Categories > Anime/Manga > Yami no Matsuei > The Imaginary World


by LucyMayKumagoro 0 reviews


Category: Yami no Matsuei - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Characters: Hisoka - Published: 2006-09-25 - Updated: 2006-09-25 - 2505 words

Tsuzuki woke early the next morning to find Hisoka and Jarrett already sitting by the rekindled fire. As he walked over to them, he saw Kokopelli stretched prone on a tree branch above them, his braids hanging over his face, and gazed at him curiously.

"Good morning," Jarrett greeted him. "Kokopelli has brought us food, if somewhat reluctantly." The dark haired poet glanced up at the sulking deity with an amused gleam in his eye.

"I think it's finally starting to sink in for him what it means to have a master," Hisoka said, moving over for Tsuzuki to sit beside him.

Hy and Byakko were still sleeping a few yards away, the shinigami nestled snugly beside the tiger god. Watari emerged from beyond the trees, wringing water from his damp yellow curls.

"I found a stream a short walk away if you want to wash up before we head out," Watari said cheerfully as he joined them. "I was gathering some greens for our pet bunny." Tsuzuki spotted the disgruntled rabbit curled up in his cage.

"Byakko did something to the cage to prevent him from escaping," Hisoka explained. "He's sending him off with Kokopelli until we're through here." Jarrett spared the lust god another look, shaking his head.

"That's another reason why he's pouting. He wanted to come with us," Jarrett said. The little fertility deity huffed audibly, swinging his legs beneath the branch. Jarrett handed Tsuzuki a bowl of mushroom stew, before standing. "I think I'll go to the stream." Kokopelli stirred at this, following silently behind him as he walked away.

"Should I wake them?" Watari said, inclining his head toward the sleeping pair. Byakko had thrown an arm over the boy, purring with contentment. Hisoka shrugged, and Tsuzuki had a mouthful of food, so Watari took the initiative to approach them.

"Byakko's your shiki, Tsuzuki," Hisoka said quietly as Watari walked away. "What do you make of it? I can't read him."

"I thought we weren't going to be nosy about it," Tsuzuki said teasingly.

"Fine," Hisoka muttered, crossing his arms. Tsuzuki smiled, reaching over and rubbing the back of his partner's neck affectionately.

"I think Byakko is more interested in awakening Amarok than in seducing Hy-chan, baby," Tsuzuki whispered, leaning close to Hisoka's ear.

"Oh, okay, then," Hisoka said, trembling at the sensation of Tsuzuki's warm breath, and fixing him with a heavy lidded gaze, having lost interest in his own inquiry.

"You wish you'd snuck away with me last night, don't you?" Tsuzuki murmured, burying his face against his lover's slender neck, and smiling smugly as Hisoka gave a slow nod. "Pity we don't have more time." Hisoka whimpered slightly as Tsuzuki placed his lips to his skin.

Hisoka pulled away abruptly, as Hy, Byakko, and a knowingly leering Watari joined them.

"I'm going to the stream," Hisoka announced, walking away rather stiffly, as Tsuzuki regained his balance. Watari laughed as Tsuzuki looked mournfully after him.

"Go on, big fella. We have to wait until the kittens eat anyway," Watari said, pulling Tsuzuki up by the arm and pushing him off in the direction in which Hisoka had gone.


The jungle terrain was unyielding, thick with vegetation and sticky with humidity as they hiked along the path Byakko cleared before them. Tsuzuki expressed concern for Hisoka, who had grown very pale and seemed almost dazed as he fell behind, but the boy refused any assistance, insisting that he was fine.

"It's not much further," Byakko called over his shoulder, as the forest seemed to thin and they could just make out a clearing beyond. Stepping from the veil of trees, they came upon the breathtaking view of the tall stone buildings of a city in the midst of an expansive lake that stretched before them. It seemed to float on the water, resting on an island that stretched for miles. Hills and snow capped mountains could be seen beyond the lake, and long causeways provided access to the city in several directions.

"I had forgotten how beautiful it is," Jarrett said.

A shadow fell across them as they made their way to the lake's shore, and looking up they beheld an eagle with a wider wingspan than any bird of the earthly realm. The creature's wings stirred the wind violently around them, and the others grew somewhat uneasy as the gargantuan bird of prey swooped ever lower, while Jarrett stood still watching the great bird with reverence.

The bird lighted on the ground before them, regarding them with sharp yellow eyes, before a transformation overtook its feathered form, the wings distorting and stretching. The plumes receded into a cloak, as the form of a human took shape beneath them. A muscular arm reached out from the covering, pulling the beaked countenance away like a mask, and revealing the face of a man.

