Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Dead Rising

Chapter 17

by Spyash2 0 reviews

With the final elemental staff in hand, the group of zombie killers discuss their next move only to end up a few years in the past.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2016-06-08 - 9150 words - Complete

Dead Rising

Chapter 17

Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, Samantha, Fu and Naruto are all looking at the tactical map. It is looking down at a specific nation in the Elemental Nations. One that has surprisingly fended off the walking dead with a large degree of success because of the terrain and climate.

“'The Land Of Iron'.” Dempsey looked at Naruto from the corner of his eye. “Any particular reason you want to head there, kiddo?”

Naruto has a deep analytical look in his eye as he stares at the tactical map. “I...don't know, to be honest.” The spiky blonde narrowed his eyes lightly. “There's something about that place. But I can't put my finger on it.”

“The Land of Iron is said to have samurai in it.” Fu spoke up; her words has caught everyone’s interest. Especially Takeo who is a samurai; he is very interested in knowing about this worlds samurai's and would compare them to the ones from his realm. “They have never gotten involved with any dispute of the ninjas; they always stayed neutral. Rumour has it their military is so strong that the ninjas make it a rule to not meddle with their land.”

Dempsey whistled clearly impressed. “Damn. They must be complete badasses if they managed to put the fear into thousands of people capable of doing things that throw logic out of the window.”

Thanks to him no longer drinking Nikolai is able to study the snowy country with a clear mind. “...What are the chances of Group 935 making one of their facilities there?”

Everyone looked at the Russian.

“Vhat do you mean?” Questioned Samantha.

“If the samurai there are able to frighten off ninjas, it would make a good place for Group 935 to set up.”

“If that's the case then no one would know one of their facilities is there. Ever.” Dempsey picked up what Nikolai is saying.

If Group 935 does have a facility built in the Land of Iron then the frozen climate will protect them from the zombies. Or at least weaken them enough for the scientists to take care of the bodies. No one would notice...

“With the dead walking about that country is going to be on high alert. And with them being on high alert means us getting inside unnoticed is going to be difficult.” The American said; he frowned, thinking, then turned to face Naruto. “Since all six of us going together is going to be risky, who do you want to go with you?”

Naruto looks at Dempsey with surprise. As did everyone else.

“Wha- what? You're asking me?”

Dempsey nodded and said. “Yeah. It's your world. And since I'm kind of the de-facto leader of this rag-tag group of ours, I'm gonna leave the choice to you. I'm not asking you to make a life changing decision here kiddo. At best this is going to be a scouting mission. You're gonna survey the area and then back out. If there is a facility here, then all of us will teleport in to take it out.”

Naruto is silent; pondering as he looks at his companions one by one. He stopped at one of them for a moment and nodded to himself. He made his choice.

“I choose-”


Alone by themselves in the endless white void stood Naruto. Beside him is Samantha in her awakened state. He chose her because Samantha would be of more help to him than everyone else. If there is any zombies in the vicinity she would be able to detect them.

Everyone else took it rather well and despite being a little disappointed at not going with him, they are happy to be sitting it out since they've been fighting without taking a rest for what felt like in a long, long time.

But since Samantha isn't going to be here no one is going to be able to use the life-sized tactical map in order to track their progress.

Naruto turned to Samantha and patted her on the shoulder. “Alright. Let's get this done.” He told her.

Samantha nod her head in confirmation. “Right!” She closed her glowing yellow eyes and concentrated.

Silently the two blinked out of the void to their destination. But as they did an odd phenomenon occurred. When Samantha used her ability to get them both to the Land of Iron, everyone felt an extra rush of energy interrupt the process. It was too late for Samantha to stop and as a result of this the ethereal between this dimension and Naruto's world began to twist and turn on itself before fading away.

The good news: they still went to their location with Dempsey and the others watching them from within their otherworldly base.

The bad news: They are no longer in the same time zone.


The Land Of Iron.

Kage Summit.

It is the second year since the disappearance of Naruto Uzumaki. With the dead threatening the lives of every human being in the Elemental Nations, the Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato has called for a Kage Summit in the snowy landscapes of Iron Country to discuss the rapidly growing threat of the walking dead.

The meeting room is a large room with a large circular table taking it up. Sitting in their respective places are the Kage's of the Five Major Nations. Along with the Kage of Otogakure Orochimaru himself who is there because he has obtained important information in regards to the walking dead.

The five Kage are Fourth Raikage A from The Land Of Lightning. Third Tsuchikage Onoki from The Land Of Stone. Fifth Mizukage Mei Terumi of The Land Of Water. Fifth Kazikage Gaara of The Land Of Wind. And finally, the Fifth Hokage Tsunade Senju of The Land Of Fire.

Watching over the meeting as a neutral party is the Land Of Irons own Samurai General Mifune.

Each Kage in the room has their best bodyguards with them in the case they are attacked by the undead.

Gaara has his brother and sister, Temari and Kankuro as his bodyguard.

Onoki has his granddaughter and son, Kurotsuchi and Kitsuchi as his bodyguards.

Mei has Chojuro and Ao as hers.

Ay has Killer Bee and Darui.

Tsunade has Jiraiya and Kakashi.

Orochimaru has Sasuke.

“Now that we are all here let us get this meeting under way.” Mifune began. He turned to address Tsunade since she is the one who called for the summit in the first place. “Fifth Hokage Tsunade Senju of Konohagakure no Sato, as you were the one who called for the summit you shall start us off.”

