Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > Game of Survival


by funkyfood4 0 reviews

Chapter 2

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2017-08-08 - 663 words

Chapter 2

I scavenge the closet for the battery powered radio, so we can be alerted of any warnings.

Annabeth and I were still shocked at what we had just witnessed.

I powered up the radio and just in time too.

'Everyone is urged to stay in doors!' The radio blared.

"What should we do! I'm worried!" Annabeth said.

"We just need to try to stay calm." I try to calm her down.

"All I know is I am NOT sleeping!" She yells.

I giggle a bit at my life long friend.

Hours past as we grew restless, the rain was leaking though the door and was piling up at the window, it was a fish tank of sorts.

We sat in the living room in silence, the only sound coming from the radio.

Suddenly a tree smashed through the ceiling.

Annabeth and I both scream in unison.

"We can't stay here!" Annabeth screams.

I turn to her,
"Ok, we have to go to the other side of the island, didn't your dad give you that fishing boat? We can use that to get to the other side of the island. You go to your house and get supplies I'll pack too we can meet in your garage by the boat." I tell her, even though her mom works in a factory, her dad is actually loaded, that's why she gets fancy presents.

I sprinted to my room grabbing an old school backpack. My room was pretty bare, we were never able to get a lot of fancy stuff.

I started packing. I packed a toothbrush and toothpaste, a shirt and pants, underwear and a bra, my teddy bear that my father had given me, and a blanket.

I ran to my mothers room and took her locket that she wore all the time except to work, you aren't allowed to wear jewelry.

It's funny, usually whenever there is extensive flooding they tell us to evacuate, but the sea levels have been rising lately and everyone has been on edge.

I go to the door slip on my PUMAS, put on my Miami Dolphins hoodie and run out the door of the home I was raised in.

I sloshed through the waist-deep water, carefully making my way to the garage. On the way to the garage I think I fell over a few times, but a little salt water never hurt anyone.

Once I made it into the flooded garage I saw Annabeth, standing knee deep in murky water.

"Finally I already got everything set to sail-or whatever." She recited.

Since the trailer the boat stood on was flooded with water we just pushed and shoved it until it came free and settled in the water.

I threw my leg over the side to jump in, during the school year when Annabeth was home we would always take it out after school and ride the waves.

I set my bag in the cabin as Annabeth started the motor, the cabin also housed a small bed and a mini fridge (I know right?).

Annabeths father always bought her lavish gifts, but it wasn't because he just felt like it he was trying to bribe her to go live with him during the school year.

The wind whipped the palm trees violently. The waves of the flooded city clashed against the white exterior of the boat.

Some of the buildings we past as Annabeth manned the boat, had toppled over like children's toys.

We finally got to the other edge of town.

"Finally we're he-" I stop dead in my words.

Annabeth realizes it too,
"Where is the factory?"

Then it hits me as I glimpse a pile of cement where the factory used to be.

"No." Tears slide down my cheeks, as does Annabeth's.

I try to process what I just realized as a huge wave hits the boat and I black out.

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