locking my lips together. She frowned.

"I've got to go!" I suddenly pushed her off of me and ran like hell down the hall.

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