Categories > Cartoons > Transformers > Orange you glad I came along?

Chapter 2

by Spoonsie2 0 reviews

Chapter 2

Category: Transformers - Rating: G - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2015-09-27 - 4838 words - Complete

Hurrying down the corridor after Cyclonus it took Gavin a while before he recognized the corridor they had just entered.
It was the main corridor that lead from the 'bedrooms' to the command center. The only corridor he was supposedly allowed in.
"Wait..." Was all Gavin managed to say as the words and thoughts put themselves in a acceptable order within his head. Cyclonus didn't really wait and carried on to the control room.
"I thought I was only allowed from the bedrooms to this main room place-thingy. Why'd I? Why was I allowed to follow you down there, shouldn't I have been locked out? Which is another point! Why'd you just up and tell me what's going on? You weren't gonna say shit at first but then you just started... Why?"
Cyclonus seemed to falter a little as he walked as if seriously asking himself the same thing.
He brushed it off however as he quickly placed himself in the control chair
"It is of no importance, this is a serious issue." He changed the topic.
"Well yeah, some jackass planning to kill a whole city with a chemical weapon? Pretty serious deal there. Something you didn't want to tell me a few moments ago!"
Yes very serious, very dangerous too, stay out of it.
Gavin looked inquisitive but in reality it was confusion. Did he honestly have an intelligent thought telling him to stay out of harms way? Well that's never happened before.
"This kind of thing needs a lot of pre-planning right?"
"Wait what?"
Gavin looked at Cyclonus who was still keeping the ships engines at the fastest speed he deemed safe as a large pale yellow planet loomed over them.
"They have a dangerous chemical agent and are willing to release it. Well threatening to, either way it's a serious threat. There's no time to 'plan'. If I wait they may act, If they see me coming they may act. I need to rush in and take out their leader then secure the chemical agent immediately after. If they even have it."
"Run in and punch someone basically? Sounds like my early life!" Gavin laughed.
Cyclonus did not.
"Yeah but really that does sound like a incredulously simple plan for something so dangerous? Besides they might not even have this dangerous stuff?" Gavin stopped laughing as quickly as he stated. Breaching the atmosphere of the yellow planet the purple ship cruised along the outer atmosphere looking for a place to land.
"Just because something is very dangerous does not mean it must be complex." Cyclonus put out in his matter-of-factly tone.

