Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

Real Love

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

Nargles in the air

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Harry,Luna - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2017-01-01 - 3606 words - Complete


Harry felt his heart sink. He suddenly realized Luna's pain. He had been trying so hard to find the answer, he had never truly prepared himself for the brutal reality.

"Luna?" Harry whispered kneeling down to Luna's side as the girl was now crying on her knees. "Are you saying you're going lose your magic?"

Luna looked up with tears stained eye and nodded. Harry felt a part of himself die. If Luna loved her magic half as much as Harry loved his...

Harry helped Luna up to her feet and hugged her, forgetting or at least, not caring where he was. The two cried in each others arms and soon some of the other students were crying as well.

Luna separated from Harry and turned to speak to the room, her voice remaining shaky. "I'm not ashamed to be a squib. I'm ashamed that my mother died for this. She died to give me magic and I am trying to enjoy her gift, but knowing that any day my magic will be's hard."

"You see my mother gave me too much magic. It affects me in ways I don't understand. Now it's escaping and the Nargles she took it from have found me. They are taking their magic back. While they do, I am able to achieve magic beyond imagination, but it only means that soon my magic will run out. My wand doesn't even work anymore."

"I will be a squib again and this amazing world will no longer welcome me in it. I...Love this world. I love Hogwarts...I have friends here...I have you," Luna barely whispered the last part to Harry as a loud voice cut through the silence.

"You are worse than a Mudblood." Michael said. returning to his feet, clearly not ready to admit defeat yet. "You are worse than a Muggle, You're just a science experiment cooked up by your mad, lunatic, Mother."

Luna looked up at the boy unfazed "Why do you waste your time trying to antagonize me. I don't get affected the way others are by your insults, and now that my secret is out you have nothing over me. I may soon be a squib but until that time I am free from you, free from everyone, unlike you."

Luna continued "Are you upset that you are an unloved puppet to your failed hopes and dreams. An unloved puppet to your prejudice and quick temper. An unloved puppet to your family. Do you want to take it out on the one person who is more free than you will ever be. Are you too stupid to realize that hurting people doesn't make you feel any better about the fact that you are not the center of the world? You are a sad little boy who can't handle it when someone gets more attention than you, even if he is the very person who saved you from Voldemort. My Mom always said "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." It is a stupid thing to do. Only baby's do because they don't know any better. So are you a baby or do you just share their level of intelligence."

Michael was absolutely livid. "How dare you talk to me like that you bloody lunatic? Who the fuck do you think you are? Everyone knows that if it wasn't for Potter you would be a hopeless, friendless, mental patent. You are not a human being Loony. You're an animal taught to do tricks. Animals do tricks because they think they are equals to their masters and that they are loved and cared for. They don't though, they use you for their entertainment just like Potter uses you."

Harry had finally lost his temper and went to curse the stupid boy but realized he couldn't move. Luna walked up to Michael her face inches from his. Nobody could hear the intense whispers being exchanged by the two enemies.

"What do you know about me and Harry?" Luna could no longer hide the anger in her voice.

Michael hissed in her ear. "I know he doesn't love you. You will always be the weird loony kid to him. You're nothing but a joke for entertainment. Your friends laugh at you behind your back."

"Shut up!" Luna whispered and Michael grinned evilly. He had her now, and he had an ace in the hole. Time for those detentions with Potter to come in handy.

"You really think he cares for you. He is always telling jokes about how pathetic you are. From your loony behavior to that stupid picture you painted on his wall. You know, the one made out of food."

Luna looked up Shocked. "Yes I know, the whole school knows. He shows it to every class and we make fun of it. What, you think he keeps that shit stain up because he likes you."

Michael's laugh cut through Luna like a knife. She didn't know if he spoke the truth. She didn't know if Harry truly cared for her. It all seemed so unreal to her in the first place.

But in that moment she didn't care. She just wanted to silence the laughter. To break it into a million pieces. Despite her powers and the abilities they gave her she did something very Muggle like instead.