The buxom blonde nodded and leaned on the table, interlacing her fingers together as he eyes briefly glanced at the other leaders in the room. “Yes. With the threat of the walking dead looming over our heads, I believe it is time for us to set aside our differences and work together.”

“Why should we?” Onoki spat scathingly as he glared at Tsunade with hate in his wrinkled eyes.

Tsunade merely stared the elderly man down in a calming manner and said, “Because, Onoki, ninja and civilian alike are being turned by the thousands with every passing week. Already much of the landscape in various countries both major and minor is becoming barren and devoid of life. And a lot of minor Hidden Villages within said countries are already beyond saving. And with the dead now being able to adapt to our methods of fighting it's only a matter of time before we're picked off one by one.”

“I am in agreement with Lady Fifth.” Said a stoic Gaara. “Already in Sunagakure we are being attacked by the walking dead by the thousands and they're getting stronger and smarter with every encounter. It is only because of the location of my Hidden Village that there has been no real casualties.”

Because Suna is surrounded by sand on all sides Gaara is able to manipulate it with ease. The zombies, despite their immense numbers and the odds heavily stacked against the Suna-nins, have thus far been unsuccessful in breaching the walls. However with these new zombie types rearing their ugly heads that may change.

Mei nodded her head in a thoughtful manner. What the Kazikage and Hokage are saying has merit. Kirigakure no Sato is separated from the mainland and because of that they are hardly ever attacked. But like Tsunade said: it's only a matter of time.

“Say we were to agree with this alliance Lady Hokage, what would it entail exactly?” Mei asked as she wanted to get to the point.

Tsunade leaned back on her chair and said. “Information on the zombies we know of so far. Creating strategies on how to take them down quickly before they adapt. If any one is to encounter a new zombie type they have never seen before, then they inform everyone in the alliance. We do anything we can to defeat this scourge on our land.”

Suddenly they felt it. Everyone in the room snapped their heads in the direction they felt the presence coming from. An energy source, an unfamiliar and alien energy source, had appeared out of nowhere.

It felt wrong. Corrupt. Unnatural.

Then another one registered to their senses, and the Kage's all quickly got up from their seats, with their guards – excluding Sasuke as he didn't care all that much – standing in front of their leaders protectively as the second energy source is in the room with them. Then a small ball of light appeared in the middle of the table that rapidly grew in size. Electricity shot out of the growing orb forcing everyone to try and distance themselves less they get hit.

The orb began to crackle with electricity as it grew; and the more it grew the louder the noise became. They had to close their eyes and ears when the orb glowed brightly once it became human sized. The noise had made everyone in the room cover their ears as it became too much for them to handle.

Then the orb pulsed as it expanded outwards only for the power to disperse moments before it reached the occupants.

Naruto grunted softly as his feet met solid ground. He held the side of his head with a wince. That teleportation is different from the rest. What ever that phenomenon was, it affected his friends teleportation.

The spike blonde took stock in his equipment. His M-16 assault rifle is slung over his shoulder. His Colt. Python is its holster on the right side of his waist. He felt his large pouch on the other side of his waist; his monkey bombs are still there. And he still has the Staff of Wind too. He has everything.

As the light and electricity faded away the spiky blonde quickly took in his surroundings and is surprised to find himself in a room full of people; a lot of whom he does not recognise. However there is a couple of people he does know.

Jiraiya, his past mentor, the last time he saw him was nearly a day or so ago in the Land Of Hot Water because of the time difference in the separated dimensional plane.

The next is Kurotsuchi. Odd. He saw her not to long ago. And she's more clean and fresh than he remembered her being.

The last is Sasuke. Naruto glared at the duck haired boy with hate in his eyes as he recalled a past event in his already fractured memory.


The boy had an entire hand shoved through the lung of his younger self.

“Not bad.” Naruto growled darkly at the indifferent, yet somehow cocky tone in the dark haired boy's voice. “You redirected the trajectory of my arm at the last second and instead punctured your lung instead of your heart.” He slowly, cruelly, withdrew his blood covered hand from the boy's chest and smirked with cruel amusement at the pained scream he drew from his foe. “However, with your lung destroyed you will probably bleed out in the next minute or so. You were never able to defeat me, Naruto. You're a failure and you always will be.”


Lips thinning in distaste as the memory came to the forefront of his mind, Naruto debated wither or not on shooting the little fucker in the head and save himself the headache. But as much as he detested the thought of leaving the fucker alive after what he did to him in the past he allowed the Uchiha to live.

Besides. If the asshole decides to attack him for no god-damned reason then he'll just put a bullet in his knee. He surveyed his surroundings and carefully took in the appearance of everyone he does not know in the room. Mentally cataloguing them into his memory.

Everyone opened their eyes and found Naruto on the table. Everyone displayed different ranges of emotion when upon seeing him.

Confusion. Anger. Surprise. Astonishment. Disbelief.

Anger coming from Onoki, Kitsuchi as he looks strikingly similar to a certain spiky blonde Hokage that killed a large number of their forces during the last Shinobi War.

Confusion came from Mei, Chojuro and Ao as they do not know who the intruder is. But that does not mean they're not wary of him.

Astonishment, surprise and disbelief is from Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Tsunade, Jiraiya and Kakashi. They were there when it was declared Naruto was killed in action during the retrieval mission. Kakashi even saw a lot of blood being washed away by the heavy rain at the Valley of the End.

Raikage A is glaring at Naruto with suspicion in his eyes. Darui is surprised. Killer B while cool with his sudden appearance is on edge.