"We meet at last, Hohoq," Jarrett said with a nod. The man's features were every bit as sharp as those of the eagle, his black eyes penetrating as he observed the others.

"You should not be here, Master," the Thunderbird said. "Tezacoatl does not want humans further interfering with Eden until this invading entity is expelled."

"We're here to expel it," Tsuzuki said, meeting the eagle god's eyes with a fixed expression.

"I know we aren't supposed to allow in our masters at this time, but I think if you'll just let us speak with His Majesty and explain --" Byakko said. Hohoq held up his hand to silence him, and looked to be in thought for a moment.

"Very well," Hohoq said, his features relaxing slightly. "It is a difficult conflict, being sworn to many masters," he said shaking his head wearily. "I think at this point it would be foolish to not accept help from those who are trusted. I will advise the kings to give you an audience."

"Kings? Plural?" Watari asked as they proceeded to follow Hohoq to the nearest causeway.

"Three siblings rule the kingdom," Byakko said. "Tezacoatl and Quetzacoatl just can't seem to agree on which one them rules it the most."

"And the third one?" Watari asked. Byakko shrugged.

"Xiuhcoatl stays out of their petty squabbles," Hohoq replied.

The city grew even more astounding as they began to cross one of the three massive causeways that spanned the lake to the mainland. The streets were a perfect grid of streets and interlacing canals, the first of which they approached were mazes of stone houses, and busy marketplaces. The inhabitants watched in near silence as the strange parade of figures passed by them, led by the Thunderbird, and parted for them quickly.

The broad, straight pathway ahead revealed the impressive peaks of numerous pyramids with squared angles, beyond a walled off section of the city, long before they reached the gates. The guards there stepped aside wordlessly for the eagle shiki, who nodded to them stiffly in acknowledgment. The temple pyramids towered above them as they passed through the mostly empty streets of the inner kingdom. Each sloping, intricately carved structure was fit for a palace, but none compared to the impressive building Hohoq took them to.

"Welcome to the palace of Motecuhzoma," Hohoq said, as they began the daunting task of ascending the steep steps before them. Everything around them seemed to gleam with unearthly beauty, the greatly varied and colored stones carved or painted with depictions of gods and mythical creatures.

Hohoq lead them through passageways adorned with colorful tapestries and bas-reliefs, at last bringing them to a large room with a high ceiling supported with ornately carved cedar beams. A large golden screen separated one third of the room.

"To be honest," Hohoq whispered to Jarrett. "I am relieved that you have come, Master. I will inform the kings of your presence."

The shinigami and Byakko waited as Hohoq crossed the floor. Voices could be heard from beyond the screen, where it sounded like an argument was going on.

"You're the one who broke it! It was forged for me by Xiuhcoatl, and I never even had the chance to wield it," one voice said.

"And Xiuhcoatl will be more than happy to mend it for you I'm sure. It's really not worth fighting over, is it?" the other voice replied with disinterest.

"Your Majesties, we have visitors. Byakko, the guardian of the western gate of the Asian territory, and five of the shinigami," Hohoq announced as he stepped behind the screen.

"Shinigami?" one of the voices asked. "We have sealed the gates to visitors from other realms, have we not?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. They were allowed into Eden by Byakko," Hohoq explained. "One of the shinigami is Tsuzuki Asato, the one who controls the twelve spirits."

"Is that so?"

A tall man grandly entered the hall before them, wearing a tall headdress of bright green plumes over his long dark hair of a purple sheen. Another man followed behind him in similar dress, his hair a dark blue shade. The others awkwardly followed Byakko's and Jarrett's example, bowing low before the two serpent gods.

"Byakko, explain yourself," the first man demanded. Byakko clutched his tail nervously, looking up.

"You see, King Tezacoatl, my master, Tsuzuki, knows this invading spirit that plagues you. He has pursued him all across the mortal realm, and I feel he can drive him from Eden for us," Byakko said.

"Very well, if it will save us the trouble," Quetzacoatl said, waving his hand dismissively. "I haven't much fear of mortals, I just want it out of my kingdom."

"Our kingdom," Tezacoatl grumbled. "What does it want, anyway?"

"Mat-gwas has been cooperating with Muraki, and informs us that what he seeks is within this city," Tsuzuki said.

"Well, then there really is nothing to worry about then," Quetzacoatl said with a yawn. "Anything worth being had, of any significance or power, is within the walls of the palace. It is inconceivable that he would survive such a trespass."

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, Muraki is quite capable of the inconceivable," Watari said. "Do you not find it at all alarming that he has made it this far?"

