Categories > TV > Supernatural > The Gaurdian

The Death Room

by CodeyaVisonchaser 0 reviews

Laneri finally remembers why she was running.

Category: Supernatural - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2017-04-21 - 1293 words

Even looking at the room I felt cold. Incredibly cold. I tried to hide my emotions, thinking them silly. Though I wasn't doing very well, apparently acting was not my strong point.

"Do you need to sit down?" Persecute asked half annoyed and half concerned.

"I'm fine." I responded, convincing absolutely no one in the room. "Just tired."

Persecute and I shared a queen bed and Oppress took the other one. It was midnight before the feeling became to intense to ignore, I was bracing for something and I knew now that the fear had stemmed from a distant memory. I tried to tell Persecute, she wasn't listening.

"We shouldn't be here." My voice was barely audible. My companion gave me a tired look. "I can't tell you what it is in this room but we can't..." I felt a tear find its way down my cheek. "Somethings wrong, something is very, very, wrong. We need to leave. Now."

Persecute rolled over and went to back to sleep, completely ignoring me.

I glanced to the right and saw my alarm clock flashing 12:07 before a half rotten half-woman was straddling my torso. She push her long rotting nails through my chest, her other hand muffling my screams.

I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream, through the feeling of fear lingered. I glanced to the right and saw my alarm clock read 12:06, that was when I heard the closet door creak open.

I looked away, memory flooding me. I remembered my mothers voice, it was strong and commanding. 'Don’t be scared of the monsters, just look for them. Look to your left, to your right, under your bed, behind your dresser, in your closet but never look up, she hates being seen.' I remembered that night that I looked up. The night she came down from the ceiling. Ready to kill me for looking at her. The moment I saw her I regretted the curiosity that drove me to look. Though that regret was nothing compared to the guilt I felt later. She had killed my father, he was defending me. I ran, as he told me. But her work wasn't done, I was next.

A hiss sounded followed by a clicking. Oppress rolled over but did not wake.

I knew that sound. It was very familiar. After the incident with this creature we moved. We moved halfway across the country. One day, 5 years later, when I thought we were finally safe I heard my mother calling. I remember my 12 year old self heading to the stairs to find her. That's when my mother pulled me into a room and covered my mouth. 'Shush. I heard it too.' She whispered. She had already gathered my older sister and two younger brothers. We heard the call again, and again, perfectly mimicking my mothers voice. When we never responded I remember a distinct hissing sound followed by the clicking. The same clicking I heard the night my father died.

A soft lullaby sounded in the motel room, enticing my companions into a deeper sleep. It was my fathers voice.

The creature was a master of imitation. The second time we had to run we had thought that we lost her for good. We never stayed at one place for more than a week and choose our destinations via a pair of dice. One day we ended up here. I remember the sound of a babies laughter outside. It was 1 am. My sister went to investigate. The creature behind me had taken her too.

I could still remember the creature tearing into her flesh, her teeth snapping through the bones. My sisters gurgled screams. That was the night that my mother left. She was angry, and terrified. But she was not about to lose her sons as well.

The clicks grew closer, I glanced at the clock. 12:07.

I couldn't blame my mother for what she did, it was the most logical thing. She locked me in the room, took my brothers and ran. It was the best chance she had to keep her youngest alive. It was me that this creature wanted, and if it got me then it would leave them alone. She was gone by the time the creature stopped feasting on my sister. Besides it was my fault my father and sister were dead. It was only fair that I died the same way.

"Where is he?" The hiss was low, and quiet as to not disturb my companions. She didn't want them to see her either. "Where's your angel now?"

Castiel was the only reason I had survived that night.

"The dark-haired one." She mimicked his voice perfectly. "I'm Castiel, an angel of the lord. Turn now and you will be spared."

I shivered remembering that night. I begged him not to kill her. I had already seen too much blood. I didn't need to see more. Now I wish that I had let him take her.

He had defeated her easily but now her voice contained more malice than ever.

Memories flooded through me. Castiel dooming her to life in the mirror on the south wall of this room. My imprinting on him. Our life following the event. The fight. My breaking the bond.

"He's not here now." She hissed. "and you're finally mine." I was slammed back into the bed. Surprisingly, Persecute didn't wake up. I found my self glancing at the clock. 12:07 was flashing across the surface. A set of long, rotten fingers dug deep into my chest and the other hand reached up to cover my mouth. I closed my eyes and screamed in pain. I did not want to see her. Her image had haunted me since I was a child and the last two times I saw her someone I love died.

No, she did not like being looked at. And I was afraid that the people in this room would suffer if I made the mistake of looking again.

Their was a terrible screech and the hand on my mouth no longer held any pressure. My eyes snapped open automatically.

Persecute had been sure to place a dagger under her pillow earlier---for her general distrust of people. Now it was in her hands. The creature's face was contorted in rage and pain. Her left hand missing.

She removed her remaining hand from my chest and swiped at my older friend. Unfortunately, for her it seemed that Persecute had been trained to fight. Oppress grabbed my hand and half dragged me out of the room. As the creature tried to stab Persecute with her single twisted horn.

"Heart start the car!" I stared back at the room. I couldn't abandon anyone else. I moved back towards the hotel but Oppress stopped me. "Listen she's going to come out! But when she does this car needs to be running so we can drive!" I refocused on the youth in front of me. He was right of course. Not only that but he had seen her too. Which meant that she would come for him as well. I needed to make sure he was safe. I immediately set to hotwiring the vehicle, Oppress instructing me when ever I was having troubles. Two minutes after I managed to get the car running Persecute showed up. Running for her life. She had a wound in her arm but she was alive. As soon as she was in the comet I stepped down on the gas. We peeled out of the lot, none of us intent on staying in the town, where we were going? None of us knew, none of us cared.

My two friends thought we were escaping. But I knew we were being followed.
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