Surprise came from Orochimaru as he had learnt Naruto had been killed by Sasuke through 'word of mouth' in Konoha. Sasuke on the other hand is glaring at Naruto in disbelief and anger at his return.

Looking at everyone again Naruto decides to mess with them a little. “The hell 'you all are looking at?” His brow arches when he saw a few of the people in the room stare at him with a gaping mouth. “What? You never seen a guy teleporting into a random room before?”

“NARUTO!?” Naruto blinked and turned to the person who yelled. He found Sasuke glaring at him; his eyes in his matured Sharingan.

Naruto crossed his arms and tilt his head at the revenge obsessed brooder. “Who the hell are you?” He notices the look Sasuke is giving him. “Wait. Hmm. You look angry about something. Did something happen that pissed you off? Or are you normally this angry, duck butt?” He arched a brow when Sasuke had to be restrained by Orochimaru, who is looking at him with his face more drained than normal.

It seems the Snake Sannin noticed there is something off about him.


The spiky blonde turned to face the one who spoke and found Gaara looking at him with wide eyes. His older brother and sister are staring at him with disbelief. They looked as if they had seen a ghost.

Uncrossing his arms Naruto furrowed his brow and leaned forward a little. “...Do I know you?”

Just then everyone in the room heard an ethereal voice speak.

“Naruto! Are you there comrade? Can you hear my voice?” The man spoke in a very thick accent that is foreign to everyone in the room. Only Naruto is able to recognise it.

Everyone then heard someone else speak, and he too spoke in an thick accent.

“I don't think the kid can hear us, Nikolai.”

Naruto peered up at the ceiling and said. “Actually, I can hear you. And I'm fine if you're wondering.”

Everyone could hear many relieved sighs from the other plane of existence. “Thank god for that. When that energy surge interfered with Sam's teleportation we were worried something bad had happened to you.”

“Technically something bad did happen.” Nikolai said pointedly.

“Nikolai, I don't think this can count as a bad thing.”

“This Russian thinks it is! It is like Shangri-La all over again!”

Naruto's eyes bulged open in surprise and disbelief. “Whoa whoa whoa, back up a minute there! What are you guys talking about? Did we end up going back in time or something?”

“I think so? The Elemental Nations is looking a whole lot better than I remember it being. Iwa isn't overrun with zombies-”

Dempsey abruptly stopped talking when Onoki screamed out a stress-filled, “WHAT?!?”

This is followed by Kurotsuchi demanding, “What do you mean Iwa got overrun by zombies!?”

“...You're not alone there, are you kiddo?” A pause. “And is that Kurotsuchi?”

“It's not just her that's here.” Naruto replied. “Remember the long, white haired man that approached me in The Land Of Hot Water?”

“The hermit? Jiaiaga...No, err...Jeraiya...bah! Whatever the fuck his name is. What about him?”

“His name is Jiraiya, Dempsey, and he is here too.” Naruto looked around the room again. “Along with a bunch of people I don't know.”

“How many of them are there?”

Naruto looked around the room again. “Counting the ones I mentioned? Around 16, 17? I think there was a meeting going on; well, up until I crashed the party.”

Then a third person spoke. “They are able to hear us.”

“Thank you for stating the obvious, Takeo. Is there anything else you want to point out?” Dempsey rhetorically asked.

“If the hermit is there, then perhaps others from his birthplace are there also.”

“Samurai has point, American.”


Seeing they're about to derail away from the subject Naruto, notwithstanding his grief with Konoha, is quick to bring them back to it.

“Guys! We're getting off track! Can we PLEASE get back to the reason why Samantha and I are here? And speaking of Samantha do any of you know where she is?”

“...She isn't with you?” Dempsey asked.

“No. We got separated.”

“Huh, well that explains why she isn't talking. Damn it. Okay, hang on, I'll see if the others and I can find her and send her your way.”

With that said the room is filled with tense silence that is broken when Jiraiya captured everyone's attention by asking, “So you said you came from the future, eh? Care to share?”

Naruto shrugged and walked to the edge of the table and dropped off it. “Depends on what you want to know and if I feel like telling.”

Naruto looked at Tsunade when she asked, “Was there any progress made in stopping the zombies?”

If he did come from the future as he claimed to be, no matter how far fetched it may be, then this will be a good chance to get some info for later use. After all with his clothes being much different that her remembering what he would always wear, and carrying objects that look similar to a kunai launcher the shinobi from the Land of the Sky use to use, he may be telling the truth about him being from the future.


“N- no?”

“Yeah. No, as in, 'no you did not make any progress in stopping the zombies'. Then again that is entirely your fault.”

Getting angry at the implication the fourth Raikage slammed his fist on to the table; cracking it from the force of his punch. “How can that be our fault?!” He demanded.

Naruto looks completely unfazed at the outburst.

“Well Mr. brawn over brain-” Ay growled at the insult. “-considering no one changed their tactics when it came to fighting the zombies, they easily adapted to your methods. It doesn't help they've been cranking out new zombie types that have their own strengths and weaknesses like its nobody’s business.” Naruto looks at the Raikage's wrist and found a unique looking burn pattern on the skin that travels up to his elbow. It looks like he's been struck by lightning. “And I think you have some first hand experience on that. Let me guess: you fought a new zombie type? One that can use electricity and you thought you could take it on?”

The expression said it all.

Naruto tsked. “Like I said: brawn over brain.”