The Great Hall gasped as Luna's right hand struck Michael in the face. Knocking him down and breaking his nose. Luna lunged on top of him and started to punch him as hard as she could. This was a definite first for Luna. Any sign of the anger was replaced by a Dreamy/Loony Luna who seemed to find this all amusing.

"You think I'm an Animal?" Luna growled as she bit Michael's ear who started crying out in pain. The students began to laugh while teachers found themselves frozen to their chairs by an invisible force.

"You think I'm a Loony?" Luna sung as she then raised Michael up with her eyes. Until she was holding him 20 feet in the air by an invisible grip of his long hair.

"I think you're a puppet," Luna tied Michael's hair to a floating candle. Michael started crying out for help as the students continued to laugh. Luna began to wave her hands like a conductor shaking and moving the candle around the room with Michael in toe. Luna then started to sing happily.

"I've got no strings to hold me down
to make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings But now I'm free
There are no strings on me"

"I've got no strings so I have fun
I'm not tied up to anyone
they've got strings But you can see
There are no strings on me"

"LUNA?" Harry yelled at her finding himself free from Luna's spell. He was at a loss for words.

Luna stopped and looked at Harry. Luna found herself calm down as she knew in her heart that what Michael had said had been a lie. She cut Michael's hair loose and lowered him to the ground. She then sung some more...

"You have no strings your arms are free
to love me by the tallest tree
this one thing If you would do
I'd bust my strings for you"

Luna then ran out of the Great Hall before anyone could stop her. Leaving Harry, the Staff and the Students of Hogwarts in shock.


McGonagall was furious as she met with Harry and Flitwick in her office.

"I can't find her anywhere on my map and the room of requirements is empty. Is it possible that she is using her magic to keep herself off the map? Harry asked Flitwick.

"Probably. Her power is quite strong right now," Flitwick answer calmly.


The small wizard sighed "What would it matter if I did. The fact she now knows is truly dangerous for her. In fact until she is a squib again she will be in grave danger. She is living proof that the impossible can happen. Anyone can be a Witch or Wizard if we only learned how...Like Pandora did."

"Pandora's dream was to eliminate Muggles, Muggleborns, half bloods and purebloods alike by making them all truly equal. Pandora wanted to give magic to every living person on earth. Making everyone a wizard."

There was a stunned silence as he continued. "Pandora believed that the only thing that separated Muggles from Wizards was the Muggles fear of magic and the Wizards fear of change. Pandora believed that by giving the Muggles magic, Wizards would not be a mysterious secret force but a miracle literally showing the world that magic exists. Wizards would be forced to both declare war vastly outnumbered or accept change and form a unity between the two people. Through this unity Wizards would teach the Muggles to use their magic while Muggles shared to Wizards the marvels of science among other things that we have ignored for too long. Luna has just revealed to the world that Pandora's dream is still alive. The idea of such a world altering change will terrify the ministry into desperate actions. It is for the best that Luna will become a squib once more."

"What if Luna wants to fight it?" Harry said suddenly, "While her father wasn't very open about what was wrong with her, he did say that Luna could fight her fate. He did say it would put her in danger but what if Luna chooses to take that chance?"

Flitwick looked at Harry "I would not be able to help her, nor would anyone. The secrets to Pandora's work died with Pandora. Only the department of mysteries know of its existence and even if I wanted to break their vows of secrecy I have no knowledge to give you on this matter. Luna would have to try and find a way to stop the effects alone."

"She won't be alone though," Harry said determined,

The small wizard smiled, "Spoken like a true Gryffindor but understand that there is very little chance of preventing Luna from losing her magic. I fear that Luna will be a squib before the year is out and I don't mean the school year. I love that girl as if she were my own, Harry. Whatever choices she makes please look after her for me. I feel I can no longer help her anymore."

Harry nodded as Flitwick slowly left pausing first. "She was never thrilled with the idea of becoming a squib again but she was very excepting of it. She had learned early on to not get attached to this world or people in it, especially after her mother's death. However something has changed. She found something in this world that she couldn't bare to be parted from...or someone." Flitwick then touched the tip of his long nose before leaving the room.