The ship began going lower and lower skimming gently over glistening amber seas before halting. The ship hovered a short distance away from the sandy shore and about five inches above the water.
"Wait here" Cyclonus ordered as he yanked on some lever related to steering.
With an order to follow Gavin did as he always did.
He disobeyed.
Staying close behind Cyclonus it wasn't that hard to slip through the doors with him. Cyclonus spun to face the shut doors and the grinning human before him.
"I told you to wait"
Cyclonus didn't respond but stared at Gavin with a couple of unreadable emotions flickering through his eyes, he mostly seemed disgruntled.
"You are waiting in the ship"
"You are not coming with me!" Cyclonus almost sounded offended.
"Nah" Gavin chimed again before swerving around the aliens hips and darted towards the perceivable exit. Without a second thought Gavin slammed into the door and slid to the floor groaning.
"Oooh I thought it would open...." he grunted
"Why would it? If anything you're just continually proving why I want you to stay here and why I want to send you off somewhere else quickly!" Cyclonus hissed a low growl in his throat "I'm wasting time!"
"Fine! Let me follow you and if I'm not back on the ship by the time you are, I'm lost gone forever nothing to worry about!" Gavin stood back up shakily
"No, it's stupid"
"I'm all about that" Gavin sounded cocky
"Evidently" was the retort. Granted given his action with the door it was somewhat deserved it still made Gavin swell up with stubborn anger.
"Then I get to watch!"
"I don't have time to argue with you!" Cyclonus snapped before stomping angrily to the door that floored Gavin. It opened for him but Gavin needed to be quick he followed through the door within licking distance of the big guys back, still trying to push him away something small but tough hit Gavin in the upper chest with enough force to make him topple. He went down to visit the floor again. Cyclonus hadn't even turned around to look at him, or notice that he had fallen sideways rather than back through the doors which had now shut.
"God! Agh nnngh... Tit!" Gavin grunted angrily before looking up at Cyclonus. He hadn't looked at him too carefully from the back "What did you hit me with?" Skimming down the armored back which still did not bother to look at him, Gavin spied a small curled tail with a segmented frill at the end, a little bit like a lobsters tail. "You whacked me with your tail? That things... so small" Gavin trailed off.
Cyclonus still ignored him focusing entirely on what he needed to do. He disregarded Gavin who had hopped up to take place next to him as he hit a control panel near the door. Something that looked like an radio antennae popped up before static rang out.
Quietly something that sounded like a pig grunting into a spinning fan thrummed out. Gavin cocked his head and looked at Cyclonus. Cyclonus seemed to be lost in thought before he shuffled on the spot. His soft un-armoured neck seemed to push out at the front as he imitated the noise right back to whoever was on the opposite end of this call. It was most definitely a call as once again the same choppy pig-grunts happened but they were shorter this time. Cyclonus stood up and almost walked into Gavin, instead he stopped and glared at the small human before walking around him.
"Hey I'm spectating" Gavin shrugged at him while trotting alongside.
The door, which was more a folded up ramp very similar to what you tended to see in sci-fi movies unfurled stopping when it was submerged in the water they hovered above.
Still paying no heed to his new 'assistant' for the time being Cyclonus took three long strides before he stepped straight into the water.
Gavin leapt off the side of the ramp.
Then regretted it.
The 'water' was waist height to Cyclonus, but just reached Gavin's shoulders.
A little panicked Gavin flailed as he made an awkward run through the tinted water to shore. Cyclonus was already out and moving along the coastline.
"You're lucky that didn't strip you of your outer layers" Cyclonus spat angrily. Gavin shrugged back with a 'ah, well' undeterred by his utter dislike of being accompanied.
What if that water had stripped off his 'outer layers' though?
Gavin got the feeling that 'awesome' wasn't what he was meant to think about that but he did.
The hot sunshine glaring down on the pale sands had dried the two off very quickly and Gavin was thankful he didn't put his jumper on today. Cyclonus rose up quickly as he powered up a sand dune before lying down just before the top.
Gavin was far less graceful as he tried to scale the dune, he resembled a seal. He sidled up to Cyclonus near the top
"Sun bathing?" He side glanced at the purple being.
"No" He whispered "I stand out too much against the sand, I cannot risk being seen just yet"
Gavin was thinking of something to say but slowly noticed that there were 'voices' coming from the other side of the dune.
"Are they the people were after?" Gavin whispered.
"They're the people I'm after" Cyclonus corrected
"Dude whatever, at least I'm pale enough to look over the top, I'm Scottish!" Gavin nearly laughed those words out before covering as much hair with both hands as possible.
It was true, he was a rather pale person, environment, genetics and lifestyle to blame for that. Regardless he squirmed on his belly up the remaining dune, hot sands reminding the gently healing electric-burn on his front to tingle painfully.
Looking over the top he got a glimpse of the types of cities on this planet. The buildings looked to be a mash of many different sizes of cubes held together by string. All the buildings seemed to be built so that they formed a kind of 'roof' for the streets below.
The one building closest had two beings outside a entrance.
They looked like obese bearded dragons with orange scales, stubby fingers and tiny eyes, each one was wearing a pale yellow tunic and had some kind of weapon holstered in a belt that, from this distance, looked like a rope.
Gavin wiggled back a few inches
"There's two fat dudes with weapons guarding a door, they're pretty obvious, not much of a secret hideout for people who supposedly have such a deadly weapon. I mean shouldn't they be wearing fucking... biohazard suits or something?" Gavin murmured away. Cyclonus rose to his knees while Gavin spoke, he was going to have to barge in there regardless of the weapons. Gavin stopped speaking when he realized he wasn't being told to shut up nor was an answer being given.
"Dude it looks like they have guns..." Gavin stated a little louder than he should have.
"No time remember" Cyclonus growled before he became the owner of a face full of sand. Cyclonus coughed and spluttered as the sand went everywhere but the noise was drowned out by Gavin who had leapt over the dune yelling
This was why Cyclonus worked alone.
Blithering idiot.
The moron was running off and getting itself in harms way while all you wanted to do for it was help! Maybe you should have tossed it out the air lock.

