Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Back To The Beginning

Chapter 11

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 11

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-24 - Updated: 2006-08-24 - 629 words

Chapter 11

Stacey's POV

"STACEY!" Ana yelled back as I jumped next to her.
"Wha everyone here for?" I asked.
"We still trying to figure that out," Lizy looked up from her cell phone. I looked seeing Laura walk out of her bedroom a bunch of stuff in hand. She looked to me smiling, she placed the stuff on the table, then opened the door. Charlie, Dirty and Pete walked in.
"You got the stuff?" Dirty asked Laura. She nodded picking Alla up walking over and sitting next to Joe, "Let the game begin," Dirty laughed, picking Bell up.
"Mohawk time," Charlie laughed. I jumped up.
"No way, give her to me,"
"We miss the blue Bell, just come sit down," Pete grabbed my hand pulling me to sit. I gasped as they started with the clippers.
"You guys are terrible, Laura what if they were doing this to Alla," I looked at her.
"I'd kick their ass, that's why she's right here," She nodded at me.
"One down one to go," Dirty turned laughing.
"That wasnt part of the deal," Laura shook her head.
"We dont make deals," Charlie turned, as he opened the dye mixing it.
"Tell them no," Laura looked at Joe.
"Here Dirty," Laura's mouth dropped open as Joe took Alla handing her to Dirty.
"This isnt fair, how did Alla get brought into this, it was just suppose to be Bell," Laura pouted.
"Its not suppose to be fair," I laughed.
"You're really gonna let them do that to her?" Laura looked at Joe. He nodded, smiling.

Pete's POV

"Where's Mirah?" Stacey asked everyone had started to run outside, Stacey wanted to walk instead of run so I walked with her.
"I dont know, she's around, I dont keep track of her," I shrugged.
"Why not?" she asked.
"No need to,"
"Oh," she mumbled as we reached the bottom step, we got shot with water guns.
"Where's mine??" I yelled blocking the water.
"Here," Laura handed Stacey and me one, then turning and yelling at Joe. I turned wasting no time pumping the gun, shotting Stacey with water. She yelled shooting me back.

Joe's POV

It was a full on water gun fight, we didnt know who was winning we didnt care, the only thing that matter was soaking the hell out of each other. I turned around after bumping into Stacey. She smiled shooting me with water. I backed away shooting her back, when I got far enough away from her, I stopped looking around. Stacey was being attacked by Pete and Andy, while Andy was being attacked by Jordan. Ana and Lizy attacked Patrick and Dirty. And Laura shot at Charlie as he hit her with water. Anyone that would have walked up here, could never guess that all of us had just been through hell and back. Or that for the last two years of our lives everything was upside down. This right here is how it was suppose to be. The way it was meant to be. It made everything fit into the perfect category. I was brought back to reality being soaked with a bucket of water. "Thanks!" I yelled at Stacey.
"You looked spaced out, thought i'd bring you back to the game," she laughed.
"Yeah thanks," I nodded.

Laura's POV

I grabbed the water hose spraying Pete with it, laughing. "Laura!" he yelled walking to me, "Give that to me!" he yelled trying to take the hose from me. Before I knew it, I was being picked up and the hose got take away. I looked up seeing Charlie.
"Put me down!" I yelled putting my hands up as Pete turned the water hose on me. my feet touched the ground, I turned pushing Charlie away from me.
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