Categories > Books > Harry Potter > RS- Transforming Harry

Early Lessons

by DrT

Harry takes the first steps to realizing his metamorph powers. The lemons start

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Luna,Lupin,Tonks - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2017-11-02 - 12749 words - Complete

RS- Transforming Harry
Part II

Harry takes the first steps to realizing his metamorph powers.

Harry never wondered how magicals differed from Muggles. He should have. When it’s discovered Harry has metamorphing abilities, life will be very different. HP/HG/LL/GW, some bisexuality & slash. The lemons start.

The Harry Potter canon and characters are owned by She-Who-Must-Be-Mentioned and many minions. This fic shows what hormonal teens wished they could get away with.


Chapter III

Harry peeked into the breakfast room they used for all meals not taken in the kitchen. "Come in, Harry," Remus said. Harry came cautiously into the room. "Dora went back to Hermione's," Remus said. Tonks was keeping a periodic watch on both the camp and the Grangers' house. "She's a little embarrassed by what happened, and knew you would be, too."

Harry stood there, certainly embarrassed.

"I'm not upset with you, Harry," Remus said. "I'm not thrilled that Dora intruded as much as she did, but I'm not angry with either of you."

"Thank you," Harry said in a small voice.

"Things are going to be tense for the next few days. The full moon is the late morning of the Thirtieth, that is, Tuesday. I'm not going to be cheery company between tomorrow and Thursday or so. Dora will be bringing the girls here sometime between breakfast and lunch on your birthday. She'll also be here at night, but you might not see much of her."

"Just so you know, I didn't see anything of her," Harry said earnestly, too used to being falsely accused. "I didn't touch her."

"I know. Dora told me."

A sudden thought occurred to Harry. "Why don't you marry her?" he asked.

"The war and Umbridge's decrees," Remus said shortly and bitterly.

"Wars didn't stop my parents, and why would those Decrees stop you from getting married at the Muggle Registry Office?" Harry asked. "Aren't Muggle and magical marriages . . . reciprocal?"

Remus blinked.

"Didn't that ever occur to either of you?" Harry asked. "I mean, your mother was Muggle-born, and Tonks' father was Muggle-born."

"No," Remus admitted, "it hasn't." He grinned. "Dora will feel equally daft."

"As for the war, I do understand, but did my parents regret it, or me?"

"No," Remus again admitted.

"Shall we go ring shopping early Monday morning?" Harry teased.

"Actually . . . I have one."

"Great!" Harry said. The pair relaxed, and enjoyed their dinner. Harry did regret, a little, the fact that Tonks would likely not be teaching him any about pleasure, at least not directly. He was not about to mention that.


How are you feeling about the life style now?" Hermione asked Ginny as they prepared for bed.


"You are wearing a nightdress."

Ginny shrugged. "To tell you the truth, I don't think I mind walking about topless, but I don't care for my fanny showing," Ginny admitted, "especially since we shaved off our pubic hair."

"I have some bikini bottoms and you have some shorts you can wear if you really want to," Hermione admitted. "You don't want a string or a thong bottom. Then it appears as if you're highlighting what you're trying to hide. Still, some women wear swim suits or shorts when they're having their period."

"She can't be having her period for two weeks," Luna pointed out.

"True, but I meant she won't totally stand out," Hermione retorted.

Ginny sighed. "Why don't we walk down to the lake tomorrow, after we tan some more."

"We can, but why do we need to tan some more?"

"I'll go to breakfast in shorts," Ginny said. "Then I'll tan some more, so I don't freckle and to get used to be totally naked some more. Actually, I've never really tanned much before. It looks better than all the heavy freckles."

"Sounds like a plan."


Wednesday, July 31, 1996

"Good morning, Harry."

Harry sat up in his bed, a look of terror on his face. Tonks laughed. "Don't worry, Harry. No peeking, I promise. For the last time, sorry about that. It won't happen again. Besides, I'm a lot less frustrated today."

"I thought Remus was feeling . . . poorly."

Tonks shrugged. "He was, and is. Still, do you want the details?" Harry grinned and nodded, wondering if Tonks really would say anything. "Fine, twice Sunday night, twice Monday, once last night, and once this morning. Actually, I'm a bit worried about how much fooling around we might get up to once he's feeling better. I don't know if I could handle much more."

"Werewolves are supposed to have a great deal of stamina," Harry teased with a straight face.

"And I'm beginning to see that it's true! Now, run into the bog if you need it, and then do your exercises. After your shower and breakfast, we'll work some more on your hair exercises."

"Right, Coach," Harry teased back. "Still, if you don't mind. . . ."

"What?" Tonks asked, all innocence.

"Fine, if you want to see me naked again. . . ." Harry said. He flipped of the sheet and stood up.

"I see you're glad to see me again," Tonks said, while actually averting her eyes. "See you at breakfast."

Harry hurried through his morning routine. The girls were to come at 10:00 and stay until 1:00. Tonks had woken him up just before his alarm was set to go off (at 6:30). He had done his physical routine for an hour, showered, and was at the breakfast table a few minutes after 8:00.

"Good morning, Remus," Harry said. "You look better today."

"Considering how I looked yesterday, that's not saying all that much," Lupin grumbled.

"Isn't Dobby here?" Harry asked. Compared to other mornings, there was not all that much on the table.

"He's here, but he agreed to restrain himself, since we're having a feast for lunch," Remus pointed out.

"Good point," Harry said, taking two soft-boiled eggs, two slices of toast, and six sausages.

"It's a good thing you're working out so hard," Tonks teased. "Otherwise, you'd be looking like your cousin soon."

"If I wasn't working out so hard, I wouldn't want to eat half of this," Harry retorted.

"Good. At least you eat like a normal person. Your friend Ron is more like a human shovel."

Harry shrugged. "He's the youngest of six brothers. Ginny didn't have to fend for herself, like the boys did." He hadn't either, for that matter, but after a few breakfasts at the Weasleys, Harry better understood Ron's eating habits.

Remus turned his tired, bloodshot eyes back to Tonks. "How are the metamorph lessons going?" He had not been up to overseeing the first lessons over the previous two days.

"Harry certainly has the native talent to be a complete metamorph, like me, but it's not easy to tease out of him. It's been suppressed too long. Still, he can do his hair perfectly, except for color. Show 'em, Harry."

Harry did his best trick, and Remus spit out his tea. "Damn, Harry! Your hair looks just like Severus'!"

Harry grinned. "I wouldn't show up with it this greasy, but what do you think about showing up to potions like this?" Harry's hair thickened even more, and had a real wave in it, without really a curl.

"Don't risk it," Remus advised.

Harry grinned at Tonks and said, "I worked hard on it last night, like you suggested. How about this?" His hair went Weasley-red.

Remus and Tonks applauded. "Well done, Harry! I knew you could!" Tonks cheered. She cheered even more when Harry put his hair into a huge Afro, and turned his skin a deep chocolate as well.

"I can't do much of anything else, other than colors and the hair," Harry said.

"Harry, that's still great," Tonks said.

"Wait a moment," Remus said. "What else can you do?"

Harry looked very embarrassed. "It's rather . . . embarrassing to admit. And it's something I actually learned to do a while ago."

"Wait a moment!" Tonks said. She scowled at Harry. "Just how large is your member in its normal state?"

"Wait! How large was it when you saw it?" Remus asked.

"You didn't tell him?" Harry asked, with a rather Dumbledore-like twinkle in his eye.

"Hell, I couldn't believe it, and I saw it! Why would he?" Tonks asked.

"How big?"

"About twelve inches and as thick as my forearm," Tonks admitted.

Remus was shocked. "Okay, you are even more forgiven taking a closer look than you were before." He turned to Harry. "Are large are you really?"

Harry shrugged, "Around seven inches, and maybe two-thirds the thickness Tonks saw. I can get it up to eighteen inches, if I want."

"Then why do you have so much trouble with the lessons?" Tonks asked, puzzled.

