Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > 3x3cu+10n3r Episode01://CandyTears

/Act02/Tomoyo Initiate!

by Miki-kun 0 reviews

Learn a little bit more about initation, sorry, not much. More to be revealed in later episodes.

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [R] [V] - Published: 2006-09-23 - Updated: 2006-09-24 - 2114 words

/Act02/Tomoyo Initiate!

Several days passed and Tomoyo began to see a lot of progress in Hoshiko's abilities. Which was good, considering finals were fast approaching and how well Hoshiko did on the skills test directly effected Tomoyo's advancement. Not only that, but Tomoyo was generally happy that Hoshiko was doing so well. Especially when she noticed some of the classmates struggling. Now Tomoyo was fast asleep waiting the next week, when finals would approach.

Where am I? Tomoyo thought as she looked around. She could see lights that seemed to come from the holographic monitors of a variety of computers, but that seemed to be the only light. As she looked around lights seemed to come one illuminating several tubes which seemed to contain other people, young people not much older than what she appeared to be. Who are they? she asked herself. One of the tubes seemed to be open. /What? Why is that open/, lights illuminated a table. She saw herself lying, naked, on the table. "Meeaaah!" She yelled no one seemed to hear her.

"This one is interesting," she heard someone say.

"Yes, quite interesting indeed," another said. What's going on? she thought.

"Tomoyo-san! Tomoyo-san!" she heard a boy say.

"Tomoyo-san! Wake up! Just 'cause you don't have class today doesn't mean you can slack off, we have stuff to do remember. Wake up!" Tomoyo slowly opened her eyes a pulled herself to a sitting position.

"Akira-san?" Tomoyo questioned. She slowly pulled her legs up and over the bed and slipped into her slippers, she tried to stand quickly and walk to the door.

"I thought you were the responsible one," Akira said as Tomoyo opened the door, "I like your pajamas though," he added. Tomoyo, who was wearing an oversized blue-black t-shirt and shorts of a different shade, more a blue than black, did not seemed pleased with the last comment.

"I'm sorry, I slept in, did we have plans?" Tomoyo inquired.

"Yes, you said you needed my help with Hoshiko-chan," Akira answered.

"Right, have you ever been a punching bag?"

"umm . . . if that is it, count me out."

"I'm only joking, though you might feel that way. You'll be sparing with her, so she can learn more strategy. She needs to think while she fights."

"I see," Akira said, "and you think my ability, mirror, will help her with that?"

"Hi, Akira-san! What are you doing here?" Hoshiko asked.

"Simple, my dear Hoshiko-chan, I will be sparring with you today." Akira declared, as he grabbed and shook Hoshiko's hand.

"Pweh, is that true?" she asked, Tomoyo nodded.

"I'll be watching, have fun!" Tomoyo said cheerfully. Akira and Hoshiko stepped back a few feet and began to fight. Tomoyo watched them from her window, but began to think. What was that dream? she thought, who were talking, what were those tubes and who was in them?

"Reminder to all students: final exams will be held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday next week. So, if you aren't ready, better study. Candidates for graduation and α rank advancement are as follows . . ." said a voice over the school's loudspeakers. Hoshiko and Akira had stopped fighting.

"Pweeeeh, did you just hear Tomoyo-chan's number?" Hoshiko asked.

"Yes, she'll be graduating," Akira responded.

"You sound worried," Hoshiko observed.

"Yes, graduation also mean initiation. Look, I think we fought enough, go take a break or something."

"Come on, I was just about to beat you."

"No you weren't. Go take a break," Akira ordered.

"Fine," Hoshiko said childishly and walked toward her room. Akira went back to Tomoyo's room, he simply entered. Tomoyo had still not changed, and seemed displeased at his entering without knocking.

"You are a candidate?" Akira asked.

"Yes, Hoshiko-chan did really well on all her pre-tests. Mine were also easy." Tomoyo answered.

"I hear initiation isn't a good thing."

"Failure is death, remember, Maybe it's good to go through a little unpleasantness in order to avoid death."