“Then what do you suggest we do? What other ways are there to fighting the walking dead?” Mei questioned.

Naruto gave the woman a dull stare. “Gee, I don't know, how about... using something other than chakra? You have corporal weapons like swords, katana's, etc. etc. at your disposal. Bloody use them. It's not that hard.”

Looking around, stopping to stare briefly at the Konoha group. Now his grief with Konoha is coming back; not to mention the deserter who ran him through the chest two times with an electric covered fist is in the room too.

He needs to get out of this room; not because a would be murderer is in the room with him; not because a group associated with his birthplace is there; but for the mission. Yeah. Definitely the mission.

...Yeah he's not fooling himself. It's mainly because the Konoha-nin are there.

Naruto sighs. “Well, I'm outta here.”

He turned around and made his way to leave the room. He stopped and looked over his shoulder when he felt someone grab him. Kakashi is the one who did it.

The masked silver haired man looked down at his former student with his patient eye smile, undeterred at the dangerous frown now on Naruto's face.

“Now now, Naruto; there are a lot of people here that have some questions to ask.” Kakashi said.

Naruto frowned harder and yanked his shoulder out of his grasp. Kakashi inwardly frowned in concern at the demeanour the Fourth's son is displaying. He turned and looked up at the man with a suspicious glare.

“Yeah, okay, how about no. I have much more important things to do than to answer a bunch of questions to a group of strangers I don't fucking know.” The blonde rudely replied his grief with Konoha rising. “And secondly just who the flying fuck are you?”

Kakashi looked shocked while everyone else that knows him are appalled at his behaviour. Kakashi is surprised for a whole other reason.

“...You don't remember me?”

Naruto looks at him as if he were stupid. “I told a friend of mine I don't know anyone, excluding two people, that are in this room. I even named them! Of course I don't know you!” He took a deep breath to calm himself down; getting angry won't solve anything.

Everyone turned to the door when it was suddenly thrown open with great force. A teenage girl, with wild and unruly dark hair stormed into the room; her clothes consists dark brown trousers, light purple blouse and a short sleeved jacket, a pair of shin length boots. Her sheathed combat is strapped to her left arm.

Her hair is defying gravity, her skin is as pale as snow and her eyes are glowing. Naruto immediately recognised her and is immediately put at ease. His annoyance resurfaces however when Kakashi grabs him firmly by the shoulder and tried to pull him away.

He pulls away from Kakashi's grip and turns around; finding everyone looking at Samantha. Many of them had looks of fear on their faces; a small few were keeping a levelled head and from what he can see, they are trying to figure out a way do kill her.

Yeah, fat chance of that happening.

Naruto quickly pulls out his Colt python out of its holster, and opens fire at the ceiling as warning shot to stop them from potentially doing something stupid. The ninjas and Samurai instinctively jumped when they heard the loud 'BANG!' echoing through the room.

“What are you doing?!” Mei shouted, looking between Naruto and Samantha with eyed wide in panic. Kakashi looks on with a wide eye as the otherworldly zombified girl makes her way to his wayward student.

They were surprised when the zombified girl stopped beside Naruto and stared at everyone with annoyance. “What were they going to do, Naruto?” She asked, surprising everyone even more with her ability to talk.

Naruto shrugged and holstered his side arm. “I had a gut feeling they were gonna do something suicidal; attacking you for example.”

“Hmm. That IS suicidal.” She looked around the room and stared at Tsunade and Jiraiya with glaring narrowed eyes.

She remembered the warning that had been given to them.


Flashback – chapter 6

Samantha's blank expression was replaced with a threatening scowl as her glowing yellow eyes began to glow even more ominously, along with her hair whipping and coiling itself wildly across her head in a dramatic manner. “If you send anyone after My Naruto when we are in your fucking country, and try to bring him to this fucking place by force, then I will personally kill everyone you send.”

Tsunade narrowed her eyes dangerously at the girl. Previous fear now gone Tsunade leaned on her desk and glared Samantha directly in the eyes. “Was that a threat, little girl?” She demanded fiercely. No one threatens her ninja and gets away with it. “Because if that is a threat, then when I get my hands on you, I will make you choke on it.”

Samantha sneered at the woman. “You? Threatening me?” She scoffed mockingly at the woman, causing her to grit her teeth in irritation at the audacity the girl had. “As if. But to answer your question: no. What I said was not a threat; it was a promise. And as for you getting your hands on me and 'making me choke on it'...” The girl trailed off before she literally walked in and through the desk and out the other side, with Tsunade backing away from her; her eyes not leaving the girl. “Good luck on trying to do that. Not only will My Naruto not stand for that, he will more than likely kill you. He does, after all, despise the place that ignored and neglected him.”


She was jolted out of her memory when Naruto asked her, “Were you filled in on what happened?”

Samantha nodded. “Yes. I have.”

“So what do you think? It is still possible?”

While the teenagers were conversing with one another, Tsunade sensed something off with the girl. She can't feel out the girl with her chakra. Because Samantha doesn't have any coursing through her pathways! The only time when you don't have chakra is when you're dead.

Speaking of chakra pathways she can feel Naruto's; but it's much weaker than she remembers it being. It's as if something is missing. It feels foul too. Corrupt. Like there is something tainting it. Could this taint be affecting his memory and personality in any way?

The question needs to be answered.

Unfortunately an arrogant genin by the name of Sasuke Uchiha, is reading the lips of the talking teens. Picking up what they were saying Sasuke opened his mouth and rudely interrupted their conversation.

