Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Slumber On

The Mission

by panda_1418 0 reviews

How it all happened

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2006-08-15 - Updated: 2006-08-16 - 419 words

"Would the darling Delilah and the dashing Julius please report to my office (a/n heehee, that's from an episode)?" Scarlett's voice rand out over the intercom.

Julius and Delilah sighed. It had only been a day since their last mission. Didn't they deserve some time off? Well, they couldn't leave the world in the hands of Usula and Emmit, that was for sure.

The pair walked wearily down to Scarlett's office, knowing they would find Al also their, briefing them on yet another mission. As they walked in, Delilah noticed Al had a sense of urgency about him.

"OK, they're here!" he excalimed. "Hurry with the gadgets, man!"

Scarlett snorted. "All right, kittens, here's the deal: you get the GPS watches, pocket-lasers and Nosey's earring walkie-talkie. Now, I believe the big man would like to sp-"

"Right, kiddos, here's the deal," Al inturrupted. "Dr Dismay's got his hands on a nuke, man! He's threatening to blow Washington, DC to bits if the UN doesn't pay him 100 billion dollars within two days. I need you to take the jet to his lair on an island off the coast of Hawaii. Go, go, go, man!"

Julius barely had time to catch the keys before Al slammed the door in their faces.

"Well, someone's in a bit of a rush," he muttered.

Delilah snickered. "Come on, let's get going before Al blows his top."


Three hours later, Delilah and Julius found themselves sitting on the waves, just of the coast of Dr Dismay's new hideout. They'd landed on the "abandoned oil rig", that was really an Academy outpost.

Julius found the whole oil rig very amusing. "Hah! I bet Dismay and Nurse don't even know that the two BEST Academy agents are like, what, 200 feet from him? Ah, this should be fun."

"Yeah, what can go wrong?" Delilah agreed, slipping into her wet suit. "It's a standard opperation, disarming a nuclear bomb and taking down the bad guy. I wonder if Dismay's finally lost his creative genius?"

"All the better for us." Julius commented. "But still, like you said, what could go wrong?"

As if to answer that question, three small knock-out gas bombs dropped into the room the two spies were in.


Julius didn't know how long he had been out when he came to. As he looked around, he gathered that they must have been strong gas bombs. It was nearly nightfall.

"Is anything missing Delilah?" Julius asked.

There was no reply.


Julius turned around. Delilah was gone.
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