"Do you mean that?"

"I think so."

"'Think'! You sound unsure."

"I believe I'll do fine," Tomoyo stated

"You believe, for Hoshiko-chan's sake, you better start knowing!" Akira replied as he stumped out and slammed Tomoyo's door. Tomoyo winced over the sound of the door being slammed. For Hoshiko's sake. . . Tomoyo thought and blushed.

"I did well on all my exams so far!" Hoshiko reported as her and Tomoyo enjoyed and snack in Tomoyo's room, it was Thursday night and all the basic exams had been completed. The next day would be the skills test for the gamma-class.

"I'm happy. I passed all of my exams too!" Tomoyo cheerfully reported.

"That means you'll be advancing and graduating!" Hoshiko cheerfully replied.

"Yes, If you do well tomorrow." Tomoyo said.

"I'll do my best and than some, just for you!" Tomoyo blushed again, /Just for me/, she thought.

"You'll need all your energy for tomorrow so let's go to bed."

"Am I sleeping over?"


"I didn't bring anything over though, what will I wear to bed?"

"Here," Tomoyo said as she gave Hoshiko the blue-black t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants that matched. "I found the pants, I think they'll fit, the shirt is mine, but it is too big on me."

"I'll try them on." Hoshiko replied.

"Do they fit?"

"Yup! Like my own pj's, thanks."

"Okay, bedtime!" Tomoyo exclaimed. The two climbed in bed and soon fell fast asleep.

"And now, the main event, our academy's skills test, our candidates will have to meet several challenges that will test their abilities and how well they've mastered them. If they pass, they will be candidates for delta-class. Our first candidate is gamma-11101110 come right up," an announcer said.

"Hoshiko-chan, that's you," Tomoyo said.

"I'm first?!" Hoshiko said.

"Yes, you are," Tomoyo informed. Hoshiko stepped up to a starting line.

"Are you ready? Begin!" The announcer said. Hoshiko was first met with a simple obstacle course, nothing she couldn't get around easily, but at the end she was met with several droides, with lasers. Her shields and strength were more than enough for those, after that she needed energy to swim and than face the real test. Several men with robotic armor, cybernetics and heavy weapons awaited her at the end of the course. It took her sometime, but she managed to take care of these too. The words passed displayed on a screen near the last arena, "You passed!" The announcer exclaimed.

"Taa-da!" Hoshiko yelled.

"I'm so happy," Tomoyo stated.

After the skills test events, Tomoyo was called into the board room, to stand in front of the board. She wasn't sure why, but had a feeling it had something to do with her advancement. "I hear they call you Tomoyo, I was more fund of names then numbers myself. I will also call you, Tomoyo-chan. As for me, you can call me Lunar." I woman sitting in the center seat at the long board table said as Tomoyo entered, "Please sit down." Tomoyo picked an empty seat. "Knowing those teachers, they haven't told you why your here."

"That right, they haven't." Tomoyo reported.

"I see, you are a candidate for advancement. Advancement to alpha-class, is no small thing." I man said. "Forgive me, I go by Solar. I am in-charge of initiation here."

"Yes, Solar is right, but you have already passed the requirements. Even the new ones." Lunar said.

"Is there more?" Tomoyo inquired.

"Yes, first you have to answer a few questions." Lunar answered.

"Than they will decided if you are worthy. If you are, I will be seeing you," Solar explained

"Yes, after that you will be initiated," Lunar continued. The board began to interview Tomoyo. She could tell that the interview had to deal mostly with her character. She figured that would be what they would want to know. When the interview was done, Lunar simply dismissed Tomoyo.

Solar looked at Lunar and the board, "So." The board thought and they all nodded.

"Be gentle with her." Lunar pleaded.