Gavin flailed and waved his arms about as he ran and jumped in circles before the two guards, close up it was easy to see that both of them matched Cyclonus in height. The aliens looked at each other confused, one took a step towards you making a guttural croaking noise
"NAH MATE" Gavin 'croaked' back.
The alien looked back at it's buddy while gesturing at the human. It took a few steps forwards too. They flicked their hands at Gavin trying to get him away from them neither of them seemed particularly eager to follow you.
Not taking no for an answer Gavin leapt forwards and slapped the protruding gut of the one closest to it, it groaned angrily before actually taking a swipe at you with the butt of its weapon. Having found the good stuff Gavin jumped and punched the other in the gut. It didn't react a lot to being punched but it got their tempers up.
Both had their weapons out and began following you.
Well, sort of, Gavin now had to think of a plan to deal with his pursuers while Cyclonus did... Cyclonus things. Gavin charged down the street, the overhanging buildings making the surrounding streets dark and gloomy, yet the cover seemed to trap heat making all the streets hotter than on the outer rims of the city. That was not too pleasant, the hot air felt thin in Gavin's lungs as he ran down the smallest street he could see, it was with heavy breathing that he realized the city was built to have only straight roads with squares of buildings between them. No chance of losing the gaining thugs, who, much to Gavin's annoyance did not seem to be losing breath at all.
"Oh fuck off" he wheezed as they gained on him.
The buildings were made of metal Gavin managed to note when something hit the corner of the building he stood near and caused a few sparks to fly off. Seemed one of them finally remembered they had weapons. Which was now bad given Gavin had nowhere easy to run. Wheezing once more Gavin heaved himself down the side street and pulled a massive U-turn. Maybe Cyclonus had got their leader already and these jackasses would stop chasing him. Maybe.
Sparing a glance back both large lizards were still following him but they seemed reluctant to actually raise their weapons again.
Fucking good Gavin coughed as he got back to the cooler area in which the first building resided. Diving into the now-open door Gavin proceeded to cram himself into the smallest spot he could see and pulled up something to cover the spot with. It hurt but both guards grumbled past him, their heavy footsteps getting quieter as they distanced themselves from him.
Once the footsteps had vanished Gavin tossed his cover and gasped loudly as his tangled body collapsed out onto the floor.
Screw hot climates.
The inside of the buildings didn't leave much in the way of hiding. They seemed to be comprised of a single room per-cube with the end segment being a set of stairs that went up or down with a flat bit in the middle for a door into the next room.
Tossing brilliant.
Gavin flapped his arms in a sort-of-shrug and stumbled to the stairway before gently sliding down to the lower level. Only because it should be cooler there.
A cross-hatch door barred entry to the lower levels. Offering up another shrug this one merely had a sign on it with alien symbols on, which didn't matter Gavin couldn't read them and the door seemed a damn sight weaker than the rest of this place. Offering up his booted foot Gavin kicked as hard as possible only for the door to violently swing backwards and make an awful noise as it slammed into the wall.
"Fuck" Gavin grabbed the handle as if steadying it would in anyway make the noise it just made quieter. Not exactly holding on Gavin still walked through the door frame and shut the door behind him hoping it'd look untouched. Still not holding on Gavin didn't want to wait for any curious lizards to come look for him and took off down the corridor.
Underneath the building it was a cool grey all over and much cooler in temperature too, almost too cool as Gavin shivered.
Either way he fulfilled his self-appointed job as a distraction and thought it best to find Cyclonus. If he was fighting someone there should be some noise to follow or at least you'd hope so, for all you know Cyclonus may have just swooped in and snapped the fuckers neck and be dealing with the 'chemicals' these guys had.
Now that you think about it the place seemed deserted above ground, no law enforcers, not that you'd want to see them, no people about either. They really must have got people in a panic over this alleged weapon of theirs. The lower levels seemed more maze-like than the upper floors but still followed the 90-degree angle pattern.
Shoving a door in Gavin started wandering about the place, maybe if he encountered someone something would happen, whether said something was useful or not was yet to be seen.