"I think it's because you want me to mimic something, and I've never tried that before. I can change texture and length and size, but I've never copied something before."

"I see," Tonks said thoughtfully. "Well, just because I learned that way doesn't been you should. We'll try something else tomorrow."

"Aw, we have time now," Harry teased. This was a lot more fun than Legilimency. He had mastered Occlumency well-enough to keep Voldemort out, and was not making as much progress on mind-magic now that he had met the primary goal.

"Alright, let's try this first. Don't worry about copying anything, think about changing. Any changes are fine."

Harry frowned, and then grinned. He grimaced, and suddenly his hair grew much longer, and wavier. His whiskers (barely noticeable at any time) completely disappeared. Then Remus and Tonks fell on the floor, laughing hysterically as Harry suddenly grew a set of DD-breasts. Harry started laughing as well, which set them jiggling, which made Harry laugh even harder, as he tried to hold on to them.

Tonks recovered first, stripping down to her underwear. "Now, Harriet," she said. "See my curves? You have the boobs right, if a tad over-done, but you left all your muscles. Think about redistributing your mass. Grow at least a little butt."

Harry took off his robe, leaving him in a vest (an old West Ham shirt he had picked up) and cut-off shorts. His boobs went down to C-cups, and then his shape adjusted accordingly.

"Except for that bulge in front, well done," Tonks said.

"Uh-uh, not getting rid of that!" Harry said. It did shrink a little, however.

"Back to normal?" Tonks teased.

"No, I shrink down quite a bit for Quidditch," Harry answered.

"I don't know if you'll ever be able to disguise yourself by copying someone else in particular," Tonks said. "Short of that, I think we'll have you up to snuff by the Tenth with no problem."

"And we'll have all your other work complete by then, too," Remus said, pleased.

Harry turned back to himself. Remus suddenly looked suspicious. "Harry, did you ever mask bruises, or emaciation?"


"Being too skinny, from being underfed?"

"Not on purpose, but I think I might have a little," Harry admitted.

"Eighteen inches, eh?" Tonks said thoughtfully.

"Dora, keep your mind out of the gutter," Remus ordered.

"Yes, dear," she said, waving her engagement ring around. "I guess I'll just be happy with your seven-and-a-half."


Tonks transformed her head into a poodle's. "Arf! Arf!" she barked, before transforming back.
Harry tried, and totally failed to do more than have a head-full of poodle-like curls on his head and for his beard.

"That's okay, Harry," Tonks assured him. "I've never met another metamorphmagus who could do that. Believe it or not, I'm one of the best."

"No one should know about your abilities, except your three female friends and perhaps Ron," Remus warned.

"I know," Harry said.

"Speaking of whom, let me go see how they're doing." With that, Tonks disapparated.

"I guess I'd better go change," Harry said.

"I think you should, too," Remus said. Harry was reminded from the tone of Remus' voice that his former teacher was also a famous prankster. "Let's see how far you can go, and how well."


"Oh . . . hello," Hermione said, curious. Behind her at the door to the library, Luna and Ginny frowned. "Where's Harry?" Hermione blinked, confused. She had thought Harry would be here, not some stranger.

The girls looked at the girl just standing up from a chair. She was about their age and on the tall side, muscular yet fairly curvy. She had very long, thick, lustrous auburn hair, brilliant blue eyes, and yet a serious demeanor.

"Hello," she said in an accent equal to Hermione at her plummiest. "You must be Hermione, Ginny, and Luna. I'm Stella Black, Dora's cousin. Welcome to my home." Her voice was a pleasant contralto.

"Your home?" Ginny demanded. "I thought Harry was Sirius' heir!"

"For his assets, but not this house. I inherited, through my grandfather. Sirius' father was the oldest brother, Tonks' grandfather was the youngest brother. My grandfather was the middle brother."

"You don't go to Hogwarts!" Ginny accused.

"Mais, non," Stella replied. "I go to the Witches' Academy near Basel."

"How . . . posh," Hermione responded, her accent on full.

"It's quite nice," Stella answered evenly. She looked at the three girls, in everyday Muggle blouses, shorts, and sandals. "I see you dressed to impress Harry." They were all showing a lot of leg and arm, none were wearing bras, and their blouses were half-way undone from the bottom and top, and they were lightly tanned all over.

The three girls glared back. Stella was only wearing a short but expensive skirt and a plain silk white blouse, the ends tied at the bottom revealing a flat muscular stomach. Her D-cup breasts filled the top to near over-flowing, and her large brown nipples just showed through the silk. Her feet were bare, and looked perfectly pedicured.

"I see you are, too," Ginny snarled.

"I assure you, I do not have to impress Harry," Stella replied haughtily. "We're already very intimate."

Ginny's chin started to waver, and her and Hermione's eyes started to glisten. Suddenly, Luna whooped, and then exclaimed, "Harry! When did you discover you were a metamorphmagus?"

"What!" Ginny and Hermione cried out.

'Stella' burst out laughing. "I'm sorry," 'she' managed. "When Remus suggested it, I couldn't resist."

"Harry?" Hermione cried. 'Stella' nodded, and shrank her hair into a bob, and let 'her' eyes go back to their normal brilliant green.

Hermione launched herself into Harry's arms and hugged him tightly. When she released herself a moment later, Hermione teased, "I must say, that was the softest hug we've ever shared!"

"True," Harry said. He looked at the three girls. "Am I forgiven?"

"Of course," Hermione said. Luna, who had been laughing the whole time, managed to nod.

Ginny merely said, "So, why don't you change back?" It was clear she wasn't as forgiving as the other two.

"Because this is all I'm wearing, and I think it would be too tight a fit in different places, and far too breezy, for me normally. I'll be right back." He paused at the door and said, "And I am impressed at your outfits. I really like them."

Ginny suddenly started giggling. "What?" Hermione asked.

When Ginny, who was still giggling, couldn't answer, Luna said, "I would imagine she imagined how some of the boys would look at Stella. Especially Ronald."

Hermione was not sure how to take that.

"Actually," Ginny finally admitted, "I was wondering how Malfoy would take it."

"He and 'Stella' would be . . . second cousins!" Hermione objected.

"Well within the norms for that set," Luna pointed out. They filed that away, as they heard Tonks yell, "You stretch those clothes out of shape and I'll have your hide, Potter!" in the distance.


"I must say, I prefer you like this," Ginny said to Harry a few minutes later as they all sat down in Remus' study on an upper floor.

"Or at least over 'Stella," Luna added.

Hermione looked at Remus and Tonks. "If Harry can pull off such a good change, why can't he join us at the camp?"

Tonks answered before Remus could. "First of all, Harry just learned how to do these transformations, and I do mean as of this morning. He was having some problems before this. He needs a lot more practice in both making and holding the transitions. Secondly. . . ." She turned to Harry. "Did you manage a complete transformation into a girl?"

Harry, already flushed, blushed furiously. "No," he said in a small voice.

"Why not?" Ginny asked, puzzled. Luna and Hermione started giggling, while Harry continued blushing. "What?" Ginny demanded.

"I don't believe Harry has sufficient experience to transform one part of his anatomy," Remus said with a straight face. "If the camp wasn't a nudist camp, he might be able to pull it off, but it wouldn't work there."

"Oh. . . ?" Ginny pondered, thinking about that. Then, she realized what Remus meant. "OH!"

"Exactly," Tonks said.

"Besides, Harry has a lot of work to do, before you can all get together," Remus said. "He would have to practice a lot on how to act like a girl before he could really pass as one. Still, that's a possibility now for later on."

"When do we find anything out about that?" Hermione asked.

"Sorry, that's classified. All you need to know is that Dumbledore is trusting the four of you to be basically alone for over two weeks," Remus pointed out.

"Are you going to have to keep this metamorph stuff secret?" Ginny asked.

"Probably," Harry said.

"Certainly," Remus said.

"Oh. . . . Can he at least drive Ron and Neville mad first?" Ginny pleaded.