“Hn. Figures an idiot like you would need help for the simplest of things, Naruto. Once a loser, always a loser.”

Hearing that Naruto and Samantha stop talking and glare at Sasuke. Hard. It is more effective for Samantha because her eyes are still glowing.

Suddenly Naruto smirks and says in a laid back manner. “Hmm, from what I can remember you're an Uchiha right?” Sasuke is silent on the matter. Naruto's smirk widens and goes for a low blow. “I'll take your silence as a 'yes'. Well, Uchiha, you're one to talk because from what I can remember your clan steals the techniques and hard work from other people. So from an outsiders point of view your entire family line – all of whom are stealer’s - is rather pathetic.”

Now THAT struck a nerve in Sasuke who had to have Orochimaru keep him from lashing out at Naruto.

“Struck a nerve did I?” Naruto rhetorically questioned.

“At least my family aren't a bunch of nobodies who likely gave you away because they didn't want you!”

Tsunade, Kakashi and Jiraiya all of whom use to know Naruto's parents, they go rigid straight at the insult towards' Naruto's deceased parents. Orochimaru resists the urge to palm his face; he knows who the kids parents were, and he knows just how terrifying they were when they were alive.

His perverted team-mate trained the boy's father, and he became the Fourth Hokage, a position that was rightfully his! That brat has NO idea just who he had insulted.

Holding the side of his head Naruto's grin goes disturbingly wide; while he doesn't remember his parents nor care about them, hearing Sasuke insult them still struck a nerve for a reason that is unknown to him.

He felt an instinctual anger well up inside of him. And then something within the depths of his mind surfaces. A memory of his past.

The Uchiha massacre. Everyone, sans Sasuke, was killed by Itachi Uchiha who is also Sasuke's older brother. It all happened in the dead of night with no witnesses to the act. Itachi escaped shortly after and is still on the run.

“Heh heh heh I remember you, Sasuke Uchiha. And speaking of family how're yours?” Naruto quickly raises a finger before Sasuke can reply. “Wait. Something's not right.” He looks Sasuke directly in the eyes and makes a nasty face. “Your entire family is dead, right?” Sasuke eyes grow wide as he growls at Naruto with hate in his eyes.

Naruto continues, nonchalant with the anger Sasuke is displaying. “Yeah. I remember now. All of them were killed. In a single night. By YOUR older brother no less. So much for a family who aren't a 'bunch of nobodies', huh?”

Sasuke lets out an angered scream and tries to lash out at the blonde, only for Orochimaru to restrain him less. Orochimaru can see Tsunade and Jiraiya are practically begging for an excuse to take down Sasuke.

Samantha looked between Naruto and the frothing Sasuke. While she kept herself on guard for Naruto's protection she cannot help but wonder just what her friend is thinking.

Naruto meanwhile partially remembers what happened to him at the Valley of the End. He knows exactly what Sasuke did to him and what happened after. He looks at Sasuke. “Hmm. That expression...that's the expression of someone who really wants to kill me. Like you tried to do at the Valley of the End. What was it that you did again? ...Oh that's right, you broke my neck by drive-piling me into a cliff side. Head first.” Samantha gasps as she looks at her friend, a horrified expression on her face at what he said. “And what happened after that? Oh yeah, I got better. You also shoved an electric covered fist into my chest; twice, mind you. And I'm still alive; face it your attempts at killing me ended in failure.”

Sasuke flared his nostrils at the reminder of his failed attempts at killing the blonde. Samantha in the meantime stares at Sasuke; her face dangerously stoic and devoid of emotion. Said person does not notice however as he is entirely focused on Naruto.

Having enough of the conversation, Naruto brings his attention back to the Kage and inwardly smiled at the shocked and appalled looks some of them they were giving Sasuke.

Orochimaru is the only one there who kept a straight, yet paler than pale face. Mainly because he is looking at his friend beside him.

The Kage's and their shinobi gaze at Naruto when he gives them some parting advice. “If you all want to have the best chance at stopping the zombies from killing everyone in their path, then putting aside your differences and working together for the greater good will be your best shot. Share information; technology; supplies; whatever it is you do in these negotiations you have. Trust me when I say that having a little trust in one another can make one hell of a difference in the long run.”

With that piece said and done Samantha placed her hand on her friends shoulder and teleported both herself and Naruto out of the room before any of them can react.

“...Well...that was certainly interesting...” Said Mei as she, her guards and everyone else in the room slowly went back to take their seats.

“ was interestng.” Orochimaru said; he narrows his eyes. “Was that girl a new breed of zombie?”

“What makes you think that?” Ay asked.

Orochimaru and everyone else in the room gave the muscular Kage a flat stare.

“Her glowing yellow eyes?” Said Gaara, his tone flat.

“Her deathly pale white skin?” Threw in Mei.

“Her lack of chakra?” Added Tsunade.

Ay snorted and leaned against the table. “Just because she has all of that does not mean she is a new breed of zombie. She can think; she can talk; just like any regular person can. None of the walking dead I encountered were able to do those things. And not to mention there are people who can't use chakra.”

“But they have enough chakra in their network to let them live.” Tsunade countered. “That girl has literally no chakra in her.”

Everyone came to the same conclusion. That girl must be a new breed of undead and she allied herself with Konoha supposedly deceased Jinchuuriki. Not to mention said Jinchuuriki's chakra feels corrupt; does not have any memory of the people he befriended except for Jiraiya.