This room was wide and was spotless it also contained two wooden crates, just wide enough to slip through the door and roughly up to the bottom of his chest.
With not much else to do Gavin's brain yelled a word at him. That word was 'jackpot'. There had to be something useful in these crates. Or at least that's what he told himself he'd say if he was caught opening them as he was now. The wood was soft and easily broke around the shoddy metal nails around the rims, a loud pop and a few splinters later the lid was dropped at the side of the box.
Peering in Gavin threw back his head and roared with laughter.
It was filled to the brim with Oranges.
Leaning over and sniffing Gavin could tell they were actual Oranges, grown on Earth with all their citrus-y goodness, judging from the smell the other box had oranges in too. How brilliant. Gavin pulled himself up to the edge of the crate and plucked one from the top.
Felt like an Orange too.
He peeled it's skin. Looked like one too.
After those two minor secondary checks Gavin was completely satisfied at the authenticity of these Oranges and without care to his clothing stuffed the juicy fruit into his mouth and bit in. Screw wasting time plucking out the slices getting chased by fat lizards had left him hungry.
Tasted like Oranges too.
This wasn't so bad, just sit about eating until something happened.
Approximately another 2 messily eaten Oranges later (Dang he was hungry after running in this atmosphere) something crashed outside. The half-eaten fourth Orange spat out some juice as Gavin gripped it tighter. Something heavy slammed to the floor and something let out a deep rumbling croak only to be cut short by a nasty shrill hiss. The wall buckled in and Gavin started wondering if he should hide behind the crates when the door buckled in and shattered.
Another one of the rounded lizard-ine inhabitants of this planet slapped heavily onto the floor it's form covered in bruises that came up radish-red on it's scales and pink blood oozing from scratches and puncture wounds. That being said the thing also had Cyclonus pinned under it's impressive girth, one of his arms was pinned beneath his body, the other in his combatants hand thin cracks spider-webbing across Cyclonus's forearm as the big guy's stubby fingers dug deeper into the limb.
Cyclonus tried kicking at the reptile but the weary foe used it's weight to it's advantage to prevent Cyclonus from freeing his other un-damaged arm, Cyclonus proceeded to make the shrill hissing noise and Gavin groaned the awful hissing made him want to grow a shell and then withdraw into it.
The groan caught the reptiles attention as it used its other hand to grasp Cyclonus by the throat before turning its swollen head to look at Gavin.

