Categories > Original > Fantasy > Forever Cupid

Chapter 8

by aberdeenqueen22 0 reviews

this chapter takes place 250 year after the last

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Fantasy - Published: 2015-12-27 - 2842 words

Forever Cupid
Chapter 8

Welcome back everyone! I know that I said the next chapter wouldn’t be finished until after New Year’s but I finished early and am ahead of schedule so I just couldn’t wait. I’ve got an exciting chapter for you and a recap may be needed because this chapter may not make sense if you don’t know what happened exactly in the last ones. On another important note, this chapter takes place 250 years after the last, and another reminder that RotG did in fact happen in this fic, so the movie happened within this 250yr time gap, and this fic works around it and everything that happened in the movie is relevant to this fic. Enjoy!

“Hide hide hide!” Sophie giggled insanely. Jack smirked as he watched the little girl tug her brother over to a hiding spot. He turned around and faced a large tree in front of him. He wasn’t supposed to peak so he leaned against the trunk and began to count “One. Two. Three…” Sophie loved this game and Jamie’s mom insisted he bring her to the park with his friends so, here they were.
“…Twenty. Twenty one. Twenty two…” he continued to count to fifty, just long enough for the kids to hide, that was, if Sophie wasn’t giggling the entire time. “…Forty eight. Forty nine. Fifty! Hope you all found a decent hiding place! Jamie I’m talking about you…” He trailed off.
What was that? He wondered. A soft voiced seemed to be drifting on the wind. “….jack….” There it was again! It was a soft voice that whispered his name. The voice, which sounded oddly familiar, seemed to call to him, want to draw him in.
“Hey…” he began but the word hardly left his mouth. He cleared his throat and this time louder “Hey guys! I have to go!”
“Aww” could be heard from various areas in the park as children emerge from their hiding spots. “Jack? What’s wrong?” Jamie tugged on Jacks sleeve and looked up to him with sad eyes. Jack on the other hand starred off into the tree line that led off into the forest from the park. Where the voice still seemed to call his name “…jack…jack…” it whispered.
“I- I don’t really know,” Jack answered quietly. He looked to Jamie and the others and the disappointment that he had to go “But hey,” Jack smiled, “It’s not like I won’t come back,” Jamie smiled at this “guess I’ll see you when you come back?” it was more of a statement then a question but Jack answered “Guess so,”
He then turned and with a small hop his body went soaring towards the tree line of the forest, where the voice had been calling.

It hadn’t been a minute before Jack noticed the day grow dramatically darker and colder. It being mid-winter it was of course inherently cold, but this was a bone chilling temperature, none of which was Jacks doing.
“…jack…jack…jack…” he assumed he was getting closer to the end of his search because the voice was getting louder and faster as he neared a small clearing. He landed in this clearing and as soon as his feet touched the ground the whispering, along with all noise, stopped. The scene was dead silent except for the faint whistling of the wind.
It was eerie and sent a shiver running through Jacks spine. Something about this just didn’t feel right.
Instantly after the thought occurred, something fast and seek came shooting out of the forest towards him, he cried out as he narrowly dogged whatever it was. He hit the ground and a pain shot up through his wrist. He groaned slightly at the pain but was interrupted by a hallow laugh.
It echoed through the forest and seemed to come from every direction, lurking in the shadows. This reminded him solely of Pitch, but it couldn’t be him. It wasn’t that long ago that he and the guardians had sent him back to lurk in the shadows where he belonged, not only that but this voice, this laugh, was feminine.
It wasn’t a smooth and mysterious laugh like Pitch, but this laugh was more of a chortle, with snorts here and there, it was a playful and challenging laugh that Jack knew all too well, except the one he was hearing right now seemed hallow and fake, like how a sad or angry person would force a laugh.
Jack couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It couldn’t be her, could it? It had been 250 years with no sign of her. He had searched the globe three times over before he admitted defeat, and now hear was her laugh, teasing him, making his heart feel weak.
“M- Merida…?” the name left his mouth quietly and uneasy due to his dry and chocked up throat. The laughing suddenly stopped. “You know it’s a funny thing,” Jack whipped his head around to meet the source of the sudden voice. Pitch.
Jack scowled and Pitch smirked. He stood near the tree line with his hands behind his back, posture straight, looking as regale as he could. He continued but began to walk, slowly circling the clearing “I actually think it’s hilarious, that after all this time,” he stopped as he reached a pale birch tree. Jack noticed that something was caught in its trunk, he remembered the object that came shooting towards him when he first landed. Whatever it was, it was stuck in the tree trunk now.
Pitch looked Jack I the eye, still smirking “After all this time, that you remember her,” Jacks scowl turned into a sad and somewhat shocked expression with wide eyes and a subtle frown. How could he ever forget? Pitch started up again “Well thought I should let you know she still talks about you,” a spark lit up in Jack at hearing that “All the time in fact,”
“About how you never came for her,” That spark diminished “No…” he mouthed the word. “About how you never really tried to look for her,”
“No” this time Jack said it louder “Oh and my favorite,” Pitch said “how she’d rather sit there in the darkness then be forced to ever see you again” he spat the words at Jack.
“NO!” Jack retaliated and whipped his staff in Pitch’s direction, but by that time he had already sunk back into the shadows. “She hate’s you Jack,” Pitch’s voice echoed “better get used to it,” A small object was then tossed at Jack he caught it and turned it around in his hand to better observe it.
He gasped. It was a small wooden doll of her, much like one that north had made for him, except this doll had jet black curls. Her skin was grey and her once smiling face was now a frown. Her eyes were closed and her brow furrowed to show she was angry and sad all at the same time. In her hands she held a black heart that was broken and seemed to be slipping from her finger, not actually slipping, but more like she was letting go.
Jack looked up from the doll towards the object in the tree. He jumped slightly and let the wind carry him over. He furrowed his brow as his heart thumped rapidly in his chest. Lodged in the trunk was an arrow. It was exactly like her arrows, but this one had a black tip and black ruffled feathers. But the only thing that caught Jacks eye were the word carved into the arrow:
miss me?

