Categories > Original > Romance > Tiptoe Higher (a Harry Styles Fan Fiction)

Chapter Two: We Get Lost and We Get Found

by alotlikediana 0 reviews

Harry Styles and Micah become well known with each other

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Published: 2016-02-01 - 4450 words - Complete


Chapter Two: We Get Lost and We Get Found

One Year and Two Months Later...

Maybe it was the pressure. Maybe it was the sudden fame gained by nothing other than a friendship. Maybe it was the acceptance into the supposed "Girlfriend Club"which was the one thing she most definitely was not. Maybe it was the fact that she had wanted to be. Maybe it was because she'd fallen in love with him. Maybe it was because she fell in love with her best friend. Maybe it was because her best friend didn't seem to feel the same, ever. Maybe it was because when she was upset she was brought ice cream and sappy movies by her best friend. Maybe it was the constant media coverage behind he and hers friendship. She didn't know. She was just aware of the fluttering and flopping that went on in her stomach whenever she was with Gabriel. Maybe it was the new guy. Maybe it was Harry. Maybe it was the new guy she loved. Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't.

Harry on the other hand had started off with bold intentions in the beginning of their friendship. He saw an attractive girl gawking at him and he threw the bate. He'd caught her for sure. What he thought would never happen was that she would change him. She would change him into the person he always thought he should be; the person he believed he was meant to be, but lacked confidence enough to be it. She caught him rather he caught her. Then he let her slip out of his grasp and leave him. Leave him for him.

He sat in front of the vanity awaiting the call to his photo shoot in L.A. twiddling his thumbs and biting his lip to hold back the tears. "Why are you so god damn stupid?" he thought to himself.

"It's just isn't meant to be," he'd whispered to himself.

"She's like a sunburn. She scarred and left you alone to bask in your regrets of being so fucking foolish. You are a fool."

"She's my best friend. She hasn't left me."


"She won't."

"Do you think he'll shut himself up from her? Keep his feelings aside for his best friend? The girl who makes him happy? Keep secrets from the girl who brought out the real him?"

"Shut up."

"/No. He won't. Know why? He has the balls/."

"NO. SHUT THE FUCK UP. PLEASE! PLEASE SHUT UP!" he screamed aloud to himself before crumbling over and crying


"Mr. Styles?" said the concerned voice.

Shuffle of feet.

"Harry. Harry what's going on?"

Deep breathes.

"Harry please sit up and look at me. God, you're ruining your makeup!"

"I need Liam."

"No, you need to let me fix your makeup!"

"I need /Liam/!"

Shuffle of feet. He sat up and looked at himself in the mirror. Who was he? His eyes and lips were puffy and rosy. His hands were shaking. His throat felt like it was closing in on him. His chest though. His chest felt like someone had softly dug a numb hole into the middle of it. It felt like the echoes of his heart's beats were bouncing off of a hollow cavity. It felt deprived. He felt deprived of his happiness.

Shuffle of feet.

"Hey buddy what's wrong?" asked Liam.

Harry looked behind him in the mirror and nearly broke down again. "I don't know, Liam."

"You don't know what?"

"I don't know if...I can do this."

"Do what? The photo shoot? Don't worry about it man I'm sure Si-"

"I don't know if I can be in the band."

"-mon will reschedule a...wah...wah...What?"

"The band; I don't know if I can do it anymore."

"What are you talking about Harry?"

To be honest Harry didn't really know what he was saying either. He was caught up in the moment and following his heart instead of his conscience, which was screaming to be heard but with no response. "Liam...I have to go." That's the one thing he knew he was sure of.

"Go where Haz? Where're you gonna go?"

"You'll see." He stood up and grabbed his back pack and clothes he'd arrived in and headed to the door.

"What about us?"

"What about you?"

"You're really gonna be so selfish as to leave your band mates, your best friends, behind?"

"I'm sorry."

"What'll we do without you Harry?"

At those last words Harry bit his lip and forced himself to keep walking. He couldn't face telling the other boys about his ejection from their band. He chose Liam because he was the most level headed and could tell the others without chaos breaking loose and misunderstandings. He avoided the other boys and left the studio through a back exit near the main offices. From there he called a taxi to take him to the hotel where he could receive his luggage and then take him to the airport.

At the airport he proceeded to stare at the flight option board and think home or her? He chose one. Now or never. Forever or never. Never or later. He chose one. He chose her. Sitting on the plane in coach with a hood and sunglasses he cried silently. He cried for himself. He cried for her. He cried because in the end he would either end up alone or end up with the love. He cried softly and silently and thought about the night they met.

"And now we are inches away but we are miles apart, so I'll dream of the day and how we felt at the start. But dreams don't come easy these days, and the colors, they fade into grays."- Artist vs. Poet

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