Categories > Original > Fantasy > Humanity Needs Saving

Humanity Needs Saving

by CrystalStar 0 reviews

Humanity needs saving,so a boy and a girl go on a mission to save them. How hard can it be? Besides the zombies,war,and mad scientists....maybe this is harder than they thought.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Fantasy - Published: 2015-06-18 - Updated: 2015-06-18 - 165 words

Have you ever thought the world was ending? Not in the teenage version when you have a pimple or your crush doesn't like you but in the actual metorite,earthquake,hurricane,volcano explosion world is ending situation?

I have. I have seen the world end and trust me it, wasn't pretty. You people die because of zombies,disesase,and your own lazyness.

I mean come on. The trashcan is not even three centimeters away and you still miss it. Now that's lazyness.And what's up with IPhones? Haven't you heard of using your voice for communication?

Also,wouldn't you humans get the hint? There are to many movies about zombies for you not to be supicious. The government is hiding things from you. It's the same concept with Area 51. There are to many rumors for it not to have some truth.

So,how stupid are you people?

But how would I know? I'm just a twelve year old girl with one mission:to save humanity.
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