"That might be arranged," Remus said.

"Anyway, is it time to celebrate Harry's birthday yet?" Luna asked.

"I suppose we can start now, instead of at lunch, why?" Remus asked.

In answer, Luna stood and walked over to Harry and kissed him lightly. "Happy birthday, Harry." She handed him two envelopes. "Open this one now, and the other one tonight."

Harry slipped one into his robe and opened the other. "Thank you, Luna," Harry said. A year's subscription to The Quibbler would at least keep him entertained.

Ginny took Luna's place. She blushed a little as she kissed him, and handed him a small package and an envelope, with the instruction to read the note later. She had given him refills for the broom servicing kit Hermione had given him a few years before.

Hermione kissed him with a touch more passion than the others, handing him two packages, which were obviously books. "My note is in this one," Hermione said, pointing to one of the packages. "This present is actually from all three of us." The other book was a manual on magical wards.

Harry happily opened his other gifts. Ron had sent a photo of the Quidditch professionals at the flying camp (most of whom had signed it). Neville and some of the other DA members had sent him cards. Hagrid had sent owl treats for Harry to give Hedwig, and Mrs. Weasley had sent various treats. Tonks and Remus had clubbed together and bought Harry a set of auror's manuals.
"Make certain you don't leave these just laying about," Tonks warned. "You aren't supposed to have these."


When the girls left (each kissing him deeply before leaving), Harry went back to the library and sat down, smiling.

"A good birthday, I hope?" Remus asked, coming and sitting down.

"This has been, by far, the best birthday ever," Harry said. Then he frowned.

"What's wrong, Harry?" Tonks asked, coming in.

"Something bad must be going to happen," Harry groused. "I don't get to enjoy life this much without something awful happening."

"Maybe your luck has changed," Tonks pointed out.

"Maybe," Harry answered, "but I think it's more fate than luck, and that doesn't change so easily."

"Why don't you go to your room and open your notes and the other present," Remus suggested. "Maybe that will cheer you up."

"I'm not in a bad mood," Harry protested. When the other two glared at him, he said, "Well, I'm not in that bad of a mood."

"Go and enjoy your presents, and practice becoming Stella."

"Yes, Auntie Dora," Harry teased, running from the room.

And ran straight into the troll-foot umbrella stand.

"Blind half-blood scum!" Mrs. Black roared. "Can't you even see where you're going?"

"Shut it, you vicious old hag!" Harry roared back. "I own this miserable pile now, not you!"

"If you truly owned the Noble House of Black, you could quiet me, boy!"

"Harry is not of age yet," Remus said from the doorway. "On his seventeenth birthday, he will be able to silence you forever. That will be a year from today."

"Here are your choices," Harry snarled. "One, sleep behind your curtains from this day until the war is over. If we lose, well, you'll see someone you like here, no doubt. If we win, I'll turn you over to Narcissa Malfoy or her son. Two, keep opening the curtains but I swear if you make one more peep, I'll burn you off that wall next summer."

The portrait glared at Harry. Finally, she asked, "Could you have my curtains opened during some days, when no one is here?"

Harry thought a moment, and then called out, "Dobby!"

The elf appeared with a pop. "Harry Potter calls?"

"Dobby, would you enter my service as my elf?"

"Oh, yes Harry Potter. Dobby would enslave himself again for you!"

"No, Dobby!" Harry said. "I insist you take twice as much pay as you currently do."

"But. . . ."

"As a favor to me, if nothing else."

"Yes, Harry Potter. So Dobby may still wear clothes?"


"Disgusting," the portrait said.

Harry ignored that. "At least once a week, when no one else is in residence, you are to open the curtains for this portrait, and to make certain they are closed when people are here. If anyone is living here, try and see that the curtains are opened at least for a few hours every two weeks."

"Every week," the portrait requested.

"Very well, every week."

"Yes, Master Harry."

"Do we have a deal?" Harry asked.

"We do," the portrait answered.

"May Dobby know the full deal?" Harry then explained it to the elf.

"Dobby will enforce, Master Harry."

"Thank you, Dobby." Harry looked around. "I believe I have some presents to look at," he said, and went up to his room.


Harry thought about it for a moment, and moved to open the present from the three girls. To his surprise, he saw that it was not a book, but three books (only then did he remember what Hermione had said about the package). He was even more surprised to see that they were the wizarding editions of The Joy of Sex, More Joy of Sex, and How to Please a Woman. A quick glance showed him that these were all not only illustrated, but magically illustrated with moving images. There was also an envelope and a note. The note, in Hermione's writing, said, Here's some homework you might enjoy doing!

Harry smiled, and opened Hermione envelope first. There was no note, but what Harry realized was a set of five Polaroid photos. Two were of the girls (Hermione and Luna were nude, while Ginny was in very short shorts and a bikini top), and three were of Hermione. One was a full body shot, while the other two captured Hermione from either side, half turned towards the camera. Harry quickly opened the other two envelopes, and saw there were three photos each of Luna and Ginny. The other two in Hermione's envelope were of the three witches, Luna in the middle. They were smiling at the camera, their arms around each others' waists.

Harry picked up Hermione's full-frontal at random, and then some of the others. Comparing the photos, Harry saw that the girls had also written down their measurements and vital statistics (other than their weight) -- one them obviously had some idea of how boys thought. Hermione was a shade over 5 foot 3 (5 foot 4, if her hair wasn't pressed down), and listed her measurements as 34 B - 20 - 32. Harry knew, of course, her birthday was September 19, although he had never noticed if she was older or younger than he was (she was older). He had noticed that day that Hermione had allowed her wild hair to grow a bit longer. It was now past her upper shoulders. Harry really liked it.

Harry considered the nude Hermione. Like the others, Hermione had shaved off her pubic hair. He wondered if it had been as wild as her other hair, and the same chestnut color. Although they did not show, he knew her eyes were dark chocolate brown with just a few dark green flecks. Her lips were the darkest, and he noticed that her nipples were the largest and darkest as well. Her legs were shapely, and Harry realized that she had the most elegant and expressive hands and feet of the three.

Harry decided 'elegant' was the best word to describe Hermione's looks.

Ginny was the shortest of the witches, she claimed 5 foot even, although Harry (correctly) suspected she might have fudged that a bit, and 34 C - 23 - 34. She was easily the most muscular of the three, in fact the only muscular one of the three. While Harry admired Hermione's elegant lines, he admired Ginny's well-defined muscle tone. He knew from his own hard work that summer that her tone was hard-won and well-maintained.

Ginny had cut her long hair into a page-boy. He decided it looked nice on her, although he preferred longer hair. She was smiling her brilliant smile, and he could imagine he could distinguish her milk chocolate brown eyes. Harry decided that 'lively' or 'sporty' would be the best word to describe Ginny's looks.

Harry had also known Ginny's birthday was August 11. It had not escaped him that he would likely be joining the girls on her birthday. He decided he would buy each of the girls a gift, plus a birthday gift for Ginny. That should prevent any problems (or at least he hoped so). He had not known Luna's birthday was Halloween.

Luna was now the tallest of the three girls, 5 foot 5, and built like some late '60s models at 31 A - 18 - 30. Her thinness did not have an unhealthy look, as Harry himself had sometimes looked in the past. Her eyes were the largest of the three, and their silver-blue color was almost unique. While Hermione looked like she was feeling natural in the nude, and Ginny a bit nervous, Luna was her usual serene self.

Harry admired Luna's self-assurance, although he wondered if perhaps he just didn't know her as well as he did Ginny and especially Hermione. He noticed, as he had that morning, that Luna's once-stringy dark blonde hair was perfectly groomed. He pondered that a moment, unable to decide if she was making the effort or if it was Hermione's effort on her behalf. There had been a few moments over the summer where he had day-dreamed about combing the tangles out of her hair with his fingers, just as he had had similar fantasies of playing with Hermione's.