Harry was starting to sense a pattern when he talked to others about Luna.

McGonagall thought for a moment "She changed the words to the song."

"You know that song? What is it?" Harry asked.

McGonagall looked sympathetically at him "It's from a movie I saw in a Muggle theater when I was only 5 years old. You probably haven't seen it because of your loathsome aunt and uncle. My father took...Never mind that now. I think Luna left a clue in what she sang."

Harry thought for a moment "The Tallest Tree".

Harry ran to the window and looked out at the Whomping Willow...she wasn't there either. He sat back down and slammed is fist on the table in frustration.

McGonagall looked at Harry silently remembering what Slughorn had said to her. "You love her don't you?"

Harry didn't answer, he just put his face in his hands trying to figure out the situation.

"You don't have to hide it Potter. In fact when I hired you I assumed you were still with Ginny. Besides Luna won't even be a student for much longer," McGonagall finished sadly.

Harry still didn't answer until he heard a portrait on the wall sigh. "She loves you Harry, I think you are the only one who doesn't see that. Luna shares her mother's spirit. I believe that this boy you spoke of gave Luna reason to doubt your friendship and this is her way of finding out if he was right. Luna still has a hard time believing that anyone can care for her. Her condition isolated her from just about everyone as a child. The demons of childhood tend to haunt us our whole lives."

The portrait of the former Headmaster sighed as he thought about his own childhood. "She is like my sister...Kind, Spirited and Damaged. She can control her magic but she can't control its leaving. Both were unloved in their life time...It is too late for me to change the past but the future is always at your command. Don't make the same mistakes I did Harry. If you truly love her you will be able to find her. You should know better than anyone now that nothing will heal a person more than the power of love."

"I believe that is the point of the song. If she had your love she would be able to leave this world. She doesn't fear losing her magic, she fears losing you."

Harry stared at the portrait. Even in death Albus Dumbledore had the wisdom of a thousand Wizards. Harry's thoughts returned to the missing girl. In that moment he wanted nothing more than to help her and never let her go. He didn't know if this was love but he honestly didn't care anymore, he had to find her...but that was the problem.

"I can't find her, though I've looked for her all day. I failed her. I failed her as a teacher and as a friend. How am I supposed to love her if I can't help her?" Harry cried out in frustration.

McGonagall sat next to Potter. "You have helped her more than anyone I know. Her progress since you took her under your wing is astounding. You are helping her and are continuing to help her. Right now she needs your help more than ever. I know you both care about each other. Besides if it weren't for you she's still be on the roof of the bloody train."

Harry bolted to his feet with a grin on his face. "Of course! I know where Luna is! What day is it today?"

McGonagall looked stunned "It...It's the 9th."

"It's a full moon tonight isn't it," Harry grinned as he ran out the door to find Luna.

McGonagall looked over startled to see the portrait chuckling softly. "You know where she is don't you? You knew the whole time. Where is she?"

"Yes I knew, but if I were to tell Potter where she wouldn't be love would it."

There she was. Harry wasn't even relieved to see her. He had been absolutely certain she would be there. He flew his broom lower until he landed onto the roof of the astronomy tower. It was still being built back up, and leaving a flat surface, where Luna was lying on her back, as she looked up at the moon.

Luna hummed in the silent gaze of the moon light. She had always been drawn to it. The Light made her skin sparkle and her eyes shine.

"Star light, star bright,

The first star I see tonight,

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Have the wish I wish tonight"

"What do you wish for Harry?" Luna sung caching him by surprise.

"I wish you'd stop climbing onto roofs," Harry chuckled but Luna just stared at him. "You can do better than that. What do you really wish for?"

"I wish you would talk to me about what's happening. Are you OK?" Harry asked concerned.

"I will tell you that, anyway you're wasting a wish. Make your real wish and don't tell anyone until it comes true," Luna said looking at the moon.

