Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

Eye for an Eye

by Marvolo666 1 review

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Draco,Harry,Luna - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2017-02-14 - 3812 words - Complete


"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi

"It was you! Why?" Luna whispered.
Luna felt her world turning upside down. It was Draco who tried to kill her. It was Draco who killed Pansy. It was Draco, the boy who helped her while she was held captive by death eaters. It was Draco, who had changed so much. Who was now a scared, stuttering, shadow of his former self. Only now did she recognize his changes for what they truly where...Madness.
"I..I tried to change I really d..did Luna!...I'm sorry...I..I...I love you." Draco muttered.
"Then why try to kill me Draco?" Luna hummed sorrowfully. "You where my friend. I loved you too."
Draco's eyes darkened while he stuttered. "As your friend, as your house elf. You d..don't care for me the way you do for Potter! should be mine, Luna. You b..belong to me not him! You t...took everything from me P..Potter. My Family, My Fortune, M..My Future, My...My Freedom, I have nothing!
Draco voice focused as his anger began to rise. "I was living in the kitchen, lower than a house elf. Then you came and saved me, Luna. You gave me my life back and I was free. Only I was forced to see you with my enemy. You're mine Luna, not his, MINE!
Draco banged his fist on the table while he reached for his wand. "A Malfoy gets what he wants. Of course I wanted to kill P...Potter too, but he wouldn't eat his food. It was you I wanted dead Luna. I would rather see you dead than in the hands of the man who ruined my life. After you are both dead I will continue to fulfill my vow to you. I will fight hate and prejudice while you two will live on as martyrs, victims of bigots."
"You're mad! You're still mad!" Ron spoke loudly.
Draco's voice was barley a whisper. "Living with Voldemort can do that to a guy. He also taught me this neat trick, Imperio."
Ron's eyes glazed over and he pulled his wand on Hermione. "Imperio."
Hermione and Ron aimed their wands at each other. Draco hissed a whisper, "I'm in charge now Luna. This is the way it was meant to be. Now you two are coming with me where can solve this quietly. If you use your powers Luna, I swear I will have them kill each other before you can say, "oops."
Harry kept his wand aimed at Malfoy from under the table, his gaze never left Malfoy's. "You haven't changed. You think you're a good person because Luna gave you a second chance, but I know what you are. You're a coward, a ferret, you are hopeless Malfoy!"
"Potter, one more word from you and I will kill you all on the spot. To hell with consequences. You have no idea how long I have waited for this moment," Malfoy hissed.
Luna eyes bore into Malfoy's. "You sir, are a Death eater."
Malfoy flinched. "I am not a Death eater!"
"What's going on?" a voice from the staff table yelled.
Luna seemed to be glowing red "Yes you are, and you're also a control freak. You think you can control people to do your dirty work for you, but you made one mistake."
Ron and Hermione doped their wands and covered their eyes along with the rest of the great hall. Only Luna and Draco seemed to be able to see through the blinding, burning, light that filled the hall.
Luna's voice was unworldly as she spoke "You over estimate your control Draco Malfoy, I have been gifted by my Moon Mother. I have been blessed by the Children of the Wise. You have no power Draco Malfoy, I am in control here."
Malfoy seemed to realize this as he cowered under Luna's wrath. This was not the girl they once knew. This was something else, something human, something inhuman, something dangerous!
"How could you do this to me? I thought you were my friend. You tried to kill me. You killed Pansy. YOU TRIED TO KILL MY HARRY!"
Luna looked around and seemed to notice the rest of the great hall was blinded by a glowing orange light. The light seemed to be cooking the room to a boiling point. Luna blinked three times and everything returned to normal.
"What the bloody hell is going on?" The Headmistress yelled as she approached.
Luna was seething "It was Malfoy, he was the one who poisoned me and killed Pans..."
Luna froze when she looked at Malfoy, or at least where he had been ten seconds earlier. She turned to see the doors to the Great hall closing. Before anyone could react Luna was bolting out through the doors and after Malfoy.
Luna knew her friends where trying to follow her but was too focused on the hunt to care. She had felt anger before but this was different. Luna felt like she had lost her mind and she couldn't care less. All that mattered right now was finding Malfoy and inflicting pain upon him.
Draco ran as fast as he could to the one place he knew Luna couldn't find him. He arrived at the room of requirements and quickly walked past it three times, causing the doors to appear. Luna raised her hand and the door appeared immediately, allowing her to enter.
Luna looked around the giant room, she had never seen so much junk in her life. Most of it had been burnt badly by fiend fire. "Oh my shoes! I lost these years ago!"
Luna heard the sound of footsteps and focused back on her hunt. She slowly walked through the room searching for Malfoy. She froze when she heard movement and the room was consumed by silence.
