Categories > Original > Horror > A Railway's Forensic Files

Super Starr

by LNER-NWR-Fanfics 0 reviews

What a Super Starr you are, Mr Zorro..

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Horror - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2018-03-18 - 429 words - Complete

Zorro’s Fleet was getting half the money Starr’s Fleet was getting and this made Mr. Zorro regret selling the steam engines to Mr. Starr. He was yelling, begging for Mr. Starr to sell him the steam engines. But Mr. Starr continuously refused. This made Mr. Zorro mentally scarred. He wanted the money. He yearned for it. His business was failing. One day, he attacked Mr. Starr holding $420,000 dollars.

‘No amount of money will ever make me sell my engines’ he yelled
The Mainline Express was coming, he was racing The Dexpress to Vicarstown. Mr. Zorro took Mr. Starr and pushed him out onto the line. Where Gordon ran over him. Shattering his body. The Dexpress and The Mainline Express both stopped.

‘Bloody Hell! Who in Bertram’s name was that?!’ Gordon yelled. He was about to cry. He ran somebody over. Derek rolled backwards. Where people threw their put out cigarettes and half eaten food at Gordon. Calling him ‘A Freak’ ‘A Murderer’ Mr. Zorro claimed all the steam engines. He was making the money now. The Dexpress was extended to 10 Coaches. Since everybody trusted Derek and not Gordon. Gordon was banished from taking express trains. And was sentenced to heavy goods. Henry was being sold to The Other Railway in 6 Years. Gordon and Henry were double heading a train to Vicarstown. The Dexpress was just leaving to go to London. Henry and Gordon were talking to Percy, who was taking mail to Vicarstown, about Henry being sold to The Other Railway.

‘It’s a damned shame.’ Henry sulked ‘To The Other Railway forever..’

‘We’ll sure miss you Henry! I’ll be sure to tell Thomas back at Knapford’

London North Eastern Railway - 3:30 AM

The Flying Scotsman was leaving for his last run. The LNER had decided to scrap him for being too old. He was about a 100 years old at this point. Flying Scotsman started. It started to rain but Scotsman blew his whistle and pushed on.

‘98.. 99.. 100! Max Speed for you last run Scotty Boy! Let’s make our last run a good one.’

Little did Flying Scotsman’s driver know. That a spiteful signalman who hated steam engines, diverted them onto the wrong line….

‘Eyyy, this old camera really duz work now don’t it! I knew dat Ms. Willis was wrong ‘bout mah camera. Anywayz peepole of duh interwebz. Me and my trustee deezul Paxtun. Are gunna be shuntin’ sum gasoline.’

All of a sudden, the american man heard a whistle. The Flying Scotsman and his 6 Coaches were heading straight towards them.
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