All three of the girls were beautiful to Harry. To say he was aroused was putting it mildly.
Harry put the photos into his new trunk, and carefully locked the door. He quickly stripped off his clothes, and concentrated on his erect penis. It grew from just over seven inches to over eighteen. Harry climbed onto his bed, and pulled the curtains, even though there were no paintings in the room.

Harry rolled onto his back, his legs up against the headboard. Harry adjusted himself, and his knees sank towards his ears, which put three inches of his extended cock more than within reach. Harry thought about the three girls. Each was beautiful in her own way, but Hermione had the softest, most kissable lips. Harry's face transformed slightly, and he grasped his cock with both hands.

He was always a little embarrassed by sucking himself off, and rarely did so. He had never admitted any desires towards any of the boys he had ever known, but the mere fact he could do this to himself was at times irresistible. As Harry's tongue made the first lick, Harry's memory was drawn back to the previous August. Fred had turned to Sirius one evening, when it had only been Sirius, Fred, George, and Ron. "Tell me something," Fred had asked. "There's something I've always heard about dogs, and I was wondering if it was true?"

"What's that?" Sirius had asked. He had been on at least his sixth fire whiskey.

"Is it true that dogs lick their pricks so much simply because they can?" Sirius had fallen off his chair, laughing.

He hadn't answered the question.

Harry knew the answer, and his now-softer lips urged the crown of his cock into his mouth. His fingers urged himself on, and in less than thirty seconds, he came into his mouth, quietly since his mouth was full. That had been one reason why he had sometimes done this, both at the Dursleys and at Hogwarts.

Harry swallowed the evidence of his passion, but kept the tip of his cock in his mouth until he was certain he was cleaned off for good. Only then did Harry flip over and ease the tension in his back, and return his cock and face to normal.


The next week went by very fast for Harry. While he was only slowly getting good at mimicry, once he had gotten that kickstart start on his birthday he was very adapt at making his own changes, other than for height. Seeing how clumsy that made Tonks, Harry was willing to forego that, and instead learned how to mimic feminine body language.

Tonks and Remus also drilled Harry in self-defense (magical and physical) and coaxed him in his homework. Some of his tutors also came by, to keep Harry working on his Legilimency and his Druidical skills. Harry also spent what little free time he had writing to the three girls, who each wrote back every day, each time including a new photo of herself.

Harry was quite pleased.

On the morning of August 8, however, Remus turned to Harry over breakfast. "Would you like to go for a short trip?"

Harry frowned in surprise. "Where?"

"Dora and I are getting married at the Muggle Registry Office. Dumbledore agreed that it should be safe for you to make the trip, so we decided last night to do it quickly, so that there would be less chance of any leaks. After all, we are going to have to go by Muggle transport."

"You're really getting married? So soon?"

"Yes," Remus answered simply. "You don't mind if we honeymoon here, do you?"

"Not so long as you keep enforcing those silencing charms," Harry teased. "When do we go?"

"Bill should be here soon, then we'll be off. Fleur is going to get the girls, plus Dora's parents will be there, and that will be it, along with Dumbledore. Dora and I will bring you back here, and then, well. . . ."

"You and Dora will disappear until Sunday morning."

"Essentially, yes," Remus admitted.



Unknown to Remus, Bill, or Harry, a pair of eyes watched them leave by Muggle cab. It was obviously only a short outing, and even if the building they had left from, and would return to, was impossible to find, it had been obvious for some time what the general area they would be coming back to was.

Peter Pettigrew sent for reinforcements.


Things did not go well for the Death Eaters four hours later when a cab returned to Grimmauld Place. First, they were tired from the wait, and the necessity of hiding under strong concealment spells on a hot and sunny day. Second, while Harry was the first one out of the cab, he had been riding in front. When he got out to open the door for Tonks, now Dora Lupin, the cab was between himself and the attackers. Third, the first person out the back on the other side was not Remus Lupin, a formidable dueler but who would be outnumbered, but Albus Dumbledore, who immediately spotted them despite their concealment spells.

The fight lasted under three minutes. But there was no doubt that one of the last curses fired off was the Killing Curse, and that it had hit Harry Potter.


Chapter IV

Harry Potter was very surprised when he opened his eyes.

He was not so much surprised at opening his eyes and finding himself in the Hogwarts Infirmary as he was in opening his eyes at all. He had heard one of the Lestrange brothers call out the Death Curse, and he had seen it coming at him. He knew it must have hit him.

Why was he alive?

"Ah, Harry. You are awake much sooner than I had hoped."

Harry sighed. "And I suppose you're not surprised that I'm not dead?"

"Why would you be? After all, you survived the Killing Curse, cast by Voldemort. Why shouldn't you survive one cast by Rastaban Lestrange?"


"Why did you survive Voldemort's curse?" Dumbledore asked patiently.

"Because of the protection my mother. . . ." Harry searched for the right word.


". . . bestowed on me."

"Correct. That power nearly destroyed Voldemort when he was co-inhabiting Quirrell's body. While it has been partially negated, in so far as Voldemort is concerned by the reanimation ritual, it is still in force for everyone else. Do not misunderstand, Harry. You may be killed in almost any other way possible. You cannot be killed by the Killing Curse, unless perhaps it is wielded by Voldemort."

"Then Lestrange is dead, and Voldemort knows I'm alive."

"Yes and no. Mrs. Lupin is taking credit for killing her relative by marriage, and has invoked Bellatrix' killing of Sirius to protect herself from any blood threats that may come from her other relatives. In short, because Bellatrix killed her first cousin first, it was Nymphadora's right to execute Bellatrix, Rastaban, or Rudolfus under the Old Laws. Under the current laws, of course, she was an auror doing her duty. At this moment, the only people who know for certain how you are, and why, are myself, Remus, Nymphadora, and yourself, although Madam Pomfrey of course knows your physical condition. Voldemort no doubt suspects you're alive, and your three friends also know you are safe, as does Ron Weasley."

"And what are you planning on doing with me?" Harry demanded.

"I am planning on your resting here until tomorrow morning. It is still the Eighth, around Eight o'clock in the evening."

"And then?"

"I am not yet certain. Unless you would prefer not to, you may still join your friends Sunday evening, if not before."

"Oh, I do!" Harry said.

"For the short term, we shall tell the world that you have gone to the protection of the Druids in North America, and that your friends will be joining you there. The Druids have agreed to the deception. That will be announced in the morning. Now, if you form a bond with one of the young ladies, you may return to Hogwarts, although it is still up in the air if you will return as yourself or in disguise. If you do not form such an attachment, it may be best if you do spend two years in North America after all. Had the political realities been different fifteen years ago, I might have sent you there then. In any event, if you do not form such an attachment, it would likely be best for you not to return to Hogwarts, and if you do form one, it is still you may still not come as yourself."

"I can't mask my scar if Voldmeort affects it," Harry warned. "The best I can do then is hide with bangs."

"Scars, actually."


"Look at your chest."

Harry lifted the sheet that was covering him, and saw there was a very small plaster covering the area starting about an inch under his right nipple. "Another lightening bolt?"

"A very much smaller one," Dumbledore agreed. "As no permanent connections were formed, that scar will likely fade over time, as any normal scar would. In fact, it should be healed and partially faded by now, if Madam Pomfrey's treatment has been successful."

"That's good to know. What do I do for the next two and a half days?" Harry asked. "And what do the Grangers, Weasleys, and Mister Lovegood think of their daughters going off to North America?"

"They approve, although you are actually going to the Adriatic, not North America. As for the next few days, how do you feel?"

Harry took a serious inventory. Finally, he said, "I'm a little tired, but nothing hurts much."

"Your new scar will ache for a few hours, or perhaps a few days, if it is not healed, but other than that you are fine. If you agree, Winky will take over Dobby's duties at Grimmauld Place, and Dobby will go ahead to the Adriatic to finish getting things ready there. You may either stay here, or, if you think you can sustain the shape of a young woman, you may join your friends in the morning. You must, I repeat MUST, keep the form until sometime Monday. Can you fully disguise yourself?"