“Jack, this is more serious than I thought,” North said as he eyed the doll. It had been known among the guardians that Cupid was captured by Pitch, and all of them had searched the globe several times in hopes to find her but when nothing had arisen in the first century, and the Man in Moon had said nothing on the subject, the guardians had tried to let it go, but not Jack. Never Jack.
“I ‘ope you have a good reas’n for call’n me ‘ere, mate” Bunny hopped out of one of his holes that closed up and left a flower lodged in the floor boards. “Bunny! Always a pleasure,” North shouted. Bunny looked unimpressed until he eyed Jack “Oh no, what did the frost bite do this time?”
“I’m standing right here you know,” Jack complained but was further ignored. North let out a sigh and tossed the doll over to Bunny who caught it and turned it over in his hands. He squinted to get a better look. He suddenly gasped and dropped the doll. His ears went down and fear filled his eyes.
Jack drifted over and picked up the doll angrily “What’s gotten into you!?” he brushed of the doll with care “Why in the moons name is Cupid being brought up!?” Bunny yelled angrily and at the same time nervously. North and Sandy exchanged glances before they eyed the two suspiciously “You two need to calm yourselves-” North was cut off by Bunny “No North, I don’t know about you but I’m having a hard time understanding why after 250 Years that Cupid is back!”
“I don’t think it’s as simple as that,” Jack said. The two looked to him curiously “Jack, what do you mean?” North asked. Jack pulled out the arrow and handed it to North who inspected it and read the words aloud.
Suddenly Tooth came bursting into the room with an entourage of fairies. Baby tooth came zooming up to Jack and began to hug his neck and chirp loudly “Yeah, yeah, I missed you too” Baby tooth saw the sad in his eyes and frowned.
Tooth observed the grim faces of the four standing before her “What’s wrong? What did I miss?” Jack turned to her and passed the doll. She squinted as she turned the doll around in her hands. She was obviously confused. “What is this?” Tooth asked. “Cupid is back,” North answered. Tooth looked shocked “Cupid!? But it’s been years!” Sandy gave her a knowing look.
Suddenly a bright beam came bursting into the room, the five guardians looked to see the moon. North spoke first “Manny,” the beam shone on the floor and an image of Pitch was portrayed. “But that doesn’t make sense,” Tooth began “We just defeated Pitch, how can he retaliate so quickly?” The beam changed from Pitch to an image of Merida. Jack had to choke back a sob, but was sure Sandy had seen him.
The image of Merida shrunk and a bird’s cage formed around her. The image continued to shrink until the cage was small enough to fit in Pitch’s palms. It showed him then crush the caged in his hands and Jack couldn’t manage to hold back a yelp.
Before the beam could portray any more, the image flickered and began to disperse. The five looked up to the sky and large storm clouds concealed the moon. A cold wind began to swirl through the pole and the lights flickered, threatening to go out “Jack!” North shouted “It’s not me!” Jack yelled back.
And almost as suddenly as it had started, the wind stopped, but that was not all, standing atop the globe was Pitch, smiling down to the guardians. “Miss me?” He asked. “Pitch” Bunny grinded his teeth. He reached for the boomerang on his back and just before he threw it, something came shooting towards him and nocked the boomerang out of his hand.
He gasped and shook his hand at the pain. Jack turned to see what exactly had knock the ‘rang from his hand and found that Sandy had beat him to it. He bent over and picked up an arrow with a black head and feathers. Sandy looked up to Jack and they exchanged nervous glances.
Pitch scoffed “What? You’d think I’d come alone in this state?” he laughed “You really are stupider than I thought,”
