Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

It was YOU!

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

Who did it? find out now.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Draco,Harry,Kingsley,Luna,Ron - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2017-02-14 - 3343 words - Complete

The first thing Harry noticed was the astounding amount of Aurors at the three broomsticks inn. There were clearly too many for a simple arrest of an inn keeper. Harry couldn't shake the feeling that this was an excuse to get aurors closer to Hogwarts or more particularly Luna.
"This is a disgrace," Luna muttered before yelling. "Miss Rosemerta's innocent you clowns, give her Veritaserum, she'll tell you she was cursed."
The Aurors stared at her with disgust as they continued their work. A few seconds later, Kingsley emerged from the Inn and approached the couple.
"Merlin even you're here Minister, isn't this overkill?" Harry asked suspiciously.
The Minister spoke, "Under normal circumstances I'd agree, however one of the suspects has been missing since the incident. We only just found Miss Stones incapacitated at the Hogshead inn. All we know is her attacker erased their identity from her mind."
Luna seemed to ignore the exchange as she took off to the inn. "Where is Miss Rosemerta? I would like to speak to her please."
"Miss Lovegood you cannot just walk into a crime scene," Kingsley scolded. Luna simply giggled and ran through the shut door. "Merlin this girl will be the death of us all."
Harry and Kingsley entered the inn to see Luna already in discussion with the accused. "Dear girl, I would never hurt you. I swear on my magic, I was bewitched or something."
Luna hummed "I know Madam, the Nargles told me so. Do you know who cursed you or the poison you used?"
Madam shook her head before pausing. "Poison, I remember the poison! It was a regular choking poison, but it was mixed with something else I've never seen before.
Luna's eyes widened, "Eureka!"
Luna immediately ran to the fire place, igniting a green flame without floo powder. She entered and came back with a vial not 10 second later, with Mr. Slughorn following closely behind. "Luna what is the meaning of this? I was..."
"..In the middle of trying to find out what this poison is. Well I can solve that quickly. Cheers!" Luna happily yelled as she chugged the vial before their eyes.
"Bloody hell!"
"Merlin, Morgana and Guinevere's..."
"Luna what are you doing? Are you mad?" Harry yelled shock as he ran to Luna.
Luna stared at him and nodded before spitting the poison back in the vial. "Vile, horrid tasting, I think I burnt my mouth, Oh well."
Luna close her eyes before she seemed to recover. "Sorry I needed to heal my burnt mouth, you see I was right. It's not just a poison, it has been mixed with acid."
"Acid?" Slughorn whispered surprised, "Isn't that some sort of Muggle chemistry?"
"Is it dangerous?" The Minister asked.
Luna locked eyes with Harry before turning to the Minister, "You tell me sir," Luna poured the poison on one of the tables and they watched as the table dissolved.
"Explains the internal damage inflicted to Miss Parkinson," Slughorn whispered turning green.
"More importantly it explains what happened to the bezoar," Harry whispered before turning to Luna. "You know what this mean?"
Luna nodded, "The killer had knowledge of Muggles."
As they left the inn Harry pulled Luna into an alleyway. "How did you know all this? You said the Nargles told you?"
Luna nodded, "They spoke to me in my dreams. They showed you talking to my Dad and Flitwick. You were discussing a prophecy. Then you all started talking to me. You told me I was assuming the motive instead of questioning it. You all said that those who do not learn history will repeat it. I feel like the answer is on the tip of my tongue but I'm missing it."
"We did talk yesterday Luna. I wasn't hiding anything from you. I just didn't want to talk about all that stuff last night," Harry whispered.
Luna grinned. "I know Harry, but I'm scared. I can't shake the feeling that I've made some terrible mistake."
"No Shit"
Luna covered her mouth with her hands as soon as the voice spoke through her. Harry was staring white faced. "'re aware you just said that right?"
Luna nodded. "Nargles, or I've gone mad,"
"Or Both"
Luna seemed to agree with herself there as she nodded. "I am talking to myself. Harry has this happened before?"
Harry nodded "After you were poisoned, you even gave a Prophecy..."
We don't have time for recaps
We have a message
The killer is incredibly dangerous.
Not from his actions but the consequences of them.
