Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cartoons and Cereal


by WestCoastLolita 1 review

Hera and Gerard grow closer as the summer goes on.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2015-07-12 - 1913 words

Okay, so I decided today while I was at work brainstorming ideas for this that I wanted to make them a little bit older. It really only makes sense in the long run. As much as I'd like to give them a little more history, I feel as though it'll translate better if the content fit the age a little more. That being said, on with the story. Hope you like!

My first summer in New Jersey was probably the best summer ever. I was introduced into a world of what it felt like to be free. I didn't take to smoking cigarettes, but I'd drink and when Ray managed to score some weed, we'd get baked and fuck around the park. At night we'd have bonfires where we listened to The Misfits and smoke some more.

My mom was able to find a dance studio for me to continue ballet, but they told me that after this year I wouldn't be able to dance anymore because my boobs had become too large. I was devastated. I ended up reaching out to my dad. It wasn't that I didn't feel like my mom wouldn't understand. No, she was just wrapped up in her own depression, I didn't want to add to it.

She was already less than thrilled at the fact that I had disregarded what she had told me and was hanging out with Gerard. She found out when we got picked up by the cops because a fist fight broke out between Gerard and a kid that had called Frank a fag. I saw a side of Gerard that caused me to fear him. If the cops hadn't of shown up when they did, I have a unsettling feeling that the kid would have been a lot more fucked up than he was. He didn't press charges, Gerard's friend Bert made sure he'd decide against that.

The rest of us were
picked up and questioned, but didn't get in trouble. At least not with the law. My mom was furious, I was grounded for two weeks. Gerard sneaked into my room a couple times to keep me company. We'd spend hours talking about our dreams. When I got off punishment, the first place he took me was his hideout on the school roof. We'd lay and look at the stars, sometimes not having to say anything. His company made me feel happy.

I was packing for ballet camp when my dad called. We had started talking semi regularly. I couldn't accept calls from him when my mother was home. On one occasion she took the phone from me and they argued for about three hours.

"So aside from not being able to dance after this year, how do you like New Jersey?" My father asked.

"I like it, I've made some new friends already." I said smiling.

"Good for you pumpkin," He replied. "How's your mother?"

"She's good," I lied. There was an awkward silence between us.

"I never meant to hurt your mother Hera, you have to believe that. I lo-"

"Dad, I said I didn't want to talk about it, okay? I'm not upset about it anymore. I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Milly will pick you up from the airport and you can stay at the penthouse, I have a meeting in Phoenix and won't be back until late Monday evening." My father replied robotically.

"Milly? You mean you're still seeing her!" I huffed angrily.

"I think if you give yourself a chance to get to know her, you'll really find she's a lovely young lady." He said.

"Dad.I'm a lovely young lady, she's a gold digging whore that ruined our family." I said acidly.

"Hera!" My father barked sharply. "What's done is done. Now if you don't agree with the choices I've decided to make as an adult, then you can choose mot to come and you wont attend ballet camp this year. But I will not tolerate that type of behavior and disrespect! Do you understand!"

"Yeah," I mumbled. "I gotta go." I hung up the phone without saying goodbye. I bit the inside of my cheek in frustration. How could he not see the wrong that she's caused our family?

I walked up to my room passing my mom's room. It was empty, her bed was neatly made and all the clothes that once scattered the floor where in the laundry hamper. It was a sight I hadn't seen since we moved here, and briefly wondered if she was starting to get better.

When I got to my room, I found Gerard lounging on my bed.

"What are you" I asked in a breathy voice. My heart racing a mile a minute in my chest.

"Had to get away from the 'rents for a minute." He said casually. "They drive me fucking nuts bitching at me about filling out and sending in my college applications."

"I mean it's important. I've already started looking at colleges." I admitted.

"Pft, I've got time." He replied. "Do you wanna go hang out on the roof? I have something for you."


"She said what?" He asked again.

"She said that you're a bad influence." I giggled taking a small swig of something terrible from Gerard's water bottle.

Gerard snorted taking a drag of his cigarette. We were laying on the roof of the school drinking and talking. I was leaving for ballet camp tomorrow and hadn't told Gerard yet.

"So...I got accepted into an art camp this summer, and I'm leaving tomorrow." Gerard said in an uninterested tone.

"Dude that's awesome!" I said forcing a smile. "I'm leaving for ballet camp tomorrow." Gerard chuckled.

