Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Don't Judge On What You See

Chapter Four - Classes

by mmaredding-chase07 0 reviews

Chapter 4!

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2017-09-26 - Updated: 2017-10-11 - 1436 words

Chapter Four - Classes


I woke up for the first day of classes. I found myself next to Pansy because she got scared due to a nightmare in the middle of the night. I was awake before everyone else in my dorm, which meant first dibs on the shower. I carefully got up, as not to wake her, and took a shower as fast as I could, hoping to be able to get dressed before the other girls got up. I was successful.

I had just finished pulling on my robe when Harper's sun clock's alarm went off (It's pretty cool. It's a sundial, but when the sun hits a certain time on the dial, it shines into a mirror, which floods light into a small clear box with a rat in it, sending the rodent scuttling away from the light, which requires it to run through a tripwire, turning the mirror so that it flashes light into your eyes, blinding you, while dropping a marble that will spiral down a track, picking up speed, until it rams into a bell, ringing loudly. Her uncle made it for her.) I laced up my shoes and the others got up, yawning and stretching. They all started to climb out of bed and creep towards the bathroom. Showers, hair irons, shoes, uniforms, makeup, and books started to be tossed around, passing from girl to girl, and most of it was thrown into bags. Soon, all of us were dressed and ready to go.

"Come on! Let's go! Sitting here is boring!" Milly complained, flopping down on her bed. She had been the second one dressed.

"Alright, come on, y'all! I'm hun-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-gry-y-y-y-y-y" That was Peregrine. She had this funny almost American accent and was also saying how hungry she is. It's quite entertaining. We all trudged downstairs and we were met by an over-enthusiastic Blaise, and a less enthusiastic Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle.

"Goooooooood morning, ladies!" Blaise yelled, flying over and capturing me in a hug. I attempted to squirm out of his grasp, but he only held on tighter. I knew what was going to happen. He wouldn't let go until he took me to the Great Hall and force-fed food down my throat. I finally allowed him to pick me up and carry me out of the common room. Behind us, Harper, Peregrine, and Pansy were laughing like crazy, Draco had cracked a smile, and Crabbe and Goyle looked stupid as usual. Poor Milly was being pulled along by Harper, as she whined about being tired because she barely got any sleep last night.

When we got up to the hall, Blaise sat me down in the chair next to him. I tried to escape with the claims that I had forgotten something back at the dorms, but Blaise wouldn't let me get away so quickly. "Here, I'll walk with you." he stood before I could. I bit my lip. I didn't want him to start to freak out, but I also really wasn't hungry.

"Blaise, please," Pansy was looking much better after she had been whacked over the head by Harper's wand a few times. She pulled me up to stand with her, hooking her arm through mine.

"I can take her. You can't go into the girl's dorm anyway." Blaise didn't look happy about it, but he sat down, watching us as we walked out of the hall.

"Thanks," I whispered to Pansy, giving her a small smile. She grinned back.

"Girls gotta stick together, right?" she asked as we hopped down some stairs. I nodded back. We clambered into the dorms and I grabbed an extra quill that I had in my trunk. Before we went back to our friends, Pansy turned to me and held out her little finger. "Best friends forever?" I couldn't help but beam at her. Nobody had ever asked me to be their best friend forever. Well, Blaise did it once, but I think he was joking. And the funniest thing? Even though I knew that it was silly to think that a pinky promise would really do anything, but I was still honored. I linked pinkies with her and we shook.

"Now, let's go. Class is going to start soon." The two of us hurried up the stairs and back to the Great Hall. I took my seat next to Blaise just as the bell rang. He gave me a disapproving look worthy of my mother and shoved a roll into my hand. I sighed. I nibbled on it as we walked, feeling his eyes on me as I slowly ate.

Soon, we arrived at our first class, potions. It was with Snape, and we were dying to see if the rumors about the man were true. outside of the classroom, there was already a small group of first years that was forming. Few of them were Gryffindors: Potter, Weasley, some really happy one, who was almost bouncing off the walls, a girl hiding behind a book, and others. The rest were Slytherin. Soon, about a half minute to class starting, the door dramatically flung open, hitting some overly happy Gryffindork, and revealing a tall man dressed in all black. Professor Snape.

“Well? Enter!” Snape announced, beckoning for us to follow him. We walked into the classroom and sat down in groups of two. I ended up sitting next to Pansy, with Blaise across the way, and two Gryffindors sat in front of us. One of them was very fat, and the other was very Irish. Snape started up attendance, but after my name was called, I zoned out. Harry Potter was asked some questions, but I ignored him. Harry Potter has never been my favorite person. He was why my father had been taken away. After that, we begin to make our very first potion. I had never excelled at potion-making, and apparently neither did Pansy, because instead of our concoction turning the lavender it was supposed to, it boiled a strange shade of yellow. All around us, others shouted out in joy as they admired their handiwork. The Irish boy turned around and glanced at our potion.

“Hi, yeah, is it supposed to be boiling like that?” he pointed at his own potion which was steaming and churning violently, and nasty green bubbles popped above the mixture. Pansy and I shrugged. The fat boy shrieked as green the green stuff pooled on the floor, from what appeared to be the bottom of their cauldron. Several students attempted to jump onto their chairs and the happy Gryffindork who sat next to the boy’s table sent a spell at the potion, but missed, hitting our cauldron, causing our brew to disappear. Sure, it was faulty, but it was the first potion I had ever mad at Hogwarts. I wanted something to send to my mother to show her I was doing something. But now it was gone. Pansy looked angry too. Before I could raise my wand to hex the girl, Snape appeared and cleared away the boy's potion.

“You-Potter-why didn’t you tell him not to add the quills? Thought he’d make you look good if he got it wrong, did you?” That’s one more point from Gryffindor.” He turned to me and Pansy.

“Where is your potion? Trying to see how far you could go without working?”

“Sir we-”

“Please, Miss Parkinson, I’d rather not have to take points away from my own house, but that will be one point from each of you.”

My blood boiled worse than their potion. Didn’t Snape see us working on it? Why couldn’t we explain what happened? How was it that three little Gryffindork losers were the reason that I lost points on the first day? No. No, no, no, NO This would not do. I'll get back at these idiots. They’ve made me look stupid. I refuse to look stupid. I glared at the boys and girl. They didn’t even have the courtesy to apologize for what they did? Fine. I’d make them apologize. I was still steaming as Blaze half dragged me out of the room. Pansy marched behind me, scowling. I was so angry that I threw my old roll from breakfast as hard as I could into a crowd of people.

“Peeves!” screamed a boy, and most of the corridor ducked, covering their heads in tornado position. Draco snorted and we kept walking. Peeves. My brother had told me plenty about him. Actually, that gave me an idea. I smiled evilly, giggling quietly to myself.
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