It's tiny eyes bugged to the point where they almost looked normal. It made a gasping grunt as it pulled it's head back making rolls of fat ring around it's head. It's arms left Cyclonus as the cumbersome creature squawked and grunted as it wobbled to it's stubby feet, clearly one of it's legs had at least been broken, it grunted and groaned in a similar way to the 'voice' Gavin had heard on the ship only much faster. Despite the injured leg the being managed to roll out of the room quicker than the guards that chased Gavin it's sharp loud grunts echoed throughout the building.
"What was all that about?" Gavin cocked his head after the fleeing alien while, seeing as it was now safe, taking another bite of the Orange he had. Cyclonus did not move from the floor for a few seconds and when he did, he too was shaky, he bore some dents along his shell and many scratches but none as deep as the shattered effect on his forearm. While breathing heavily Cyclonus produced a veritable death glare towards Gavin before aiming a more confused 'death glare' at the Oranges.
"You're eating them" He stated "You're eating an alien fruit."
"No I'm not, these are Oranges man! Earth fruit!" Gavin laughed "What was that guy's problem anyway? I swear he looked like he shat himself!"
Cyclonus looked further confused but looked straight at Gavin.
"You're eating the chemical weapon." he explained.
"That's why she ran off screaming about a small devil"
"Wait... Really? She... She? No, I mean she really ran off calling me a devil?" Gavin could hear his own voice increase in pitch as he spoke "Honestly?"
Cyclonus stared at him blankly.
"You're eating a deadly chemical... You're eating something that when ingested dissolves internal organs..."
"Yeah but only if you got Yuti... Yuti... bycycle? In you. Honestly you've been on Earth, you're talking a Earth-language! Why do you seem so confused at an Earth fruit!?"
"I only 'learned' enough to get by on my mission and enough of the local language to pass for human if I was forced to talk"
"Damn dude" Gavin laughed again shaking his head while finishing off the fourth Orange "So Oranges dissolve this Uti-stuff in these people and kill them?"
"Pretty much"
Gavin laughed harder.

Above ground the entire building was empty, everyone within had left and given themselves over all apparently terrified of the 'mystery demon' who could 'eat anything and would surely move onto them next' in the basement. Cyclonus made Gavin stay in said basement as he went up top and dealt with the authorities, Gavin was glad to keep out of their way.
When Cyclonus came back he had placed his cracked arm in a sling and brought along a hovering trolley-type thing long enough for all three crates
"Whoa did that girl break your arm?" Gavin hopped off the crate, while left alone he'd replaced the lid, four Oranges were enough. Cyclonus ignored his question as he used the thin floating trolley base to slide under the crates pushing both of them onto it
"I'm taking these... fruit off the planet to dispose of them" He disregarded the question from Gavin and continued with his train of thought.
"Or you could keep one of the boxes around for me to eat? After all what better for an Earth man to eat than Earth fruit?"
Cyclonus shot a glare at him, there was just no pleasing this guy. He didn't even bark out 'come along' as he pushed the crates away with his good arm.

Up top Cyclonus had brought the ship closer and Gavin took a few moments to actually look at what he'd been flying around in. It was purple with something that looked a little like a spike at the front, the 'wings' also seemed to be pointing forwards rather than backwards as they did on Earth ships. The 'windows' were orange-tinted and near the nose of the craft it looked like it had a couple of lilac plates.
If anything it looked like Cyclonus as a alien-jet-ship.

