Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Things Are Really Starting To Look Up!!!

Im Leaving!!!

by PanicATD 7 reviews

Sometimes, people can go through some pretty rough times but we can dwell on all the bad things in life and miss out on all the good...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-09-16 - Updated: 2006-09-17 - 696 words

"Where the Hell are you going...?"

Angela ran upstairs to her room grabing the little bit of money she had, a few pairs of clean cloths, her car keys and shoved them into a small backpack and ran back downstairs.

Angelas heart pounded through her chest...she was terrified...although this wasn't the first time her father had beatin her...

Ever since the day her mother died he constantly drank and felt it necessary to relieve any ounce of stress he was feeling on her.

"Get back here you little Bitch" her father yelled, grabing her by the wrist and pining her to the ground.
The strong sent of Hennesy and cigars on his breath burned her nose.

"Get the fuck off Me!!!" She screamed kicking him in the stomach knocking him to the floor grasping his throat for air.

Angela quickley stumbled to her feet grabing her backpack and running to the door, she noticed something fall out her bag but was to afraid to go back and didn't think twice of it.

She made it out to her car only hearing the faint sounds of her fathers yelling.

"Get back here you little tramp", "where the hell do you think your goin?"

"I'm leaving!!!" she yelled, pulling out of the driveway and speeding off down the road.Her father chased after the car with a Hennesy bottle in his hands, he could only run but so far, he was so wasted he collapsed to the ground in the middle of the road., the Hennesy bottle shatered under his deeply cut and bleeding fingers.

Nothing really seemed to matter to her anymore.She had lost eveything she had ever cared about.Her mother died when she was about 14, her so called "BestFriend" turned out to be a Two Faced Double Crossing Bitch, and her boy friend of 2 years was cheating on her with her cousin...and everytime she thinks that life just can't get any worse...It always seems to find a way...

There was never anything wrong with her...she was and has always been a very bright, and talented young girl...very beautiful about 5'6" Light brown eyes, long Black curly hair, and smooth olive toned skin...yet things never seem to look up for her.

As Angela sped down the highway...with no particular destination in mind she had reflected on everything that had happened that day, and broke out in tears. All the emotions that she had pushed back and kept inside were all finally comming out... When at that very moment she realized for the first time in her life, that the only way she could end the pain of abuse and the selling of her body she was forced to do when her father ran out of money to buy alcohol he so frequently gourged himself in, her mother's death, the hatred, the Everything...the only way to get rid of it all was to end it indefinately...What was the purpose of living when you had no family,no one to love you,no where to go,no hope for a brighter day...

Angela quietly contemplated in her head...I don't have to do this anymore... I can end this all now... the pain the hatred Everthing...She jammed down on the gas peddle the speedometer slowly rising 80,85,90,95,100...her mind was frantically racing DO IT,DO IT, u could end it ALL NOW, JUST DO IT...Angela griped the stearing wheel bracing her back against the seat... her foot glued to the gas peddle...she closed her eyes and screamed to the top oh her lungs....the car now spinning out of control...Angela clinched the wheel trying to straightin out the car causing her to crash right into the back of another car...the impact of the two coliding cars snaped her neck back pain shooting up her spine...with glass shatering everywhere...blood flooded her eyes and everything steadaly began to go black...

ALRIGHTY THEN...that was the first chapter of my fisrt story PLEASE!!! tell me what u think...Critisism is Always welcome its my first story so please go easy on me REVIEWS,REVIEWS, REVIEWS!!!
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