The killer will unintentionally cause it to happen.
What to happen? Luna asked herself
Bad things, violent things,
You saw the inn, swarming with thick-heads.
They are making their move and all they need is an excuse.
Time is running out Loony. The Gift is slowly draining.
Luna looked at Harry surprisingly composed from the initial shock. "What now?"
Harry snapped out of his own shock and took out the key her father gave him. "Gringotts?"
Luna nodded "Okey Dokey, to Gringotts!"

"Mr. Potter what do you and you're...mate want?" The Goblin asked coldly.
Luna spoke for him. "I would like to see the vault that this key belongs to."
The Goblin took the key and stared at it for a second. "Very well, I shall have Barchlock escort you there."
It was not the first time he had ridden the cart through the vaults of Gringotts, but it was the first time he shared it with someone who enjoyed it. Luna was screaming with glee as the cart made its twists and turns. "
"Look a Crumple Horned Snorkack," Luna shouted as she briefly spotted a strange creature from one of the caverns.
Barchlock shook his head, "I don't know what a Crumple horned Snorkack is, but that creature would devour its bones alive!" The Goblin grinned menacingly.
"So it's a Blibbering Humdinger!" Luna yelled with joy.
"Whatever," the Goblin muttered before stopping the cart at the vault. "Key please."
They handed the Goblin the key and looked on in shock as it dissolved in his hand. "Interesting"
"What's wrong?" Luna asked worried.
Harry was furious. "I'll kill him! Sorry Luna, but I'm really going to kill your father."
"Relax Potter there is no need for bloodshed over broken oaths. The key is fine, however the vault can only be opened this one and only time. You better make sure you remove everything inside or it will be lost forever," Barchlock whispered with an evil look in his eyes. The Goblin then took both Harry and Luna by the hand walking through the door.
It was most strange. It felt as if they were being burned alive but without any feelings of pain or discomfort.
"Don't let go or the pain will become very real and permanent!" Barchlock cackled.
After a few more seconds they found themselves in the vault. The vault was very small, only holding a Pensive and two vials. Luna picked up the one with a note and read it out loud.
"It says "Me first, Luna!" she whispered as she turned to Harry. "My Mother wrote this!"
"You ready?" Harry asked, Luna nodded and poured the vial into the Pensive.
As soon as Luna saw her she grasped Harry's hand. Inside the Pensive was no different from outside it. They were in the same vault, but standing by the Pensive was a beautiful blond haired women. She was staring at them with unfocused eyes.
"Mom!" Luna gasped.
"Hello Luna, If I am correct then you are now seventeen and the year is nineteen ninety eight. I suspect the month is October but I cannot be certain. How do I know these things you ask, well I am a seer. I wish I could tell you I was a powerful seer but alas I am not. My visions are vague at best.
I have so much I need to tell you my lovely daughter, but before I joined the Department of Mysteries I was made to take an unbreakable vow. I truly believed that I was off to achieve great things there. However I soon found out the Unspeakables did not earn their name from their silence, but from their unspeakable deeds. I have since been using the quibbler to expose their atrocities the best I can without breaking my vow. I would gladly die to stop their evil but I have a daughter to care for.
Despite this I see your future and notice my absence. A seer cannot predict her death but I feel at some point in the next couple years I will be dead. Do not morn my loss Luna, I have lived an amazing life and I doubt the rest of my time will be any less wonderful.
I am certain I will soon be able to succeed in giving you the magic you deserve but I fear the consequences. I have reread my one true prophecy inside and out. Though most have not seen it, I feel it in the stars. It must be you who finishes my work. I only ask that if this is the path you choose then please stay safe. The research information you will need is under the Pensive. You will be the only one who can understand it, so don't bother Potter, it will only confuse him." Pandora said with a wink.
"Luna, don't trust anyone but three people. First is your Godfather Filius. He loves you and will help you through it all. The second is Harry Potter, whom if my vision is correct, is standing by your side as we speak while you crush his hand to dust. He will need that hand to fight the dangers coming after you two so please loosen your grip.
"Harry, I know we will never meet but I thank you for all you have and will do for my daughter. All a mother ever wishes for is her daughters' happiness. Thank you for making my wishes come true, despite my actions."
