Categories > Original > Drama > Yoshiko Akazaki

Chapter 1

by I_AM_IYAH 0 reviews

Yoshiko learned at a young age that her parents went through a lot to be able to have a child of their own. Now, moving to a new town and continuing her first year in a new high school, Yoshiko is ...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2015-12-06 - Updated: 2016-01-14 - 1121 words

Yoshiko Akazaki

Language Course

January 1st, 2032



The most important thing in my life is my parents. Not only because they brought me into this world or raised me the best they could to help me be a good person but what they went through to have a future together and make it possible for me to be part of it.

My father, not meeting his father and losing his mother at the age of two, was raised by his grandparents. Being raised by older ones, he wasn't able to experience life like a normal growing boy would have. He was taught to be overly cautious. If something didn't look safe or someone didn't seem trustworthy, it was best to stay away. He was always stuck at home, constantly repeating his daily life over and over again. His grandparents drilled school and education into his head in hopes of him attending a university and gaining a promising career. He grew up being serious and somewhat strict, still living the life he was used to.

My mother on the other hand was raised surrounded by family. Always trying and doing new things. Having fun and going on adventures. Her parents taught her that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes but that doesn't mean to give up on them. my mother grew up being a kind and loving person.

They first met through friends and talked to each other throughout a year but as they became busy with their personal lives, they started talking less and less. Two years passed and they would keep in touch every now and then but not like before. One day though, my father decided he wanted to be close friends with my mother again. The two of them started talking daily again and my father finally worked up the courage to ask my mother out on a date. After that they started dating regularly.

My moms family felt that my dad was too strict and my dads grandparents thought my mother was wild and unpredictable. Both sides tried convincing their loved one that the other was not a good match for them. My parents didn't focus on each others differences though, he knew he loved her and she knew she loved him and they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. Little did they know that love alone wouldn't be able to solve the trials of marriage that laid before them.

My father got a better job as an accountant assistant and my mother got her first job as a waitress at a restaurant. They were able to pay for their whole wedding on their own. They got married December 5th of 2014. After their marriage, my mother was able to quit her job and become a house wife. Cleaning and cooking, she didn't mind. She enjoyed doing those kinds of things. My fathers job was terminated after he had been there for a year, for no reason against him. The company just needed to make some cuts.

My mother, wanting to be a mother, recalled that one of her doctors mentioned to her that since she didn't have a regular menstrual cycle, her chances of getting pregnant were near to impossible. Regardless of that fact, she still took birth control pills. The good thing about the pills was it made her cycle come regularly every month like it was supposed to, the downside was she became very depressed. Crying almost every night, had a hard time getting out of bed and putting on a fake smile throughout the day. My father didn't like seeing her going through that so they decided that it was best for her to stop taking them. She would hear about others going through the same thing but they ended up conceiving. My parents were not preventing having a baby, but still had no success. My mother, gave herself little hope of becoming a mother, and it became more real to her as months past and still nothing.

Just because they loved each other that didn't mean life was easy. They quickly learned one of the most crucial facts of having a life long mate. No longer was it just about yourself, but there was another person in the picture. Someone else with their own ideas, opinions and objections. Even if they went against or differed from yours, and you actually have to listen and take into consideration their thoughts and feelings. It was not an easy thing to always remember but my parents worked on that every day.

After my father was let go, a friend of theirs helped him get another accountant assistant job. Since it was 5 hours away, they had to move away from their family. My mother also got a job working at a day care. That job gave her a baby fix for the time being. Being away from family though, made my mother very sad. My father tried making her feel better by doing more stuff with her that she would do with her family. My mother was grateful for everything my father did for her but they both knew it wasn't the same. He decided it would be best to move back and that was what they did. He was able to obtain a job as an actual accountant with all the experience he had and they were able to move into their own place. My mother again was a house wife, which made her very happy. She was able to see family whenever she wanted.

One day my mother started feeling sick. They had a pregnancy scare but the negative pregnancy test silenced their hopes. She visited a doctor who confirmed again without a regular cycle, she couldn't get pregnant. But unlike the other doctors, she wanted to figure out why she wasn't menstruating, and figure out a way to fix it. They did a series of blood test and found the problem. My mothers thyroid gland was messed up, which in fact can cause a number of problems. After finishing her supply of medication, and a few more doctors visits, everything was back on track. A couple months passed after seeing the doctor the last time and every month her cycle started on the dot until one month it stopped.

March 20th, 2016. My grandmother waited outside the door when she heard my mother shout with excitement. My mother busted out of the bathroom skipping around the room shouting, "It's positive!", over and over again. That's when I came into the picture. I was born on their second year anniversary, December 5th, 2016. Thank you mom and dad for not giving up on each other and not giving up on me.
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