Categories > Original > Romance > Change

The Arrangement

by IamBlackFire 0 reviews

Cleopatra is surprised with her father desicion

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2016-12-05 - 628 words

It's been a week since Dad agreed and I was finally moving out. I had found a nice 2 story house that had the best security.
"Are you sure you wanna leave?" Jaxon asked. "Let the little devil leave. Better for me." Marci sneered. I rolled my eyes and the guys grabbed my bags. They had stayed over for the week to make sure I was "Safe" whatever the hell that meant.
Jason kept studying me which was weird. We haven't talked since the party and I kept a distance from Jax, too. He shouldn't have brought Marcus into this. I lowered my head at the thought of his name. His smile could brighten up even the darkest people. He gave me hope in this horrid world. He was my light and I was his.
"Baby! Why do we have to see this bitch off!" whined Jessica. I saw Marci's face darken. "Listen, chick. I'm the only one who make Leo's life miserable!"She growled. I mocked happiness. "Did the wicked bitch of the west just defend me?" I joked. She scowled and I shrugged. I saw Jax walking to me and I ran to my truck. "Cleo! You're gonna have to talk to me!" He whined. I sighed and faced him. "Look, I'm sorry that I brought up Marcus. Please forgive me?" He begged. I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Do it again and I'll put you 6ft under." I warned. He shuddered and helped me up.
Jason's POV
I watched as Cleo left. I felt some sort of pull towards her. I knew I was wrong to kiss her when she was drunk and I have Jessica. Cleopatra was on a whole new level of beauty than Jessica. I need to stop this. I need to forget about Cleopatra. I have a girlfriend.
"Jason." Mr. De Nile called. I walked to him and looked at his face. Cleopatra had his coal black hair. "I have decided that you will be living next to Cleopatra." He declared. "What?" I asked, shocked. "Well, I would ask Tyler but he feels something for her and I can't have my devil liking anyone. I can feel that she won't care about this arrangement. Don't worry, your parents agreed and your place has already been furnished." He said. I stood there shocked. "O-okay." I agreed. I felt somewhat happy that I would see Cleo everyday. I liked seeing her. She had so many walls put up. I know something happened and I intended to find out.
Cleo's POV
I walked in my house. "Where do you want the bags?" Tyler asked. "The room." I whispered, taking in the house. It was really gorgeous. "Nice crib, girl!" Luna exclaimed. I giggled and looked at the pool. "It's nice and cozy. Dad even installed a room where you can paint." Jax said, looking in the rooms. I smiled but my mind traveled to Jason. His dirty blond hair and brown eyes...breath taking. I shook my head at the thoughts. He has a girlfriend and you don't want another Marcus.
"Who did Dad decide to live next to me?" I ask, looking at the guys. Jason raised his hand. "Me." He answered. "What?! You're living next to this bitch!?" Jessica screeched. I walked over to her and pushed her out my house. "Damn, she was annoying." I whispered. Luna laughed and I shrugged. "Why would Remasis tell you to live next to Leo?" Tyler asked, sounding jealous. I knew he started feeling something for me but I can't have that. He'd only get hurt in the end. I nodded. "I don't know why but Dad does things for reason." I said. I sighed and looked at the ceiling. "I'm somewhat free now." I whispered.
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