Then there is the disembodied voices who also know the boy and his friend. Tsunade has a feeling something a lot more complicated is going on behind the scenes. And she has a feeling she isn't going to like it.

“So what should we do?” Ay personally wants to send his own ninja to capture the blonde and re-educate him to be loyal to Kumogakure. He would gain another Jinchuuriki and, if his surname is anything to believe, he would also gain an Uzumaki too. Something his father has failed to do.

The only thing stopping him from doing that happens to be Kakashi, Jiraiya and Tsunade. They won't take the brats capture lying down if they had anything to say about it. Plus if that girl with him, the lack of chakra and her overall zombified appearance has set him on edge.

His gut is telling him that if she wanted him dead then there is little he can do to stop it.

“Let Konoha deal with the brat. He's their problem.” Onoki said dismissively.


Naruto and Samantha both reappeared together outdoors. They quickly brought their guns out and surveyed their surroundings. Snow and ice can be seen as far as the eye can see; it's the perfect place to fend off zombies. In the far distance are three mountains taking the shape of a wolf like mouth.

Taking a quick look around Samantha walked off in a seemingly random direction. A slowly shivering Naruto stares at his friend, confused, wondering where she is heading off to. Then he remembers; Samantha in her dubbed 'awakened' form can detect zombies; up to ten miles if he remembers correctly; with that in mind Naruto doesn't hesitate in following her.

“Are you okay Naruto?” Samantha asked all of a sudden; her question had taken Naruto by surprise and he looked at her questioningly.

“I'm fine. Why do you ask?” He questioned.

“I know how you feel in regards to Konoha; how many of the people there treated you in your youth.” She pauses, and bares her teeth with barely restrained anger. “Then you said that odd eyed boy tried to kill you several times.”

Naruto looks at a silently raging Samantha with soft eyes. He puts a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Hey. My personal grief with Konoha aside, I'm completely fine. Nothing's wrong.”

“...If you're sure.” Her tone is low, subdued.

Naruto smiles and makes Samantha look at him. “Well. Let me put this way if Sasuke does comes for me again, then I'll let you have free reign when it comes to dealing with him.” Hearing that Samantha smiles a wide smile, one that is promising a lot of pain to the one who managed to anger her.

With that said Naruto looks up at the sky knowing that Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and Fuu are watching them from their inter-dimensional base of operations. “Tank if you're still listening, can you do me a favour and spy on that meeting? I want a heads up in case they send someone after us.”

“I'm not sure I can kid.” Dempsey replied. “I don't know how to use the map.”

Naruto stops walking, staring at the sky in dumbfoundment. “Wait. Really? Then how did you find out where I was the first time?”

“I never found you actually.” Sheepishly admitted Dempsey. “The tactical map is looking down at the Elemental Nations from a birds-eye view. So because we're technically looking down from so far up none of us can see you. As for how we all found you? There's like a pulsing dot on the map that is showing us where you are.”

“Huh.” Naruto noticed Samantha had stopped and is patiently waiting for him. He ran up to her so he is now by her side once again. “That's convenient. How did you, Takeo and Nikolai get in contact with me the first time then?”

“A small amount of trial and error.”

“Perhaps we can use trial and error again until we find out where location of meeting is kept?” Nikolai suggested.

“Eh. It's worth a shot. I'll talk to you soon kiddo. Hopefully with some good news on our end!”

Naruto nodded and smiled, despite knowing they won't be able to see it. “Okay Tank. See you soon!” Naruto got no reply from the American.

The two teenagers continued on with Samantha leading the way. “Do you sense any zombies around, Sam?”

“Yes. They're nine miles to the East of our location.” She informed.


Naruto continued to follow Samantha's lead to their destination. They're going to have to be careful when they're here. Now that they're in the past, anything they do here can potentially change the future of this world, for better or for worse.


Their presence in the past has caused a small ripple though the time space continuum.

Because of them travelling to the past through mysterious and unknown means, the Elemental Countries will know what the mysterious energy associated with them will feel like.

Dempsey's statement of Iwagakure no Sato being overrun has also affected its fate; it's not much, as the outcome of it being overrun still happened in the future. However when there was 50 survivors the first time there is now 500, with Kurotsuchi still being their leader.

Naruto telling the Kage's their methods of fighting the zombies are becoming obsolete has forced them to readjust their strategy, and they took in his recommendation to use other methods to take them down.




“Do you think you should have told them about the effects of Element 115?”

Naruto looks at his friend incredulously. “And let them capture a zombie so they can experiment on it? No. Besides' what makes you so sure they're not doing it in the future?”

“You already informed Kurotsuchi in the future about the effects of 115 when...That Man experimented on you. What makes you so sure she didn't tell anyone then?” She countered pointedly.

Naruto squints his eyes with suspicion“...How'd you know I told her that?”

“I heard you talking to her while I was busy trying to locate the survivors.” She looks at Naruto from the corner of her eye. “You didn't forget I could hear you all from our base between dimensions did you?”

Naruto shakes his head side to side. “Ah, well, if that's the case then you heard me tell her about the small benefits and the many, many setbacks it has. I'm pretty sure she isn't stupid enough to actually suggest people to experiment on it.”

“You forget the saying: desperate times calls for desperate measures. Even if she didn't, I am pretty sure someone is experimenting on the zombies. Either they're going to try and find a way to stop them in the most effective way possible, or, they're trying to find a way to control them.”

“Didn't your father try to do the same thing? Control the zombies I mean?”