"Are you asking to see?" Harry teased.

"Err . . . no, no that's fine. . . ." Dumbledore said, slightly embarrassed for once. "There is a regular full length mirror in the bathroom. Feel free to use that. Madam Pomfrey will be in in a few minutes. If you can fully hold the form throughout the night, you may join your friends."

"Right," Harry said, getting out of bed.


When Madam Pomfrey came in fifteen minutes later, she was surprised, even though she had been warned. "Potter?"

"What do you think?" Harry asked.

"I admit, I wasn't expecting this!"

Although Harry was nude, he was not embarrassed. He decided it was because in a sense he was wearing a disguise. He was still a shade over 5 foot 6, and still weighed 144 pounds. He was still fairly muscular for a girl, but also fairly curvy. (Fortunately, Harry had not had overly-wide shoulders, which would have been more difficult to mask.) He had liked 'Stella's' hair and eyes, so he again had long, thick, lustrous auburn hair and brilliant blue eyes. This time, however, the hair stopped just past the nape of the neck. Stella's breasts were again high, full, and perky, although this time large C-cups instead of DD. Her nipples were large as well. Her butt was muscular, but still feminine. Since Hermione and Luna had completely depilated, Harry had removed all of Stella's underarm and leg hair, and most of the pubic hair, leaving just a little tuft around what appeared to be her clitoris and labia.

The extra week of constant practice had also helped Harry soften the facial features better. The first Stella had been mannequin-perfect. The new Stella was stunningly beautiful.

Madam Pomfrey soon found the only flaw in Harry's new persona. "You don't quite have the pubic area correct," she pointed out after a close inspection.

"I know. I can't make a vagina yet, only the external appearance of one," Harry admitted. "The clitoris is actually my penis, and I'll have to pee from there. I do think I can pass, as long as no one catches me having a whiz."

"Yes, you're right," she admitted, "if you can hold this form."

"I can hold forms, even in my sleep," Harry said. Tonks had been surprised how fast Harry had picked up that type of control, once he had gotten started. Harry rationalized that if he could keep his hair under control for years at a time, the rest was similar. "It shouldn't be a problem."

"I see," she said. "Well, you're quite lucky, P. . . . What should I call you?"

"Stella Green, unless the Headmaster objects," Harry replied.

"Very well, Green. You're lucky. Every year, children tend to leave old clothes behind. We wait until late September to donate most of them to charities, just in case some students have accidents on the way here or forget things. Although you're on the tall side, there should be more than enough to put a basic wardrobe together for you. If necessary, Miss Granger will come tomorrow morning and go Muggle shopping with you."

Harry shook his head. "I never thought I'd be a drag queen."

"It's a role," the Infirmarian pointed out. "Play it. And just think, you won't have to play the role of 'the Boy-who-lived' while you're playing this one."

Stella smiled very happily at that idea, and Madam Pomfrey beamed in approval.


Friday, August 9, 1996


Stella, in a dressing gown, turned around from where she had been brushing her hair. "Hi, Hermione."

"Your voice is different," Hermione said, impressed. Harry was a low tenor, and the previous version of Stella had had an androgynous contralto. This version was still an alto, but was a naturally feminine voice.

"Dora taught me how to alter my throat to affect the vocal chords a bit," Stella said. Hermione was impressed. Harry had had a fairly standard accent, part Surrey middle class and part BBC-received. Stella now had an accent that seemed part BBC and part-American. She could easily pass for a British witch raised largely in America, which was in fact her cover-story.

Stella shrugged off her dressing gown. "What do you think?"

Hermione walked around, looking for flaws. Except for a slightly large and prominent clitoris (still not out-sized enough to be really remarkable, unless you looked at it very closely), Hermione could not find a flaw. "You're beautiful," she said. "If I were at all inclined for lesbianism or bi-sexuality, I could fall in love with you like this."

Stella frowned. "Aren't there any lesbian witches?"

"Not until they have a child," Hermione said. "The bonding instinct is more powerful." She frowned. "I rather think, if I were not in the grasp of it, I might resent this bonding and nesting stuff."

"Well, if you find yourself very attracted to me, don't think you're necessarily bi-sexual," Stella said. "I'm still giving off some male pheromones."

"Plus we will know you're male," Hermione agreed.

"True," Stella said.

Suddenly, Hermione giggled. That was rare for Hermione, and therefore Stella asked, "What's so funny?"

"Remember that letter you wrote me? Where you shot down my idea of Polyjuicing into a girl for a month?"

Stella sighed. "I really have to stop saying such things. They tend to come back and haunt me." She moved on, pointing to two piles of clothes on the beds. "These are all the Muggle clothes that they had around Hogwarts that fit. What should we keep? Then we'll know what we'll need to shop for. I know I'll need some sports bras, for jogging."

"You could have made your boobies smaller," Hermione pointed out.

"No," Stella said, shaking her head. "If I do, my shoulders look too wide. Boobs this size help disguise the shoulders. This was as narrow as I could get them without causing painful problems later on. I might end up having to keep this shape once school starts."

"Oh, I hope not!"

Stella smiled, and then grew somber. "Hermione, may I ask you a personal question?"

"Of course."

"Is there any chance of you and Ron getting back together?"

"Is there any chance? I suppose. First of all, it would take you and me deciding we won't work as a couple. Second, it would take at least a lot of growing up on his part. I'm tired of fighting with him. I kept hoping it would evolve into witty banter, but it always got mean, and while it wasn't all Ron's fault by any means, it was largely his fault it could get as mean as it sometimes got."

"I see."

"Harry. I'd always been attracted to both of you. Now, it's just you."



"May I kiss you?"

"Anytime, in whatever shape you have."

A few minutes later, when Hermione had resurfaced, she said, "Wow! That was even better than before!"

"I think it's the lips," Stella said. "These are perfect for kissing."

"I have to agree. How did you think of them?" Hermione asked, still embracing Stella's nude body.

Stella smiled. "They're your's," she said.


Twenty minutes later, Stella and Hermione exited the Infirmary and headed down the passageways towards the Headmaster's Office. An elf would move Harry's trunk, with Stella's clothes, to the Grangers' cabin.

Stella was dressed in a simple green blouse, plaid skirt, and trainers, with a robe thrown over her shoulders. Hermione had arranged her hair with a barrette and a pair of small hair clips, and Stella liked it.

"Miss Granger? What are you doing here during the summer?"

"Ah . . . Professor Snape. This is my cousin, Stella Green. She's visiting from America, and might be transferring here in the autumn."

Snape frowned. "I thought you were Muggle-born?"

"Surely, you are aware that familial relationships are often complex, Professor Snipe," Stella stated. "I am an apprentice Druid. My school is very elite. If Harry Potter transfers to my school for a year or two, then someone must lose their place. I volunteered, as I had never met my cousin here."

"That's 'Snape'," he corrected. He stared into Stella's eyes. His own eyes went wide as his Legilimency probe was seized and squeezed painfully.

Stella saw Professor Dumbledore approaching, and so released Snape from his Occlumency trap. "For a Druid, such a probe may be treated as a physical attack," Stella warned. "I could legally have killed you, had I wished. What do you teach?"

"He teaches Potions," Hermione stated, since Snape was still not up to responding.

"Then perhaps I shall see you in class in the autumn," Stella stated as Snape recovered. "If so, I hope we may start off on a better footing." She offered Snape her hand. Snape hesitated, but shook hands.

"My office is open," Dumbledore said. "I hope you enjoyed your tour, Miss Green."
Stella blinked, wondering how Dumbledore already knew her name. Then she smiled, remembering he had sent back her credit card with the name changed and a new passport. If he hadn't done the work, he had no doubt at least looked at them. "Thank you for allowing it, Headmaster. Good day Headmaster, Professor." The pair left.

"That was very rude of you, Severus," Dumbledore scolded. "It was also very dangerous. I am glad you repaired the damage."