"Have you ever had a wish come true?" Harry asked lying down beside her. It was a beautiful sight to see the moon so bright in the sky.

"Once I used to wish for a friend everyday then one day it came true," Luna said looking at Harry. "I have other wishes that haven't come true. My mother is still dead, Nargles still steal my things, and my dad never pays any attention to me. He is always going off into the wild to find creatures. I don't care if he finds a Crumple-horned Snorkacks I just want him home...I'm still lonely. I'm still feeling numb..."

Luna drifted back off towards the moon leaving Harry in a stunned silence. Luna was revealing a side to him she always tried to hide.

"What do you mean by numb?" Harry asked holding her hand.

"I feel you holding my hand right now. I feel it when Pansy pulls at my hair. I feel emotion but I don't feel attached to them. Like something is in the a veil."

"I don't feel anything...except when I'm with you," Luna paused as she looked over to Harry.

"I feel things when I'm with you. Things I don't understand. I want to understand Harry. I really want to learn to understand them with you," Tears where pouring down Luna's face as she started to squeeze his hand.

"I can't stop thinking about you. You're always on my mind. It's confusing and weird and Harry...I...I have to tell you...before they take my magic away...I...I," Luna seemed to freeze as if she was stuck, or at a loss for words.

Harry just stared, amazed at the girl who was trying to bare her soul to him. He no longer had any doubts. This wasn't just friendship. This wasn't just affection, desire, fondness, devotion or tenderness. This was love, Real Love.

Harry didn't know where the words came from when he whispered them. He probably learned them from Muggle School from when he lived with the Dursley's but they seemed to strike him at that very moment.

"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I never saw true beauty till this night."

Luna's eye's widened as she looked back at Harry who leaned closer and looked into them. They seemed to glow with the moonlight they absorbed. "Luna...I…"

Luna didn't let him finish as she leaned forwards and gently kissed him. The world seemed to stop. Harry felt his heart stop again but he knew it wasn't magic that stopped it this time.

Luna pulled away taking deep breaths. She seemed to be hyperventilating.

"I've never done anything like that before" Luna gasped. She seemed bewildered with emotions.

"Luna are you OK?" Harry asked concerned.

She was smiling with tears of joy "I feel amazing, I feel everything…I...I love you Harry."

Luna blushed red and kissed him again. This time Harry kissed back sharing Luna's tears. Luna was overwhelmed with emotions as she held Harry to her.

"Love you too Luna," Harry felt himself say. He was feeling something he had never felt before...maybe he was more like Luna than he thought.

Luna shivered at these words "No one has ever said anything like that to me," Luna whispered "say it again."

"I love you Luna," Harry repeated now he was starting to break down

Luna started to laugh in her delirium. Whatever veil she was referring to was simply not present now. She felt like she had lost her mind, if she hadn't already. Luna didn't care though she was truly happy. To hell with magic, to hell with Hogwarts, she had Harry.

Luna start to roll away to edge the roof in her laughter and Luna felt herself start to fall but Harry grabbed her hand to stop her from falling. Before he could say anything Luna interrupted him.

"It's always nice to know you'll always be there to catch me if I fall. Even when I don't need it."

Luna then pulled harry to her and threw them both off the edge of the building. Harry fell with Luna in her arms as she kissed him. Harry never felt in danger for a moment as he could feel the speed of their fall slow down until they slowly flew over Hogwarts.

Luna looked peacefully into Harry's eyes as they just stared at each other in silence. Luna was no longer overwhelmed by her feelings. She was in a moment of bliss she never thought was possible. Luna started to sing in her happiness. Her voice was so angelic and pure it melted Harry's heart.

Love is real, real is love
Love is feeling, feeling love
Love is wanting to be loved

Love is touch, touch is love
Love is reaching, reaching love
Love is asking to be loved

Love is you
you and me
Love is knowing
we can be

Love is free, free is love
Love is living, living love
Love is needed to be loved

The first song is I've Got No Strings by Ned Washington.

The other song is Love by John Lennon. The best there ever was.

I don't own or profit from them.
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