Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Why all the teasing ?

girl talk and guy talk

by book-worm 4 reviews

Theresa gets Atlanta to tell her what happened that night while the guys do the same with Archie

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-08-22 - Updated: 2006-08-22 - 374 words

After everyone had stopped laughing (it took a very long time) Theresa grabbed

Atlanta's wrist and dragged her to her room. Atlanta tensed up. She already knew

what was coming.

"Okay," said Theresa sitting on her unmade-bed, "So what did happen last


Atlanta sat down beside her,and took a deep breath


Meanwhile downstairs...

"Okay Archie so what did happen," asked Herry

"Yeah, give us all the dirty details." said Neil

" Uh Neil,there are none," Achie said.

" Oh," Neil muttered slightly disappointed.

" It's okay Archie," said Jay, "Just start from the beginning."

"Okay," said Archie and he took a deep breath.


" I woke up to find my stomach growling..." said Atlanta...

" couldn't go back to sleep so i went downstairs" said Archie...

" went to the kitchen and there was..." said atlanta

" atlanta coming in to get a snack..." -archie

" he told me he couldn't sleep either..." -atlanta

" so I asked her if she wanted to watch tv with me..." -archie

" I said sure so we went into the living room..." -atlanta

" watched some tv, i kinda fell asleep..." -archie

" then I fell asleep beside him..." -atlanta

" then without realizing it I put my arm around her..." -archie

" so I put my arm around him..." -atlanta

" I have know idea how we got so..." -archie

" close, but after that I fell asleep" -atlanta

"So that's it?" asked Theresa after Atlanta finished her story.

"Uh, yeah that's it. I mean it's not like Archie and I are in love or anything"

Theresa raised an eyebrow. Atlanta knew that look. Too well in fact.

" Oh come Theresa, not this again!"

" Admit it Atlanta, you like Archie!"

" Yeah as a friend!"

" So why were you smiling?"

Atlanta said nothing.

" Why didn't you move his arm when he started to cuddle with you?"

" I was have asleep, I wasn't thinking right!"

" You didn't have to cuddle with him but you did. I think your heart knows

you like him faster than your mind."

Atlanta scoffed, "your starting to sound like Persephone."

" You I'm right Atlanta." said Theresa. And with that she got up and left

the room.

Atlanta didn't move. What if Theresa was right? What if she was falling in love... with Archie.

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