Stella and Hermione rolled out of the fireplace at Mrs. Figg's. It took Hermione ten minutes to explain the cover story to the older lady, even though Dumbledore had warned the Squib they would be coming. Finally, she allowed the pair of strangers to leave, complementing Stella at how much the cats liked her, without ever guessing that Stella was Harry.

"Do you really think you might be Stella for the next year or so at Hogwarts?" Hermione asked.

"It's possible, but I hope not. Why?"

"Unless you want every guy hitting on you, you need a promise ring."

"I didn't think those were common any more."

"They aren't at Hogwarts, except among the Slytherins. Still, unless you want all the attention. . . ."

"I guess I can invent a boyfriend in Canada," Stella agreed, as they walked towards the High Street.

"Remember, the twins aren't bonded yet," Hermione warned, "and neither is Charlie. All three could be at the Burrow Sunday."

"I take it Bill and Fleur are bonded now?"

"They are. Percy, the git, actually married Penny last year and only just told his family this past week."

"That sounds like him," Stella agreed. "Come on." She suddenly paused at the entrance to a little jewelry store. "Should I get something for you and Luna, or won't you mind the twins flirting with you?"

"A plain silver band on the right hand means you're actively considering someone, a stone on silver or any kind of ring on the left hand means an agreement. Engagement and wedding bands are the same as for Muggles."

"I'm never buying silver," Stella said. "I wouldn't want anything to accidently touch Moony. How about five identical white gold or platinum bands?"


Stella shrugged. "Best to cover all bases." She knew she might need one as Harry, even if that was not tradition.

"I suppose," Hermione answered. "If you buy anything in anticipation of Luna and myself, then you can't leave off Ginny. How would we size them?"

"Leave that to me." Stella had her own and Hermione's ring fingers measured, and then sent the assistant off to look for an appropriate band selection, asking him to leave the sizing rings. The two girls smiling at him had easily convinced him to do so.

Stella then changed her own left hand into versions of Luna's and Ginny's. Harry had studied the three girls so much that he could mimic their body parts fairly well, as he had tried them out at night. It was not nearly as good a job as Tonks could have done, but Stella figured it would be close enough.

The five rings purchased, the two girls went on a small shopping spree. They then returned to Mrs. Figg's, where Dumbledore had left a portkey. Stella left some catnip for the cats, and then the pair was whisked off to the Grangers' cabin.


Only decades of experience at nudist camps and beaches kept Dan Granger from staring at Stella Green when she followed Hermione out of Hermione's small room. The visiting exchange student was one of the more stunning young women he had ever seen.

Stella, apparently not shy at all, shook hands with the Grangers, and then the four girls moved into Hermione's room, three of them talking a mile-a-minute, while Stella merely smiled.

"She's a stunner," Emma said, a little enviously.

"It's a good thing we're here, and not on those French beaches," Dan agreed.

Stella and Hermione showed off the rings, but all four agreed that only Stella would wear one in camp. It would take too much explaining if they all started wearing them.

As they looked through Stella's wardrobe (Harry's clothes and other personal effects were locked away in two compartments of the twelve compartment trunk) and commented on the guitar, Luna suddenly asked, "What are the sleeping arrangements?"

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked.

"All three of us were sleeping on the bed," Luna told Stella. "It was just large enough to accommodate us, since we . . . snuggle together. It is not large enough for four, no matter how intimate we might be."

The other three looked at the bed, and had to agree. "Two can sleep in here, and two out on the sofas," Hermione suggested.

"You and Stella sleep here tonight," Ginny said. "Luna and Stella can sleep here tomorrow night. Sunday night, Luna was going to stay with her father at the cottage, and Hermione can go with her. Stella will sleep with me at the Burrow." She looked at Stella with a mix of worry and lust. "How does that sound?"

"I thought we were leaving the Burrow that evening?" Stella asked.

"No, it's been moved to Monday morning," Hermione said. "Is that alright by you?"

"It sounds wonderful," Stella said, "if all three of you are certain. I can always stay out on a sofa by myself, if you're not."

"If I weren't certain, I wouldn't have suggested it," Ginny said nervously. She might still be shy about walking about starkers, especially in front of strangers, but this was her chance to sleep alone with Harry Potter (or at least a version of him) on her birthday.

The other two girls thought much the same.


After dinner, the quartet went on a tour of the camp. It was set around a small lake, which had two small streams leading into it, and a larger one leading out. There was between a quarter and a half mile of woods around the camp in any direction, and no villages within two miles. The only thing it was really lacking was a sandy beach. Still, each of the cabins on the lake had at least a small dock, where people could catch the sun.

The Grangers' cabin was one of six set into the woods away from the lake. There was a road going around the cabins on the lake, and it was accepted that there was a right-of-way around the actual lake front. It would take over an hour's stroll to walk around the lake itself, and closer to an hour and a half to walk the access road.

On the far side of the lake, almost opposite from the Grangers' cabin, was the entrance road. This also had public restrooms and showers, a small store, and twelve places for caravans, where weekenders and casuals camped. This particular Friday, all the cabins and all the camping spots were occupied. It therefore took almost two hours for the quartet to make the walk, as they stopped and said hello to many of the campers.

When the walk was finished, the girls slathered on bug repellent and sat outside. The Granger cabin was on the far side of the road that went around the lake, and one of the streams formed one of the boundaries, while the small Granger garage and the equally small garage of the neighboring cabin formed the other. The girls could tell, as they sat on the grass near the creek bed, that they were alone.

"How did you like your first full day out in public as a girl?" Ginny asked.

"It's been . . . odd," Stella admitted.

"In what ways?" Hermione asked.

"Well, the body is very different, of course. The change in my center of balance has been difficult to get used to. Being naked is actually easier than wearing clothes, since I'm still not used to those kind."

"Be glad you are unlikely to ever wear heels," Hermione pointed out. Stella shuddered.

"What else is different about the body?" Luna asked.

"Well, I couldn't really form the . . . well, the internal parts. Half of my normal parts just feel numb."

"That won't affect your having children, will it?" Hermione asked, concerned.

"Long-term, no," Harry said. "I asked Tonks about that. She said there were any number of documented stories, including one of a wizard who lived as a Muggle woman for twenty years, as a married Muggle woman at that, who rejoined wizarding society and who fathered six children."

"So, you might be able to form a vagina if you needed to?" Luna asked.

"In form, yes and maybe even partly in function," Harry answered. "I really wouldn't want to re-plumb myself to that extent in any event, but I might have to try if I stay Stella for a whole year."

"No, I can't blame you for not trying that," Hermione said. "What about short-term?"

"After a few hours like this, it would take from between a day to three days to have the, err. . . ."

"Testicles. Honestly, Harry, we all know the terms."

"Don't call me that. As for functions, well, it could take a few days for them to be fully functioning again."

"But that's not terribly important," Luna said. "After all, 'no vaginal sex' is the rule, and Harry's prostate still works." She looked at Harry. "It does, right?"

When Stella allowed herself to blush, Hermione merely said serenely, "I'll let you know."


The girls had showered off the bug spray and sun screen in the outside shower, each washing another's back. The Grangers had gone to their bed. Ginny and Luna had kissed Hermione and Stella goodnight (Hermione on the cheek, Stella on the lips) and retired to their sofas. Hermione had closed the sheer inner curtains to her bedroom, and lowered the lights.

The room was fairly dark, with only some slight light coming in from the dark night outside.

"Harry," Hermione breathed, sitting on the bed next to Stella.

"Don't say the name, even like this," Stella said.

"Does that mean you won't change back?"

"Most of me won't, anyway," Stella said with some amusement. She laid down and brought Hermione with her. The two kissed, softly, deeply, passionately. Stella rolled, placing Hermione on the bottom. "I've wanted to do this since the Yule Ball," Stella whispered, stroking Hermione's hair.

"Why didn't you ever say anything?"

"Because it looked like you and Ron might get together. I would never do anything to hurt the two of you."

"I see. Tell me what you've wanted to do," Hermione begged.

