Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Wrong Kind Of Attention

Chapter 29

by youngandreckless 1 review

chapter 29

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-17 - Updated: 2006-08-17 - 369 words

Chapter 29

Stacey's POV

"Pete!" I yelled.
"What?" He leaned out of the bathroom.
"They gotta go," I mumbled.
"We are yours for the night, no getting rid of us," Dirty came running out of the bathroom, snatching Bell from me.
"Mohawk time," Charlie laughed.
"No! dont you dare! PETE!!"
"Guys put her down," he mumbled walking out of the bathroom.
"Im not staying here with them," I turned around grabbing Bell as Dirty handed her to me.
"Where you gonna go?"
"To Laura and Joe's, Im not gonna let them torture Bell,"
"No come on dont go, they'll calm down, right guys?"
"Uh yeah," Charlie and Dirty looked up nodding.

Laura's POV

I buried my head into Joe's chest, screaming. "That wasnt scary," he laughed.
"To you maybe," I looked up at him.
"Nothings gonna get you, its just a movie, and if something tries I'll protect you," He kissed my head, pulling me as close as I could get to him. I jumped as the phone rang, "Its just the phone," he laughed getting up to answer it, "They drove you up the wall yet?" he handed me the phone, pressing play again, "Go in the room and talk," he mumbled to me.
"You want me to walk down that dark hallway, to sit in a room by myself?" I looked at him. he nodded, "Will you go turn on the lights for me?" I asked.
"Are you serious?"

Stacey's POV

I listened to Laura ask Joe to go turn on the lights for her. He must have got up and did it, cause she finally talked to me. "What's happening?" she asked.
"They are tearing the apartment apart and Charlie tried to give Bell a mohawk," I petted Bell, as she lay on the bed with me.
"Aww poor you," Ilaughed as I heard her yell, then cuss at Joe for scarying her, "I think I might just rather be at your place then here,"
"Okay you come here I'll go there,"
"I dont wanna drive in the dark,"
"Then why mention it?" I asked.
"I dont know," She mumbled.
"What are you breaking??" I yelled hearing things drop and break.
"Nothing!" I heard Pete yell.
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