“Well after you all cleared out my shadows and nightmares I realized I’d have to bring in a different asset, on I thought that I wouldn’t need for quite some time” Suddenly a loud whoosh could be heard and a flock of lack feathers was seen. ‘It’ was in fact a person who circled the globe once before landing beside Pitch.
Jack heard Tooth let out a sharp gasp and watched bunny’s ears bend back as he said her name “Cupid…” Her face remained deadpan and seemed to be staring at something in the distance that wasn’t actually there. Her hair was jet black along with her wings, her skin held a grey complexion, but the one key detail that Jack could not ignore were her eyes. Her once sky blue eyes that were full of life and Jack had grown to know were now a piercing yet dull purple.
“Merida…” he mouthed her name and jumped to let the wind carry him up to the globe. He landed on top of it and began to walk over to her cautiously. Pitch watched but didn’t protest. Merida still starred aimlessly into the distance. Jack was almost to her. He took one more step and within seconds Merida had grabbed and arrow, drew it back and pointed it at Jack. He leapt back a ways and looked confused. Pitch snickered “You’ll find that she isn’t the same girl as you all once knew, isn’t that right my little bird?” She didn’t answer. Instead her eyes remained glued intensely on Jack. She still held her bow drawn firmly, her body and features unmoving, her expression still deadpan.
His heart was racing at seeing her like this, but this couldn’t be it “Merida!” he shouted her name “Merida I know your still in there listen to me!”
“She can’t hear you Jack,” Pitch smiled “Merida is gone now,”
“No! I don’t believe you!” he yelled at Pitch. He turned back to Merida then took a step closer “Merida listen to me,” He took another step and she drew her bow further but he didn’t take a step back “Whatever Pitch has done to you, whatever he’s said,” he took another step “it’s a lie,”
“You need to come back Merida, I know you can,” another step “You need to fight this,” another step. Jack was not two feet away now. Pitch grew slightly anxious. “Shoot him,” he ordered, but she remained unmoving still looking intently at Jack.
“You need to come back Merida,” Jack said as he took another cautious step “Come back to me,” He took a finale step and his chest was now pressed against the arrow head “Shoot him” Pitch ordered, firmer this time. Jack reached out a hand and placed it on Merida’s cheek. It was cold to the touch, even for him. “Come back to me,” he said a finale time.
“Shoot him!” Pitch yelled the order now “Jack…” she said softly. “Ugh!” Pitch grunted and heaved a large blast of shadow towards Jack which hit him in the chest and sent him tumbling back. The guardians watched Cupid sink into the shadows and Pitch turned to them ‘I think I’ve boasted my trophy enough for today, and I think the bird needs a rest,”
“Ahh!” Jack bolted, staff at the ready, to attack Pitch who in turn, sunk into the shadows, just as Merida had. A faint laugh could be heard echoing through the pole before it vanished, along with the dark clouds that once hid the moon. Jack still stood on the globe and had to lean against his staff for support, whatever was in that blast had taken the energy from Jack and to make a counter attack had drained him entirely.
He feel to his knees and although the blast sent his body acing nothing hurt more than his throbbing heart. But he knew here was still hope, and with that thought he fell against the surface of the globe, his vision and mind being clouded by unconsciousness.

There’s another chapter for you all and this literally took me ALL day. I hope you enjoyed. Hope you all had a great Christmas and I also hope you’re all excited for the new chapter that will come out sometime next week. On another note, if you have any questions or suggestion feel free to ask, I am open to your opinions and I really want to make sure that I’m getting the romance across clearly, if not, make me aware and I’ll be sure to get things fixed up. Thanks again for reading, your support is appreciated.
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