"We had a similar invasion by a living mortal before. It came to nothing," Quetzacoatl said with a shrug.

"What about what it did to Xiuhcoatl?" Tezacoatl asked his brother.

"You may stay at the palace and monitor things, if you feel this mortal will be foolish enough approach," Quetzacoatl said, ignoring his sibling. "You are boring me. Take them away, Hohoq."

The Thunderbird led them from the chamber, his expression grim. He led them back to the broad platform before the stairway they'd climbed to enter, lighting a pipe and staring over the city with a thoughtful look.

"Unbelievable, isn't it?" Hohoq asked. "Things were different before Xiuhcoatl went into sleep. They've both gone completely mad."

"Well, we're all a bit mad here," Byakko said, patting Hohoq on the back in sympathy.

"Tezacoatl said that the mortal who came to Eden before affected Xiuhcoatl," Tsuzuki said. "Was that Nastas Greenwood?" Hohoq nodded.

"Xiuhcoatl became his guardian, presenting him with power he could scarce comprehend, power no mere mortal should ever possess," Hohoq said. "Fortunately, he seemed to have no idea what he was capable of, and lived his life unfulfilling his potential. When he died, Xiuhcoatl went into the mountains after forging the Sword of Serpents."

"The Sword of Serpents?" Tsuzuki asked.

"It is the only blade that can defeat Xiuhcoatl, who is the weapon of destruction. Xiuhcoatl is wise, unlike the others. I believe that is why the fire serpent chose to be guardian to one who came here seeking wisdom and not power, and who could never understand what it meant to have control of a guardian spirit. But now that the master is dead, there can be another, and this time Xiuhcoatl will not come as peacefully," Hohoq said.

"Was I correct in hearing that the fools have broken it?" Hisoka asked.

"Yes. I believe Xiuhcoatl knew they would destroy it by fighting over it like children. It is for the best that they have, of course. I imagine it is this weapon your enemy seeks. The power to make Xiuhcoatl submit would be power enough to destroy both our world and yours," Hohoq said.

"Can it be mended?" Hisoka asked.

"The one who forged it could mend it, yes," Hohoq said. "And if asked, would do so."

"But why?" Watari asked.

"Xiuhcoatl will delay the end of the world but not deny its inevitability," Tsuzuki said quietly. Hohoq nodded.

"However evil the intentions of the destructor, they will be viewed as but a tool of fate to the fire serpent," the Thunderbird said.

"Where is the Sword of Serpents kept?" Hisoka asked.

"Byakko and myself will guard the chamber. You five may rest until needed," Hohoq said.


The companions were served a grand feast after being taken on a tour of the zoo and aviary and beholding the splendor of the Gardens of Motecuhzoma. Servants in jaguar skins brought them beans in chile sauce, tortillas, a frothy coffee-like drink called chocolatl, and a liquor made from maguey sap called octli. Despite the beautiful surroundings and hospitality of their hosts, there was tension and dread overcasting their mood.

Tsuzuki felt especially uneasy at the odd way Hisoka had been behaving all evening. He had caught him wandering off from their tour more than once, and he spoke even less than usual. He was just about to remark on this to his partner, when Hisoka leaned close.

"Why don't we slip away to our bedchamber, my love?" Hisoka whispered in his ear. Tsuzuki's head swam, and he cursed himself for drinking too much, as he stumbled to his feet and bit good-night to the others.

They followed a servant to a large bedroom with brightly painted murals of birds and flowers. Nothing seemed too amiss to Tsuzuki as he was rather enthusiastically pushed off his feet onto the low bed, until Hisoka climbed on top of him, pinning his arms behind him.

"Y -- You're hurting me, Hisoka," Tsuzuki gasped, as his arm was nearly wrenched out of socket. He felt weak, and panicked as he realized he could barely move.

"Oh, how I've longed to have you at my mercy like this, Tsuzuki," Hisoka purred in his ear, and bit down on the lobe hard enough to draw blood, making Tsuzuki scream in pain. Tsuzuki felt chilled at the familiar, hypnotic manner of speech being spoken with his lover's own voice.

"Muraki," Tsuzuki groaned through numb lips.

"Yes. How does it feel to know I'm invading the boy's body again, violating his very soul? How I would love to strip you and have my way with you as well, but alas, our time is coming to an end," Muraki said, pulling Tsuzuki's head around by the hair and kissing him deeply, his mouth tasting of Tsuzuki's own blood.

Tsuzuki blacked out entirely, as Muraki fled the room in Hisoka's body.
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