"I've wanted to run my fingers through your hair," Stella said as she did it. "I've want to taste your lips," she did so "kiss your neck" she again followed up with the action "and suck on your nipples." Hermione gasped as Stella did just that, first the left, and after some languid suckling and licking, the right.

"God, Har . . . Stella. I wish you had noticed me before Viktor asked me. We could have been doing this for a year and a half."

Stella smiled. "I wouldn't have had the guts to do more than peck you on the lips before this summer."

"Maybe, but I would have."

"Shall we see if I've did my assigned readings correctly and learned how to please a woman, or should we play some more," Stella whispered before going back to teasing Hermione's fully-erect nipple.

"I think . . ." Hermione said, panting, "that normally . . . I might want to play more. . . . But tonight . . . I am SO ready. . . ."

Stella wandlessly threw up a silencing ward over the walls, and slowly licked down Hermione's breast, towards her naval.

Harry had spent a fair amount of time considering how to construct Stella. He had considered every bit of his body, and how he could best shape it for his purposes. The first concern was concealing Harry. The only things he hadn't changed much were his height and the length of his long bones. The slightly different stance of a woman made him a trifle shorter, but he did not have to worry about tripping over things, like Dora did when she grew her just over 5 foot body to over 5 foot 5. The hair color was very different, and the texture was also different. The eyes were as startling as Harry's, yet startlingly different. The nose was his mother's, the mouth much like Hermione's. The ears were slightly smaller, and Tonks had shown him how to make space for earrings without actually piercing them.

Harry had even changed the shapes of his tongue and jaw. This enabled him to have a different accent without thinking about it. His tongue was also longer and thinner. Now, without either straining his neck or even moving it overly much, he could lick Hermione anywhere from her naval to her upper thighs.

Those thighs were spread wide, and were over Stella's shoulders. Stella spent over five minutes licking Hermione everywhere except those places she most wanted to be licked.

Then Stella licked her in those places: outer labia, inner labia, top to bottom, around the labia, to the clit, and back. She varied the pressure, she varied her timing.

She drove Hermione to two crashing, screaming orgasms in less than eight minutes.

When Hermione recovered, she was in Stella's arms, her mouth near her left nipple. Hermione moved her head and captured the nipple just enough to make it erect. "I guess your privacy wards worked," Hermione said. "Won't you get a notice?"

"Not so long as I don't use the wand," Stella said. "I count as a Druid, and Druids are allowed underage, controlled wandless magic. Of course, most Druids our age never have the kind of control over wandless magic as I do now."

"Good. Please, may I pleasure you?"

"Are you sure?"

"I am," Hermione said. "I've dreamed about actually doing this since I read my parents' sex manuals five years ago, even if I would have never dared do it before."

"Really? I didn't even have a specific dirty thought until before our Fourth year."


"Meaning ones involving another person, as opposed to just being horny."


"So, who did you dream about?" Hermione said nothing. "You can tell me, I won't tease or use it against you," Stella assured her.

"Who did you?" she challenged.

"I almost never wanked off thinking about doing a girl, it was more she was holding onto me and doing it," Stella said. "This might sound odd, but I almost never thought of you, Luna, or Ginny, because I felt bad about using your images."

"That's almost sweet, I suppose," Hermione said.

"How about you?"

"It was sort of non-specific that summer," Hermione admitted, "but at the Burrow, I saw Percy coming out of the shower, and he was mostly erect. So that was sort of the image I fastened on."

"Percy?" Stella asked, amazed.

"Oh, he didn't see me, and knew nothing out it," Hermione said. "It was more Percy's penis. Sometimes, it would be attached to Ron, or to you. . . ."

"Or to Lockhart?"

"Once or twice, or to any of the Weasley brothers, although usually to Ron. You two were about even, until after the Yule Ball."

"Is that all?"

"That, and at Hogwarts some of the older girls taught us how to transform those three hour lime suckers from Honeydukes into five inch dildoes. Girls suck on them as we play with ourselves. Some of the older girls used them to rub against their clits, and their friends lick it off. I tell you, that class that just left Hogwarts were a randy bunch by the time they finished their Fifth year."

"So that's why those things are so popular! I always wondered, because I never thought they were any good . . . and I suppose that's why the girls always laugh when they see a boy buying them."

"That's right. Like I said, we don't frig ourselves with them as much as we suck them as we play with ourselves. I'm glad one of the first charms they teach us is that anti-cavity spell. The way a lot of us suck on those things, all our teeth would rot by the time we leave school."

"And girls are always on a sugar-high, which is why you always seem to have so much energy," Stella teased.

"I suppose." Hermione shifted, so that she was looking into Stella's eyes. "Let me suck Harry's cock. Give me a new fantasy, and make it real."

"I can have almost any size or shape you want. Harry's is a bit above average," Stella warned.

"Let me see the real thing," Hermione begged.

Stella closed her eyes, and Hermione soon felt something warm against her lower belly. "You learned your lesson well. Let me see if I have."

"It's been a few days," Stella warned. "Plus the skin is more sensitive, since it went back to normal. I might pop quickly."

"Good," Hermione said, "I'm very thirsty." Her right hand had already taken Stella from half-hard to fully erect. She licked around the crown, and slowly and gently bobbed up and down about three-quarters of an inch. Her hand kept jacking up and down in opposite time to her mouth.

Stella grabbed a pillow, and began screaming into the pillow. This encouraged Hermione to go faster, and in less than two minutes from starting, Hermione was swallowing her reward.

"Please, let me stay in your mouth a bit longer," Stella asked, as her cock was still spasming slightly. Hermione said nothing, but rather hummed an agreement, which made the cock jump a little.

"That was the most marvelous thing I've ever felt," Stella said. It was certainly better than when Harry had sucked and wanked himself. "I just wish I could have lasted longer."

"Hopefully you will from now on," Hermione said, now moving up to embrace her lover. They kissed deeply, and fell asleep in each others' arms.


Stella was up before anyone else. Coming out of the bedroom at 6:15, she saw Ginny sitting up on the sofa. After they changed places in the bathroom, Ginny came out and saw Stella dressed only in a jogging bra and trainers. "Care to join me in a run?" Stella asked.

"Sure," Ginny said. "Don't embarrass me too much."

"I'll try not to."

Ginny decided that she would not be embarrassed. After all, she knew Harry/Stella had been in heavy physical training all summer. Stella would sprint ahead fifty yards, and jog towards the approaching Ginny all around the lake. Stella had therefore run quite a bit more, doing wind sprints, than Ginny had on their three trips around the lake. On their last run, the Grangers had driven past them, waving, driving the thirty miles to their dental practice.

A few other people had joined them for parts of their run, but while the pair had been friendly, they discouraged anything like a real conversation.

Coming into the cottage, they found Luna and Hermione making breakfast. Ginny and Stella had quick showers outside, and joined the other pair, who were setting up breakfast on an outside table.

"Tell me," Stella inquired, "is the way you're treated by boys here typical?"

"Why?" Hermione asked.

"Well, I never noticed so much . . . flirtation at Hogwarts."

The three girls laughed. "Oh, this is much more polite, and subtler, than Hogwarts," Ginny said.

"And even more so than most regular Muggle settings," Hermione added. "No one is going to openly leer at you here. No one is going to pinch your bum."

"No one is going to say lewd things here, or even insulting things, as you walk by here," Luna added. "They will at Hogwarts."

Ginny scowled. "The boys may be whispering things about you, but at least you can't overhear it here."

"Honestly," Hermione said, "most boys at school have no idea how far their whispers carry." She looked at Stella. "I really think Harry is the only boy over the age of fourteen whom I never heard say a sexual innuendo."

"Even Colin?" Stella asked.

"Colin's are about Harry," Ginny said with a giggle. Whereas Harry would have blushed a few weeks before, Stella had almost total control over that.

"I hope I don't have to face that," Stella confessed.

"Come on," Hermione said. "Let's clean up and go swimming."

