Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Dear Diary

Chapter 1

by Aubreyx3 0 reviews

Not much to say about this chapter, it's pretty short and is kind of just an intro

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-10-07 - Updated: 2006-10-08 - 330 words

Juliana's P.O.V.

Dear Diary,
Well, Brendon is finally gonna introduce me to his band. They started the band pretty long ago but Brendon said.... "u can meet them 'when the time is right'...".....yeah blah blah blah, whatever that meant. but now I can finally meet them. I'm so excited. He never talks about them so I don't really know what to expect. I just hope they are nice and not rude or something-

"writing about me?" I jumped and turned around to see Brendon standing behind me as I was writing in my diary at my desk.

I quickly shut my diary "mayyybe"
Brendon's been my best friend ever since I was 8. I can still remember the day we became neighbors. He seemed so shy when I first met him but boy was I wrong. He's so outgoing and always making me laugh.

"are you ever gonna let me read that thing?" he asked me

"haha you wish, this thing is like my prized possession, and it's for my eyes when am I meeting the band?"

"I just came by to pick you up, so we can leave whenever your ready"

"ok, awesome I'll just get my purse and we can go"

I grabbed my purse and stuck my diary and my pen in it and we left.

Brendon's P.O.V.

Man, Juliana was always writing in her diary and she carries it around everywhere. I wish I could read it, oh how awesome would that be...I've always wondered what she is thinking about all the time....

"So where exactly are we going?" She asked

"to one of the band members grandmothers house"

"you practice at his grandmothers house?"

"hey, we needed somewhere to practice"

"have you guys decided on a band name?"

"no we're working on it though"

we just talked and drove for about 10 more minutes "well here we are"

Juliana and I got out of the car and went inside.......
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