"Luna, the third person you must trust is yourself. In the end only you can succeed where I will fail. There is nothing worse than knowing your biggest failure in life, before it happens, and not being able to change it. My greatest failure shall be me not being there for you in these hard times. I will be giving you great power but I will be unable to help you manage it. I'm sorry for all the pain I will cause you dear Luna, I love you very much.
The world needs this magic as much as you do. I would not be doing this if it wasn't for your safety. You are in danger and only magic shall protect you. I doubt it will protect me. I know I have forced your hand by giving you magic, but you are not being forced down this path. Remember, it is your choice and your free will to leave the prophecy unfulfilled. I merely see your actions before you do, but they are your actions not mine and not the prophecy's.
Goodbye Luna, and remember the words a wise man once told me, 'We must choose between what is right and what is easy.' Please make the right choice. I love you, Goodbye."
The memory faded and the two emerged from the pensive. Harry noticed Luna's face was completely void of emotion.
"I'm Fine..." Luna muttered as she destroyed the pensive and took the research hidden underneath.
Harry gasped "What about the second vial?"
Luna pointed, picked it up and showed writing already on it.
"Take with you. Do not use until instructed, Love...Mom." Luna's voice cracked as she read the words.
" don't have to hold it in," Harry whispered.
"Shut up...I mean...leave me alone..." Luna muttered as she tried to keep control of her grief. Harry turned to give Luna a moment but felt a hand grab his wrist. "Don't leave me..."

It was not a stable Luna who returned to Hogwarts, Her eyes were searching every crook and cranny for danger. Harry was deeply worried for Luna, as her head would snap up at the smallest of sounds.
Luna quickly made a left turn and ran into the other two members of the golden trio.
"Harry, Luna, we have been looking everywhere for you. Luna I got the ..."
Luna raised her hand and Hermione's voice fell silent. "Why did you do it?" Luna hissed in a shocking cold voice that left the golden trio stunned.
"What?" Hermione asked confused. Ron stood closer to Hermione while a confused Harry backed away from the others.
"Why did you try and kill me Hermione!" Luna shouted in her face!
"What? I did not try to kill you! Why would you think that?" Hermione gasped appalled.
"The poison was mixed with acid. Only someone with Muggle heritage would know that," Luna hummed viciously.
"I swear on my magic Luna, I would never..."
Ron stepped in front of her, his face red. "Hermione just broke into the Department of Mysteries to get information on your mother. She is on your side. Besides you know about acids and so do I!"
Hermione scoffed, "Only because you read my chemistry book to try and sound smart."
Luna rounded on Ron. "It was you then, you used that book to poison me."
Ron turned dark red, "You really are Loony!"
"YES I AM! I'M LOONY LOVEGOOD, THE FREAK EVERYONE WANTS TO KILL!" Luna screamed causing Ron to go pale.
Harry approached Luna's side, "Luna, calm down, your being paranoid..."
"Of course I am. When the world is really out to get you then you have to be," Luna started to shake as tears began to fall. Before anyone could react Luna was hugging Hermione. "I'm sorry."
"Luna," Hermione whispered trying to stay focused to the thought her head. "That book was stolen over a week ago and I don't think it's a coincidence. I bet if we find the book, we find the killer."
Luna nodded, "I'm sorry Hermione, Ron, you and Harry are my only friends. I 'm just scared, I'm not thinking straight. I am loony with these mood swings. Somethings happening to me and I don't know what. I can't handle it. Of course you wouldn't hurt me, you're a muggle born and Ron has a squib aunt."
"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" Ron asked now very tired and confused.
"Your squib aunt? George told me about her when he gave me her necklace," Luna said hesitantly holding up a necklace.
"There is only one known Squib in our family history, my mom's second cousin and he's a GUY!" Ron yelled pulling his hair.
"Why would George..." Luna took off the necklace and looked at it.
Hermione quickly grabbed the necklace and performed as diagnostic spell. There was a flash of green light and a golden ruin floated over the necklace before vanishing.
"Is it cursed?" Harry asked.
Hermione shook her head "It's charmed, actually I think this saved Luna's life."
"I don't get it," Ron said. "If George knew about this why not just tell Luna "do not eat the bloody pudding?"