Tomoyo walked down the hall in the main building that led from the library to the lobby and main entrance. She had been returning some of the books she had borrowed and caught up on her leisure reading, which had taken her several hours. She finally decided that she needed to check out some books and go home, when the library announced the main building was closing. Most people had already left, only a few staff members remained. Tomoyo was probably the only student in the building. No one really needed to come there since the exams were already over. The hallway was already darkened only a few emergency lights were left on to guide helpless students and staff back to the lobby. As she walked in the dim light, Tomoyo couldn't help but think of the dream she had not too long ago. This is kind of like my dream, she thought, I wonder what it was about/. She paused for a second, /what was that place? she asked herself. "To-mo-yo-chan," she heard as she stood in the hall.

"Who's there?" she asked her voice not quite as calm as usual.

"You don't have to be afraid, Tomoyo-chan, I'm here to initiate you," the voice said.

"Meeh, Solar-san, is that you?" Tomoyo asked.

Solar revealed himself, "Yes, it is mean and the board made there decision." Solar walked until he was almost to close to Tomoyo. She began to feel a bit uncomfortable. "Don't worry this will be fun," Solar reassured.

"Fun?" Tomoyo asked. Solar swooped in a placed one arm around Tomoyo's waist and leaned down so his lips were mere millimeters from hers.

"Yes, I think you will enjoy this," Tomoyo blushed a bit, but didn't' actually seem too happy. Not with him, I'm only doing this kind of stuff with. . . Tomoyo's thought was interrupted.

"I don't!" Hoshiko cried.

"Hoshiko-chan!" Tomoyo called.

"Taa-da!" Hoshiko exclaimed.

"You, you don't understand any of this yet. Tomoyo needs to be initiated in order to graduate. If she is not initiated, she cannot graduate. Is that what you want?" Solar asked.

"Well, I want her to graduate, but is all of that necessary?" Hoshiko responded.

"I'm afraid so," Solar said letting his arm off Tomoyo's waist, "You wouldn't understand any of this though." Solar pulled out a small gun and pointed it at Hoshiko.

"Hmm . . .well, that's not nice!" Hoshiko declared, "you shouldn't play with weapons." Solar fired the gun at Hoshiko, but she jumped out of the way before he pulled the trigger. He fired again, same result, and again, this time it hit, but only Hoshiko's shield. "I've grown a lot thanks to Tomoyo-chan."

"I bet you're proud, now help me. I am here to help Tomoyo-chan grow," Solar said as he lowered his gun.

"Like hell you are!" Hoshiko exclaimed, she brought up her leg jumped and kicked the gun out of Solar's hand. "Shouldn't lower your guard." Solar looked around, he noticed something missing.

"Hmm. . .where is she?" Solar asked.

"Pweh, who." Hoshiko said.

"Your friend."

"Pweeeah, Tomoyo-chan! Where'd she go?!"

"Don't know, but I know what I must do." Solar stated as he made his exit.

"Tomoyo-chan. . .did I . . .do something wrong?" Hoshiko asked.

She has grown, but not enough. She's still just as stupid/, Tomoyo thought as she made her way to her room, /Why did I fall for her? Tomoyo noticed someone at the main entrance to her dorm building. "Tomoyo-san," Akira said.

"Akira-san," Tomoyo walked up and hugged Akira, "Akira-niisan."

"Huh, what is this all of a sudden. Huh, niisan?" Akira asked.

"Niisan," Tomoyo repeated, clutching Akira, she started to cry.

"Huh, what's wrong?" Akira asked.

"I want to be initiated, but than again I don't," Tomoyo replied, "I'm scared."

"So, you passed, as did I. Look I know the initiation is weird, but you don't have to be scared."

"But, I don't want to do any of that with anyone, except. . ." Tomoyo blushed.

"Except, her. Tomoyo-san, I'm sure there is another way." Akira, sympathetically informed, "You don't have to be scared." Tomoyo cried in Akira arms.

Partner, a partner is someone who is there to help you, or is it more than that? Perhaps a real partner is some one who not only helps you, but causes you to grow. Or maybe is even more than that. Maybe a partner is someone who not only causes growth, but is there to protect you. To help you get over problems, and to lighten your falls when you need it. Perhaps a partner is really more than we think. Next time, Episode-02://Partners. In the light of the stars all will be revealed!
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