Categories > Original > Drama > Cloud Chaser

Chapter 5

by mailn 0 reviews

How many times do I have to tell you, THERE IS NO SUMMARY!

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2016-03-19 - Updated: 2016-03-19 - 556 words

Garroth's P.O.V.

When the 'you're late' bell rang, the teacher walked into the room. He has short brown hair and green eyes, and not to mention the wide smile creeping up his lips.
"Hello, class'" he semi-shouted, his voice seeming to echo around the whole room. "I am Mr. Roarve, and I will be you history teacher!"
"Well I mean that's kind of obvious since I'm the only teacher here," he muttered to himself, but I'm sure everyone was still able to hear, even the kids in the back.
"So," Mr. Roarve began. "I'm pretty sure that you all got to play one of those get to know eachother games, right?"
Everyone nodded, and someone even shouted out, "Please don't make us do it again!"
Mr. Roarve laughed. "I hate those games as much as you guys do, ya know? Well, we won't be doing another one of those, but I'm going to tell you all a little bit about myself. I was born in Reno, Nevada, and I really like mythical creatures and video games."
"Ok, since I've introduced myself, I must tell you something you all won't like," said Mr. Roarve. "Even though it's the first day of school, you all have a history project to do."
Everyone groaned, but Mr. Roarve laughed.
"Don't worry!" he said. "You get to work in partners." As soon as he said partners, people started edging closer to people, most likely to work with them.
"But," Mr. Roarve said. "Names will be pulled out of a hat!" With that, everyone groaned.
"Ok, I have a hat here with everyone's name in it," Mr. Roarve explained. He then drew out two names. "Ok, first pair, Reynaldo and Walter." The two who were most likely Reynaldo and Walter high-fived as Mr. Roarve drew out two names. "Abbigail and Faith." He drew two more names out. "Ashton and Fabian." Agan, he drew out two more names. "Garroth and Carrie."
'Oh no,' I thought. 'The popular girl, noooot good.'
Mr. Roarve drew out another two names. "Thomas and Leilani." Thomas then stomped his foot down and crossed his arms, as if he would rather be with Carrie.
Then Mr. Roarve drew out another two names. "Jasmine and Hunter." Then he drew out the last two names. "Malachai and Kailyn. Ok, get with your partners and look at the assignment on the board, and start working. Also, figure out plans to go over to one of you houses since you won't have much time to work on it at school."
I turned to Carrie. "Hi," I said to her.
"Hey," she replied.
"So what ancient civilization do you want to do?" I asked, looking at the board. There were the Maya, the Aztec, the Inca, the Ancient Egyptians, and a few other civilizations I couldn't pick out what they were.
"The Ancient Egyptians?" she asked me.
"Sure, I'm good with that," I replied.
"Want to come over to my house today after to school to work on our project?" Carrie asked me.
"Sure," I replied. "It's not like we have any time to work on it now." When I said that, the bell rang.
"Well, I'll see ya," Carrie said, dashing out the door of the classroom.
"Bye," I called back to her, walking out the door as well.
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