"I really don't know how to swim," Stella admitted.

"Then you will by this afternoon," Ginny stated.

"We shall teach you well," Luna agreed.


Stella found that learning to swing was fun with the three girls, as it first it was the trio supporting her body in the water while learning the basics. This seemed to involve a great deal more touching than would usually be seemly from instructors to a student. Stella did not object.
One thing did startle the three other girls occurred just before they had gone into the water. "Aren't you going to take off your contacts?" Hermione had asked.

"Oh . . . I forgot to tell you. I'm sorry. I had laser surgery a few days after my birthday. I could have changed them myself, but Dora said that could cause long-term damage. I don't need glasses." She and Hermione had to explain the reference and the procedure.

Within an hour, Stella was comfortable enough with three basic strokes to play in slightly deeper parts of the lake, both with her three friends and some of the other children and teens. The quartet refused offers of lunch, and to play volleyball, and went back to the Grangers' instead by themselves.

After showering the lake water off and having light lunches, the quartet retired to blankets in the back to sun. The day was cloudy, so they only needed a little sun screen.

They engaged in small talk about school and classes for a while, but when that died down, Stella asked softly, "May I ask you each something personal?" When they agreed, she said, "I asked Hermione about lesbianism and witches, but we never really talked about bi-sexuality. Does . . . does this situation present any special difficulties, or does it have some appeal, or is it irrelevant since you know it's a disguise, or what?"

"There is some girl-girl play in the dorms," Hermione said. "Not a lot, for the most part, but some. Lavender and Parvati fool around with each other quite a bit, but they claim they're 'practicing' for their boyfriends. And, I must say since they really are interested in boys, they just like pleasing each other, since boys aren't available. Two of the girls who are going to be Fifth years with Ginny are the same. They're the only ones I know of in Gryffindor who go beyond a little practice kissing or tickling games, at least on a fairly consistent basis."

"Those are the only ones I know of in Gryffindor," Ginny said. "Rumor has it that Bulstrode over in Slytherin is something of a dyke, but that might be baseless rumor."

"There are a couple of girls in Ravenclaw who are very attached to each other," Luna said, "but again, they are also on the lookout for boys."

"I was wondering about the three of you, during this summer, and before."

"Nothing before this summer. So far, it's been kissing and that's about it," Luna said. "Nothing more."

"And perfectly acceptable, since we're looking for boys, too," Ginny added. "Well, one boy, now."

"Actually, this all works to our advantage if you stay as you are over the next year," Hermione said.

"How's that?" Stella asked.

"Well, you'll have your Canadian boyfriend, and if we're all still undecided, we'll still be in a 'pre-negotiation' stage with Harry. Since Harry would be known to be out of the country, that takes all four of us more-or-less off the market. If we form feminine attachments under those circumstances, those would be seen as more acceptable than flirting with boys."

"That's hardly fair to the three of you," Stella said.

"We'll decide what's fair," Ginny said. "We have the option of removing ourselves from Harry's consideration if we want to, Harry has the option of removing any of us."

"Do you think Harry would do that?" Stella asked, trying to keep things as calm as possible.

"Harry could fall in love with one of us," Hermione pointed out.

There was a long moment of silence. "What if Harry is in love with each of you?" Stella finally asked very softly.

"Do you think Harry is really in love with three different girls, or does Harry care for each, and doesn't want to hurt any of them?" Hermione asked back.

"I think Harry has the greatest capacity for love of anyone I have ever heard of," Luna said seriously. "I don't just mean physical love, and lust. I think many boys could feel lustful after three different girls. I mean I do believe he could fall passionately in love with three women, and have more love for each than many people could have for one person."

"He hasn't shown much over the years," Ginny said drily. "He's yelled a lot."

"I don't know if Luna is right or not," Stella said. "It does sound unlikely."

"Think about what little we know about how Harry was raised," Luna said. "It might take three women to bring out the love I know is inside of him. Hermione, you might dislike Divination but please understand I do have Second Sight. Harry's compassion and capacity for love is immense, but dammed up at the moment."

"Let me tell you about Harry's life at the Dursleys," Stella said. It was easier to speak like this, as if she merely had inside information. "Then at least you'll understand him better."

By the time the Grangers returned to the cottage at 6:50, the trio of girls had shed many tears over the upbringing of Harry Potter.

Stella had shed no tears, but she still felt cleansed. Part of Harry Potter's past was over. Revealed to the light of day, the dark feelings deep inside Harry scarred over and retreated. True healing had started.

She spent the night strumming her guitar to please her friends and the Grangers.


"I hope you didn't mind waiting," Luna said shyly, setting a towel and a wash cloth down on the bed, and a basin of water onto the floor.

"Not at all," Stella said. She had not thought of any of the three girls as primpers, but if Luna wanted extra time in the bathroom before their first encounter, she was not one to complain. "What's all that for?"

"Ah. . . ." Luna said, blushing slightly. That caught Stella's attention, as she was not the type of blush easily. "I have slightly different fantasies about pre-engagement intercourse from most of the girls. They have fantasies about giving and receiving oral sex."

"And what do you fantasize about?" Stella asked, coming up and embracing Luna from behind.

"Could you sodomize me?" she asked softly. "I need you inside of me so much, my darling, and if I can't have you inside me in the front, I want you inside the back way."

"Are you certain?" Stella asked, nuzzling Luna's right ear while thumbing her erect nipples.

"I'm so wet I'm dripping down my legs," Luna said. "Please, Harry, Stella, fuck me in the arse."

Stella licked Luna's neck. "Are you in that big a hurry, or may I taste you first?"

"You’d still be willing. . ? No, you reallywant to . . . taste me?"

"Oh, yes. . . ."

Luna twisted around out of Stella's grasp, landing on the bed. She lifted her right leg up into the air. "Lick me quickly. I can't wait much longer."

With no further comment, other than performing the silencing ward, Stella did just that. She still took her time, and did a very thorough job.

After just over a minute of enjoyment, Stella noticed a change in pitch in Luna's soft moans. Turning around a bit, so that she was nearly in a 69, although Luna’s mouth couldn’t reach him, Stella could see that Luna was lubricating her anus with two long fingers. Moving from labial foreplay to direct clitoral sucking quickly drove Luna over the edge she had been near all day. Luna orgasmed with two fingers deep in her arse.

As Luna came down off her high, she saw Stella had grown her penis, and it was nearly hard. A few flicks of her tongue made it fully erect. She wiped her fingers off on the washcloth, and then slowly rubbed a gel she had found in the Grangers' medicine drawer onto Stella's cock. When she felt ready, Stella moved off of Luna, and Luna laid on her side, using her other hand to work herself up again.

"Tell me when you're ready," Stella whispered.

"I'm ready now," Luna said. She moaned as Stella slid a finger deep into her arse. "More," Luna begged.

Stella positioned her glans up against Luna's rectum. "Push back," she whispered.

With a moan, Luna did so.

For a moment, they laid there, each in ecstasy. It felt better than either had thought it could.

Luna squeezed her rectum. Stella responded by slowly moving in and out of Luna's arse. In that position, they could get maximum penetration, but not a lot of speed.

"Let me roll over and lay on top of me," Luna requested, and they carefully did so. Stella was a bit heavy, but at that point Luna did not care. She had managed to keep two fingers on her clit, and she started moving them. "Do it," she asked. "Give me all you've got."

Stella moved slightly for a few strokes, lengthening her cock finally to nine inches, and slightly widening it as well, until she felt she was filling Luna up, and Luna felt the same.

Then Stella fucked Luna's arse in earnest. She pistoned in and out for over three minutes, before coming deep inside Luna's bowels. Luna had managed a small orgasm, followed by a large one almost two minutes later just as Stella ejaculated.

Despite the stereotype, it was Luna who fell asleep from the exertions, even before Stella's mostly-soft cock popped out of her arse. Stella used the water and washcloth, and some cleansing charms, and then cuddled up next to Luna.
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