"Ready or not here I come" Luna hummed.
She could tell she was being watched and could feel the presence of a wand aimed at her. "Reducto"
It was barley a whisper but Luna heard it and lunged 20 feet as the area she was standing was turned into a crater. "Get out of here Luna, or I will k...k..kill you."
"Come out and fight me you coward!" Luna yelled as she continued to search the room. She saw Draco's reflection in a mirror and looked to find him. She heard the sound of a cupboard shake. Luna grinned as she approached the cupboard. Luna slowly raised her hand and conjured a fire ball. She sent it into the cupboard without hesitation, setting it ablaze.
Luna face turned pale when she saw her emerge from it.
A pale Pandora slowly approached Luna point her gray fingers at her horrified daughter. Pandora began to speak. "You deserve this curse. You said I lost my mind, now you shall understand loss."
"I'm sorry Mom," Luna cried in tears.
"You shall be friendless and loveless. Your life shall be empty and hollow. You shall lose everything you hold dear, even your mind." Pandora hissed.
Her emotions raced as her nightmare came to life before her eyes. Luna suddenly felt very weak and fell to her knees. "What's happening?"
Luna raised her hands to stop the curse but nothing happened. The curse hit and sent her ten feet in the air before she hit the floor, holding her head in pain.
Malfoy appeared out of the pile of junk and aimed his wand at Pandora. "Riddikulus," Pandora turned green and started to melt, something she repeated at the top of her lungs.
Malfoy strutted over to Luna. She reached out to stop him with her magic but again nothing happened. Draco looked down at her with a mad gleam in his eyes, betraying his loss of sanity. "I'm sorry Luna, but this way you will always be mine. Avada.."
"Expelliarmus," A voice screamed as Malfoy's wand flew out of his hand.
"What do you want" Malfoy hissed
"You know damn well what I want you ferret." said the voice.
"Harry.." Luna whispered as she felt arms wrap around her.
"I'm here Luna," Harry whispered as he help Luna away from the two voices.
"S...Stand aside" Draco yelled in a panic.
The voice answered back. "Why, so the big bad Malfoy can kill the freak!"
Luna recognized that voice, "Michael?"
Michael turned around ignoring Malfoy retrieving his wand. "Hey freak, I guess it's a little late now, but I know who tried to kill you. I mean I did say you would be the first to know. Oh Draco, you were second, right. Well I know who tried to kill Loony."
"Don't you dare call her that?" Draco cried as he sent a curse at Michael.
Corner blocked it with ease, "You just tried to kill her at least twice and I'm the bad guy?"
"You're both assholes," Luna looked over and saw Ron and Hermione, along with half the school, the room could only fit half.
"Ha, Ha, Ha, very funny Weasley, big talk coming from you." Michael snorted before speaking to Malfoy like a toddler. "Malfoy as one disgraced Head boy to another, I'm very disappointed in you. Just because you can kill weak little Mudbloods, doesn't mean you should. It's wrong to bully weak little..."
"Oh shut up you Mudblood." Draco muttered quietly but everyone heard him.
"What did you call me?" Michael whispered as the room was silent, "What did you call ME!"
" heard" Draco stuttered as he took a step towards Michael. "I called you a Mudblood, t...technically a half blood but what's the difference. I know for a fact your mother's a Muggle."
"How dare you." Michael growled before facing the crowd. "No what, FINE! I admit it! It's not like my stock can sink any lower. My Mother was a Filthy Mudblood Muggle! She married my Father and had me. We loved our Muggle Mother, and she loved us. Then she found out we were both Wizards. She didn't take that very well. You want to know what that whore did. She ran away and left us behind! I haven't seen her since but it's ok, I get a Christmas card every year with five bloody pounds inside!"
"Muggles are too weak to handle magic. They are weak in the head and the heart. I want nothing to do with them." Michael muttered before turning back to Draco. "You are outnumbered Draco, the whole school is here, but you dared to call me Mudblood. I cannot tolerate this, I Demand Satisfaction!"
Michael raised his wand and struck Malfoy across the face with some unseen force. Malfoy Staggered back as he stared at Michael in shock, Michael raised his want to his throat and announced to the entire room in a booming voice.
"In the ancient customs of the great wizards of old, I challenge you to a duel."
The room came alive with gasps and whispers as Michael continued. "The duel will be to the death or until one of us admits defeat. Admitting defeat means you put your life in my hands and I decide if you live or die. Same goes the other way but I will die before I kiss the boot of a Death eater."
You w...w..want to d.d...d..duel me? Are you mad? I've b..been trained by the d...d..d...d lord himself. I accept of course!" Draco stuttered confidently as he raised his wand. Michael did the same and a glow appeared between them.