"Ballet camp? I didn't know you danced." He said putting his cigarette out on the rooftop next to him.

"Fuck you, I've been dancing since I was 3." I said defensively.

"I wasn't making fun of you, I just never pegged you for a ballerina." He said nonchalantly.

"This is my last year dancing." I said with a sigh.

"That doesn't sound like it's a personal choice." He noted.

"No, it is." I lied. I couldn't find a good way to explain why I was essentially being kicked out of the dance world, it was too embarrassing. "I just don't want to dance anymore."

"I could never give up art. It's my life." He sighed contently.

"Will you send me doodle?" I asked.

"Yeah...but you have to write me," he said. "speaking of which! Close your eyes!" I closed my eyes, while hearing Gerard shuffle around in his book bag. I heard the flick of a lighter. "Okay open." In front of my was a hand drawn card and a cupcake.

"What's this?" I asked bewildered.

"I'm going to miss your birthday, so I got you a cupcake from this amazing fucking bakery in town, and I drew you a card. The white cat is you, the shaggy black cat is me." Gerard said. I smiled.

"What kind of cupcake?" I asked.

"Tahitian Vanilla, with a raspberry filling and buttercream frosting." Gerard recited.

"Why'd you do all this?" I asked. licking a little bit of the frosting off the cupcake.

"Because I wanted to celebrate with you." Gerard said. I beamed, did this mean he liked me too? My heart soared. "I mean you're one of the guys, its something I do for all of them on their birthdays."

My heart fell, but I kept my smile.

"Thanks," I said shyly. "This really means a lot to me. Do you want some of the cupcake?"

"Hell yeah I do." He said taking a bite. He moaned in appreciation.

"Hand it over!" I said snatching it away from him. We split the cupcake and continued talking. I'd been here for about a month now, but I was already crazy about Gerard. But he only saw me as one of the guys. But it was better than nothing.

The field was pitch black as we were leaving. It was silent between us. We reached the edge of the field and stopped.

"So, when do you come back from ballet camp?" Gerard asked.

"August 20th," I said. "What about you?"

"The 21st," He said. "We should meet up tomorrow so we can exchange info. Can't write to you if I don't know where you are." Gerard smiled his lopsided smile. I blushed. Before anything else could happened, I turned and walked away.


"Oh oh! Hera! Over here!" Milly squealed bouncing up and down in her wedge heels. I glared at her as I walked in her direction.

"Can you stop." I snapped icily.

"Look I know you don't like me and you don't have to. I wouldn't like me either if I was in your shoes, but I love your dad. So for his sake could we really try to get along?" She asked I nodded. "So tell me about New Jersey."

I told her about Summit, I told her about our house where we lived,I told her about Gerard and the gang. I didn't share with her how absolutely gorgeous Gerard was or the fact that we spend a lot of time together. Chicago was noisier than I had remembered it being, and it made me long to be back in the quiet of Jersey.

Milly and I ended up spending my first two weeks back in Chicago together, because my father was gone on business. It was hard for me not to be rude to her, I couldn't help but hate her for being the cause of my parent's break up. I had to admit though, she was trying really hard to makeup for it all. After getting permission from my mom, I colored my mane of glossy brown hair midnight blue. Milly introduced me to getting mani/pedis, and putting a little bit of make-up on. I preferred lining my mint green eyes with black to make them pop and finishing it with a blood red matte lip.

Gerard and I wrote each other everyday, each of letters came with a new doodle showcasing something he'd learned. He sent me another card on my birthday, and it was my favorite out of all the cards I'd received that day. His letter's consisted of talking about art and being pissed off about not having any cigarettes or booze. He would ask me about how it felt to be back in my own home town, and joke about hunting me down if I decided not to come back to Jersey.

Before I knew it, it was time for me to go home. The day I was leaving I got my last letter from Gerard.

Can't wait to see you back at home. I met this really rad chick at camp. Turns out she lives in the area. I think you'll really like her. See you soon.

I frowned at the letter willing it to change. There wasn't the usual doodle that came with his letters. Just a short note telling me about "this really rad chick". I tried to convince myself that I was happy for Gerard but I knew it was a lie. I placed the letter on the counter before picking up my bags and walking out the door.

*Thanks for the rates and reviews that I've gotten so far. I know this chapter is pretty long but I hope you guys enjoy. As usual, R & R! Thanks*
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