“Yes. And he experimented on live animals. You know how that turned out.” Naruto winced at her flat, emotionless tone.

That's right; her father ended up getting killed in the end. While he didn't die to the zombies, what happened to him was no less cruel.

The betrayal of someone that was close him.

His own subordinates turning against him when he least expected it.

And lastly having his only daughter watching him die in front of her. He didn't see it mind you; he merely heard it over the radios at least two facilities belonging to Group 935: Der Riese and Griffin Station.

“I'm sorry.”

Samantha glances at him and sighs. “Don't worry about it.”

The two continued on to their destination in silence. After an undetermined amount of time, with them dealing with cold blizzards the duo came to a stop at the base of a slope made entirely of snow and ice. Built into the slope itself is a gateway; it looks like something you would see from a medieval castle, but with a closer look Naruto and Samantha are able to see it does not look old. It looks fairly new, as if it had been erected a few decades ago.

With a closer look, etched on the stone wall is an emblem of Group 935, an atom being held onto by a hand. They have found the facility.

“The zombies are in there, underground.” Said Samantha as she took a few steps back to get a better look of the entryway.

Naruto presses his hands against the doors; the material is cold to the touch; he withdraws his hands clenches his fingers before pressing them against the door again and pushes with great force, strengthened by his Juggernog enhancement. It doesn't budge.

He pulls away and back from the gate, panting lightly, and says. “It's frozen shut. We won't be getting in this way. Samantha do you know a way for us to get inside without bringing the zombies attention on us?”

“I can try teleporting?”

Naruto shakes his head. “Nah, too risky. If the energy surge is still around it can mess with your teleporting. You might end up some place else instead of your intended destination.” He pauses momentarily, thinking, he then looks at Samantha. “Speaking of do you know the reason why we ended up getting separated?”

“I believe the power surge that has brought us here interfered with my powers. Instead of having us together in one place we were separated; thankfully it was not through different countries.”

Naruto nods his head and brings his attention back to their current problem. “Dammit, if only we had a flame-thrower then we could melt this ice.”

“Wait, aren't you able to breathe fire or something?”

“I don't think I learned anything like that before I lost my memory.” Naruto informed her as he looks for something to help melt the ice. “I don't know much except for the shadow clones, a basic clone technique, substitution, and a transformation technique.”

“Basic clone? Transformation?”

“Yeah. Think of the basic clone technique as a downgraded version of my shadow clones; they're not solid and are easy to identify, they have no shadow nor do they leave foot tracks.” Naruto tuts when he realises nothing out here will even help them get inside. “The transformation lets me, well, transform into someone or something else.”


“Yeah. I was never good at transforming into another person though. An object on the other hand...” He trails off. “...God dammit.” Naruto looks at Samantha. “Do you have anything that can get us inside?”

She looks at Naruto and then redirects her gaze to the frozen shut door. Naruto's eyes grow wide and instantly gets out of the way when his friend switched to her Ray Gun and opened fire on the gate!

The first and second rays shattered the ice around the doors, sending sharp pieces of ice shrapnel everywhere. The third and fourth rays hit the doors directly and eroded it to the point the locks and foundation is weak enough for someone to kick it open, which Samantha proceeded to demonstrate with a Spartan kick.

Thankfully the howling winds from the blizzard had muffled the noises Samantha kicking open the door would have caused.

“Jeez, a little overkill don't you think?” Said Naruto as he and Samantha made their way inside.

“You asked for a way inside I provided.”

The interior of the gateway is fairly large; it's wide and tall enough to fit a Sherman Firefly side by side. The duo came across a staircase that descends and seeing they're going to be in close quarters Samantha switches back to her MP-40. The splash damage her Ray Gun has will be unsafe in close quarters. She will use it sparingly.

The two shares a look; they then look down the stairway; weapon raised Naruto cautiously heads down first and Samantha follows after him.

“The zombie is directly underneath us and closing in.” Informed Samantha.

“If that's the case then shouldn't Tank and the others be here with us then? We did agree that if there is a Group 935 facility here then everyone will come down to take it out.” Naruto pointed out.

As he said that both teenagers jumped with surprise when they heard Dempsey speak, his tone baring bad news. “Yeah. About that kid, I don't think it's wise for all of us to go down there. The energy surge might still be around and if it is then we can't risk having everyone getting separated.”

“So it's just Samantha and I?” Both Naruto and Samantha share concerned looks. They are not eager to fight in a facility that is filled with zombies by themselves.

“Yeah. Sorry, kid.” Dempsey said apologetically and the teenagers can hear the self-loathing in the marine's voice. “You KNOW I would go down there and help you kick some ass if I had my way. Anyway, the uh, update on that meeting you crashed a while back?”

Naruto and Samantha stop moving down the stairs and gives each other concerned looks. They look up at the ceiling. “Are they coming for us?”

“They were a few hours ago then they stopped because of the blizzard going on.” Dempsey answered. “From what we overheard there wasn't a blizzard earlier on today. It seems like one came out of nowhere after you and Samantha appeared.” The American explained; the man paused momentarily before adding conclusively. “From what we can see, the blizzard is covering the majority of the country; it's getting heavier as time goes by, so unless they've got something that can keep them warm and heated in a rapidly growing blizzard then you have nothing to worry about.”


Meanwhile at the Kage Summit many of the samurai that has been sent to secretly pursue Naruto and Samantha by General Mifune himself were forced to turn back as the condition of the blizzard grew even worse. Their body temperature decreased; they're beginning to lose all feeling in their fingers and toes. They needed to get themselves warm quickly before they enter the first stage of hypothermia.

