Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Dark Water

The Awakening

by panda_1418 5 reviews


Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Published: 2006-08-23 - Updated: 2006-08-24 - 878 words

You guys are lucky. I finally thought of something. Listening to music can do that for you.

Al watched as Scarlett gracefully dived out of the helicopter. When she hit the water, he kicked the ladder over the edge. He prayed it was not too late for Delilah and Julius. Al had tried calling them, but all he got was static.





These were all things Delilah needed. She opened her eyes in the salt water, regardless of the sting. She had to see Julius again before she died. He was still holding her hand. Was he alive, even?

She gave his hand a squeeze. A few seconds later, he squeezed back. Good, he was still with her. He squeezed again. Delilah returned it. It turned into a game, squeezing back and forth.

Actually, it was more to check if the other was still ... they knew what it would mean when the squeezes stopped. Julius tightened his grip. Delilah knew why; she was feeling it too. Her lungs were ready to implode if she didn't get air soon.

The squeezes slowed until they were only moving their fingers. They were dying. They'd never see the Academy again.

Delilah closed her eyes. At least she wouldn't give up the ghost alone. Julius would be right there with her. Forever. Always.


Scarlett cut a hole with her underwater laser through the top of the research station. She hauled the two oxygen tanks in to the station. A scream caught in her throat. There were Delilah and Julius, floating in the water. They looked so ...

... Lifeless.

Scarlett placed the oxygen masks over their mouths, praying she wasn't too late ...


Delilah tried to open her eyes, but all she could see was a bright light. Anyway, she was too weak to. She felt Julius' hand in hers. They were still together, even in death.

All of a sudden, he squeezed her hand. She tried to tighten her grip, but couldn't. She heard his voice.

"I know you're there, De," He sounded so sad. "Come back to us. You can't die ..."

She wasn't dead? But how ...? Alive ...

"Come on, De," Julius whispered. She felt his tears splatter her cheeks. "I only had you for a few minutes in the station. Don't leave me alone ... please ..."

Why couldn't she wake up? Oh how she wanted to, so desperately she did! But she was just too weak ...


Delilah had no idea how much time had passed. Had it been hours? Days? Months? Years? All she knew was that Julius hadn't let go of her hand.

Not once.

God, what if he was starving himself? If it had been days and he hadn't left her side ... No, he was probably eating with his other hand. Surely he wouldn't refuse to eat just because of her?

She knew deep down he would. She would, too.

Unwittingly, a moan escaped her lips. She didn't want Julius to die because of her!


His voice sounded so hopeful. Had he heard her moan?

"Delilah, come on, wake up!"

Julius was squeezing her hand like mad now. A few minutes (was it minutes?) later, he stopped. He was losing hope. So was she. She was just too weak to do anything.


To Delilah, it felt like it had been years that she had been lying there. Was she in a hospital? In the Academy? She had no way of telling. Again, the only thing she knew was that Julius hadn't left her side.

He cried more often now. She felt terrible. Of only she could tell him that she was there ... she could hear him ... just one chance ...

"Delilah, I love you," he whispered, and pressed on her hand again.

Then the terrible happened. She felt him taking his hand away. He was leaving her! No! Combining all her strength into one movement, Delilah tightened her grip on his fingertips.


The motion had somehow made her stronger. As he slid his hand into hers again, she pressed harder. Julius' voice was overcome with emotion.

"You're there!"


Ever since she had moved, Delilah had been struggling to open her eyes. She was there; she just couldn't do it ... Why?

But ever since she had squeezed his hand, Julius had sat by her side. His grip on her was tighter than ever. She knew that he didn't want to let go. She didn't either.

All of a sudden, Delilah felt a wave of strength surge through her. Before it could pass, she seized the chance.

She opened her eyes.


At first, everything was blurry and bright. But slowly, it came into focus. Delilah saw Julius sitting in his seat beside her bed. Tears were in his eyes. He wasn't looking at her. He didn't know she was awake.

Delilah felt stronger than ever for some reason. She opened her mouth. Her voice surprised her. It was horse and weak and barely above a whisper.

"Julius ..."

He turned to face her, his eyes shining with hope. Their eyes met, and then their lips.

Their whole terrible ordeal was finally over.


Thank goodness for the song "Broken World" or I might never have thought of this! Hopefully I'll have some sweet ideas when I get back from Hornby. Later, ppls.

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