The Headmistress broke the silence. "Corner you stupid boy, you are giving him a chance to kill you!"
"Just stop the duel now Headmistress." Harry yelled.
Fliwick moaned. "It doesn't work like that. They just made a sacred vow, as is tradition of these types of wizard duels. If they don't duel they will both die."
"Bloody wizards." Luna muttered under her breath.
"So Halfblood you know the c...customs of a duel." Draco sneered.
Michael spit to the side. The two young wizards met in the center of the room and bowed. They turned their backs to the other and walked ten feet away. Michael lifted his wand and the countdown began.
It was only then Harry remembered...
"Michael look out!" Harry yelled as Draco turned early.
"Avada Kedavera."
Michael heard Harry and ducked as the green light just missed his head.
Malfoy dodged the curse but the resulting explosion sent him soaring. He landed in a pile of junk and immediately slashed at Michael, who blocked the cutting curse. Michael aimed another Reducto at Malfoy who again rolled out of the way and again was still sent flying from the resulting explosion.
"This is too easy, Malfoy. Maybe I was wrong, you are too weak to be a Death eater." Michael taunted.
Draco stood up and the two sent of a volley of curses at each over.
"Mucus ad Nauseam"
"Petrificus Totalus"
"Locomotor Wibbly"
"Locomotor Mortis"
Michael's Fiendfyre sent Draco running for cover as Michael continued his taunts. "Remember this one Ferret? I'm going to fry you alive, just like your thick-headed friend."
Luckily for Malfoy, Michael was far better controlling Fiendfyre than Crabbe.
A volley of stunners where blocked by Michael canceling the Fiendfyre and leaving him vulnerable.
Michael was blasted against the wall with a sickening thud. Michael collapsed to the floor in a daze as Draco's wand crossed into his throat. "Does the m..mudblood yield?"
Michael spit blood on Draco's foot "I'm not dead yet Malfoy!"
"You have the courage of a Gryffindor and the b..brains of a Hufflepuff, How are you in Ravenclaw?" Malfoy hissed.
Michael chuckled "You forgot to mention the cunning of a Slytherin, "Diffindo!"
Malfoy scream in pain as the curse cut halfway through his ankle and felt Michael's Expulso smash him to the floor. Michael pulled towards him and both held wands to each others faces simultaneously. "Avada..."
They both paused when they took in the situation. Neither would be able to dodge killing curses and both wands where being held at each other's heads. Michael couldn't help but laugh, "I think we have reached an impasse."
"N..not unless y...yield," Malfoy shot back.
"I will not yield to a Death eater, so unless you yield...I guess this is the end." Michael whispered before he started to count. "Ten...Nine...Eight...Seven...
"Surrender or I will make sure your d..death hurts!" Draco snarled.
"Six...F..Five...Four..Four..." Michael continued sweat poor down his forehead.
"S..stop or I w..will do it. I" Draco stuttered.
Michael closed his eyes with a grimace. "Three...T...t..t. ...One...Zero...Avada..."
"I yield! Please, I yield! Please don't kill me!" Malfoy screamed as he succumbed to tears.
"Pathetic as always Ferret, give me your wand." Michael said pompously despite the clear relief in his voice. Malfoy handed over his wand and started to curl over, vomiting. Michael stood up and held his wand to the back of Draco's head.
"So should I let him live or die?" Michael yelled to the stunned crowd.
"W...WHAT! I YEILD PLEASE!" Malfoy begged.
"I know you yield you twat, but I still have the legal right to kill you in cold blood. I wasn't going to but you did try to kill be before the count of three." Michael spoke in a smug insufferable voice.
Malfoy was as pale as a ghost, "I..I..I.. didn't m..m..m mean"
"I think the word you are looking for is oops." Michael chuckled
"Michael for Merlin's sake you are on Hogwarts grounds. Please don't commit such an act in front of the students." Filius cried.
"Sorry professor but I don't believe this is my choice to make." Michael said as he turned to Luna. "Hey Freak, I guess since he tried to kill you, I will let you decide his fate. Hell, if you like you can have the honors...though I would like an apology first."
Luna slapped him across the face and Michael simply smirked. "That's not much of an apology."
"You are a foul, insufferable, big headed, bigot, Hypocrite, ego maniac." Luna scolded.
"And you are a freak of nature," Michael replied.
"Freak and proud!" Luna yelled raising her fist in the air.
"Cute, go and be proud somewhere else!" Michael scoffed.
"We were on the same side once Michael. Soldiers of Dumbledore's army!" Luna shouted
"Exactly, I am and will always be a soldier of Dumbledore's army. That will never change, no matter what I feel about its members...or our general." Michael looked up at Harry and nodded.
