Categories > Cartoons > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles > Forever and Always: A TMNT Drabble Fic

Chapter 17

by Flyer16 0 reviews

Sometimes, you need a little crazy to calm you down.

Category: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2015-12-27 - 914 words


Hi everyone.

This is Alissa, Fay’s (Flyer16) younger sister. She may have told you about her boyfriend Tom dying in a car wreck a few months ago. Well, a few days after Thanksgiving, we found her sleeping in her room and tried to wake her up, but she wouldn’t respond. My mom found an empty bottle of pain meds under Fay’s bed and called 911. She was in the ICU and on life support for a little under a week before she died.

This Christmas has been really hard without her because there were a lot of things that Fay did that were tradition. I know that she wouldn’t want us to be upset, but I can’t help but feel like the world is slowly falling to hell.

Anyway, I had to get into Fay’s laptop to get some pictures for her funeral and ran across her TMNT fanfiction. I, myself, am a huge fan of TMNT and often helped her with writing and getting through writer’s block and stuff. She left some notes and ideas for future chapters, so I’d like to give writing a shot. It won’t be the same, I know, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading her work and would hate for it to go unfinished. Any and all constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you guys so much for being so patient and sorry about the wait. One more thing, I’ll be Fay’s author name while I’m writing. Just FYI. Thanks again and enjoy the rest of the fanfic. 


I love mean people. They just make me so happy.
--No one ever


“Carrie, don’t you think you’re over-reacting?” April asked timidly. An encyclopedia flew through the air right at her head. She ducked, narrowly avoiding the heavy missile. “I mean… just a little?”


A crash from the bathroom made April sigh. “You’re paying for that.”


“I’m sure he didn’t mean it like that.” April tried to keep Carrie from trashing the entire apartment. She’d have hell to pay if Casey came home to a scorched crater.


April turned to the window where Raph had half his hulking frame inside.

“What’s goin’ on?” he asked, wary of stepping into the apartment completely. An almighty screech sounded from across the room.

“Oh… Carrie’s coworker asked her if she needed help on a project.” April said as if it was perfectly normal to lose it over being offered assistance. “And she didn’t really appreciate it...”

“Ya don’t say.” Raph said with a scowl. He stepped into the apartment and shut the window behind him. “She know I was heading over?”

April bit her lip. “I was going to tell her when she got here, but she seemed to have had other plans…”

“Great.” Raph muttered under his breath. “Wait till she sees me.”

No sooner were the words spoken than Carrie stormed out of the master bedroom and into the living room in a tizzy.

“I will KILL him!” she hollered. Then she caught sight of Raph. A malicious grin split her face as she cackled. “Perfect. Someone I can torture.”

Raph involuntarily gulped. Faster than he could say “Hi.” Carrie swung her arm out in an attempt to punch his nose. It took almost all of his ninja training to dodge and retaliate.

“Whoa!” he grunted and took on a defensive stance. “Calm down, Blondie.”

“Don’t you DARE tell me to calm down.” she snarled, punctuating each word with some sort of sloppy punch. Then she aimed for his gut. He grabbed her wrist and used her momentum to twist her around so her back was facing him. Then he managed to snare her other wrist and hold her to his plastron with her arms crossed in front of her.

“Never go into a fight halfcocked.” He said in her ear. “You’ll never end up with enough fire power like that.”

“Raph!” April looked like she was about to scold him or something. He ignored her.

“So, you gonna tell me what’s got your panties in a tangle? Or do I gotta beat it outta you?”

Carrie made a sound that resembled Leo when he was fed up with Mikey’s farting around. “Get your grimy paws off me, you lug.”

Raph tightened his grip on her. “Not yet.” he said with a smirk. “I heard you say the word ‘torture’ earlier.”

Carrie squirmed, trying to wrestle her arms free from Raph’s iron-like grip. “I’m not telling you shit.” She said.

Raph’s smirk turned into an evil grin as he said, “Suit yourself.” And before he could even think about what he was doing, he blew in her ear.

Carrie yelped, April’s eye brows disappeared into her hair, and Raph wanted to crash through the floor and die.

By the time Carrie went home that night, Raph looked like he had done just that.


Merry Christmas everybody! I hope you liked reading that stuff cuz I sure as heck had fun writing it.

Updates might be a little slow… not really sure since I have yet to fit writing into my busy, high school schedule (cue the ridiculous laughing).

Like I said before, any and all constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated.

This is Flyer16. Over and out.
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