Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > True to Your Heart

Chapter 35

by youngandreckless 2 reviews

chapter 35

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-14 - Updated: 2006-08-15 - 292 words

sorry if my chapters are lacking...i'm sick sorry guys they will get better...promise

Chapter 35

Stacey's POV

I laughed as Pete ran over to us. He was so happy. I'm glad I could do this.

"how did you pull this off you little deamon" he grinned sitting me down and pulling me into his lap.

"Like I told Joe...I sold blake to the circus."

"Petey you fly!" Jordan grinned. Pete put me down and picked him up.

"I sure about you fly too" I smiled as he picked him up 'flying' him around the room.

"He is so good with kids" ana smiled walking up next to me. "that's because he is one"

She smiled nodding her head.

"yall ready to go home?" Andy asked walking up to us. We all nodded and headed home.

Laura's POV

"Are we doing presents tonight? Or tomorrow?" Joe asked as we all sat around the living room.

"tonight! Tonight! Tonight!" I grinned bouncing up and down. Hey I'm allowed to act like a little kid too right! I mean I AM pete's sister. So that's what we did.

Everyone gathered around the tree. Lizy and ana seemed to not really want to be there.

"Don't worry you have presents too" I grinned at them They seem to be taken back

"yall didn't have to! You letting us stay here was a present enough!" we all smiled and hugged them.

"Ok who's first" Joe asked picking up a present from the pile.


Andy's POV

I grabbed the present and quickly opened it. It was a pair of drum sticks from pete. They were neon green.

"Thanks dude" I smiled hugging him.

"No dude those are sick! They glow in the dark!
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