Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem

Chapter 32: sleeping arangements

by selenepotter

Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/Rose

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Humor - Characters: Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Lily, Luna, Padma, Parvati - Warnings: [!!!] [?] [X] [Y] - Published: 2006-09-15 - Updated: 2006-09-15 - 2103 words

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling

Chapter 32: sleeping arrangements.

"I guess it's time for bed now."

"But who shall be sleeping with whom?" asked Padma

"Don't be silly, Luna and I always sleep with Harry," said Ginny.

"Now wait a minute!" exclaimed Parvati.

"I guess I'm going to have to draw up a sleep schedule," observed Hermione. "How about, each person gets a turn with Harry, and tonight will be Ginny's?"

"I want a turn with each of my wives too," demanded Rose.

"I'll take my turn with you tonight," said Luna, "and anyone who wants to join us is welcome to."

"Me, me, me!" squealed Parvati.

"I wouldn't mind joining you," said Hermione.

"Then, I shall sleep alone," said Padma. "However, for future reference, the rest of you, excluding Parvati, are welcome to join me when it is my turn with either Rose or Harry."

"That goes double for me!" said Luna as she pulled Parvati into a kiss.

"Eh-hem!" said Lily Potter. "Aren't you all a bit young to be sleeping with each other?"

"Mom, I'm Lord Potter now," said Harry. "I've already consummated my marriages. I am legally an adult. Come Ginny."


Harry took Ginny back to Lady Hufflpuff's room. As soon as the door had closed behind her, Harry drew her into a kiss. Ginny responded eagerly to his ministrations as she parted his lips with her tongue. She hummed with pleasure when she suddenly found the bare skin of her nipples rubbing against his chest, even though she hadn't taken off her robe yet. She pulled him against the bed and found herself floating above it as he floated above her slowing kissing his way down her body. When she felt his mouth on her nipple, she glanced down and saw that he was totally naked too and her breasts were floating as it they were immersed in water. Ginny pressed them together so that he could lick both nipples at once. Her passion built until she went over the brink, then her began kissing his way back up. Harry entered her at the same time his tongue entered her mouth and she gave voice to her pleasure. By now, they were floating in the air over the bed with her head downward. The blood rushing to her head, only heightened her state of arousal. As he pumped into her she locked her legs around his and pulled him back into her each time he pulled away. This built and built until Ginny pushed his mouth away so that they could hear each other's scream of release.


With a gesture, Hermione banished their clothes to a chair. Rose crawled into bed as Parvati joined her and Luna and Hermione floated above them. Rose pulled Luna into a kiss as the glowing naked girl floated above her. Hermione and Parvati gazed at each other for a second. Then, Parvati shrugged her shoulders and pulled Hermione into a kiss. All four of the girls were feeling the sensations of Harry and Ginny's arousal and when Harry started kissing his way down Ginny, Parvati pulled her face downwards to French kiss between Rose's legs. Soon Hermione slid down and joined Parvarti in a three way French kiss with Rose's clitoris. Rose's moans were stifled into hums of pleasure and Luna continued to kiss her until they felt Rose shudder with release.


The next morning, Harry and Ginny found that Lily and the girls, including Tonks, were already sharing breakfast.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" asked Ginny.

"Well, the first thing we should do is get Rose and Parvati back to school," said Lily. "And I'd really like to see May and Jane while I'm there."

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea," said Harry. "You may not like the kinds of girls they have become. Speaking of which, I guess I need to do something about Ron now."

"That won't be necessary," said Hermione as she pulled Ron out of her pocket.

"It that a Voodoo doll?" asked Rose.

"No, it's Ron," explained Hermione. "I put him in stasis and shrunk him. He's going to stay that way until the potion is finished."

"How did the raid on the Sons of the Serpents go?" asked Ginny.

"Not well," admitted Tonks. "By the time we got there they had abandoned the place and taken the basilisk with them. I'm thinking of giving up my career anyway. It's too distracting when the rest of you start getting funky with each other. Besides, I'd like to start having children."

"Well now that you're here, do you think you could give me the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff Ladyship rings?" asked Harry.

"Sure. Why?" inquired Tonks.

"I think I'm going to distribute a few Ladyships around," said Harry. "Padma, you are now Lady Ravenclaw. Ginny, you shall be Lady Hufflepuff. Rose, you'll be Lady Potter. Parvati, you'll be Lady Gryfindor. Hermione, you can be Lady Malfoy. I'm sure Narcisa and Draco will hate that. Luna, you'll be Lady Nott. And Tonks, you are now Lady Black."

Once Harry had handed out the rings, each of the new Ladies rewarded him with a kiss. These ranged from Rose's chaste kiss on the check to Ginny's tongue wrestling match.

When are you going to help Dumbledore and the Minster map out a new government?" asked Padma.

"Later this morning," replied Hermione. "And this afternoon, we need to work on our educations."

"What do you mean?" asked Ginny.

"Since we've gotten this significant power boost magic has changed for us," said Hermione. "For example, silent magic is a lot easier now. We need to figure out what our capabilities are now so that we can get better at what we can now do. For example, Luna has taken to gliding around like a Dementor and glows. By the way Luna, why didn't you bother to get dressed this morning?"

"I foresaw that my nakedness would bother you," said Luna, dreamily as a robe appeared on her. "Is this better?"

"Did you just summon that robe?" asked Hermione.

"No, I'm clouding your mind so that you think I'm wearing clothes," replied Luna.

