Categories > Games > Fire Emblem > Anything

Feels Like a Million

by kybok 0 reviews

Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea after all... [crack] [unintended continuation]

Category: Fire Emblem - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Other - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-09-19 - Updated: 2006-09-20 - 997 words

Guy clung on for dear life in the passenger seat of the black Mustang. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea after all, he mused, but wasn't about to say anything. He didn't even want to know how fast they were going but it had to be above the speed limit. Way above. They were going to get pulled over and then... Well, actually, only bad things would come of that. Nevermind. He didn't need his mother knowing exactly why he was in a car with a man at least five, probably more like ten, years his senior.

He screeched as the car pulled to a very abrupt halt and said man turned to him. "Guy? Where do you live? I've got work in the morning so I need to get you home," Karel said, looking at the small car clock.

"Uh, um, gosh I don't know the address. I can get us there but," he faltered, "well I only really know one way to get there from here and it's kind of long, so," he trailed off feeling utterly pathetic. He couldn't even remember his own street address.

Karel made an odd face. "You mean you've been living there for how long now and you don't even know the street name?"

Guy turned red, "Ten years and, well it's Wind-something, maybe Windmill or I don't know! Just turn right here!"

Karel whipped the car around in a maneuver that had Guy nearly scream in shock, but he was able to keep all four wheels on the road. Guy buried his head in his hands, trying to calm down. This had definitely been a bad idea. A very bad idea. Now all he needed was for them to break down right around here.

"OH SHIT" Guy heard and at the same time he felt as if every ounce of air had been knocked out of him and someone had slammed a large antique lamp (maybe like that one his aunt had. He always had liked that lamp.) into his stomache. The squeal of breaks slamming was the last thing he heard.

He woke up staring into Karel's wide gold eyes and his voice repeating his name with "Kid are you okay?!" smattered about.

"Jesus Christ kid you had me scared there! Don't go doing that to me! What the hell would I have told people?!" he said, breathlessly. Guy nearly passed out again from his close proximity.

"W-what happened?" Guy asked, blinking at the bright street lights, noting that he was still in the car.

"Bastard pulled out in front of us, shot straight out of that alley there," Karel motioned, but the gesture was so quick Guy couldn't follow, and continued, "Slammed on the brakes -- good thing I just got those checked -- but even with that we nearly hit him."

Guy looked at him wide-eyed. "S-so we d-didn't?"

Karel smirked, "Of course not! But you passed out. Thought you'd had a heart attack or something. Christ, Guy. Never been startled before?"

Looking up sheepishly, Guy said, "Well, I've never been all that good with it, er, I g-guess I'm a little nervous?"

"Well, at least you're okay. God, just put my job in jeopardy why don't you? I could get fired for doing something like this you know."

"Y-yeah w-well you a-agreed to it!" Guy stated, obviously still shaken up.

"Look, stop making excuses and tell me how to get to your place? It's nearly midnight and I'm guessing your parents won't appreciate you out all night long," Karel said, obviously agitated.

Guy sat back as Karel drove, pointing out directions here and there. They drove in silence until Guy spoke up. "Why'd you say yes to this?"

Karel regarded him, eyes glittering in the streetlights. "Mmmn, don't really know. Temporary fit of insanity? Or maybe I just like you, kid."

Guy blushed and shifted about in his seat and Karel continued, "Or maybe I'm just bored. Do you have any idea how monotonous it gets, day in and day out teaching you brats how to stretch and how to fucking run?"

Grinning, Guy held in a laugh, "I'd think it would be pretty boring."

"Exactly. I'm not saying we'll do this again, but it's been, I guess I could say, fun. But, jeez kid don't go telling all your little friends about this. Especially not the girls because I don't need them stalking more than they already do."

"But I don't," Guy stopped himself. He did too have friends. There was Matthew and, and, and... Well, there was Matthew! But he was always out with Leila anymore. "I won't," he said softly.

"Good kid," replied Karel.

"I've got a name, dammit!" Guy said indignantly.

Karel nodded, "Right. Guy. Anyway, where you want me to drop you off? Doubting your parents would like it too much if I just showed up at your front door."

"It's okay. Mom's out of town for the week. She's at some business conference."

Karel knew better than to ask any more. "All right, which house?"

Guy pointed. "That one. With the gnomes in the yard. You know, you could come in if... if you wanted to and we could, um, watch a movie..." he trailed off lamely.

Startled, Karel looked over at Guy. "Is that your lame attempt at picking me up?"

"Uh what no!" Guy squeaked, flustered, but mentally added, "well maybe yes?" His mother had always told him not to lie but this seemed like a time when he either did or got himself into a world of trouble. Not that it was necessarily the bad kind of trouble... but it was trouble, not just for him but for Karel.

"Your eyes betray you," Karel said, smirking. "Well, go on. Get inside before you do something stupid."

'Too late,' Guy thought, leaning forward and kissing Karel's cheek.

"Bye! Thanks for dinner!" he yelled as he dashed into the house. Karel sat in stunned silence, staring after him.
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