The pursuing mission they had been given is a lost cause at this point. All they know is the general direction they had last been detected North of their location. However, with the amount of time they had been outside and the sheer ferocity of the blizzard any tracks they left behind would have been wiped away by the snow.

They had no choice but to return empty handed. It was either that or freeze to death!


Naruto and Samantha are now making their way down the stairs again and they can see that the bottom is within sight. However the more they descended down in the earth the harder it is for them to see. They're not even inside of the facility yet as the scenery hasn't changed at all. All they're seeing is a stone ceiling, stone walls and stairs.

“That's convenient. How nice for the weather to suddenly act up.”

“I beg to differ. This storm is...unnatural. It appeared out of nowhere. I suspect our enemies are at work.” It is Nikolai who spoke this time and Naruto and Samantha can hear the sheer seriousness in his voice. Nikolai, when he was always drunk off his ass never spoke with such seriousness and fluidness. They heard him speak seriously in the past before, but he's always hammered at the time and it took away the severity he has been trying to preach. But now, this is a different, yet the same, person and his tone had as much impact on the duo than they would have thought.

“A-Are you sure, Nikolai?” Asked Naruto.

“Yes. I am positive. The way storm moves is unnatural.” Nikolai said.

“Almost as if it were alive.” Added in Takeo, much to the shock of Samantha and Naruto. The implication of that is...terrifying. If it is true then how can they fight something that can't be hurt? Or controlled? Or seen for that matter?

Dempsey on the other hand has another opinion. A more plausible one. “Nah. Not alive. More like controlled. Remember that pale lookin' zombie we fought a while back?” There was no answer. Samantha and Naruto stopped moving again and looked up at the ceiling and wondered what the hell the American is talking about. “You know the pale one? The one that runs? Has a faint glow around him?” Again there was no answer and Samantha and Naruto traded looks. “It was at the jungle place that had that temple? There was two men we had to go into the past and save so they would NOT get them killed by zombies? Ring any bells?” He asked again, this time sounding more exasperated and annoyed.

Those who were there finally voiced in recognition on what Dempsey is talking about. Now they remember that zombie; a Type Five undead if the category is right.

The Shrieker is a zombie they encountered in Shangri-La; capable of controlling the wind somewhat and can momentarily blind and disorientate you by shrieking in your face.

That was a nasty piece of work. One of the more troublesome zombies they had fought. The Napalm zombies are a step above them. Those invulnerable bastards...

“Finally.” Dempsey sounds satisfied now that they were on the same page. “I thought I would have to think of something else to try and explain what I was talkin' about.”

“So what about it?” Samantha asked.

“Well if the weather is being controlled like I suspect it is, then there may be a new zombie type in your area. One that is very similar to that zombie.” Dempsey said to them.

“Only more powerful and dangerous.” Added a slightly worried Naruto.

Samantha and Naruto both are now at the bottom of the staircase; in front of them they now have a decently sized brick and stone made corridor. There's no cover so they have a clear Weapons raised Naruto took point and lead the way through the hallway; Samantha followed after him and covered their flank.

They came across a corner leading them through another lengthy passageway. Another corner, another hall, and a stairway that's only 20 steps long. Then they finally stopped in front of a closed metal door at the end of the hallway.

Naruto looks at Samantha meaningfully and she does what he is silently asking of her. She closes her eyes and concentrates and opens them again seconds later.

“There is one zombie on the other side.” She tells him.

Naruto looks at the door and frowns. He tilts his head to the side, curious, pondering, and presses his palm against it. “Only one?” He asks, turning to look over his shoulder at Samantha from the corner of his eye.

“Yes.” She confirms, nodding.

Naruto looks back at the door. He dampens his bottom lip and slowly, contemplatively, slides his hand down and off the door. Thinning his lips Naruto decides to open the door and winced as the metal creaked and groaned in protest disuse. Weapons raised Naruto and Samantha both walk inside. They were met with a large, barren circular chamber that has a metal cage, big enough to fit in a group of elephants in the middle of the room; the cage itself has cables and two generators hooked up to it. The generators are on and the duo can see electricity crackling up and down on the bars of the cage.

Within the cage itself is a heavy mist. It didn't expand or recede. It just floated there. Samantha and Naruto both shared an unsure look they gazed back to the cage and cautiously approached it. As they got closer they could see a silhouette of a person sitting down with his back to them. They could tell the person is a man because of his body structure. Samantha and Naruto stopped at arms reach from the cage and observed the person sitting down.

The man is fairly young; around 20 to 25 if either of them had to guess. He is wearing a pair of black trousers and a black tank top. Strewn around the man is a trench coat and other military garments. His skin is unhealthily pale and sickly; the veins can be seen underneath the tissue.

The man chuckled startling them both and straightened his back as he turned to address them. “I was...wondering...when you would get here. What? You, look like, you've, seen a ghost.” His voice struck them to the core but no one was more affected by this than Naruto himself.

The reason being the man turning halfway to look over his shoulder at Naruto and Samantha, and they saw the familiar, yet, more pronounced whisker birthmarks on his cheek. His eyes are glowing a vibrant blue, reminiscent of his once normal blue eyes.

“Hello, me.” The zombified Naruto Uzumaki notices the look the teenagers are giving him. “What? You haven't seen a sentient zombie before?” The older and clearly unhealthy Naruto Uzumaki grinned at them as the two teenagers stared on in shock.
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