"That's just the sort of thing we need to look into," said Hermione.


Harry, Padma and Lily escorted Rose and Parvati back to Hogwarts. As Harry predicted, his mother didn't like the changes that had occurred in the personalities of May and Jane, the youngest of the Potter sisters.

So after Hogwarts, they took a shopping trip to Diagon Alley. After updating Gringott's on his new status and the New Ladies of various Houses he had appointed, they were just coming out of the bank with a loud booming sound was heard and smoke fill the end of the Alley where the entrance was.

Several men step out of the smoke. They were wearing black uniforms and holding assault riffles.

"You are all in violation of the anti-witchcraft ordianance!" yelled one of the men. "Throw down your wands and put your hands in the air!"

Chaos erupted as nearly everyone in the alley began casting spells and the men and the men began shooting back at them.

A shield appeared in front of Harry and he flew at the police with bullets ricocheting off of his shield. Some of them hit policemen others hit bystanders. In short order he had stunned them all and banished their guns. With a wave of his hand, he bound them all together and awaked one of them.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" demanded Harry.

"Special Operative Claude Rahnes, I'm here of on behalf of Her Majesty's government to arrest all of the witches here in compliance with the new anti-witchcraft ordianance."

"When did this new law pass?" asked Harry.

"Yesterday," replied officer Rahnes.

"How did you know how to find us?" asked Harry.

"We got a tip from a member of Parliament," said Rahnes.

"Who?" demanded Harry.

"Thomas Riddle."

Harry re-stunned Rahnes and portkeyed the policemen to the Auror office for them to deal with.

"Come on, we've got to go!" commanded Harry to his mother and wife as he grabbed them and portkeyed back to Hufflepuff Manor.


Over lunch, Harry explained to Hermione, Luna and Tonks what had happened.

"So it looks like a war between Muggles and Wizards has begun," observed Padma.

"Not if I can help it!" stated Harry.

"We clearly need to deal with this Thomas Riddle character," said Tonks.

"I wonder if these Sons of the Serpent planed this all along?" mused Hermione. "Their attacks seemed random and without purpose. Perhaps they hope that the by forcing us into a war with the muggle government that the Ministry will kill the muggles for them."

"What was the name of that Member of the muggle Parliament who died in the gas main explosion?" asked Harry. "Who know, the one whose place Riddle took?"

"Tony Blair. Why?" said Hermione "Oh my god!"

"What?" asked Padma.

"There was supposed to be an election next year!" said Hermione. "Blair was going to be the new Prime Minister!"

"If we're going to stop this war, we need to catch the Serpents in a public attack and show the world that not all Wizards are bad," said Harry.

"If only we knew when such a public attack was going to occur," said Tonks, as she gave a pointed look at Luna.

"This Winter Solstice, on Carnaby Street, in London," said Luna, dreamily.

"Right, we'll set an ambush and invite the Aurors to help," said Harry.


Over the next several weeks, Harry and the girls spend several weeks evaluating their new abilities.

"Okay let's review," said Harry. "How powerful are we?"

"Again, with the clarifier that this is a gross oversimplification of Arithmancy," began Padma. "If you were to rate a Witch or Wizard's power on a scale of 1 to 10 with zero, being muggles, one, being squibs and ten being Merlin, the average witch of wizard would be a three. Rose is a 7. Parvati is now a 21. Ginny is a 63. I am 252. Hermione is 1,260. Harry and Luna are both 6,300. Tonks is still a 4 but if she and Harry every consummate, she will be 25,200."

"Is it even accurate to call you Witches and Wizard any more?" mused Tonks. "Perhaps we need to come up with a new label for ourselves."

"It's not just our power level that has grown," explained Hermione. "Our abilities have grown as well. For example, All of us who have received a power boost can fly, except Parvati. Are ability varies with Harry being the best flyer and me being the worse. I suspect this is because I was never very comfortable on a broom. Ginny is the second best flyer. She's about as fast and maneuverable as a Cleansweep.

I haven't had a chance to fully test Parvati, but of the rest of us, Ginny appears to be the best at charms, I'm had the most improvement in my transfiguration abilities. Padma is the best at Arithmancy. Luna has become a very accurate seer and has had a significant boost in her Legimancic abilities. Harry, you appear to be the best at Defence. No surprise there. In fact as near as I can tell you are invulnerable to all curses, even the Unforgivables!

All of us are finding silent and wandless casting to be childishly easy. Harry, Luna and I can even cast spell without gestures."

"Maybe we should get you a blue robe and a red cloak," giggled Tonks.

"Very funny, so when are you going to use your tattoo?" asked Harry, raising his eyebrows suggestively at her.

"That's a difficult issue," said Tonks. "The English age of consent laws say that it's okay for kids over 12 to do it as long as their partner is less than 18. I'm 21. To be honest, I never expected that all of you would start shagging at such a young age."

"How old were you when you lost your virginity?" asked Luna, rhetorically.

"That's beside the point!" said Tonks as she used her Metamorphmagis powers to suppress a blush."

"You said that you were ready to start having children," observed Harry. "There's something we need to do in order to make that happen."

"Okay! Okay!" said Tonks. "If you really think you can handle me, we'll do it tonight after dinner. I just need Padma to take me to Ravenclaw Tower so I can prepare. Meet me there after dinner. Padma?"

Tonks extended her hand. Padma took it and they both vanished as she activated the portkey in her ring.
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