"George might have been bewitched too," Hermione said thoughtfully.
"To save me? The bewitcher would've just told me," Luna hummed.
"Not if it was the Ministry," Hermione said. "They...They want you alive Luna, They...want you for experiments."
This sent chills between the group of four, before the silence was broken.
"This is starting to remind me of a very strange game of chess," Ron said catching the group off guard.
"In what way?" Harry asked as they approached the great hall.
"We are being used, like pawns in a game. I just don't know whose playing," Luna whispered.
"It's Alive, It's ALIVE!" Michael taunted dramatically from the Ravenclaw table as they entered the great hall.
Luna gave a sideways glance and smiled "Hi Michael, nice reference from a muggle film. Your true colours are showing."
"Shut up freak!" Michael hissed.
"Shouldn't you deduct house points, Harry?" Hermione asked.
"Does it really matter?" Harry grumbled, "I think we have more important problems than a jealous git."
"Who are you calling Jealous Sir?" Michael yelled from the Ravenclaw table.
"Maybe he did it Luna. We all know that he hates your guts," Ron whispered.
"Great point, Ron. Michael, did you poison me?" Luna asked politely while her friends tried to shush her.
Michael laughed, "Subtle Loony, I expected you to be a little more direct about it. To answer your question, I ask you one of my own. Poison is a woman's weapon. Do I look like a woman?"
"You did when you had hair!" Hermione snapped sending Ron into fits of laughter.
"L...Luna, are you ok?" Draco yelled as he entered the great hall and embraced Luna in a hug.
"There's a woman, maybe she did it," Michael taunted.
"S...shut up b...baldy," Draco hissed before turning to Luna. "I was worried sick then you left the hospital wing and I thought you were a g...g...ghost. I thought you had d...died."
Luna smiled, "I'm ok Draco, please join us, we have much to discuss."
As the four sat down at the Gryffindor table, Luna whispered quietly. "Harry and I just got my mother's research papers and you said something about stealing papers from the Department of Mysteries!"
Hermione nodded. "I haven't read it yet, I felt you should read it first. It's your mother's files."
Luna's eyes lit up intrigued while Draco gasped in amazement. "Stole p…papers from the Department of Mysteries? How the b…bloody hell did you do that?"
"She's brilliant," Harry and Ron answered together, causing Hermione to blush and Luna to giggle.
"Well it was simple really. After you were poisoned, I found Sarah Stone at the Hogshead since I suspected her at first. I used Legilimency on her and found out she was an unspeakable and a ministry spy at Hogwarts. They knew Luna would be attacked and wanted to make sure she would survive. They want her for experiments but they also wanted her scared so she would take up the Minister's offer for protection. I used a polyjuice potion to break in and stunned anyone who saw through my ruse." Hermione told them in a matter of seconds.
"Did they know who tried to hurt Luna?" Draco asked.
"Probably but I didn't find out," Hermione admitted.
"They did arrest Madam Rosemerta this morning," Luna added.
"Well obviously, I meant who is the bastard that bewitched her?" Draco asked frustrated.
"I don't know, the Aurors still don't believe she was bewitched so they just arrested her...Hang on," Luna paused as her large eyes narrowed on Draco's. "I don't remember saying anything to you about Rosemerta being bewitched."
"You...You didn't?" Draco stammered pale as a ghost. He noticed they were all staring at him now.
"Didn't you bewitch Rosemerta and Katie in our sixth year?" Harry whispered.
"W...well that was b...b...before I...I…" Draco stuttered
"Yeah, and you poisoned me," Ron spoke through clenched teeth.
"A bezoar saved your life Ron, didn't it? Something the acid clearly was meant to prevent from happening again," Harry muttered darkly.
"I swear L...Luna I did...did...did...not...d...d...d...d..."
Hermione gasped. "We share the head boy and girl common room! Meaning you must have...ACIO BOOK."
Draco lunged for his bag as the book zoomed out of it and into Hermione's hand. Draco turned to Luna who was gazing at him with a look of betrayal. He looked at the golden trio and knew they had wands aimed at him from under the table. Draco tried to speak but could only whimper a strange sound. It was a cross between a nervous laughter and sobbing.
Luna whispered "It was you! Why?"
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