Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist > The Right Thing


by fireun 1 review

Of all the things Roy Mustang regretted doing in life; he had never thought to add Edward Elric to the list.

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Romance - Characters: Edward Elric, Roy Mustang - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-10-03 - Updated: 2006-10-04 - 1124 words


One step back, pause, pull both legs out of pants before moving, stumbling almost gracefully backwards, adding garment after rumpled garment to the guilty trail through the apartment. There was an art to undressing, a formal reverence of form and texture that Roy usually indulged in. there was no place for it now, in the desperate drive to ignore the existence of anything beyond the gasping exhalations and musky tang of desire, the scratching of nails latching onto bare flesh, palms dragging across strangely sensitive skin...

Ed tasted salty with sweat; bitter with a tang of foreign, mechanical elements...Roy dragged his teeth across Ed's shoulder, down automail, savoring the juxtaposition, the delicious contrast between vulnerability and resistance that was Edward Elric.

Impatient even with the unsteady, hectic pace they had set, Ed tripped Roy with one sure maneuver of his automail leg, spilling them both back onto Roy's rather utilitarian bed. Apparently Ed thought there could be time for exploration and experimentation later. He was a flurry of motion, desperately trying to keep their forward momentum running, lest the actual severity of the situation catch up with them, distract them.

And Roy wasn't one for complaining. Not when there were willing hands touching him, a demanding mouth all but smothering him. He gasped into that mouth when Ed's wandering hands cupped him, daringly stroked him. It was an effort not to arch up against that deliciously warm flip him over and take control...

Instead Roy wrapped a hand in long blond hair that had been freed from all constraints somewhere between the door and the bed, pulled back, pulling Ed up and away from his mouth, baring the younger man's throat. Roy nipped and licked his way down, feeling Ed's throat move with each mewling gasp that he uttered.

It was exhilarating.

Ed tangled metal fingers in Roy's hair, holding him in place as he bit at the base of Ed's throat. Roy started a pleased chuckle, but ended groaning as Ed decided to change tactics, go for a more aggressive assault. Roy shuddered as Ed removed his hand, only to press his own groin against Roy's.

It was a sensory overload, exquisite to the extreme, and it drove off any coherent thought. Ed hissed something that might have been Roy's name, might have been an insult or an encouragement, or both, and Roy reclaimed his mouth in response, hands making their way steadily down along every inch of Ed's body...

It was a tangled blur of tastetouchsmell...

Roy woke, feeling Ed nuzzling into his side, making tiny sleepy sounds, and he couldn't help but smile when he considered how violently the blond would deny those vocalizations. Ed's hair had managed to spread not only over the pillows, but half of Roy's chest, tickling slightly every time he breathed and it moved across still sensitive skin. One of his legs was caught in the crook of Ed's flesh one, held tightly as if even in sleep Ed was positive he would try and flee.

There was no escaping this time, not if Ed had a say in the matter.

It was almost...a relief, to wake and not be overwhelmed with apprehension, to be able to appreciate, if only for a small while, the early morning sun in Ed's hair, on his ever-so-soft skin, how the tension lines faded away when he slept...

"Stop starin..." Ed muttered, face still pressed against Roy's neck. "I can feel your eyes on me. I'm tryin to sleep."

"It's getting late, lazy."

"Late my ass...HEY!" Ed rolled, removing his rear from the attention of Roy's hand.

"You brought it up." Roy defended as Ed turned a rather baleful glare in his direction.

"Bastard." Ed attempted to burrow his way back under the blankets, a desperate bid to ignore the fact that the morning was moving forward.

Roy, on the other hand, wanted nothing more than a cup of coffee. He pried his way out of Ed's grasp, ignoring the plaintive grumbling his action pulled form the mostly buried blond.

Reality held firmly at bay for at least a little longer, Roy reveled in the tranquil familiarity of fresh morning coffee, pleasantly surprised when only slightly unsteady footsteps heralded the emergence and approach of Ed from the bedroom. He was startled when Ed came up behind him, wrapping arms around his waist and resting his chin on Roy's shoulder to peer at the brewing coffee. Ed just wasn't usually a...touching sort of person. A moment later Roy relaxed, allowing himself to lean back into the embrace, just a bit.

"Can I have some?"

Roy laughed. "Thought you didn't touch the stuff?"

"I don't." Ed huffed, his breath tickling across Roy's neck and ear. "It...just smells kinda good."

"Go have a seat. i'll bring you some."

"Have a seat where, idiot? Your two chairs are filled with books. And there is a shirt on the table..."

"I wasn't exactly expecting company, you know." Roy tried to defend his image, a little embarrassed. His home wasn't exactly in the best condition. Though...he had heard it said that the home reflects the mind dwelling in it, and he hadn't been the most settled of people the past few weeks...

"Sure. Sure. Totally my fault." Ed's voice dripped sarcasm as he pulled away from Roy and attempted to clear a space to sit.

"Well, it definitely wasn't mine alone."

"Hell, is this my sock..." Ed pulled the offending article of clothing from where it had, somehow, gotten stuck on the edge of a photo frame, blushing just a little at the implied enthusiasm. He blushed even harder when he recognized one of Roy's gloves sitting rather quietly atop the chair next to him. He didn't even remember throwing that one...

Roy settled on the chair across from him after casually dumping the small pile of books that were its previous occupants onto the floor. Setting a mug in front of each of them he sighed. "Well, before we decide to actually head out and face the day...I think we should have a talk."

Ed stared sullenly into the coffee mug. "Nothing to talk about. If you fucking dare try and send me ho...."

He wasn't expecting Roy to try and silence him with something as cliché as a kiss. Which is, most likely, why it worked so damn well. Roy sat back into his chair with a sigh. "I am not going to send you home, Edward. But you do realize how many rules, on how many levels, we have managed to break."

Ed turned a surprisingly amused face up at Roy, recovered from the unexpected kiss. "Has that ever managed to stop me before?"
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