The crates went up the ramp and were dropped alongside other boxes and crates in a small loading area within the ship. Cyclonus returned the trolley to the planet before closing the doors. Gavin sat in the ships control room on the not-pilots chair.
At least he had no chance of getting Scurvy now.
Though he'd probably die if he tried to ingest that many Oranges.
Gavin's mind inevitably wandered off to 'how many could I eat before I either vomited or passed out? Or died?'
A quiet but low growl crossed with a purr told Gavin to stop thinking so dumb and pay some form of attention. Cyclonus wandered into the main room, he moved slower than he previously did, now aware of it's presence Gavin had to stifle a grin when he saw the small tail. It was small and so... non-aggressive, it didn't quite match the sharp, horned crab-man it belonged to.
Silently Cyclonus activated the Autopilot and let the ship take off by itself.
"Did you really get your arm broken?" Gavin tried to ask. Cyclonus responded with a tired clack-type noise. Then there was an actual clack-noise as his good arm pulled out a box, flicking the lid off there was a disk with a handle inside.
Gavin didn't move from the chair but tried to peer at the alien device a little closer, it was in vain as Cyclonus chose to turn away from him and reach under the pilots chair where he retrieved a box with a red cross on it.
"You guys use that symbol for medical stuff too?" No answer.
Cyclonus barely opened the lid as he pulled out a smaller, flatter but long box. The small box in one hand he thumbed the lid open.
Then unfurled parts of his shell on the front, two small limbs had remained unnoticed. They were just below his chest and had been pressed tightly against the body, two digits clinging onto the edge of a chest-plate keeping them securely out of the way.
"Dude..." Gavin stared wide-eyed at the small things that had so successfully been kept out of view. Then again he didn't even notice that Cyclonus had a tail, that wasn't exactly hidden.
One of these 'mini-arms' slipped into the small box and withdrew something in it's tiny digits, a tiny thing that resembled a camera card on Earth but had tiny writing on it. The card was quickly placed into the disk-with-a-handle
"What are you going to do with that?" Gavin asked now fighting to remain on the chair as he leant so far outwards to view it, Cyclonus glanced at him from the corner of his eyes before putting the boxes away and using his free hand to untie the sling. The disk-with-a-handle was grasped firmly in his fine big-hand and the damaged arm was slowly extended outwards and turned gently, Cyclonus pressed the disk onto the small patch of unarmored flesh around his elbow before pressing the single button on the device. It let out a small hiss before a slightly more energetic Cyclonus put the disk-with-a-handle away again and sat down in the pilots chair.
"Irrelevant" He stated "I've dealt with it"
"You dealt with a broken arm?" Gavin raised a eyebrow skeptically, as if he had dealt with it.
"Yes" He huffed in response, though the arm in question was still being held very limply.
"Oh. Well I didn't know you had mini-arms!" He chirped. Cyclonus sniffed harshly before curling them up against himself again. To anyone who had not seen him before would assume them to be very odd lumpy plates on his front. "What?" Gavin sat back down properly in his own seat.
The place returned to silence once again. Cyclonus seemed fond of that.
"Did you get paid for that?" Gavin leaned over the chair's arm "Was it 'a job'?"
"Ugh" Cyclonus's entire body heaved with a sigh "Yes I received exchangeable credits for my service. Not that they needed it, there were nothing but uncoordinated thugs, got hold of a deadly item and thought they could rule the world. Utter morons! They didn't even have a way of using those chemicals!" His sentence trailed off into snappy irritation.
"Okaaay, but I helped you get it sooo does that mean I could stay as an accomplice?" Gavin put on a 'sweet' voice.
"No" came back flatter than a hedgehog on a motorway.
"Damn" Gavin swore "Still taking me to some place to get sold then?"
"I don't sell sentient people even if their actions lead me to question that sentience" Cyclonus gently turned his head to make sure his disdainful glare could be seen
"Oh wow I help and that's all you have to say?" Gavin huffed in return
"Hm how do I put this in Earth terms?" Cyclonus seemed to think
"Put what?" Gavin grunted wondering how snarky-a-response he was going to get
"Fuck off" came back instantly.
"Oh wow! Was that part of part of what you needed to pass by as 'human'?" Gavin bristled
"No, I got that from you. Fitting no?" His lips curled into a snide grin.
"You will get dropped off on somewhat familiar territory-"
"Shut up, but as of now you are a secondary priority, I need to find the moron who thought it was a good idea to sell those... 'Oraynges' to that Uturian gang first"
"Uturi? Wait so only now I get to know the name of that planet?"
"Why should It matter? You weren't meant to be there!" Cyclonus silenced him
"Besides how do you know who sold it to them?" Gavin snapped.
"The greasiest con I know most likely" Cyclonus growled under his breath, the low pitches his voice could go to made that sentence barely audible.
"Nice! Get to meet some more aliens! Maybe this time I can get to punch one too!" Gavin beamed.
"Then if you can hold yourself to that I might manage to bring you along, just to see you punch a particular 'Con in his slimy face" Cyclonus's quills rose in agitation and underlying anger at whoever he was planning to meet.
"Yes!" Gavin cheered.
Gavin didn't care who it was, clearly they pissed Cyclonus off more than he did and that meant a free trip to somewhere in the Galaxy.
"You still have blue round your mouth"
"Damn it!"
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