"I know I'm not perfect, but I vowed to fight against You-Know-Who and his Death eaters. I will never break that vow, Sir. I will follow the Chosen One to hell if I have to." Michael exclaimed proudly.
"Don't call me that!" Harry said darkly.
"Why not? You're a hero! You defeated You-Know-Who! People love you! I would do anything to be the Chosen One. I deserved to be the Chosen One!" Michael yelled confused.
"Being the Chosen One has caused me nothing but misery. It even cost me my family, how could you envy that?" Harry hissed.
"You had a mother who loved you so much, she died to save you. Be grateful of that Sir. It's more than I've ever had," Michael whispered before snapping back to the present. A smug look on his face.
"Now I know you're in love with me Loony, but there is a Death eater for you to deal with." Michael said as he took another slap to the face.
Luna turned to Draco who was he WAS groveling, begging her for mercy. Luna looked to Harry and felt very old. So much had happened in such a short time and she simply felt weak. Luna closed her eyes before she looked into her old friend's eyes and spoke.
"Draco Malfoy, I thought you were my friend. Even when you were a Death eater you would try and help me. Even when I was held captive in your home. You said you would dedicate our life to stop the hate, yet you tried to kill me. There is a girl lying dead in the Hospital wing because of you. I gave you a second chance because I didn't believe you really were a Death eater. I still don't think you were, but you are now. I gave you the choice you never had and you still chose hate. You were my broke my heart." Luna's voice broke as she grabbed Malfoy's arm and jabbed her finger inside it.
"N..n.n.n. ! Please don't take away my freedom, PLEASE!" Malfoy begged as the dark mark slowly returned to his arm. "Get it off, Get it OFF!"
"I'm sorry Draco..." Luna gasped in tears before running to Harry. She didn't need to tell him it was the hardest thing she ever had to do.
Michael stared at her surprised, "Huh...well I guess you live to whine another day Malfoy."
Malfoy stared at his arm with a look of pure hopelessness in his eyes before he spoke. "Shut up Mudblood! You're nothing but the bastard son of a Mudblood whore and a blood traitor!"
Michael stood over Malfoy red in the face. "Don't you ever! EVER! CALL MY FATHER THAT!"
Malfoy smirked "Well it's true, he had a child with her so he must be a blood traitor. I assume he must have a taste for the Muggles since he's never married since. How much do you bet that right now he is in the Department of Mysteries examining the lady Muggles."
Michael dropped the wands he was holding and socked Malfoy in the jaw. "If you mention my father ever again I will blow your brains all over the walls!" Michael gave him an extra kick to the ribs before he turned to leave. Michael picked up his wand while Malfoy crawled to his own.
Malfoy groaned in pain has he looked up at Michael with complete contempt. "Of course we know it runs in the family. Didn't you have a crush on sweet Luna before you found out she was a Squib."
Michael turned in a blaze of murderous fury Malfoy reached for his discarded wand and they both screamed, "REDUCTO!"
Luna saw what was about to happen. She couldn't let it happen. Luna immediately separated from Harry and raised her hands with an inhuman scream. It was this action alone that prevented everyone in the room from being horrifically killed.
The curses met with the force one expects when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. The spells exploded consuming Draco and Michael in fire and flames. The explosion continued blasting through everything in the room not protected by Luna's shield. It took all the strength she had left to hold off the pure unadulterated force that pounded on the shield with such might. The resulting deafening impact sent student screaming, holding each other and crying on their knees knowing they were as good as dead. But the shield held and they survived to see her shield lowered.
No one in the room saw what happened to Draco Malfoy and Michael Corner. The blinding fire made it impossible for most to see...but Luna saw it...she saw it all...
Luna saw the inevitable results of Hatred, Madness, Prejudice, Ego, Greed, and Violence.
She Saw Death
"Dear Merlin! Everyone out of here now!" McGonagall gasped as Luna slowly turned around covered in blood that was not her own. Luna felt her knees give out as Harry ran to comfort her.
Luna looked at Harry and hugged him as her tears poured onto the blood soaked ground. "He was right, an eye for an eye just leaves the world blind."
Harry couldn't think of anything comforting to say, he just nodded. He couldn't bare this anymore. He had lived through a life time of horrors and suffering. He couldn't bear to see Luna go through the same. "I love you Luna. We're going to make it through this."
Luna nodded, wiping away her tears "I love you too. Please, help me up. I feel very weak."
Harry did so and slowly the two made their way out of the room of requirements. Ignoring the stares from the students in the halls, ignoring the team of Auror's being called in to assess the damage, ignoring everything but each other and their pain.
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